
Invincible System start from One Piece

Author: adamsmith99
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 5M Views
  • 129 Chs
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The mc got choosen by the 'Crossing God' to cross to many worlds along with the 'Invincible System'. Current world, One Piece. Disclaimer. *Writing this just for my own fun, and spend my boring time. *English is not my mother language. I apologized for my bad grammar and bad english. * I do not own One Piece, other Animation, Movies, Novels. Beside this :D

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Chapter 1First World Crossing

" Im home.. "

A handsome man with suit and briefcase open the door to his own condominium, and greet himself. Yes, himself..

" Damn it.. Im tired of this life.. "

Loosening the tight tie on his neck then unbutton his own suit and lay lazily on the couch, hoping a beautiful wife greet and pour some tea to himself.

" I think its time to find a wife, tomorrow im 21.. " the handsome man talk to himself while browsing his smartphone.

His name is Adam, an orphan. Since the death of his family because of accident when he was just 8 yearls old, he vow to himself to become a promising figure. With wealth left by the family, Adam start crazily tempering his own brain, and successfully graduate with MBA in 16 years old in MIT, and at age 20 teach as an professor at Harvard in biology.

With his status, wealth and fame is everywhere. Black hair, bright green eyes, perfect figure, handsome face, many woman from different kinds occupation such as celebrity and other well known figure willingly to line up to be with him. But he lost interest with those woman. Many people say he is gay, but a little people know that his real identity is..

" Umm.. Kaido's transformation exactly the same as in the Manga. " Adam thought excitedly while looking at the newest episode of One Piece in his computer dekstop. The tiredness after work loseen a lot after seeing his favorite Anime lates episode.

After 21min of watching the latest episode of One Piece. Adam went directly to the forum and discuss with the other fans like usuall.

" Ohh lets take a bath first.. " Stretching his own body and went to the bathroom.

" Hey little brother.. Dont worry ill find someone for you.. " Adam drained in the shower look below his little brother that make many man jealous.

" If those 2d women can be bought to real life. How good is it.. " Adam thought crazily..

After a fresh shower, brew a cofee and back to the computer dekstop and start watching other anime latest episode or watching news from their creator.

At this time, suddenly a chat box appear on the screen. Blocking the anime he is watching seriously.

" What the hell? This laptop is my own system ! My own firewall ! An attack? " Adam another identity is the most mysterious and powerful hacker in the dark net.

Looking at the chat box appears, Adam tried to close it with his hacking technique, but after 5 minutes. He found that his proud and undefeatable brain cant close or remove the chat box. And start to type at the chat box.

Adam : I lose. What do you want?"

System : Hello Adam, you are being choosen as the host of the Invincible System by the Crossing God. Time Left 23:59:59

Adam : Crazy. What do you mean? Crossing?.

Looking at the reply by the crazy 'System' name, Adam fell into meditation for a while and state that this people is making fun of him. Crossing? Like in the chinese/japanese fanfiction novel? LOL ! This is real world ! Who will believe it.

System : You are being choosen as the host of the Invincible System by the Crossing God. Time Left 23:57:34

Adam : Stop making joke. What Crossing God! What Invincible System ! And what is that countdown mean?

System : Crossing God is the God who does everything with the meaning of Crossing. Invincible System is a system with Invinciblity. The countdown time is shown to the host to prepare for leaving this world.

Leaving this world? Crazy ! Adam directly press the shutdown button of the computer, and the Led inside the cpu directly turn off its light, but looking at the lcd still turns on, and the Countdown Time at the top bar of the Chat Box still counting and get confused.

" This.. " Adam stood up from his seat with a shock look. And start to move his hand towards the turn off button of the lcd.

The lcd is button is turn off. But the lcd still lights.

" What the hell.." Adam curse and start to unplug all the socket cable connected to the computer dekstop. But the lcd still light on and the chat box still there, and the countdown time is still counting down.

