
Shave and Moonstep level.99

Among the six technique, Shave, Moonwalk and Tempest Kick all use their explosive power and strength and perfect control of their feet. While Iron Body, Paper Arts, and Finger Gun focus on development of the hardness of the body and flexiblelity.

'Steps on the ground more than ten times in 0.36 seconds.' Adam said while reading the small book. Putting asside, stands up and try to follow the method.

100x cultivation speed BUFF. With the help of Overwhelming Speed and Reeflexes, Adam can easily step on the ground almost thousands time in just 0.1 seconds. With the help of Immesurable Senses, Adam slowly control and follow the method to step just 10 times in 0.36 seconds.

After two trials, Adam suddenly disappear from his place and appear somewhere else on the deck. Hearing the sound of the congratulations on his mind., Adam smile in victory.

Ding !

[Congratulations to the choosen one to learn the 'Shave' Currently level.1, you can go to skills bar to upgrade.]

Adam directly open the Skills tab and see his Shave information.

- Shave level.1(+) - One of the Six Powers, in 0.36 seconds step on the ground more than ten times. Use the explosive speed generated by the reaction force to move. Can be captured with Observation Haki, it can move 1-3 meters an instant in distance, the movement speed +10%

Adam directly upgrade Shave to level max 99.

- Shave level.99 (-) - One of the Six Powers, in 0.36 seconds step on the ground more than 10000 times. Use the explosive speed generated by the reaction force to move. Only the strongest Observation Haki can capture, it can move 1-5000 meters an instant in distance, the movement speed +200%

Then Adam leg suddenly felt itchi and warm for a moment, and Adam can feel his leg becoming more and more powerful. He can felt that his leg is already indestructible. And it seemed that the entire body has become lighter.

Looking at his level on the Host tab, which is now 96.6 closing to level97, before it was only 96. After learning the Armament Haki to the highest level, it directly add 0.5. And now learning Shave adds 0.1 becoming level.96.6.

With the information how to use Shave level.99 on his mind. In 0.36, Adam steps on the ground for 10000 times and arrive at the deck 5 meters infront of him.

What people on board see are Adam disappear and appear 5 meter infront of him, but when Adam enter on the Shave state to the 5 meter in distance, he enter the Time Flow. His speed is 2/3 speed of light + Shave level.99 which actually add 200% in movement speed.

2/3 speed of light + 200% equal to 6/3 speed of light. That means Adam speed now is almost twice the speed of light.

With twice the speed of light, Adam body suddenly felt sore. He can feel that his body cant withstand to much speed.

Its like Admiral Yellow Ape, who eats the Light Light Fruit, that allow the user to create, control, and transform into light as will. It able him move almost at the speed of light, but without his strong body, he cant withstand it. Atleast his speed is around 1/3 speed of light, or maybe below it.

Even Admiral Yellow ape eats the Light Light Fruit, he cant keep up with his speed of light. Because, the speed of thought, can his speed of thought faster than the speed of light? Its imposible, only by breaking through the speed of light like Adam before, he can enter the Time Flow and still thinking.

While Adam is resting his chin on his hand and standing thinking, Garp calls awake him.

' Kid, try again. ' Garp said seriously then close his eyes.

' What? Shave?' Adam ask in confuse.

' Yes..' Garp said and open his Observation Haki, Adam can feel that Garp is locking at him and trying to capture his speed with his Observation Haki.

' Shave ' Adam smile playfully and use his Shave and enter the Time Flow again, and appear again next to Garp who is sitting closing his eyes trying to focus to capture his movement.

Adam distance were 12 m from Garp position, but he appears next to him with twice the speed of light.

' HAHAHAHA OLD MAN YOU CAN CAPTURE MY SPEED. HAHAHA' Adam laugh proudly, then he twist his neck, and swing his both hands to remove the soreness of his upper body.

' This.. How fast are you? ' Garp ask in trembling voice.

'Its just twice the speed of light. My muscle will fill sore if i use it too a longest distance. Hahahaha' Adam said relaxly.

Bogard and the Marines on the deck hearing Garps fail to capture Adam speed, and ask how fast Adam is then all errect their ears.

Hearing twice the speed of light, everyone including Garp who is already in shock more shocked. Their eyes almost pop out and opening their mouth almost making their chin fall.

' 'It's Just', you say 'just'??' Garp ask almost suffocate and pointing toward Adam nose.

' Hahaha, yeah even Admiral Yellow Ape will directly give up chasing me. Hahahahahahaha ' Adam laugh while slowly walk back to the small book on the deck and pick up and read the next technique while ignoring Garp and the marines horrified face.

