
Borsalino, you are too slow.

Adam who is leisurely drinking a hot tea in the Marine Local Headquarters doesnt know about him being talked and becoming a hot topic in the annual meeting at Marine Headquarters. Even he know, he dont care too much.

' Sir, we currently only can pay 2.2 billion berries first, we already inform the Marine Headquarters about this situation. The Marine Headquarters already prepared the money and will be delivered soon.' A marine said with respect and worship toward Adam, bringing 2.2 billion berries in cash and put infront of Adam.

' Need to wait? Ok i dont mind, ill wait here. ' Adam said relaxly and lay lazily in the comfortable sofa.

The Marine left, and Adam was alone in the vip room looking at the pilled up cash infront of him, Adam felt very good.

' Intersting, Bounty Hunter is very respected, VIP treatment. Nah, i think because of my strength they respect me.' Adam thinking in his heart.

Adam then focus on his Storage Ring, where golds coin, bars, gems, jewellry, weapons, and berries.

More than 25 ship from the pirates Adam caught, the total berries Adam got actually reaching a very high number, which is 1.5 billion. Excluding the gold, bars, gems, jewelrry and weapons..

Thinking about the coming 7.2 billion, Adam currently has 8.7 billion berries, excluding the treasures.

Looking at the dirty clothes that only being used only for a short 5 hours, Adam shake his head and walk toward the bathroom which is included in this VIP room.

Entering the bathroom, Adam enter the Earth Store and buy all things necessary for a good and relax bath. Ofcourse buy the most expensive one, usually the more expensive, the more best its product.

Let me make you remember, that the item sold in the Earth Store is 10 times more cheap, and it need berries to buy. For example, a cabbage in this world is 150 berries, in the Earth Store is only 15 berries, while in Earth is 150 yen. So you can say that this One Piece World price is almost the same like the Earth price. But, the difference is the Earth Store from the Invincible System is 10 times cheaper than the Earth and One Piece World price.

After a cool bath. Adam directly throw his dirth clothes on the Storage Ring ready to be dumped later, and buy another one which is clean and new. Still with his favourite outfit which is sky blue colored ripped jeans, and white casual sneakers, white t shirt and unbottoned sky blue denim jackets with a little bit of white fur on its collar.

Looking at the toothbrush, soap, shampo, and other things that have been used not long ago, Adam buy a small waterproff bag, put them all inside, and keep on his Storage Ring and use it again for later.

Even though Adam is rich, still he just cant waste..

Back to the comfortable sofa, Adam look at the empty table infront of him and shake his head. Open the Earth Store again, and buy some delicious snacks and desserts. When Adam take out the food out of the System Store, the food were directly appear on top of the table, not like the other things which appear out of thin air in front of Adam eyes.

The food is a bit special, it will directly be placed on the table, icluding its prepared spoon and plate.

Remembering the pirates ship which should be Adam trophy, Adam open the Map tab, and look toward the ship which scattered near the shore in different area.

With his threat before, nobody dare to approach the ships, even someone not on the deck guarding. Adam look one by one of the 25 ship, rom the 21 target, the Big Mom Pirates and the Beast Pirates have 2 ship each. After looking at the 25 ship, Adam felt helpless. Not even one look good, all is fierce and dirty.

Remembering the relax, comfortable 'Thousand Sunny' Straw Hat Pirates ship Franky will build in the future, Adam feel that he should go to Water 7 for a trip and ask Franky to buid one. With the Earth Store, that can even buy an aircraft carrier, Adam can already saw his future ship..

While waiting while eating delicious dessert. Adam still browsing the One Piece World store. Finding some Devil Fruit that look appetizing,1.5 billion berries in hand, Adam try to choose the Devil Fruit.

[Congratuliation to the host to buy the 'Devil Fruit' locator, the host can see its location on the Map tab.]

Adam open the MAP tab, and there where another option inside written with ' Devil Fruit ' . Adam choose it and suddenly the display infront Adam change into an arrow shape 3D projection.

Theres no information or a map, only an arrow infront of Adam, shaking his head helplessly. 10 million berries is gone just like that.

