
One Piece World

' What is it...' Adam looking at the sea becoming near below him and start getting panic again.

'DAMN IT ! IM THE CHOOSEN ONE ! I HAVENT TRY THE UNIQUES OF DIFFERENT WORLD AND I WILL JUST DIE LIKE THIS? WHAT KIND OF JOKE. EVERY WORLD I WILL CROSS INTO IS A DECAYING WORLD ! MANY EVIL AND CRAZY PEOPLE ! IF I SURVIVE I WILL BRING THEM INTO JUSTICE ! AND THE LAST ONE IS, IM STILL VIRGIN !! ' Adam shout crazily looking below where its about 4000m left and crash into the sea, with 66 seconds left. And then something happend around him as the center.

A powerfull momentum brokeout from his body, his green pupil turn into gold for a moment and a golden sparkling effect comes his pupil and spread around him as the center. Everthing happends just for a second, but Adam who is on the center of it can feel it that the momentum is coming out from his body.

' This.. What is this..' Adam ask himself with a shocked and confused expression. While still confused, a sudden sound emerge from his mind.


[Congratulations to the choosen one to activated the 'Invincible System' by learning the first skill.]


[Congratulations to the choosen one to cross to the 'One Piece World' and get the first 'Invincible Package', the choosen one can take it out from the Invincible System Space


[Congratulations to the choosen one to learn the 'Conqueror's Haki' Currently level.1, you can go to skills bar to upgrade.]

' This ... Conqueror's Haki? Im in One Piece World? Yahoooo !! ' Adam shout excitedly for a moment then remember that he is still free falling and theres 40 sec left.

' System ! Invincible System ' Adam shout panicly then suddenly a display whom he can only see appear infront of him.

A display like a character interface in RPG games is being shown up infront of him. There is a 5 tab on top of it, with 3 green with 2 grey. The currently open is the Host tab.

With free falling situation, directly skip and didnt read what contain in the Host tab, and choose the other tab with written System Space with his mind.

Inside the System Space is a present box with full of sparkling light.

'Open this Invincible Package, system !!' Adam said with hurriedly

[Opening the Invincible Package]

Ding !

[Congratulations to the choosen one to get an Indestructible Storage Ring with a space of 125000 cubic meters(50m in width,50m in height,50m in length).The items is currently being stored ad the System Space]

Ding !

[Congratulations to the choosen one to get one chance to extract physcal strength of other characters from different world. Choose it to draw now or later?]

' Damn it.. Draw now ! Draw !!' Adam shout hurriedly, while looking down to the sea below and found a small spot near its exact crash. 25 sec left before crashing to the sea.

The interface in the System Space tab turn into a turntable and hundreds character from different worlds is being shown up, with a needle in the middle of the turn table.

'This.. All characters is known by myself, either animations or movie characters.. And all of them are very powerfull. Wait why dont you draw? Fuck damn it.. Draw Draw !!! '

The turntable directly spin fast and Adam who is watching face more blackened.

'Stopp !! Damn it waste 5 seconds of my time.' Adam hurriedly hope the draw stops and expect to stop soon.

'All the characters i can extract their physcal strength in this draw is enough for me to survive with no injuries or small injuries. Please stop.' Adam thought silently looking the slow turntable directly stop and the needle point to a Bald, Yellow suit, and dull expression.

[Congratulations to extract all abilities of the character 'Saitama' from the 'One Punch Man World'. Wheter to Extract and absorb now? Or skip]

' Fuck ! Saitama ! On earth i spent one and a half year following his workout, but nothing happends. Now i can get it . Damn it system.. Extract and absorb now !!' Adam said in his mind, because he can already see that the spot being seen below is a Marine Ship with many people looking at him falling, so wont make things suspicious. Adam said in his mind and use a happy facial expression.

17 sec before crashing to the sea. Adam who is falling with open feet and open arms and facing the sea below feel something warm in every part of his body for 5 seconds, including his mind. Feeling the superstrength body, and clear mind. Adam facial expression gone wild with his big smile showing his clean row of teeth.


[The Host successfully absorb all of 'Saitama' abilities.. ]

Hearing the sound of the system, and the text suddenly appear in the screen infront of him, Adam smile grew wider.

' I believe you . Close the screen.' Adam can already feel the super strength in his body, and he has 100% confidance he wont have any scratch or injury on his body falling from 10000m above the sea. And he also believe the Crossing God and the Invincible System.

