
Princess 40m Yacht.

' Then you better go to Zou, and meet Inuarashi and Nekomamushi first, tell them i told you to go to them..' Rayleigh said after taking out a piece of paper .

' This is vivre card?' Adam ask.

' Yes, the only way to go to Zou..' Rayleigh explain.

' Adam-chan, beside saving Wano what are you going to do there?' Shakuyaku ask with a smile.

' Hehehe, ofcourse, taking my trophy.. one of the four Road Poneglyphs..' Adam said with a grin.

' HAHAHA GOOD..' Rayleigh said giving a thumb to Adam.

' Do you know all the location of the other 3 Road Poneglyphs?' Shakuyaku ask.

' I know only 3 of them.. 1 Zou, 1 Kaido, 1 Linlin, the last one i dont know..' Adam said .

' Interesting, do you want to know where the last one is?' Shakuyaku ask exhaling her smoke.

' This.. No need.. Ill find it by myself..' Adam said after looking at Shakuyaku and Rayleigh smirk face.

' Goodluck Adam-chan..' Shakuyaku said.

' Hahaha.. Oh yes, how much will this thing cost if its sold?' Adam takeout something from his Storage Ring.

On the way back to Sabaody after the event, Adam summon the Invincible System, open the STORE tab, choose the One Piece World, and look at the Devil Fruit that was gray written before ' not available ' and turns green.

It was the Snake Snake Fruit. Model: Blue Dragon, a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into an Blue Dragon .

Looking it was green and can be bought, Adam tried to bought it. Then the next second, a 3d projection in a arrow-shaped appear infront of Adam. Adam quickly follow the route, and it was not too far from his location. Adam saw the Devil Fruit floating on the surface of the sea.

Seeing the Devil Fruit, Adam felt lucky to be near, and pick it up and put it in his Storage Ring, and continue walking toward Sabaody.

' Devil Fruit? Its a zoan type, lets see which type of it..' Shakuyaku take out a book which was written as Devil Fruit Illustration.

The shape of Zoan-type is always in a banana-shaped, while the Paramecia, and Logia was different in fruit shape.

' Its the Snake Snake Fruit, Model: Eastern Dragon, a Mythical Zoan-type which was rarer than the Logia.' Adam said first.

' Whatt !!!! Its Kaido's?? ' Rayleigh ask in shock.

' Yes, i found on my way to Sabaody, floating in the ocean..' Adam said.

' Yes.. It is Kaido's Devil Fruit.. ' Shakuyaku after confirming it and look at the Devil Fruit in Adam's hand.

' This fruit is very strong, if the person eats it, beside can change into a eastern dragon, if its awakened, will boost permanently toward the user body.. Thats how many Marines and other forces fail to execute Kaido for more than 40 times..' Rayleigh said.

' The durability has given Kaido the reputaion unable to die.' Shakuyaku added.

' Yes, but maybe they dont tried hard, you can see that a swing of my sword, he die.' Adam said caressing the Excalibur laying on his thigh..

' Not that they dont tried hard, but you are too strong. ' Rayleigh said helplessly.

' HAHAHA.. Then, should i eat this Old man Rayleigh? ' Adam ask after a laugh and ask seriously.

' My opinion is to keep it, find an appretience and give him. Or you can sell it for atleast 2 billion berries..' Rayleigh said with his opinion.

' Why dont you ask me to eat it? ' Adam ask confusedly.

' Because, eating Zoan is not enjoyable. You cant practice finding strong and cool moves like the other Logia or Paramecia. Let me tell you, all Devil Fruit is not useless, the useless is the user if its not practice well.' Rayleigh said seriously.

' Whoah...Old man Rayleigh, did Roger eat Devil Fruit? ' Adam ask very interested.

Rayleigh and Shakuyaku look at each other, a smirk appear on their face.

' Yes..' Rayleigh said drinking his vodka.

' What is it? Paramecia? Logia? Or Zoan??' Adam ask with curiousity.

' Its not a secret, many old people knows. Rubber Rubber Fruit. ' Rayleigh said with a smile.

' WHAT !!' Adam stood up from the chair in shock.

' Why are you so shocked about, Adam-chan?' Shakuyaku found Adam flaws and ask with curiousity.

' This.. I know who eats it..Its a man named Monkey D. Luffy, Garp biological grandson, Ace sworn brother.' Adam words make Rayleigh and Shakuyaku eyes lit up.

' This, 1 year later he will turn 17 and sail to the sea. His dream is very great, finding One Piece and be the King of the Pirates.. That is also how Shanks lost is arm, and gave the Straw Hat to Luffy..' Adam continue looking at Rayleigh and Shakuyaku face with curiousity.

' HAHAHA.. A child with D., im very interested, maybe soon we will meet here..' Rayleigh said interestingly.

' His grandpa is a Marine, his father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and he choose pirate. Indeed, very interesting..' Shakuyaku said with a smile on her face.

' Interesting indeed. Miss Shakuyaku, is the Devil Fruit list in the Devil Fruit Illustration complete? ' Adam ask with curiousity.

' This.. No, theres still many were not listed here. There were thousands of Devil Fruit, but the listed here were only one third of it..' Shakuyaku said with helpless.

' Umm.' Adam nodded, then that means the One Piece World store is a complete one, because there were thousands of Devil Fruit in it, including the information of the Devil Fruit and its Illustration.

' So are you going to Zou now? ' Rayleigh ask.

' This.... You see actually i want to start from Reverse Mountain, after finding my crew.. Spend a year sailing in Paradise, then go to New World. Im bit tangled, i dont want to go adventure alone..' Adam said weekly.

