
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs


 Chapter 348 Chapter 349 Big changes!

  It's like Bai Chi, who is in a bloody turmoil on the app today.

  At the beginning, Jiang Fuli was also an existence that was beyond everyone's reach, and he directly pushed his points to the upper limit.

  It attracted the attention of many parties, which also laid the foundation for ZTE to obtain various licenses from the country.

  ZTE Group. It has the world's top detector manufacturing team.

  It can be said to be inseparable from the space agency.

  Not to mention the construction of railways, highways, and various large bases, most of which are related to ZTE. ZTE is different from other companies in that it rarely sells products to the public.

  So most people only know ZTE as a company that builds railways.

  But everyone in the industry knows the importance of ZTE, and Jiang Xijuan's current political status is no lower than that of the president of Jiangnan University.

  Jiang Fu left his mouth.

  Jiang Xijuan's first step was to notify the drone project team to evacuate completely, and then asked his assistant to communicate with the Mu family about the uranium extraction project from seawater.

  The Mu family has now established two research institutes and has recruited a large number of fresh blood and senior professors.

  It is the development period.

  With the help of ZTE's team, it will be even more powerful.


  No one dares to discuss the news about the Jiang family.

  The only people who knew about his presence at the memorial service were those in the academic circle.

  But the news cannot be hidden.


  Gao Yi was anxious from the moment he saw Jiang Fuli. He came to Xiang's home to look for Xiang Junhua, restless, "He's fine, old dean, let alone the quota in the Academy of Sciences, he is sure of ZTE's projects." It won't make things easier for us..."

  Gao Yi really regretted it.

  He was too ambitious and wanted to put Gao Jiachen into Jiang Fuli's team.

  But Jiang Fuli ignored him at all.

  After so many years, Gao Yi inevitably had resentment in his heart, but he did not dare to do anything.

  This time, when Jiang Fuli's accident happened, all the news was unanimous. Only with Xiang Jia taking the lead did he dare to cooperate with Xiang Jia, and only then did Gao Yi dare to step forward and want a share of the pie.

  Who would have thought that everything was fine and now Jiang Fuli came out?

  Not only was everything fine, but he also went to the memorial service to offer three sticks of incense to Academician Ma?

  Xiang Junhua was in no better mood than Gao Yi, so he directly asked his assistant to call the Luo family.

  In fact, there were rumors about Jiang Fuli in Jiangjing for a long time, but no one was sure until the people sent by Xiang Junhua to keep an eye on the Luo family that night saw the old man of the Luo family going to the street of the Jiang family.

  Only after it was finally confirmed that Jiang Fuli really couldn't wake up for a while did Xiang Junhua dare to make the next move.

  "What?" After receiving the call from the Xiang family, the Luo family was even more surprised than they were. Mr. Luo stood up from his chair, "You said Young Master Jiang is awake? Impossible? Are you sure?"

  The Luo family's voice sounded like Very shocked, "No, it's impossible, no one except my father dares to give the next few injections..."

  Knowing that the Xiang family would not joke about this matter, he murmured again, "I want to go to the Jiang family to see..."

  He hurriedly spoke to Xiang Junhua and hung up the phone.

  Call Jiang Xijue.

  Xiang Junhua lowered his eyes, fell back on the stool, and was silent for another two or three seconds, thinking about the 925 project.

  Stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice, but there is no turning back when the bow is opened. Now we can only minimize the loss.

  This time he dialed a number with his own hands and asked, "Mr. Li, where is the person I'm looking for now?"

  The Mr. Li he said was Li Hu. When Li Hu's son was caught in an accident at the border, Xiang Junhua helped a young man. He was busy and guided Li Hu's son to make some small inventions in prison, and his sentence was reduced by one year.

  Therefore, he received a favor from Li Hu.

  "Xiang Old Dean," the man's voice on the other end of the phone was like a bell, "for the sake of helping me, I will tell you honestly, the person you want to touch is not simple, and I have no choice."

  Next to him, Gao Yi looked at Xiang Junhua's face and knew it was really over.


  Bai Qian is leaving Jiangjing and returning to Xiangcheng for a few days.

  Before leaving, say hello and thank you to Shiyu.

  Some time ago, she was taken away by people from the Security Bureau, and Shi Yu was also involved. Later, many people helped Ning Xiao to withstand all the pressure.

  "You won't give a speech to the freshmen this year?" Shi Yu sat on a chair in the office, his eyelids drooping, a little tired, "What about Ning Xiao? Where about Yang Lin? Tang Ming is fine, or Liang Wuyu."

  "I I have asked Xu Qian, she can do it." Bai Jian looked slightly calm and had already helped Shi Yu find a good candidate.

  Xu Qian?

  Shi Yu is really unfamiliar, but neither Bai Zian nor her friends are preparing to give speeches. Everyone else is the same, "Okay, you go back to Xiangcheng and recuperate for a while. In the new semester, you and Ning Xiao must prepare a speech." Report, Dean Huang helped you apply for Jiangnan University's Wall of Fame yesterday. The list will take half a month to be reviewed, and it will be just in time for the semester to start. "

  With the achievements Bai Jian and Ning Xiao have made so far, it is enough to be on the Wall of Fame.

  Wall of Fame.

  Bai Xian's dark eyes looked in the direction of Celebrity Square, "Okay, thank you."

  Dean Shu was also in Shiyu's office and did not disturb the conversation between the two.

  It wasn't until Bai Qian left that the teaching assistant next to him spoke to Dean Shu in a low voice. His voice was audible with shock, "You're just starting your sophomore year and you're on the Wall of Fame, or are there only two of you?"

  Jiang University's outstanding student representatives are strict, and most of them are Under normal circumstances, not one can be produced in a year.

  The last time it was a congratulatory message.

  Now there are two of them.

  Dean Shu slowly picked up the disposable cup next to him, lowered his eyes and took a sip, "This storm is over, and the journey of their young people has just begun."

  This year, the situation in Jiangjing has been ups and downs.

  First it was the Wen family, then the Mu family.

  In the end, it was the Gao family and the Xiang family who were so busy with the drone issue that they brought the battle to an end.



  Ming Dongheng has been waiting.

  It was another low-key business car parked under a tree. When Bai Zian raised his head, he saw the half-downed window of the back seat. Jiang Fuli was sitting next to the car window, only half of his cold face could be seen. Among the mottled tree shadows.

  It was summer vacation and there were not many students in Jiangda.

  When Bai Qian approached, Ming Dongheng opened the back seat door.

  In the back seat, Jiang Fuli's computer was still placed on the table. He slowly moved the touch screen with one hand to check the information submitted by He Wen and the others.

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, he raised his head and reached out to put his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

  After she sat down, Ming Dongheng went to the driver's seat and drove.

    "Let's go to the airport first. They have already arrived." Jiang Fuli stretched out his hand and raised the window. "It will still be open for an hour. Let's get some sleep first."

  Bai Zian sat inside, leaning his head lazily on the window. Her eyelashes were lowered and her chin was supported by her hand. Her face was really pale and lazy. The sunlight filtered through the one-way glass and lightly reflected her outline.

  His expression showed no sadness or other emotions.

  Academician Ma is getting old, so Bai Qian is actually well prepared for this trip.

  She put on her Bluetooth headphones, listened to an untranslated paper, and closed her eyelids.

  She was too busy during this period, which was one of the reasons why Jiang Fuli was preparing to return to Xiangcheng.

  The air conditioner is on low.

  Jiang Fuli looked at her for a long time, covered her with a blanket, then reached out and pressed the Bluetooth headset on the left, saying in a low voice, "Continue."

  "I submitted the list of the Mu family..." What was reported was Jiang Xijuan, most of them are matters of the Mu family. As for the Gao family and the Xiang family, he can handle it by himself. "Also, the Luo family is inquiring about Miss Bai."

  Jiang Fuli continued to scroll through the documents on the computer with one hand, only " "Hmm".

  Jiang Xijue understood.

  He hung up the phone, returned to the office, looked at the old man of the Luo family apologetically, "Go back."



  When the car arrived, Bai Zian was still awake.

  Jiang Fuli didn't call her, just turned off the lights in the car and continued to sit next to her and work.