Crossing God : Ok human, stop doing stupid things. I left you 24 hours to say goodbye to this world. Prepare for crossing.

Adam look at the chat box and a new 'Crossing God' name appear and chat to himself

Adam : This. Are you like in the chinese/japanese novel? Crossing.. Crossing God?

Adam try to type at the obviously no power keyboard and the text appear and gets more nervous.

Crossing God : You can say that.. When the countdown ends, you will be transport to another world including the Invincible System i created.

Adam : Why should i believe you?

Crossing God : Should? No. But you must. Dont you feel this world is boring? Are you sure dont want to travel to different worlds?

Adam fell into meditation for a while and look at the window and the busy scene in the traffic from his sky high view from his luxury condominium.

Looking below to the traffic jam, people busy coming to everywhere. Looking at the night sky, where the stars cant be seen anymore because of the pollution. Is this the life i want? I have money and fame, but if i can travel to different worlds. That means adventouring, new people, new world, new everything. Wait..

Adam ran back to his computer dekstop and look the countdown and the chat box that still appears and ask again.

Adam : Crossing God, what world will i cross into? What will i got, and what should i do? Im sure theres no free lunch in this world, is it?

Crossing God : What world? It will be randomize, i can only help you cross there, but cant choose it. For example, Naruto World, One Piece World, Battle Through the Heavens World, Soul Land World, Marvel World, Etc.. What will you got? You will got everything in those world you will cross into. Ofcourse theres something you need to do. Everytime you cross into different world, there will be one mission generated by the Invincible System i created, and you should finish that, after the complete mission, you can cross again..

Adam read the text reply by the Crossing God and process every words into his mind and try digest it very well.

Seeing One Piece World actually exist, Adam ask exitedly to the Crossing God with the chat box.

Adam : Crossing God, is there really One Piece World?

Crossing God : Ofcourse, you see.. Several movie, animation, and novels are real world. The creator of each entertainment is what i guided in secret to their minds. So when the choosen one come, they can see the future of each world it will cross into.

" What... too invincible.. this Crossing God is amazing.. And im so lucky to be choosen. " Adam thought silently in his heart. But his facial expression fell into shocked and ectassy.

Crossing God : So, do you want to cross? Choosen One? Hahahahaha


Adam reply immediately with full of expectations and cant wait to start crossing.

Crossing God : Ok, wait for the countdown ends. And do what you want with the time left in this world.

' 23 hour pass left..' Adam thought silently looking at the countdown at the top of the chat box.

' What should i do? Prepare some clothing and survival tools ? ' Adam supporting his chin and enter to deep thinking.

Adam : Can i bring something?

Adam ask with expectation to the Crossing God again on the chat box.

Crossing God : No need. Just the clothing on your body is enough, the Invincible System will provide and help you live in the different world.

Looking at the reply of the Crossing God, Adam felt a little helpless. What is the Invincible System mean? Is it really Invincible?

' Thats it, ask again later. First call my lawyer and private accountant.' Adam thought silently and start to work.

Adam start to work with the legacy of his wealth and everything until midnight and back to the computer dekstop and look toward the countdown left.

' 16 hour left huh. Better sleep first, lets ask tomorrow morning. ' Looking at the countdown left and decided to ask tomorrow morning to the Crossing God again.

The next morning.

Adam : Crossing God, what is the Invincible System ?

Crossing God : Oh good morning too. What you did really make me satisfied. Billion dollars of your wealth just donated like that. I think i make the correct choice.. Hahahahaha

' Hey, im going to cross to another world, and cant bring anything. Its better to be donated ofcourse..' Adam thought in his heart. And ask again

Adam : So what is the Invincible System, Crossing God?

Crossing God : Invincible System is the system i created and it is Invincible, it will help you, the choosen one to generate mission on each different world and provide you with power to be invincible on each different world.

Adam : Power to be invincible??

Crossing God : Ok too much question, you will see it later by your own. Im going to have breakfast, goodbye.

