
Chapter 146

Diana's P. O. V

The girls all slept in the living room in their sleeping bags, they slept off watching Shortcakes YouTube channel for our cheer squad.

I could barely sleep a wink, not because I was bothered over what Makela said, but because of what that Blondie had said to West.

They were probably together already, doing whatever and shit in West's noise proof bedroom.

"I have a name, it's Aubrey!." I locked under my breath on my way to the kitchen to get myself some late night snacks.

A bag of chips were just lying on the kitchen island begging me to eat them. I grabbed the bag and turned to leave but I noticed the backdoor open.

"Hell, didn't I lock it?." I asked myself, I picked up the key which was lying on the table, to lock the door. After locking the door I turned to leave back to my room. On my way towards the stairs, I looked at the girls who were fast asleep, staring at all their faces, one after the other.

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