  Bai Zian was in a half-dream and half-awake state.

  She was used to seeing life and death, and she had seen away too many people.

  In the first two months after coming to this world, she mostly dreamed about the battlefield, or about her father and brother.

  It's just that this time, Academician Ma's departure inevitably made her dream about Liang Zewen, about Jiangjing in the Dayong Dynasty, with heavy snowfall, and Liang Zewen kneeling in front of the palace gate for three days and three nights.

  They just asked Emperor Jiang Wen to send troops to rescue them in Xiangcheng.

  I dreamed that Liang Zewen received the news of her death and died depressed while lying on the bed. In the dream, Liang Zewen's red eyes were so real, and he called her from the distance -


  Bai Zian suddenly woke up.

  She sat up straight, the blanket falling off her body.

  "What's wrong?" Jiang Fuli noticed something strange about her, stretched out his arms to hug her, patted her back gently, and whispered to comfort her: "Are you having a nightmare?" His

  normally cold voice was particularly warm at this time.

  Bai Zian lowered his eyes: "...Hmm."

  On the plane.

  "Sister Qian and the others have arrived at the airport," Zhang Shize asked Tang Ming after making a phone call with Ming Dongheng, "Where is the God of Study?"

  "At the National Defense University," Tang Ming took out his phone and took a look, "Oh, we're already there. Come here, take a taxi. It will take ten minutes to get to the airport."

  "National Defense University?" Zhang Shize was surprised. "It's Sister Chen's school. Why does the student go there?"

  "Yang Lin often goes to the Academy of Fine Arts next door." He had long been accustomed to strange things. He put his arm around Zhang Shize's shoulders, pointed his chin in the direction of Yang Lin, and then whispered: "Good brother, can you help me get two signed photos of Sister Lu? My cousin is a fan of Sister Lu. Just now Knowing that I have Sister Lu's WeChat account, I will be annoyed to death by her if I don't get her autographed photo."

  Tang Ming and Yan Lu don't know Lu Xiaohan and they are too embarrassed to ask for it.

  Opposite the two, Yang Lin was also on the phone, "Yes, grandma, I'm going back to Xiangcheng today... You don't have to come over. I'll go back to see you by car tomorrow."

  Beside her, Lu Xiaohan was making puppet props with a knife.

  Not long after, everyone arrived.

  Bai Zian slept for a while on the way, but didn't sleep much after arriving on the plane, talking to Xiao Qi on the phone.

  "Sister, you just came back." Xiaoqi couldn't leave in Jiangjing. His relationship with Ren Jiawei was like this, and he didn't change his name. "You can go and visit the headquarters in Xiangcheng and Beicheng when you have time. Beicheng We have just started promotion, and several partners have not yet been decided. Manager Lin is over there. "

  Bai Qian poured himself a cup of hot water," "Okay."

  Zhang Shize took a thick book of law and sat down next to Ning Xiao. , "Why are you going to the National Defense University? Want to transfer? I advise you not to have this idea. You, Principal Shi, will cry to death."

  "No," Ning Xiao took out a printed paper, "That's my brother's The previous school."

  Zhang Shize originally wanted to ask why you still have a brother.

  Suddenly, he remembered the memorial tablets in Ning Xiao's home. He shut up immediately and changed the subject, "Brother Tang, you will get off the plane with me later and come to my house to get Sister Yan's signature..."

  Ning Xiao lowered his head, took out a pen, and remained silent. Make a mark on the paper.



  Bai Shaoqi and Song Min have been back for a few days. Originally, they had been starting a business in Jiangjing and had no plans to come back.

  Now I came back in a hurry after hearing about the promotion of Xuankang in Beicheng.

  The two of them did a good job in investing, and they were better than the worst.

  Bai Qiming hasn't slept well recently because of Bai Zian's matter. He is not in Jiangjing and has no idea what Bai Zian is doing. He only heard that Bai Zian is fine at all, but the Bai family far away in Beicheng is affected.

  Seeing Bai Shaoqi and Song Ming come back, she took a breath and asked, "Xuankang?"