Focus on your muscle leg and use a powerful step on the air to make a friction on the air below the foot. Looking at the simple instruction Moonstep one of the technique of Six Powers, Adam felt helpless and try raise his right thigh and a powerfull step below his foot to the air without touching the ground.


A sound of friction in the air sounded, and a puff of smoke appear below Adam's right foot. With 100x cultivation speed, and powerful leg, Adam easily learn and leap upward excitedly with his smirk face, trying to stabilize his figure, Adam use his other left leg and another powerful step to the air below the foot.


[Congratulations to the choosen one to learn the ' Moonwalk '. Currently level.1, you can go to skills bar to upgrade.]

Hearing the congratulations message on his mind and display infront of him, Adam face is excited.

Ignoring the more shocked and horrified face of the Marines and Garp below, Adam kept using his Moonwalk and open the book to read how to cultivate to make the Moonwalk more skillful and proficiency.

In the book it describe how, only by keep practicing, using and understand in depth about the friction in the air will make more skillful.

Just kidding, with infinite points, why should Adam wait and practice? Directly open the Skill tab.

- Moonwalk level.1(+) - Allow the users to actually step of the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual.

- Moonwalk level.30(+) - Allow the users to actually step of the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. Allow the users to use other Skills.

Looking the text 'Allow the users to use other Skills', Adam try to use Shave and disappear in the air while appear 5 meters in the air infront of him. Then use Moonwalk again to stabilize his figure in the air.

' Interesting..' Adam thought to himself while smikiring looking below the marines who are looking at him dumbfoudedly.

Adam then happily use the Moonwalk and Shave in the air while keep upgrading Moonwalk to the max level.99

When the Moonwalk reach level.75, Adam can understand more in depth about the law and friction in the air.

Plop.. Plop.. Plop..

The sound of friction in the air making small smoke below his foot was heard around the ship making people annoyed, including Garp. Then suddenly the sound of the friction in the air slowly lowered and lowered until disappear.

-Moonwalk level.99(-) - Allow the users to actually step of the air itself with any part of his body. Allow the users to use other Skills. Allow the user to step on the air normal like in the ground. Including running or fighting in the air.

And what Marines and Garp saw looking up above their head is Adam just standing in the air right there without moving his feet. After the Moonwalk reach level.99, Adam already can easily walk on the air without any hard step on the air, making the sound of friction gone. Because of more understanding about the law and friction in the air. Adam easily walk without any sound.

Then he slowly step down to the deck like stepping down the stairs calmly and looking with his smirk face at everyone. Then he look at Garp with his eyebrows pickup and a more spledid smile in the corner of his mouth. Looking at Garp who is stoping chewing his rice cracker on his mouth, Adam burst out loud again.

' HAHAHAHAHA.. Old man your face is so funny..' Adam always feel funny looking at Garp shocked and dumbfouded expression. Adam then fall to his back slowly and then float in the air.

People on board more dumbfouded when they saw Adam float in the air, which actually Adam use his back muscle and build a invisible friction below his back.

Adam who stop laughing then ignore everyone then keep laying lazily one sideways and open the small book garp gave and read the other 4 technique of Six Powers . Stop looking only when Garp called and ask him.

' Kid, how can you float there. Is this Moonwalk if reaching the highest proficiency? ' Garp ask curiously.

' Understanding the law of the friction in the air, and perfect control on every part of the body can still stay on the air, like this..' then Adam change his laying posture and stand up with his right below.

' You all actually see me floating in the air, but actually im using my muscle in my right hand to make a small friction on the air so that i can stay still in the air.. to make Moonwalk more proficiency, you need to understand every part of your body, feel the breath of the surrounding, feel the friction on the air you step with your Observation Haki or your strong senses. .. bla..bla..bla..' Adam said a lot about his understanding of Moonwalk.

With his Moonwalk level.99, information in the depth of his mind and highest proficiency of the skill, Adam can be counted to be the best Six Powers instructor in One Piece World.

Garp who is listening seriously suddenly his eyes lit up and felt enlightent from Adam words. He suddenly stoodup and start using his own Moonwalk.

Plop.. Plop..

The sound of the Moonwalk being done, slowly geting lowered. But still not fully silence like Adam, but with more training, maybe Garp can also achieve the silence.

Looking at Garp who is slowly progressing on his Moonwalk, several people on board who knows too start to use their Moonwalk, some were successfull improving their Moonwalk, while other still fail or still need to try harder.

Garp fell down to the deck and patted Adam shoulder and laugh wildly.

' HAHAHAHAHAHA... Zephyr will like it very much finding a new instructor for the Marines if its replaced by you.' Garp said with lure sentence.

' Zephyr? I have no interest, but his disciple Ain look beautiful. Hehehe~' Adam said while smirking remembering watching the One Piece Z Movie.

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