
Rocks D. Xebec

' You didnt say hi to Shanks?' Adam ask controling his voice, while enjoying the delicious food.

' Later, we change our mind. We will board his ship to look more closely.' Rayleigh said while drinking his expensive delicious sake.

' Does he know you been staying here?' Adam ask with curiousity.

' No. Haha.. ' Rayleigh said.

' So why do you change your mind?' Adam ask interestedly.

' I dont know how strong you are, but if you really can kill Kaido, that means someone will stop you for killing him. And ill stop that person trying to intervene.' Rayleigh said.

' Who will intervene? Shanks?' Adam ask raising his eyebrow.

' Yes, he will intervene.' Rayleigh sigh helplessly.

' This..' Adam felt silence.

' Do you know Rocks D. Xebec?' Rayleigh ask suddenly.

' I dont know much, all i know is he has the ambition to be 'Emperor of the World' the same as me. 3 of his crew now were among the Four Emperor. Also including 'Golden Lion', 'Captain John', ' Silver Axe', 'Ochuku', i dont know them, only know the name. 35 years ago, the Roger Pirates teamed up with Garp to defeat him. It was called the 'God Valley Incident. Thats all i know..' Adam said truthfully.

' You know a lot, only a few people know that Roger Pirates teamed up with Garp. ' Rayleigh said

' I just know, the public doesnt know. It will be a joke for the Marines and the World Government telling the world they work with the Pirates.' Adam said calmly.

' Yes, the knowledge about him is because of World Government's intervention. Rocks D. Xebec is a madman, vicious and ferocious pirate. ' Rayleigh said calmly without any worries.

Because, Adam, Rayleigh and Shakuyaku have high Observation Haki, people only saw their mouth move, but cant hear what they talk. Only looking at Adam face which change its expression from time to time. And they can also feel it when someone can hear them, so they dont need to worry talking about a shocked information.

' 37 years ago, Hachinosu, also known as the Pirate Island, is a island in New World known to be 'Pirate Paradise'. There was a game called 'Davy Back Fight' which is very popular on that island. Its a game between two pirates crew to win each other's crewmates to strengthen the crew.' Rayleigh paused and continued.

' 37 years ago, on that island. A man named Rocks D. Xebec single handle to win many powerful crew to himself. And the Rocks Pirates was formed.The Rocks Pirates were an extremely powerful crew with amazing potential and were regarded as a threat to the entire world. They were without a doubt the strongest pirate crew of their time. They were all very vicious and ferocious, with their Captain Rocks D. Xebec with the most among them all. The relationship inside the crew were also very poor, they would kill each other regularly. One reason is due to the unfriendly relationship among the crew, not many lived to tell about it.'

' They ruled the entire New World, in only two years. But Rocks D. Xebec ambition was to be 'Emperor of the World'. So he wileded his crew akin to a terroris organization. The other reason why the World Government erased most of the crew's acts from history.'

' 35 years ago, on an island known as God Valley, an island where the Celestial Dragons stays for holiday with their slaves, in Paradise. Garp and the Roger Pirates met there by chance, teamed up and defeated the Rocks Pirates who also at that time making havoc on the island. '

' Garp himself is very shameful at that time, he need to fight alongside a pirate, and also fought to protect the Celestial Dragons. At that time, news of the Rocks Pirate defeat spread world-wide. On that day, Monkey D. Garp also earning him the title of ' Hero of the Marines'. The God Valley disappear from the map, and the event was called the God Valley Incident. '

' The death of Rocks D. Xebec makes the Rocks Pirates disbanded, and each of the crew start to sail invidual and make names to themselves, the 3 of the Four Emperor, and some infamous pirate 'Golden Lion', 'Captain John', etc,.'

' Rocks D. Xebec is death, but he left a son.' Rayleigh said seriously.

' Dont tell me.. its him..' Adam said in disbelieve.

' Rocks D. Xebec real ambition beside being 'Emperor of the World' also to make the world more peacefuly. The same like yourself. But he does it with vicious in the process, beside him targeting the World Government and the Marines, he also target uncounted civilians, making many people hate him. ' Rayleigh continue.

