
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

作者: hahan_hani
連載中 · 1.5K ビュー
  • 40 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

WebNovel で公開されている、hahan_hani の作者が書いた Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family の小説を読んでください。...


2 タグ

Changed Her

Love, they say conquers all. Lily and Freddie after their final year of university became inseparable. Their friendship was all-time for the best. Until Lily won her first case after her law studies. Freddie, without hesitation, asked his gorgeous best friend to date him. The love between the two was known by all. Both side's parents agreed. Most especially, Lily's parents' knew how generous and loyal their daughter was. Lily never asked for anything. Then, he proposed. But Lily had no idea the ring had been of real gold and diamond. The wedding also continued with a gold ring as well. Three months after their wedding right after their one-month honeymoon, Freddie changed completely. Maybe it was Lily who changed instead. Both were occupied with work. But one always tried to make time for the other. Lily also couldn't afford to lose any case or waste time on her writing. Things became more complicated when Freddie got a second wife, who was none other than Lilly's friend, Christina. Lily had been told by having had enough by Freddie with her. Christina was the new mistress of the house. Lily no longer had access to the room she shared with her husband. One of the guestrooms was her bedroom. He never shouted at her before. But like a beast in sheep's clothing, had to reveal a new form and push his beloved away. Divorce had to come in. He never did anything upon all that his second wife did to his first wife. Years later, Lily is no longer who she was anymore. The most fragile human being on earth had turned into a cold stoic person. Love deceived her. Love betrayed her. Love lied to her. She never wanted love ever again. But, there was always family. And love never dies. Freddie's test results to an end and open, but Lily is no longer the then. Would she move on? Freddie, what sort of test was that? Lily, please come back!

Tesla_Bae · 都市
1 Chs

Healing What Has Been Broken

(Picture, characters, and story do not belong to me, they belong to their respectful owners. I am just posting this because I want people to know of this story, it's outstanding!) Error is the destroyer, Ink is the creator. Both Gods in their own right. They are the balance in their part of the Multiverse, making sure that neither goes too far and makes their Multiverse fall apart at the seams. If Error was able to destroy all the AU's, then there would be nothing left. The universe that they live in would just cease to exist with nothing to fill it up. That is why Ink is needed, to make sure that there is something to fill in those blank spaces, to make sure that there is life. If Ink was able to continue to create with no one to stop him or oppose him, then the AU's would collide and destroy one another. The universe would crumble and decay as they touch, as there is no more room to grow in. That is why Error is needed, to make sure that the AU's don't collide and kill one another, to make sure that there is room to grow in. Error knew this well, even with his spotty and vague memories. Ink did not. Error was broken and tired. He had nothing to live for in the end. He had no friends, no love to call his own, no family. No one wanted him around. He called for help, for anyone to save him from his own madness. But no one came. They left him in the Anti-Void, for the screams to overtake him. So Error let go. He fell into the void to be scattered across time and space. No one would miss him. But he did not scatter, he traveled through time and space. Error landed in a new Multiverse. One where there was no Error. All AU's lived in balance in this universe. There was no creator who could not control himself and just create more and more. There was no destroyer who had to destroy. By the time Error's universe knew what they did wrong and the truth of the matter, their universe was falling apart and they had to get back Error to do his job. But they hit a big roadblock when they finally found Error. This universe would not let Error go without a fight.

Glamour4000 · ゲーム
23 Chs

ARTS; Dinastiya

Broken pieces of ones remains, a shattered heart driven to insanity and cruelty. "You know... I really loved you... I truly do..." as she whispered those words into my ears, I thought to myself 'How come... it had to come to this...?' as she slowly buried the dagger engulfed with the pitch black Divinity into my heart. "#£+&... I'm sorry..." She then slowly let go of the dagger and were eaten by the Gods Nemesis. Seeing her entering the foul creatures mouth, my Divinity started to wither away as my true Gods body starts to disintegrate along with everything else. '...' '... You could've just saved yourself... you fool...' '... but... nevertheless... Thank you... for standing up for us... my beloved' I then opened my eyes and saw that it was all just a dream. "What was that?" A sage living in some mountain started to dream of the same dream and so forth for countless reincarnations. Reminder to the readers: 1. The story is fast paced 2. The dialogue are separated 3. Read from Down to Down, though there are special cases where the dialogue goes first but rarely 4. My style of writing is blunt, I won't go over what I've already stated 5. There's already a note left to avoid confusion 6. Use your imagination while reading it 7. The change of perspective may not be always linked to the former perspective and will be a new plot for the story before intertwining with each other 8. Have and enjoy reading my story 9. It's all real 10. '_' means it's an inner thought or a whisper 11. "_" conversing/trying to converse with someone 12. It's a combination of novel writing and script writing Recommended music while reading. 1. Dynasty by Mia 2. Spectre by Alan Walker 3. Stitches by Shawn Mendes Written by a Filipino author (NoveListsArts). A story of all the past lives the author lead. If you believe in reincarnation, Rebirth, Traverse then this is specifically for you to read. Note: Full Map of the Ysra Continent, Being Glory City as it's center, followed by Eren, Theian, Clonos, Heseria, San, Ferlan, Androeia, Losien and Zanatic. The City's are in the form of ten circles, the more far out you're at the inner City, the circle keeps on getting bigger and bigger and the life style of each City's are completely different per City's, with the Glory City being the most flourishing city among the ten. The Zanatic City is a kind of City that is uniquely prone to death and alien Beast's as it is beyond and outside the protection of the Losien Frontier, it's now a City filled with the most wanted criminals, it also has many existing black markets and slavery's. The revised chapters and the rest of the story will now be uploaded from this day onwards to RoyalRoad.com New Title Name: God's Scourge: Return of the False God

NoveListsArts · ファンタジー
28 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating