
Chapter 30

Diana's P. O. V

"Let me go!"I yelled in earnest, he twirled me around, "stop! I'll get dizzy"I said while he spun me around, he dropped me and took the ball from me.

"Asshole!"I said while walking away, he ran after me and placed his arms around my waist.

I felt a warm feeling course through my veins, I looked above to see those blue eyes staring at me.

I looked away, we walked in silence to the main gate of the school, his driver was waiting for him inside.

I wriggled out of his grip and walked the opposite direction. I wanted to say something but I couldn't find the right words to say. Do I just say a casual get some sleep, or do I be all sporty and say, I hope you score some touchdowns!

I looked behind to see him entering the car, he turned to look in my direction, but I turned my head away and walked away speedily.

Michael's P. O. V

"Who was that?"Tom asked breaking the silence in the car. "No one"I said, "why did she have your hoodie?"he asked. "She was cold"I said trying to end the conversation. He took the hint and decided not to ask me any further questions.

All day long I couldn't get Diana's melodious voice out of my head. I put my headphones on and listened to myself, saying all the plays I had memorised.

I focused my thoughts on the game tomorrow, it would be my first one without Pablo that's for certain. But my first one with Diana, things weren't totally bad.

A loud thud disrupted my thoughts, I took off my headphones to see Makela stretched across my bed.

"Get off"I said, "it's time for dinner"she said while getting up, I groaned. "Can't I have it upstairs in my room?"I whined. "Am not Mia, what she says goes"Makela said. "Since when?!"

"Since now, don't forget she's only here because Vincent got that mysterious illness"Makela said.

Was she actually threatening me? She's learnt too much from me. "Fine"I said and followed her downstairs. "Why did you come home so...."I didn't catch the end of her sentence, I looked forward to see the reason why she left her sentence hanging.

"Sit down and let's have dinner"

"Dad?"Makela and I chorused, I can't remember the last time I sat with my father to have dinner, or any food for that matter.

I exchanged glances with Makela, how did this happen? What made him come here? I looked around, Mia emerged from the kitchen holding two boxes of pizza.

"Come come"she said excitedly and laid the boxes of pizza on the dining table. She sat across my father and gestured us to sit down. Makela hurriedly took a seat beside Mia, smiling brightly. I couldn't blame her, we barely got a chance to talk to Dad, only on Sundays when we go visit Pablo's mother. But he's usually on the phone with somebody or he's talking to Lola.

I took a seat beside him, "is this what my cooks prepared?"he asked sternly. Mia broke a nervous smile, "Sir, I thought we could eat out tonight, after all it is Mike's big game tomorrow"She said.

My father seemed unfazed by that information, he took a slice of pizza using a fork and dissected it with a knife.

"How are both your grades?"He asked, "fine"I said, Makela seemed worried, she got a C in geometry, she didn't think Dad would ever find out.

"Fine too"she said, "is getting a C, your definition of fine?"Dad asked coldly, Makela looked into her plate, I suddenly felt restless.

"I got lots of C's and thought I'd never graduate college"Mia said trying to lighten the air.

"And see where that landed you"My father murmured loud enough to be heard. The hell?

I could sense Mia took offense to it but quickly brushed it off.

"Yeah, working for one of the most successful business men, what a lucky dog I turned out to be"She said.

"Did you know your friend has a girlfriend?"Dad asked while putting some food into his mouth.

"Yes Sir"I said sharply, "she's a clumsy and clueless little thing, I highly disapprove"He said.

I took a sip of water trying not to listen to him, he didn't know her well enough to judge her, none of us did.

"I wonder what sort of things she does, to have a boyfriend at such a young age"He Said.

"She isn't like that"I found myself saying, Makela stared at me in shock, "What was that?"My father asked.

"I just mean...you shouldn't judge someone you barely know"I said. "Where did you learn such manners, did she tell you all this?"He asked referring to Mia.

"No"Mia said answering for herself, "Sir, Pablo is sixteen, if he wishes to date someone with his mother's consent then what's the issue there?"Mia asked.

I expected dad to get mad and shout at her, but he just kept quiet and silently ate his food. "What time is your game tomorrow I want to see all the action"Mia said. "I know a thing or two about sports"Mia said. No one said anything, I took a slice, I didn't have the appetite to say anything to her remark.

"I expect you to win"Dad said, "of course father"I said, happy he actually had high hopes for me. "To win? Do your best and have fun, winning is fun too, but remember it's just a game"Mia said.

"If you want to get into a good college playing football then it's not just a sport to you"Father argued, "there are no room for mistakes"Father said.

"Focus and destroy every other form of distraction"He said. Diana. That name suddenly popped up on my mind. What's a guy to do?

"Yes sir"I said. His watch beeped, he tapped on it, "times up"he said and dropped his fork and knife, he placed the napkin on the table and walked upstairs.

Mia looked remorseful, this was her idea, I dropped my slice of pizza and walked out on dinner. "Mike have some food"she said, "not hungry"I managed to say while walking away from the dinning room. I should have known that the world's most difficult father wouldn't make time for his kids. It just wasn't one of his priorities!

"Mike!"Makela called out, I zoned them out, and went into my room, I slammed the door and shut it from the inside.

"I should have known"I chanted, another year without my father coming to watch one of my matches. God! Why did Mia have to be so nosey and ruin things! Why the hell did she give me false hope?

I opened one of my drawers and took out a picture of our mother. I placed it on the table and stared at it for seconds, I thought a lot. I didn't get to know her, the one year I spent with her wasn't enough to make any memory.

I wondered if things would have been different if she was around, maybe they would have been much more better, or maybe even worse...

Diana's P. O. V

I made macaroni, I set up the dinner table for my mum and I. She promised to be back home early and I was excited to give her a recap of my life at school. Though I'd be leaving out a lot, like about Pablo and Michael there was still some things we could talk about.

The clock struck ten pm and yet she didn't arrive, I finished my portion of the macaroni and left hers in the fridge. I wondered why I even thought she'd make it, things were always like this and they would remain like this.

I turned off all the lights and went to my bedroom, I curled up in a ball and covered myself. Sometimes I wondered if having the ability to cry would complicate things or make them easier?

A/N: Sad chapter! Both have single parents who can't make up for time lost. See you all in the next chapter!

Love you all.

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