  "Yes, Xuankang will definitely replace Luo's as the number one brand in the country." Song Ming had heard many rumors about Xuankang in Jiangjing, " As soon as Xuankang goes on the market next year, the market value cannot be estimated. The future traditional Chinese medicine market will definitely belong to them. We must seize the opportunity to cooperate with them in Beicheng. "It's

  strange to say that Xuankang has branches in the four major cities, including the second and third tiers of Beicheng. There are more small cities, but there are none in the city center.

  So much so that most people from Beicheng who want to go to Xuankang will choose to go to Xiangcheng.

  "When will they start?" Bai Qiming looked serious.

  "In the past few days," Bai Shaoqi said, "We have the contact information of the regional manager. Let's treat him to a meal and try to cooperate with them. By following them, it will be much easier for the Bai family to expand to Jiangjing."

  This is Bai Enlighten your lifelong wish.

  The Bai family, especially Bai Qiming, now urgently needs to prove themselves.

  There is no family that doesn't want to climb up. Now the Song family is doing better and better, but the Bai family is getting worse and worse.

  Everyone in the Bai family was questioning his previous decisions and regretted losing Bai Jian. Some even said that the Bai Shaoke brother and sister should not have been allowed back at that time.

  "Okay, okay, okay." Bai Qiming stood up.

  Did he make the wrong choice? No.

   After that, the doctor didn't let me stay up all night, and my stomach started to reflux again. I went back to before liberation all night...


 Chapter 349 Chapter 350 The real man behind Xuankang is the young man from


  Bai Zian has not been back for nearly half a year. The plane is parked steadily on the slide. The airport is small but has a large flow of people.

  The popularity of Xiangcheng has never stopped since the year before last.

  From the initial explosion of Wutong Street to the peak of the broadcast of "Dayong", "Come Friends" continued a wave of popularity, and the following two waves of college entrance examinations experienced explosive traffic.

  Now Xiangcheng is no longer a temporary hot spot.

  Its rich history, Wutong Street's martial arts school and calligraphy association, Grandpa Tao who has always been enthusiastic about puppet shows, and its enthusiastic service attitude have been recognized by netizens across the country.

  Although there is no need for publicity, Xiangcheng still gets busy during the holidays.

  For example, this summer vacation, I specially called Yan Lu back.

  There are also a group of top students who are number one and second in the list. Who do you think doesn't want to come to Xiangcheng to see it?

  Yang Lin put away her computer and followed Bai Zian and others off the plane.

  Not long after I got off the plane.

  The phone rang, and the caller was from a local number in Xiangcheng. The caller had a loud voice, "Is this Miss Yang?"

  "Hello, I'm Yang Lin."

  The caller was the person in charge of the subdistrict department, telling Yang Lin where she lived. The place is going to be demolished. "Do you have time to come back? Come to the street office to sign and receive the demolition money."

  The voice was beaming with joy.

  Xiangcheng is developing rapidly now, with the east and north of the city being developed.

  Including the Tongzi Building where Yang Lin lived before, a shopping mall and a new community will be built.

  Divided by head.

  Next to her, Zhang Shize heard her conversation with the person in charge.

  Talk to Tang Ming: "Brother Tang, has your family bought a house?"

  "Yes, yes," Tang Ming said, thanking Zhang Shize, "Brother Zhang, thanks to your father for reminding us at that time, our family I bought two houses with a loan, and now the price has more than tripled. Your dad is really far-sighted. "

  Before, the house price in central Xiangcheng was only 3,000 to 4,000 yuan. After the high-speed rail station and the airport were built, it has now increased to 10,000 yuan. "

  After the two of them talked, Tang Ming saw that Yang Lin had finished the call and asked, "Sister Yang, the principal asked you if you would like to share your learning experience?"

  Yang Lin looked up and looked at Tang Ming with a pair of inorganic black eyes.

  Tang Ming rubbed his arms, "Ah, how about you take a small photo? The principal wants to post it on the bulletin board."

  The principal he was talking about was naturally the principal of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

  Yang Lin looked away and nodded.


  The group of people went back to their homes.

  Ning Xiao, Bai Zian and the others returned to Qingshui Street.

  The car stopped at the intersection of Qingshui Street.