' System, why theres no map? Only an arrow?' Adam ask to the Invincible System

' If its just a an arrow, that means the item host looking for are floating on the sea, or can be under the sea. If the item host looking for are somewhere on a certain island, it will show the map of the island. But only if the host already visit the island. If havent, only the arrow will help the host to locate.'

Hearing the system answer, Adam felt helpless again. Then Adam turn to look at the Weapons tab in the One Piece World Store. Looking at the many Powerful swords, Adam blood is boiling.

' Lets ask Shakuyaku later, if she know anything about sword. So i wont waste 10 million berries for only a location.'

Adam then stop eating and doing nothing and just lay there lazily closing his eyes waiting for his money..

2 hour later..

Adam smile when he can feel someone already coming.

' My... my.. So you are the kid talk by Garp.. He says you have twice the speed of light.. How about we compare?' A tall 3 meter man walk in and sits infront of Adam cocking his legs, and look at Adam with curiousity.

Adam look at the 3 meter tall man, with yellow stripped suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, his arms not in its sleeves. Gold-amber tinted sunglasses, and a relaxed grin on his face.. Remembering the uncle who sing the PPAP, a grin appear on Adam face.

' Admiral Yellow Ape, Borsalino.. I heard you where fast as speed of light. How do you want to compare?' Adam ask with a grin oon his face.

' I heard you also a swordsman, how about a duel? The first to be hit he lose..' Borsalino said with a grin too.

' You.. Apple Pen..' Adam said helplessly and stood up..

' Ok lets go to the Arena here..' Borsalino also stood up and walk infront Adam.

When Borsalino and Adam enter the arena, all the marines all full of enthusiam. They can see an Admiral duel is enough for their lives..

' Wheres your weapon?' Borsalino ask 10 m infront of Adam.

' Oh yes..' Adam scratch his head and walk toward the weapons cabinet not too far, and pick a wooden blade.

' This is enough..' Adam attached the wooden blade with his Armament Haki, and an invisible energy cover the wooden sword, with a green aura on its outer skin.

Looking at the wooden blade that turned, Borsalino face turn serious. After pushing his glasses, he summon his own sword with his Devil Fruit.

' Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven' Borsalino said while, and a sword made of yellow light appear on his right hand. Then he held the sword grip with his both hands, and made a posture of kendo.

' That,, what is Apple Pen meaning just now?' Borsalino ask.

' If you win, ill tell. Maybe you will like it..' Adam look at the Borsalino face and a smile appear.

Adam held the wooden sword on his right hand, with his left hand behind his back, and point his sword towards Borsalino.

Adam nod toward the jury to tell he was ready. The jury look at Borsalino who nod too and slash his hand toward the middle of them.

' Start !'

Adam blood is boiling, this is his first duel since he enter the One Piece World. But Adam can see that Borsalino is a bit weaker than old man Garp, so he will control his speed and power of his right hand, and just fight with pure swordsmanship level.99

Looking at Borsalino who disappear in place, Adam also disappear and meet him at the middle and draw his sword


A sound of sword of light and a wooden blade clash, Adam with his right hand easily clash with Borsalino yellow light sword who he held with both hand.

Every marines who watch all boil when they saw the clash. They cant catch their speed, but they still can see the first clash that suddenly appear in the middle of the arena.

Borsalino look at the sword which is in clash with Adam's wooden sword infront of him, and dignified expression appear.

Borsalino sword only clash with Adam wooden sword green aura, without touching it. He already sure that he use his powerful strength, but still cant pierce the green aura around the wooden sword.

Every marines who watch also can see that the first clash, their Admiral not in the upper side

After a short clash, Adam still stand on his place, while Borsalino step back.

Adam look at Borsalino who disappear again, and also disappear in place and meet his sword.

Ding!! Dang!!.. Ding!! Dang !! Ding!! Dang!!

With the sound of numerous sword clashing, everyone felt their blood boiling. But the speed of the two was too fast. The onlookers only can see the clash sparks, it is difficult for the people who watch to capture their positions.

Adam can actually beat him in one move, but to make Borsalino face too bad. Adam still fight with him reducing his speed and power a lot.

