
Nami's Devil Fruit Choice.

" So there will be a lot treasures left by the Pirate King Gol D. Roger there?" Nami ask excitedly.

" Ummm.." Adam hums and glance at Crocus.

" Can we go there ? Its very far, we need to reach the end of Paradise, then go to New World and reach till the end." Koby said weekly

" Yes, actually Laughtale, can be said behind this Reverse Mountain.. " Adam said pointing the Reverse Mountain.

" Adam, lets just go there directly.." Nami said excitedly clinging to Adam..

" Hmm, you still nead the Road Poneglyph, even we can go there and find it by luck, it wont be fun.. Lets sail calmly starting from this place.." Adam said patted Nami head gently.

" Umm.. We have a lot of time.. Okay !! " Nami nodded seriously.

" Prepare to go to Cactus Island, we will pick up the princess of Alabasta. Then straight to Alabasta, defeat Crocodile, and invite Nico Robin to join us.." Adam said to Nami and Kobi.

" Ok.. Ill prepare our route !! " Nami soon gets busy..

" Koby continue to practice.. Make every workout until you reach the limit and faint." Adam said to Koby.

" Yes teacher !! " Koby said seriously.

Nami preparing the route on the shore with her navigation tools, and Koby went back to the gym and start practicing.

" Old man,, you didnt get any good wine from Old man Rayleigh?" Adam ask with interest and sit infront of him.

" Alcohol, he give me.. But only 1 bottle, he says its rare.." Crocus said weekly.

" So stingy, i gave him a lot, but he didnt share it with his friends. This, for you since im in good mood. Hahahaha ~" Adam take out many type of Alochol drinks in boxes..

Crocos eyes lit up, and he looks at the many boxes appear. Then he quickly open the boxes and pick one to drink with Adam..

" This one, call Vodka.. Very strong.. Suit best for our old bones.." Crocus said rubbing the vodka bottle gently like a baby..

" Hahaha.. Old man Crocus, i want to ask. Do you know how to take Devil Fruit from other people? " Adam ask

" Hmm.. Let me think about it for a moment.." Crocus open the bottle of vodka, drink it slowly and think for a moment.

" I know one way.. Using a Devil Fruit.. " Crocus said.

" Dark Dark Fruit, a Logia-type Devil Fruit. That allows the user to create, control, and transform into darkness at will, making the user a Darkness Human. The abilty it grants is said to be the "most evil". " Adam said to Crocus.

" Yes that fruit.. When you eat a Devil Fruit , you will have another energy in your body. That energy comes from the Devil Fruit. When the Devil Fruit user dies, 5 minute later the energy will flow out of the user who died and randomly appear to a fruit in uncertain location in the whole world. " Crocus said.

" But, with the Dark Dark Fruit, the one who eats that. Can feel the energy of the Devil Fruit in other people body. But also, can control the energy and put into a fruit prepared. The only way to control the energy of the Devil Fruit users, the user need to die first. Thats also why its called the "most evil" Devil Fruit. " Crocus explain.

" So how about to have two Devil Fruit in one body? " Adam ask again.

" This.. The only way is to have two heart. Theres a forbidden technique i have heard, to change the structure of a human body. Its called forbidden, because you need other people organs to be use in one body.." Crocus said without worries to Adam.

" I see... " Adam said .

Crocus didnt ask why Adam ask, because Crocus knows Adam was not that kind of person who will talk to others. Because Crocus words all were secrets with not many people knows.

" Adam.. I have prepare the route.. Lets go.. " Nami said.

" Ahh, okay.. Old man Crocus, thank you and goodbye." Adam said calmly.

" Mister Crocus goodbye, thank your the Log Pose.." Nami said with gratitude..

" Hahaha good. Becareful.. " Crocus said with his smile.

Adam pick up Nami and jump to the deck.

" Laboon ! We are going now ! Remeber our promise !! " Adam shout and waved to Laboon..

" Buuuuoooooh ! " Laboon reply with his happy expression.

After leaving Twin Capes at the base of Reverse Mountain, the ship now heads for Whiskey Peak.

Adam currently lay leisurely on the Sunbed, while Kebi who just fantied before continue to workout like crazy.

Koby current state can be said to be crazy in workout. Workout until faint, Adam wake him up again with full of strength by his acupuncture skills. Let him eat the food Adam cook, then continue to workout again.

Now, Adam can already saw his height and weight increase because of crazy intense workout only for 3 days.

While leisurely on the Sunbed, Adam look at the Dark Dark Fruit which was available at the One Piece World store and can be bought its location. That means, Thatch the captain of the 4th division of the Whitebeard pirates havent found it yet, or Marshall D. Teach or Black Beard havent eaten yet.

Whiskey Peak the only city at Cactus Island with the yacht only needs 6 hours. Nami currently busy in the Workroom, and was angry after Adam keep teasing her and touch many places with his naughty hands and cant focus.

