
Third Devil Fruit

Everyone hearing Adam words were shocked and excited..

" Cough. If it can be really done, the process will take a long time right ?? " Cobra ask.

" What long time.. 1 night is enough.. " Adam said giving an reassured expression.

" Discuss which sea the huge island i should build, and give me a drawing of the island architecture too. Ill wait for 1 night. " Adam grins.

" East Blue is good.. " one of the ministers suddenly said and open a discussion.

" No.. South Blue is better.. " another minister said

" I think still in Paradise is much better. "

" What Paradise, the sea was very chaotic, pirates everywhere, crazy weather, im tired... "

" New World ? "

" Stupid ! What New World ! Its dangerous ! "

" I think its better near Sabaody , its near the Mariejoa and the Marine Headquarters.. Hahaha " one of the ministers said jokingly.

" HAHAHA i think that is good.. I dont know what those people expression will be.. "

Soon all the ministers were all discussing noisily ignoring their helpless King.

Adam held Nami and Vivi hand and left the meeting room, walking toward Vivi"s bedroom.

" Adam.. Adam.. Can you really build a huge island for Alabasta ??" Vivi ask excitedly clinging on Adam"s left arm making it burried between her two chest.

" Hehe... Ofcourse.. " Adam said while moving his arm slowly, making Vivi embarassed but did not let it go.

" Are you going to eat another Devil Fruit ? " Nami ask clinging on Adam"s right arm too..

" Island Island Fruit, is a Paremecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create and transform an island at will. The size depends on the user strength, while the layout depends on the user imagination."

" So powerful ! Is there really that Devil Fruit ??" Vivi was shocked.

" Umm.. But the size depends on the user strength, with my strength i think its enough to build a huge island.. " Adam said calmly.

" Wait.. You already eat a Devil Fruit.. " Vivi said..

" I eat another one 2 days ago.. Sorry for not telling you.. " Adam said turning his head to the left and kiss Vivi"s forehead

" You can eat more than one ?? " Vivi ask worreidly

" Umm.. " Adam then tell what he had said before to Nami and Robin again to Vivi.

Hearing Adam explaination and he was fine. Vivi felt relief.

Soon, the three enter the Vivi"s bedroom. But just as the two enter, Adam quickly lock the door, and look at both of them with a smirk, making them confused.

Adam slowly drop his clothes one by one making them embarassed. Vivi quickly get to the bed and hides inside the quilt. Leaving Nami standing alone.

" Adam ! No.. There is still Vivi.. " Nami who was gently push by Adam to sit on the side of the bed said embarassedly.

" Is it ?? I think its more exciting.. " Adam said with a smirk.

Soon, Adam and Nami both do their shamefull things, with Vivi still hiding in the quilt. Hearing the sound of pumping, Vivi gets really embarassed. Just as she was about to peek, Adam pull the quilt quickly, and let Nami stay on top of Vivi.

The three then do their first time with three people excitedly.

2 hour later..

" Ill go back to Lunar first, telling Robin and Koby. And take the Island Island Fruit., i wont take long.. " Adam said after dressing back and kiss the two beauty forehead who was clinging each other tiredly.

" Umm " Vivi and Nami hums tiredly without opening their eyes.

With his huge grin, Adam teleport back to Lunar and tell Robin and Koby about the situation in Alabasta before.

" Ok teacher.. Please come back soon.. " Koby said and continue working out.

" Sent me to Vivi and Nami... " Robin said closing her book.

Adam teleport Robin to Vivi"s bedroom, when she saw the situation and messy clothes scattered in the floor, she felt envious. Then she quickly get between Nami and Vivi and ask what happened.

Hearing Nami and Vivi explaination, Robin gets more envious.

" Dont worry.. Adam will soon eat you .. Hhehehe..." Nami said with a smirk.

" Umm.." Vivi hums and hide her face in the pillow.

" Tell and teach me, what should i do when the time come.. " Robin ask curiously.

Soon the three girls discuss about many adult things.


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