Until a hundred swords clash, Borsalino and Adam appear on their first place again.

Everyone can see that Borsalino face is dignified and sweat on his forehead, while people looking at Adam still can see his relax and grin face.

' Last move.' Adam said calmly.

Then before even Borsalino react, Adam's wooden sword appear on Borsalino shoulder.

Adam directly use his full speed and Shave level.99, until twice the speed of light, and appear behind borsalino, and a slow tap on Borsalino shoulder with his wooden sword which were not attached anymore by his Armament Haki.

When Borsalino look at the disappear Adam, he try to catch with his Observation Haki like before and moved too. But he cant catch it, just as he was about to move away, he can already felt tap on his top left shoulder.

Turning his head and look at the wooden sword on his shoulder, Borsalino remove his sword and shake his head helplessly..

' I lost.' A simple word detonated the quite arena.

' This.. How can be, Admiral Yellow Ape is the fastest person in the world?'

' Yes, but that was before. Now the fastest man is maybe that person..'

Adam remove the wooden sword from touching Borsalino left shoulder, Adam walk and put back the wooden sword in place and walk with a grin on his face back inside.

' Brother Adam, wait..' Borsalino looking at Adam's back walk beside Adam.

' Brother Adam, can you still tell me what 'Apple Pen' is?' Borsalino ask very interestedly.

' Do you really want to know? ' Adam who keep walking look at Borsalino face with a smile beside him.

' Of course, the old man was curious about the young people's things.' Hearing Adam question, Borsalino said with his relaxed grin.

' Well, this is actually a song and dance. The song is very simple, the dance is very simple, the lyrics are like this, the dance too. ' Adam said and remembering the PPAP dance and song and demonstrate too Borsalino

' I have a pen, i have an apple.. uh.. Apple-Pen.. I have a pen, I have pineapple... uh.. Pineapple-Pen. Apple-Pen, Pineapple-Pen, Uh. Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.' Adam said while singing and dancing beside Borsalino who look at Adam seriously.

The marines near try their best not to heard their conversation. After stoping once demonstration to Borsalino, Adam stop and ask with a grin.

' How? You like it?' Adam ask with a grin .

' This. Very good, hehehe. I have a pen, i have an apple..' Then Borsalino serious face turn to shameless and start to sing and dance too.

Adam face still grins, but his heart were shock, he was shock that Borsalino directly remember the song and the shameless moves too.

' Hahaha very good, its suit you a lot Old Man Borsalino.. Hahaha' Adam raise his arm and patted Borsalino shoulder.

Adam felt helpless with the people size and height in this world. Only several strong people with normal height, like 'Hawk-eyes' which is around 198 cm, Shanks 199 cm. And Adam himself which is 196cm.

Adam who keep silent and Borsalino keep singing PPAP walk back inside. Looking at the pilled up berries a total of 7.2 billion berries Adam felt very good.

' Sir, its all here 7.2 billion berries from the 3611 pirates you caught. ' A marine report to Adam with respect and worship expression.

' Oh okay, thank you..' Adam said and patt the piled up cash, and the cash disappear infront of the Marine and Borsalino shock face.

' This. Brother Adam, where did the berries goes?' Borsalino ask confused.

' Ahh.. In my ring here, my ring can store things..' Adam said raising his left hand and pointing his middle finger.

' Interesting.. Storing things? How big ?' Borsalino ask with curiousity.

' 50m in width, 50m in length, 50m in height, a total of 125000 cubic meters.' Adam said calmly without any worries, with his strength, if people can get it, then take it.

' Where did you buy it? Thats a cool..' Borsalino ask curious

' Nah i found it by luck. Okay things done here, see you later Old Man Borsalino...' Adam patted his shoulder and walk pass through him.

' Ahh okay brother Adam, see you latter.' Borsalino said with his relaxed grin face.

Then Borsalino keep locking Adam with his Observation Haki, until Adam get out of the door of the Marine Local Headquarters, he lost Adam trace.

' Pen-Pineapple, Apple-Pen ~~.. ' Borsalino song with enthusiasm and wretchedly

Next chapter