' Shanks follow his father step, but he was not vicious and ferocious like his father. He becoming one of the Four Emperor just to maintained the world balanced, he strongly believe that the situation of the current world is already peaceful enough. So he will try his best to prevent some situation that making the world unbalanced, like killing one of the Four Emperor. It will directly make many people with ambition to take the empty seat..' Rayleigh said then drink his sake.

' Killing Kaido is a step for me, a fame and to proof my strength. After killing him, his men were included on my list. Stupid people with crazy ambition to take the empty seat, they can find me. ' Adam said calmly with no worries.

'Currently, many screen were being debugged right now in many parts of the country, the screen will lights up when the Excalibur appear. I ask for help from Monkey D. Dragon to broadcast the situation. Many people will be interested to watch, seing the Excalibur. At that time, i hope Kaido comes. And ill show to the world, Kaido who is said cant be killed ' Adam said looking toward the distance.

' Hope Kaido comes, Adam-chan.You make a trouble for me and the other Revolutionary Army..' Shakuyaku said with her smile.

' Hahaha im sorry. I need fame.. Miss Beautiful Shakuyaku..' Adam said complimenting her.

' Trouble to you too old man Rayleigh.. Dont let him intervene, i still feel good about him. But if he doesnt give me a face. Then, im sorry.' Adam said looking at Rayleigh eyes seriously.

' Adam.. You.. uhh.. young man this days all are stubborn.' Rayleigh said helplessly.

' HAHAHAHAHA ' Adam laugh loud without shame.

People just look at Adam secretly with a thought 'crazy' in their heart. While Rayleigh and Shakuyaku thankfully wearing a cloak covering their faces..

' You dont prepare any toll fee riding Shanks ship?' Adam ask looking at the empty Rayleigh.

' Hahaha, what for..' Rayleigh said with hope looking at Adam eyes, and shaking the sake in his hand.

' You old man, drinking to much is not good for health.' Adam said shaking his head helplessly and enter the Earth Store and buy Beer, Wine, Hard Cider, Mead, Sake, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Absinthe, and Everclear. Adam bought all each of different types of alcoholic drinks a box each of them, ofcourse the most expensive ones.

' Enough? For you, there will be later. Ofcourse i wont forget the beautiful Miss Shakuyaku here..' Adam said patted his chest after taking out the 13 box of different types of alcholic drinks.

' What is this? ' Rayleigh ask looking at the boxes appear infront of him.

' Inside of each box is a different type of alcholic drinks. Beer, Wine, Hard Cider, Mead, Sake, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Absinthe, and Everclear.' Adam said pointing to mark outside the box telling their type.

Buying things on the Earth Store wont tell the information or anything, just a clean package with the name of the thing.

' HAHAHA Good.. Shanks will like this..' Rayleigh said.

' Then i will go first, old man Rayleigh, Miss Shakuyaku.' Adam said stood up and stepping on the air and head toward the distance, with each step move more than 10 m in distance.

Seing Adam walking on the air toward the distance, everyone then awake from seing the many box appear beside the two mysterious people in cloak.

Then they also prepare their sailing after confirming with their telescope the island appear and sail toward the distance.

Rayleigh carefully carried all the box of alcohol drinks, and jump toward the Red Hair Pirates ship in distance.

Seing the mysterious cloak person coming, all the people on deck were alert, only relax after their captain tell them to relax.

' Relax, its our guest.' Shanks said happily and approach Rayleigh and Shakuyaku with a hug.

' Haha long time no see kid. You wont reject me taking a ride right?' Rayleigh said patting Shanks shoulder while keep on wearing his cloak, because many forces still nearby.

' Haha. Ofcourse not.' Then Shanks nose picked up and look at the boxes beside Rayleigh.

' Old man, this is..' Shanks ask.

' My toll. A gift for you, each one were different type of alcohol, you cant find it anywhere. HAHAHAHA !!~' Rayleigh laugh loud.

' AHAHAHAH GOOD, Boys, start sailing !!' Shanks eyes lit up and shout toward his crew.

People with knowledge can see that the gift was from Adam, but people didnt say it. So Shanks will recieve it as a gift from Rayleigh in the surface..

' Then Shanks, ill go.' Mihawk said without waiting Shanks reply and jump toward his coffin-shaped raft and head toward the island that have been surfaced in the distance.

Adam keep walking leisurely on the air with every step move more than 10m in distance, which was faster than the ship behind him. Soon Adam disappear from the ship sailing behind him.

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