  Ji Heng looked at the traffic light in front of him, and then at the crowd of tourists waiting for the traffic light on both sides. A question mark slowly appeared on his forehead.

  The car in front couldn't get in, so he got out of the car with a cigarette pole.

  He and Ning Xiao looked at each other in confusion.

  There were no people in Qingshui Street before. Although there were many people during the Chinese New Year, they were not as outrageous as they are now.

  Jiang He jumped out of the back seat, stretched out his short hand to grab a corner of Ji Heng's robe, and held his small cabbage backpack in his other hand. He looked at the tourists passing by in front of him with his round eyes and long black eyelashes. Trembling.

  His expression was a little confused.

  Obviously he was not used to the scene with so many people.

  The young ladies passing by saw Jiang He and communicated in low voices. Some even took out their mobile phones to take photos of Jiang He.

  Just the next second, Jiang Fuli slowly got out of the car from behind. His eyes were slightly raised, his brows were pressed, and his cold and deep facial features showed nobility from top to bottom. It was not like he would appear on this kind of tour. Street people.

  The few people who wanted to take pictures immediately took a few steps back, pretending to look at the accessories on the vendors.

  Bai Zian got off the car last.

  The temperatures in Xiangcheng are similar throughout the four seasons, and summer is not too hot either.

  She has a white stand-up collared shirt with all buttons buttoned up, and black casual pants on her lower body. There are no particularly obvious patterns, only light gray dark lines, which reflect the cold light in the sun.

  Very plain color.

  Her long hair was held up by two plain hairpins, which were the only embellishment on her body.

  She was carrying the suitcase with one hand, feeling lazy and a little depressed.

  Next to him, a young lady pointed to Bai Xian's top, "It's a shirt with a bit of an ancient style. I want this feeling."

  The shop owner who was selling cheongsam said: "..."

  There were many people on Qingshui Street, so Ji Heng took them from the side. The trail goes back a few hundred meters.

  There were not that many people on this road, so Bai Zian slowly followed Jiang Fuli.

  I got a call and it was from Beicheng.

  "Hello, Miss Bai," a middle-aged male voice said on the other side of the phone, "I am Lin Guangxu, the manager of the Beicheng branch."

  Bai Qian stepped on Jiang Fuli's shadow and followed them forward slowly. , "Hello, Manager Lin."

  "Miss Bai, when will you come to Beicheng? I can arrange to receive you in advance. There are several companies that want to cooperate with us..." He read a lot.

  Bai Qian didn't know much about business like Xiao Qi, so when he went to Beicheng, he just followed Xiao Qi's instructions and made an appearance.

  He also taught several doctors in Beicheng two sets of acupuncture techniques.

  She waited patiently for Lin Guangxu to finish.

  "I'm going back to school to give a speech in the next two days." Bai Qian raised his head, not knowing what the Bureau of Culture and Tourism had arranged, "I'm going back this weekend."

  On the phone, Lin Guangxu calculated the time. Today is Tuesday, and this is the only time for the weekend. Days of time.

  He hung up the phone and walked away from the emergency meeting while giving instructions to his assistant.

  "Ms. Bai will come this week. The specific day is not clear yet. Please tell me to cheer up everyone and be in the best spirit to welcome Miss Bai."

  Xuankang's executives all know that Xiao Qi Apparently he is their boss.

  But in fact, the person behind Xuankang is Miss Bai.

  It's just that this Miss Bai is mysterious and not many people can see her.

  Lin Guangxu has not seen it either.

  "Yes," the female assistant wore high heels, held a notepad, and a black pen in the other hand, and recorded ably: "In addition, the Bai family, the Song family, and the Kong family are all dating you. Of these three families, the Song family has the largest assets. They are rich and have contacts with Jiang Jing. Both Bai and Kong are locals in Beicheng."

  The two stopped by the elevator and the female assistant pressed the button.

  The elevator door opened and Lin Guangxu walked in. "You arrange the time."


  Xiangcheng, village.

  Yang Lin helped her grandparents hoe a large field of medicine. Grandma Yang's back felt a little hooked and she called Yang Lin and Grandpa Yang back for dinner.