' HAHAHAHA.. Then how about this, ill go to Zou and tell Inuarashi and Nekomamushi about the situation of Wano, you go sail start from your hometown again.' Rayleigh said with a smile.

' This.. How you are so good old man Rayleigh, im so touched.' Adam said excitedly.

' Haha, just multiple ten times the boxes here, ofcourse not only the boxes, but the inside too..' Rayleigh said shamelessly.

' You.. Old man, too much alcohol is not good. ' Adam said shaking his head helplessly and bought what Rayleigh wants from the Earth Store.

' Hey, ofcourse i wont drink them all. Atleast it still sells a lot money.. HAHAHAH~!' Rayleigh said with his big laugh.

' Then this vivre card take it back.. So Old man, Miss Shakuyaku, see you again next year, thank you for these days..' Adam said with gratitude.

' You kid, what thanks. Go ! ' Rayleigh said with a smile and wave.

' Your going back passing through the Calm Belt? Then be carefull, Adam-chan..' Shakuyaku said.

' HAHAHA YES.' Adam said while walking out the bar.

After far away from Mangrove Tree 13, Adam didnt close his presense anymore and walk calmly toward the shore, while holding the Excalibur with his right hand and put the blade on his right shoulder, while looking at the Invincible System infront of him, ignoring everyone.

Adam enter the Earth Store and try to find a suitable yatch for him to sail. Looking at the many yachts with diferent length and speed Adam felt excited.

In this world, the fastest speed of a ship was around 8-10 knots, Adam after reading a lot of information of this world.

For an example, Garp Marine ship crossing the Calm Belt which was without wind there to help to sail need 3 days to cross the Calm Belt from East Blue towards Paradise. It was helped with the steamed engine to sail on the Calm Belt. Its speed is quite fast up to 12 knots.

Lets says 12 knots is 22 km in one hour, 3 days sailing that means 72 hours. That means the width of Calm Belt is around 1584 km or 1584000 meters. While the yachts Adam looking at speed more than 24 knots which was actually two times faster. That means, Adam can cross the Calm Belt only in 1.5 day.

If Adam use Moonstep, and use the Shave lvl.99 while which can reach 5000m in distance in 0.36 seconds. That means 1584000 meters or 1584 km can be cross only in 114 seconds, which was many times faster than sailing.

But the fun will not be there. So Adam will buy a yacht and sail crossing the Calm Belt.

While walking and looking the yacht suitable for him, many people nearby saw Adam faces and give away hurriedly, Adam still ignore them and looking calm and walk toward the shore.

Arriving at the shore, Adam take out the yacht him finally choose spending 50million berries which was very cheap. The yacht was luxury and comfortable. Princess 40m, a Super Luxury Yacht with 4 decks on it, Flybridge, Upper Main, Lower Main, and Lower Deck. *google : Princess 40m yacht

The Upper Main Deck most front side was the Wheelhouse. Captain's Cabin,Captain's Bathroom on the right side behind the Wheelhouse. Upper Crew Office/Lobby, Upper Pantry in the left side. Upper Lobby in the middle deck with stair toward upstairs and downstairs. Wide Sky Lounge in the middle Upper Main Deck. Upper Dining Area on the backside of the Upper Main Deck. A spiral upstair to the Flybridge and another spiral downstair toward the Lower Main Deck, located on the backside of the Upper Main Deck.

The Lower Main Deck was the best deck of the ship, there were many places on it. On the front side, there were the biggest room, which was the Owner's Suite, included two huge bathroom, two huge wardrobe. To enter the Owner's Suite, need to pass the Ante Room, to go to Ante Room, there is a Mid Guest Lobby with them located on the right of the front side of the Lower Main Deck.

In the left of the front side of the Lower Main Deck, there is the Crew Corridor and a stair toward the Upper Crew Office/Lobby in the Upper Main Deck. There is also a huge Galley connected toward the Main Pantry, Dining Area, Lounge on the middle side of the Lower Main Deck.

In the left and right of the middle side of the Lower Main Deck, there is a Port Side Deck, including the Port Side Balcony. On the Port Side Deck, there was a stair on the front to go up toward the Upper Main Deck, and stair to go below the Lower Deck.

On the back side of the Lower Main Deck, there was a Aft Guest Lobby in the middle of the back side connected with the Saloon, Dining Area and Main Pantry in the middle side of the Lower Main Deck.

Beside the Aft Guest Lobby, there is also a Outdoor Lounge on the most back side of the Lower Main Deck, with two stairs on right and left side of the Outdoor Lounge going down to the Lower Deck.

On the front side of the Lower Deck, is the place where Crew Mess Area, Laundry Area, Huge and Luxury Guest Bedroom, and the Bathroom.

The Lobby was in the middle side of the Lower Deck, located between 2 small Guest Bedroom, each with their small Bathroom on the right and left of the middle side of the Lower Deck.

In the back of the middle side of the Lower Deck, there is another Huge and Luxury Guest Bedroom, and its own Bathroom and Wardrobe

On the back side of the Lower Deck, which was behind the Huge and Luxury Guest Bedroom and the Bathroom was the Engine Room, Control Room. And the most back side of the Lower Deck was the Beach Club/Garage which can be opened and close. When it was opened, it can be used for another deck to relax and swim directly to the sea.

The last one is the Flybridge, which was above the Upper Main Deck. There was a huge Sundeck Seating Area on the middle side of the Flybridge, the back side was a huge Hot Tub with a small Outdoor Lounge. On the front side was a Foredeck Sunbed, Foredeck Seating Area, and on the right and left of the front side of the Flybridge was the fore side deck which was connected with the Upper Main Deck.

** For a Virtual Tour.


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