Another really crappily written novel about magic. I'm very pissed, so if this review comes off as ranty, I apologize. First I'd like to point out that this novel is basically a carbon copy of Throne of Magical Arcana. If you read both of them back to back for 20 chapters, you'll be sold about this point. Both live in a world of magic, both worlds of magic have a religious background setting. Both religious background settings are hostile to any magic besides their own. In this way, Throne of Magical Arcana is head and shoulders above this paultry copycat. The only thing that separates these two novels, and I suspect the only reason there hasn't been a lawsuit filed against this plagiarizing piece of crap author is the fact that this story has no musical elements, which in Throne of Magical Arcana, is the major selling point for the first arc. Beyond that, the writing in itself is subpar in its execution, the synopsis mentions a "microchip" that allows the MC to use magic more easily than any other spell caster in the story. This isn't exactly new content and it certainly doesn't break any tropes. The problem with this is the fact that for the first twenty chapters this thing is completely absent. There's no mention of it, in fact, there's no mention of anything having to do with the previous world the MC lived in. Not a single sentence was used to describe anything but the most basic of basic tropes of how the MC died. There's no "want to go back" there's no "I miss my family" there's nothing in this story to show that the MC even came from another world besides the very most basic of basic analogies that the MC sometimes uses to describe things in his mind to us the reader. And even this is very lacking, it's so pathetic that my assessment of it is that the author found it horrendously difficult to come up with a plot that didn't make these analogies. It's not surprising to me really, he copied Throne of Magical Arcana's plot, so he clearly lacks imagination. It doesn't surprise me in the least that he couldn't come up with a nicer way to describe things in his story besides using analogies that fit our world. Getting back on topic, the "microchip" is completely absent for twenty whole chapters and when it finally does show up, it shows up in such a ridiculously plot armory way that I don't even know what to do with it. There's no clever execution, there's nothing to hide it. It's literally "Oh, this is how I'm supposed to do magic, oh damn that's really hard!" "I really wish I had !@$@%!" *Poof* "!@$@% Has been acquired.". LITERALLY. THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT HAPPENS. YOU CAN GO LOOK AT IT YOURSELF! Don't even get me started about more nonsense that happens in this novel. One thing I hate the most about novels is how they sometimes forget their own past plot. Like how something at the start of a story is really important but later on you stop and realize that the major plot point that the entire novel is built around isn't even being mentioned anymore. The mc makes choice to practice fire magic. "Ok." The mc decides to practice fire magic inside his house. "eh" The mc makes huge fire ball of death 3 times more powerful than all the other fireballs he released so far. Super-Fireball explodes shaking his entire basement and leaves a massive meter wide crater on the ground. Mc is unharmed and no1 in the house above him feels anything. ............................................________ ....................................,.-'"...................``~., .............................,.-"..................................."-., .........................,/...............................................":, .....................,?......................................................, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:"........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(....."~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_...."~,_........"~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......"=,_......."-,_.......,.-~-,},.~";/....} ...........((.....*~_......."=-._......";,,./`..../"............../ ...,,,___.`~,......"~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-" ............/.`~,......`-...................................../ .............`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....,__ ,,_..........}.>-._...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,__......`,................................. ...................`=~-,,.,............................... ................................`:,,...........................`..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_..........._,-%.......` ...................................,
Liked by 93 people Hi Mystic_Main, hoping to catch your attention. Pls try checking out my work-in-progress novel - THE LEGENDARY DEMON HUNTER. Currently, it has 8 chapters , pls be the first one to comment and share your suggestions for improvements. Lovelots and happy hunting! ==Respect to the translator/author of this novel, pls forgive me for using this chapter to promote my work, if you find it inappropriate pls call me out and i'll delete it asap.In the same way, do not hesitate to promote your work in the comment's section of my work- xoxo==
I agree with everything you said this is a very nice review. Let me add one more stupid thing from this novel. You know how Elemental Knights can see there elements whatever they want. So I'm wondering when is his sister going to see all the flame elements going towards her brother.
First, you've only read 23 chapters to make that comment, and usually first impressions are not the best to make a good review about something. The religious background plan is NOT a copy of another novel. And to prove this, one only has to look at the quantity of novels that have the church as an antagonist, in addition already been explained in the novel the reason of Gods vs Wizards. I believe the author wanted to do something new by writing this novel, like skipping the repetitive and boring beginning of a person who transmigrated to another world, and making a character who could be strong without relying too much on outside help. From what I've come to realize about you is that you're very fond of Throne of Magical Arcana, the problem is that you like it so much that you criticize anything like copying. One problem in the novel that you may not know is the development of characters, with the exception of Merlin and his master, his family and everything else is left out.
I read up to 856 chapters. I can confidently say that the author of the review has preserved nerve cells and a lot of time. After 50+ chapters, things just get worse.
This comment is more interesting than the book