Feeling bored, Adam bought a empty book. Take out the drawing tools and start making a complete Devil Fruit Illustrations from the One Piece World Store.

In 3 hour, with Adam speed and Painting level.99, Adam draw a total of 1212 Devil Fruit Illustrations, including its information below the illustration.

Draw Adam"s Family Crest on the front page and write the title of the book and put his own name as the creator. Adam feel very good.

" Complete 1212 Devil Fruit, by Adam."

" Adam, whats that?" Nami ask and sit on Adam"s lap comfortably

" This.. Its Devil Fruit Illustration i make, there are 1212 Devil Fruit information here, including the Illustration. Yes, if you want a Devil Fruit. Only paying 10 million berries, i can know the location and can go there and take it.." Adam explain.

" 10 million for a location ? I heard Devil Fruit start from 100 million in auctions.. If you can get them all, and sell it. Wont us be rich? " Nami said excitedly..

" Cough.. If our money is finish, we can do that.. Now, you find your Devil Fruit you want. I have explain to you what Zoan, Paramecia, Logia and Ancient/Mythical Zoan right.." Adam said giving the book to Nami.

" Skip the Zoan and Paramecia.. I want Logia, where is it.." Nami said excitedly skipping the pages.

" This.. I want this...." Nami said pointing to a Logia Devil Fruit.

" Are you sure, Mythical is more rare than Logia, some Mythical can even control what Logia does.." Adam said raising his eyebrows.

" Is it? Then let me see the Mythical Zoan you said.." Nami said turning to look at the Mythical Zoan page.

"Bird Bird Fruit Model: Phoenix. Allow the user to transform into a phoenix hybrid and full phoenix. The user can regenerate any wounds with the light-blue fire they generated. Bla..Bla..Bla.." Nami reads.

" This one is very cool.. Very suitable for a doctor.." Nami said in amazed..

" Currently it was already eaten, by the captain of the 1st division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco." Adam said.

" Umm.. Thats too bad.. Snake Snake Fruit, Model: Blue Dragon, can boost the user to have a strong physical strength. Can make the user turn into a Eastern Blue Dragon. This is Kaido"s Devil Fruit like in the newspaper.. " Nami turn to look at Adam.

" Yes.. This is with me, when i kill him. I spend 10 million berries to buy its location, luckyly, it was not too far from where he dies.. This fruit if its sold in the auction, the starting price can reach 2 billion berries.." Adam taking out Kaido"s Devil Fruit and explain.

" Woow..." Nami eyes turned into "$_$" quickly take Kaido"s Devil Fruit and put on her Storage Ring, ignoring Adam ugly face.

" Nami.. That fruit, i want to give it to Kebi later.." Adam said weekly.

" For Kebi? No, Its too great and expensive too him, you can find another one, theres still many powerful Devil Fruit right." Nami said and continnue reading .

" This.. Okay.. I also think, its to cheap for him eating Kaido"s Devil Fruit. But, who will eat it then? Me? " Adam ask confusedly.

" Just keep it.. For you, you will choose yourself that suits you the most.." Nami said while keep looking at the book finding her Devil Fruit..

" This.. This fruit is very strong !! " Nami look shocked and point toward the book.

" Yes,, Human Human Fruit, Model: Amphitrite. Allow the user to transform into a Amphitrite (Goddess of Sea). Can create and control the sea or water. But cant turn into the user body into an element like Logia. The only fruit without being curse by the sea.." Adam said approving.

" You want this? " Adam ask again.

" No.. I want this.." Nami said seriously after a long time and finally choose a Paramacia Devil Fruit.

" Weather Weather Fruit, a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that allow the user full control or manipulation and create Weather. The primary strength of this fruit is it allows the user can control the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture. The formation and creation of clouds; the direction and voltage of lightning; the strength of thunder"s boom; powerful gusts of wind; the size and frequency of hail, rain, snow and other storms aspects." Adam read what Nami choose

" This fruit suit me very much.. I have a talent in seing a storm or weather coming, thats why i choose to be a Navigator.. " Nami said excitedly.

" Yes. This Devil Fruit suit you very much.. Ill bought it then."

[Congratuliation to the host to buy the "Devil Fruit" locator, the host can see its location on the Map tab.]

Adam open the MAP tab, and there where another option inside written with " Devil Fruit " . Inside there were two location, one was the Devil Fruit first time Adam tried to buy, the second one was the Weather Weather Fruit location. Adam choose it and suddenly the display infront Adam change into an arrow shape 3D projection.

" I already know the Devil Fruit location, we can go there while on our journey.. You are not in hurry are you?? " Adam said to Nami..

" Nope, not in hurry. We will change our route when the location you said was already in opposite direction.. " Nami said shaking her head cutely.

" Umm." Adam hums and look toward the distance, where there are several rock mountaints, looks like a giant cacti.

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