
Chapter 282

Diana's P. O. V

Trisha didn't answer any of my calls, and did not show up to practice the next day. I asked all the girls if they had seen or heard from her, but they didn't seem to have any sort of idea on her whereabouts.

Last night I called West but he didn't answer my calls guess that was how he felt yesterday as well.

"D, you're really dumb, who the hell leaves behind their phone?! I wouldn't be able to walk around without this in my pocket." Luca teased.

"I didn't think about that, I was concerned about Trisha not feeling left out." I said, realising how dumb that sounded out loud.

"You could have called her, you're such a dumbass. How do you intend to fix things with your boyfriend?." Luca asked.

"We are not a couple, geez!, at least not yet. I still haven't asked him." I nervously said. Luca wore an all knowing look on his face.

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