
Chapter 73

Michael's P. O. V

The school bell just rang, first period was over I had advanced chemistry next. But class was the last thing on my mind right now. There were two things weighing me down at the moment, one was the offer I got from the football academy and the other was Diana.

She said we could still be friends, but how? We were never friends to begin with, we just met and things got pretty heated from there. How do I see her and not imagine her lips on mine?.

She said to be honest, that one fucked me up I was lying not just to her but to everyone else.

"What's got you worked up?."Alice asked walking up to me, she was my lab partner in advanced chemistry.

"Bad morning."I said, "but you look great so you didn't wake up on the wrong side of bed. Something else must have happened to you."She said as chilled as usual.

"We ended it."I said, she looked like cold water was splashed on her, she stood in front of me blocking me from moving forward.

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