400 meter above the sea, and 6.66 seconds left, Adam can already see the big Marine ship with a unique Dog Head shape on its bow. And several people wearing cap and marines clothing standing on the deck looking at him with their big mouth and shocked expression.

'Thats a Monkey D. Garp. Im 100% sure, and this calm sea with no winds and waves. Its Calm belt.' Adam thought in his heart while showing a big smile towards them.

Looking at the front of them, where stands a blury man with a unique cloak different from the others and a doghead cap on its head and bitting and keep throwing rice crackers to its mouth, but the next second stop when Adam shout loud with open arms and open legs facing the sea.

200 meter above the sea, and 3.33 seconds left, Adam keep opening his arm wide and legs facing the sea.

' If ordinary people drop with this posture, their bones and body will directly be destroyed. But im not ordinary, i have Saitama physcal strength. Lets try it..' Adam thought excitedly

'Yahoooooooooo !!!!' Adam shout loudly with his blood boiling full of excitement.

PLAK !!!!!!!

The sounds of a slap of human body greeting the sea with no waves make the people on board the Marine ship hear it clearly. Then suddenly the sea that is calm with no waves start rising starting from where the body fall on its center and spread wide to its surrounding.

'EVERYONE HOLD ON !! ' Garp said loudly and awake the soldiers who is still in shock behind him

Hearing the shout of their most strong and respectfull man on this ship, everyone awakes and start to hold onto something on the ship to stabilize their figure.

And Garp himself start stepping on the air making himself float while kicking on the air and look toward the figure who just fall from the sky on the sea surface not moving and start drowning slowly.

Just as Garp want to save the unknown man, the man who is closing his eyes and start drowning wake up and try to swim to the surface.

' Feels good. Damn inhuman physcal strength ' Adam thought in his heart while swimming back to the surface safely with any small injuries, only his white t shirt torn to pieces cant withstand the damage done, while the shoes and blue jeans still intact thanksfully or he will be completely naked.

'Huaaaaaa' Adam shout happily while removing the water on his face, then look toward the blury old man with doghead cap on its head and looking at him.

' HAHAHAHA SORRY FOR DISTURBING YOU OLD MAN !!' Loudly and happily waving toward Garp who is stepping on the air looking at him with curiousity.

Garp didnt said anything and just point behind him, making him feel bad.

Adam slowly turn his head and dumbfouded.

'Damn it. This is Calm Belt, and the home of the Sea Kings. How can i forgot. But wait, let me try my strength..' Adam thought and quickly change his dumbfouded expression with boiling and excited.

' This confidance.. Is it because of my inhuman strength?' Adam thought in his heart while looking at the huge Sea King with its long body like snake, its figure is almost 1000 times bigger than the Marine ship Garp own.

This huge eel shape Sea King who is asleep peacefully below feel disturbed and appear on the sea surface looking for the main course of the trouble. With his ugly angry expression on its face. And found a small ant not enough for him to chew infront of him intimidating to fight.


The Marines on the ship start to panic and scared, only several people calm but still their stiff face.

' Bad.. Thats a Super Huge Sea King !!'

' Relax.. Dont forget theres still Vice Admiral Garp !'

' Yes. Our Naval Hero !'

' Prepare the canon, and ready to fight !!!'

Sea Kings in One Piece World is divided into 4, small, medium, huge and super huge. And this Sea King infront of Adam is in the cattegory of the Super Huge Sea King.

' I have extract all Saitama abilities, including his moves. Its direclty intergrated into my mind. Lets try where Saitama punch Genos and broke the mountain behind Genos.' Adam thought seriously and look at the huge eel shape Sea King which is about 400m from his distance.

While stabilizing his body on the sea with his upper body above the surface of the sea, Adam made a gesture of coming with his left hand intimidating the huge eel shape sea king class. While the other right hand clench into fist and stay still making a punching move.

' Hey Ugly come !' Adam said a loud.

Feeling intimidate by the small ant infront of him, the sea king directly come towards with its huge and long neck while opening its mouth toward the small ant.

Froom 400m in distance it quickly reach 50m away from Adam. Why Adam can have great confidence is because one of Saitama abilities is also Immesurable Senses. Even he cant beat the Super Huge Sea King, he still can swim fast and avoid it with another Saitama abilities, Overwhelming Speed and Reflexes.