Adam face become depressed looking at the Crossing God reply, and thinking what to do next.

' Ok first lets cook a breakfast for yourself.' Adam said to himself

While eating breakfast, Adam suddenly relize what the Crossing God says before about the different world.

' The worlds Crossing God mention before all i have watch it, or read it. Most of it i know its timeline, especially the One Piece world. I hope i can cross there first.. Pirates, Marines, Revolutionary Army, World Government.. Wait..' Feeling to excited to cross, suddenly Adam remember something about each different worlds mention by the Crossing God.

Each different world mention by the Crossing God, the world is full of dangerous. Strength is everything, even if you have wealth, you need to have strength too. Adam felt bad getting pitted by the Crossing God.

' Thankfully i join the Mixed Martial Arts, in terms of fighting one versus 20 adult. I still can handle easily.' Adam said to himself while looking at the UFC(Ultimate Fighting Championship) trophy at the trophy cabinet.

' Crossing God says the Invincible System can provide me with power to be Invincible, hopefully it is true, even with UFC trophy, i cant be sure to life free and safe on each dangerous world.' Looking with hope expression at the LCD which still turn on without any power on the dekstop computer.

10 min left before the countdown, a handsome man with height 196cm wearing a white t shirt, blue long jeans and a casual snikers is standing infront of the mirror.

' Ok any clothes/suit/dress is always handsome. Thats it, lets just wear this casual outfit.' Adam said narcistic infront of the mirror and after that went back to the computer dekstop and look toward the Chat Box.

Crossing God : Ok choosen one, relax and dont worry. Have fun in your adventure and be happy. The Invincible System will help you with everything, when you succed crossing to different world, i cant contact you anymore. There will be a display in your mind about your status and the mission generated by the Invincible System. Ill be gone now and prepare for the crossing Thats it, goodluck.

Adam look at the text the Crossing God sent on the Chat Box 5 hours ago, and try to chat and ask everything but got no reply, either from the 'System' or the 'Crossing God', only the countdown keep counting down.

Feeling helpless, Adam sit down and took out his laptop and sign in on his own many sosial account with millions of followers and says farewell to the world.

' Goodbye Earth. See you in the next life. ' After an casual and relax Enter button, every Adam's sosial media accounts updates its status at the same time. Closing the laptop and look at the LCD infront where the countdown shown 25 sec left.

' How did i cross? A blackhole? Or what? ' Adam said nervously sitting on the chair looking around.

'Damn it.. So mysterious.. ' Adam curse nervously.





Adam grit his teeth and look at the LCD infront of him which the space is distorted and suddenly turn into a small black hole and getting bigger until it become his size and coming towards him where he sits nervously.

' Shit.. Blackhole, my body wont turn into pieces after i get swallow by it?' Adam shout loudly with the crazy phenomenom appear infront of him.

' For dream ! Free ! Adventure ! And.. Harem !! Im coming !!' Looking at the slowly moving black hole coming towards him, Adam cant wait and brave himself and directly stand up from his sit and enter the black hole.

The blackhole where Adam enters directly disappear, and Adam who just enter suddenly found himself falling from a high place.

' AHHHH DAMN IT.. THIS HEIGHT, THIS SUFFOCATE LUNGS, ITS 10000M ABOVE THE SEA, ALTHOUGH I LOVE FREEFALL SPORTS. BUT I HAVE NO FUCKIN DAMN PARACHUTE !! ' Cursing and feeling 60m per sec falling and looking at the sea below, Adam silently curse the Crossing God in his heart.

' Calm.. Look around you.. ' Adam calm himself and look around where clouds besides him and looking down where the blue calm sea will greet him.

' Judging from this height, and hard breathing, right now im about 9000m above the sea. That means i got 150 sec onds left before i crash into the sea and dead. What should i do?' Adam enter his calm state and try to figure how to survive.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1 :First World Crossing : One Piece