
Chapter 101

Diana's P. O. V

I curled up in a ball in my bedroom hugging my favorite pillow, sighing into it.

This was day two since Michael had left to go chase football and each second was worse than the last.

The weekend was pretty shitty, one, I tried to call him but he didn't answer, am guessing it was because he was on a plane. Then I tried a video call, but still nothing.

The weirdest thing happened, Mom crawled into my room at night and hugged me. It was suspicious and creepy at first, but I later snuggled into the hug feeling the warmth.

"Hey, honey!. You got a guest!." Mom yelled from the door banging it very loudly.

Who could that be?. June? Stephen? Pablo? It has to be Pablo!.

I quickly brushed my hair and packed it in a ponytail wearing my long knee socks and my itchy Christmas sweater.

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