Garp behind Adam are ready to move when the Sea Kings is about 50m away from Adam, but he stop suddenly when the unknown man infront of him start to move his punching move by pulling his arms backwards and quickly punch to the air infront of him.


The Marines who is already scared and ready to shoot all stop move and look shock infront of them.

Then wind start blowing slowly their clothes and keep staring what infront of them.

Garp who is behind the unknown man stabilize his figure when he forgot to keep kicking in the air because of shock and finnally stable.

What the Marines and Garp looking infront of them right now full of shock and disbelieve expression is the Super Huge eel shape Sea King upper body is gone. Only the upper body still showing up from the surface but slowly sink to the sea.

And what Adam saw and feel actually himself know. The punch with his right fist actually generate huge shockwave. Appear fast and disappear fast too, without strong Observation Haki, nobody cant see it.

And this skill is also use one of Saitama skills when he fought with Genos. Right now Adam didnt feel anything sore, tired or lose stamina because of this powerfull punch. Thinking about the inhuman physcal strength, Adam gently shake his head and look back towards Garp.

Garp right now feel really depressed, 3 days ago he just meet his grandson who keep clamouring to be pirates..pirates..pirates.. Since Ace has been sailing on the sea for 1 year, his grandson become more eager to be pirate, next year his grandson turn 17 and will start sailing too. Even his iron fist of love wont have any effect anymore beside him being hurt.

Right now looking at the unknown man who is swimming on the sea infront of him looking at him with his sunny and cheerfull smile. Making him more depressed, 2 mins ago this unknown man just fell from more than 9000m above the sea, with no small injuries after he crash to the sea. Thinking about himself replacing him, sure atleast several ribs or bones will broken even using Armament Haki.

'HAHAHA .. Your are very powerfull kid. Whats your name?' Right now Garp just want to confirm his belief on this kid.

'Yeah im very powerfull old man.. Maybe im the strongest man in the world?? Oh yes my name is Adam, and dont call me kid. I just turn 21 today.' Adam reply Garp questioning seriously and a little annoyed by him calling he a kid.

'HAHAHAHA interesting little devil.. come..go on board.' Garp laugh loudly then fly back to the boat.

Looking at Garp back, Adam smile excitedly. This is one of his favourite character in One Piece, cant believe saw him in real life on the first day. Lucky day.. Adam thought in his heart while swimming toward the Marine ship.

After climbing the ladder rope thrown by the soldiers on the deck, Adam look toward every marines on the deck with their different facial expressions, some were nervous, some were worshiping, some were still shocked from the previous scene they saw.

'This.. what is Vice Admiral Garp trying to do inviting strong men to the boat.. that punch easily kill a Super Huge Sea King.' Marines with their nervous and scared expression thought silently.

'Amazing.. One punch and a Super Huge Sea King directly died. I hope i can worship him as my master..' Marines with their worship and fanatic expressions.

'Huh.. Strongest man in the world? Bragging.. Ok you are very powerful, but the strongest man in the world? Are you kidding me?' Marines with their disdainful and disbelieve face curse silently in their hearts.

'Hey old man, look like your soldiers some are eager to try.. How about letting them? Im gonna stand here as a punching bag, anyone can come and try with their full strength either with their fist or weapons, if any of you can make me bleed, ill join the Marines, and teach you my cultivication method becoming the strongest man in the world. The strongest man in the world join the Marines, wont that be cool? If i win, Old man, you need to promise my request. How about that? Hahahahah' Adam said laughing proudly raising his chin .

Several marines directly curse loudly seeing the handsome man with his arrogant attitude.


'Vice Admiral Garp! Let us do it !'

'This. If anyone can bleed you, will you promise their request?'

'Fuck ! dont think you are handsome, and you can be so arrogant..'

'Promise their request too for who can bleed me? Okay, come.. Im the strongest man in the world will be shame to repent his words.. HAHAHA Old man, how are you brave enough.?' Adam said raising his chin higher making him look more arrogant, some marines wanted to start but was stop buy their friends and pointing toward their highest officer who is still looking at the arrogant handsome man blankly while digging his nose.

'As a punching bag? Interesting Hahahahaha. Soldier, use your full strength, anyone can bleed him will be promoted upto 1 rank and the highest is 2 rank. While the one who fails wont have their meals for 3 days. Each person one hit. Line up ! HAHAHAHAHA~!! ' Garp laugh excitedly, already can see himself bragging toward his friends at Headquarters, finding a new candidate for Admiral rank.

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