Reading this novel is rage inducing, it keeps repeating the same basic facts and words over and over and over and over. The chapter where he learns magic is one of the worst offenders, the word Fireball is repeated so much i can still hear it echo around my skull. There is also the one where every phrase talks about "heavy armored knights", he almost uses those exact three words 20 times in a row. The author also has every single character talk as if every other person nearby is a clueless idiot with a memory span of 30 seconds. "Hello friend, it is me your fat friend. We've know each other for 14 years and i still have to introduce myself to you every time we meet. I also have to clearly explain my family background and the fact that i love visiting brothels. Have you heard about Mark? He's our classmate that clearly hates you. He hates you because you are going to marry Clarissa and he told you many times he loves Clarissa too! How incredibly interesting! Did you notice that today the sky was blue? It was the same yesterday and as far as memory goes the color hasn't changed, isn't it wonderful?". This is not an exact quote but if you read the novel you'll find very similar situations. Explanations about stuff is similarly repeated ad nauseam, for example when his computer thingy is introduced we get and explanation on how it will greatly speed up his learning new spells. Now every time the MC talks about new spells he has found he also reminds us about the computer that is going to help him, again. The author or translator doesn't even bother changing up the wording a little, it's like the explanation has been copy and pasted multiple times in different chapters. At this point i'm not even sure if the author is doing it because he thinks the people reading are unimaginably stupid or he's trying to beef up the word count. The story is nothing to write home about, incredibly generic and borrows a whole bunch of elements from other more "famous" novels in this particular genre. Church clearly bad, he has computer in the new body even though it was injected in his blood in the previous word???, he learns magic from a random bored guy and he becomes ruthless at the flip of a coin. I'm quite surprised he hasn't raped anyone yet due to yin and yang imbalance... Almost forgot, he has the computer in his head doing nothing the whole time instead of already calculating stuff he'll obviously need in the future. He'll wait till the last moment to turn it on and find the best combination for a spell he had for months. Why? Anyway i'm bored, i don't feel like writing about this novel anymore. This story is crap, the translator is crappy, he probably pops the raws in google translate and just changes a few words if he's feeling it. If he's doing more then that it sure doesn't show. Don't waste your time with this, eating handfuls of sawdust would be a more productive and fun way to spend your valuable time.
Liked by 43 people
LIKEOr, fellow commentators, you can read these other books that have improved upon the formula: Advent of the Archmage (Same as Night Ranger but more Magic Driven)2016 The Wizard World (Chip story that has very detailed set pieces, like reading a vivid Lucid dream)2012 Warlock of the Magus World (Genius with a Biochip reincarnates into the wizard world, Devours his enemies. The best example of a *Ruthless* MC I've ever read)2015 Age of Adepts (Another Wizard chip story about a truly guileful MC)2016 When A Mage Revolts (Guy reincarnates with a system that trolls him, eventually becomes the Hero of all persecuted Mages)2016 The Book Eating Magician (Guy's hand turns into a Grimoire that can eat books to learn magic)2017
This author is just too ridiculous o.0 Hopefully the author improves over the next 100 chapters... Hi Neveryoumindme, hoping to catch your attention. Pls try checking out my work-in-progress novel - THE LEGENDARY DEMON HUNTER. Currently, it has 8 chapters , pls be the first one to comment and share your suggestions for improvements. Lovelots and happy hunting! ==Respect to the translator/author of this novel, pls forgive me for using this chapter to promote my work, if you find it inappropriate pls call me out and i'll delete it asap.In the same way, do not hesitate to promote your work in the comment's section of my work- xoxo==