
Chapter 274

Diana's P. O. V

"It was flawless Trisha!."

"You did great!."

"I suck!."

Those kinds of chants flooded the air all afternoon, this was really the first time someone on the team lacked any form of confidence. To match up to her high level of low confide was her high level of discipline.

She made herself do five sit-ups for every step she believed she flunked, meanwhile it was only by a bit off!. Trisha had this inferiority complex surrounding her, and with Nationals by the corner, this was a red flag.

"Take five girls! Let's go grab something to drink." I said, hoping Trisha could use this as a way to conquer her fear, I just hope.

I placed my hand on Trisha's shoulder and shot her a chaste smile, "come on, let's go grab a drink." I said, staring at her, still trying to know exactly where she fits in.

Trisha's P. O. V

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