
Enthusiastic Shipwrights

Adam also shocked, because he did not use any of his Observation Haki to guard the Golden Yacht. With the Force Field, it was enough.

" What are they doing? " Nami exclaimed confusedly.

" From their appearance, and clothes. Im sure they were the shipwrights and come to see the Golden Yacht. " Robin said calmly.

" Hello hello.. Adam-san, Nami-san, Robin-san.. My name is Iceburg, the president of the Galley-La company and the mayor of Water 7. " A tall middle aged man with blue hair quicly and respectfully come to Adam, Nami and Robin and introduce himself while giving his hand for a shake.

" Iceburg-san.. Nice to meet you too. What is with this situation ?" Adam said shaking with his hand.

" Oh.. This. I was informed before that you came, and wanted to see the new type of ship you have. We knew that you were still sight seeing and shopping, so we wait here.." Iceburg said embarassedly.

" Is it? But the ship you want to see im sure was not this.. " Adam said with a smile.

" Yes, it was different from before, it looks bigger. " Iceburg said.

" Yes, This ship i build myself, 90% solid gold, 111km per hour which was thrice the speed of the previous ship, the sailing system was full electronical. The most important thing was, it can fly ." Adam said proudly.

Iceburg and the many people nearby did not care with Adam proud expression, if he did not give any proud expression with ship this specifications they will felt wrong. Hearing Adam"s words, many people were shocked.

" Can.. Can we get inside and see it?? " Iceburg ask embarassedly with expectation.

" Cough.. This is where my family currently live, so sorry. But.. If you want to wait for a moment, after i cook dinner for my famiily, i will show you my previous ship.. " Adam said calmly.

Hearing Adam reject, people felt depressed, but hearing his next words everyone was back happy.

" Sorry for our rude behaviour, we will wait then.. " Iceburg said happily.

Adam smiled and walk to the Golden Yacht with Nami and Robin passing through the invisible Force Field. Making people who previously try to get near was more curious. Because they felt a wall previously blocking them.

After a dinner with Nami, Robin and Koby. Adam went out alone to meet the enthusiastic shipwrights.

" Iceburg-san. Lets go to the shore.. " Adam wave to Iceburg.

Iceburg and everyone quickly follow Adam and went to the shore curiously.

Adam went to the STORE tab, choose the Earth Store and bought the Princess40m yacht again for 50 million berries.

Then Adam take out the Princess40m out from the System Space and the yacht appear out of thin air and float on the sea.

" That is my previous ship, it name was Princess40. The speed can reach 44km in one hour, bla..bla..bla.." Adam said to everyone.

" The cost was around 500 million berries. " Adam said seriously. Because in the STORE tab was 10 times cheaper, Adam only bought it 50 million berries.

" How about your current ship, Adam-san ?" Iceburg ask.

" Cough.. My ship, 25-30 billion.. It exclude the 90% parts which was made of gold..." Adam said truthfully.

Everyone suck a cold breath and look at the Golden Yacht which was full of light not too far.

" Its expensive because its luxury. For the propulsion system, it was not too expensive. 50-100 million berries was enough for a speed of this Princess40m ship which was around 44km per hour. Come lets go." Adam said and jump toward the Princess40m

Because the Princess40m was not too far, people can easily jump toward it. Because the ship was small, not everyone can enter. But Adam still explain everything and showing around.

Until one hour later, everyone was back to the shore of the small peninsula.

" So, it was expensive because of it was luxury and made of steel. If the propulsion system was build to ship made of wood. It wont cost too much, at least 100-200 million. Right Adam-san? " Iceburg ask

" Yes, this is a gift for you as for our meeting. You can dissamble or collect it i dont care. " Adam said patted Iceburg shoulder.

" This... Hahaha i accept it then, Adam-san.." Iceburg hesistated for a moment then thinking about the parts and engine he can studied he laugh and accept it.

" Umm. But this three.." With a wave of his hand, the people of Iceburg from the Galley-La company all was thrown gently away from the three people.

And Adam also use his Conqueror"s Haki to the three people, making them directly fall on their knees and hands.

" This..Adam-san what is the meaning?? " Iceburg ask frowning.

Iceburg and everyone else directly change their attitude from the happy and polite before to angry.

" Dont be angry, i save your life.. " Adam said patted Iceburg shoulder.

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