  Along the way, people in the village greeted Yang Lin.

  Last year, when they learned that Yang Lin was admitted to college, the villagers gave Yang Lin a red envelope. She was one of the few girls in the village who went to college.

  They only knew that Yang Lin was admitted to college, but they didn't know which school she was in.

  "Hello, Second Grandpa." Yang Lin remained silent and only spoke when she saw people.

  The hair no longer covered the eyes, which were dark and deep.

    The man called Second Grandpa saw Yang Lin, cheered up, said hello to Yang Lin, and then left in a hurry.

  "Your second grandfather," Grandpa Yang looked at the old man passing by and sighed, "I don't know why the batch of herbs he planted are withered, and adding chemical fertilizers is useless."

  "Withered?" Yang Lin was stunned for a moment. ,In mind.

  After dinner at home, Yang Lin quietly left a thick stack of money under Grandma Yang's pillow, bid farewell to them and left.

  Grandma Yang and Grandpa Yang knew that Yang Lin had always been hardworking, so they didn't keep her around for long, but reluctantly sent her out.

  "When the demolished houses are divided, you two will move to Xiangcheng." Yang Lin told them softly.

  "No, we are at home here." Grandma Yang touched Yang Lin's head and stuffed Yang Lin with a red envelope. "Xiao Lin is getting better and better. Now that your father is not here, your aunt is willing to come back to see us." "Yes, your cousin is also engaged. This is the red envelope your aunt got for you when she came back from the Dragon Boat Festival."

  Yang Lin accepted the red envelope.

  We said goodbye to you two at the end of the village and took a ride with my uncle from the next village to Xiangcheng.

  Before leaving, I took a photo of the medicine field at my second grandfather's house.

  Sent to Xia Peiyu -

  [Teacher, look at why his seedlings are turning yellow? ]

  Xia Peiyu specializes in botany.

  Yang Lin learned more than him.


  long after, Yang Lin arrived in Xiangcheng.

  She went directly to Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. Bai Qian had a sharing session today at No. 1 Middle School.

  News about Bai Zian, Ning Xiao and the others coming back.

  Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School heard about it from the Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

  Xiangcheng was among the top ten in the country the year before last, and this year the number one student in Beicheng was selected. The undergraduate rate of 81% has increased several times compared to last year, and it has already reached the top ten in Beicheng.

  Especially Bai Qian, she is more popular than Yan Lu in Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. It was learned that she would come to Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School to share her study strategies.

  Not to mention tourists, the candidates of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School were the first to explode.

  At the end of August, No. 1 Middle School had not yet started school.

  Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School is open during the summer vacation, and tourists come to check out the stones every day.

  Early Thursday morning, the entrance to No. 1 Middle School was bustling with people.

  Although the school expected a large number of people, it still did not expect there to be so many people. It urgently dispatched several security guards to the scene to maintain order.

  When Yang Lin arrived, it was overcrowded. In order to prevent a stampede, the school entrance had been closed and no outsiders were allowed in.

  The cordon was raised.

  Yang Lin wanted to go in to take photos. When she saw the cordon and was hesitating whether she wanted to go in, the security guard stopped her.

  "Classmate Yang, come in quickly! You're the only one who's not here yet!" The security guard recognized Yang Lin.

  Everyone in Bai Zian's group has a special temperament, especially Ning Xiao and the others, who were all admitted to Jiangnan University, so the security guard will naturally remember them more clearly.

  main entrance.

  Crowded in the crowd were Yang's mother and her current husband.

  The man was holding the little boy in his arms. When he saw Yang Lin entering the door with a rigid face, he was stunned for a moment and called Mother Yang, "Is that your daughter? How did she get in?"

  Today everyone knows that the former national champion is coming. To share his learning experience, he specially brought Yu Tianbao from primary school to study.

  "Xiao Lin?" Yang's mother was stunned. She hadn't seen Yang Lin for a long time, and she was in a daze for a moment. "I don't know..."

  The man frowned, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes flashed: "She lives here. Is that house going to be demolished? I heard that we can get several apartments."


  Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, playground.

  It was packed with people.

  Bai Qian stood on the podium in front, holding a manuscript in her hand. She wore a white stand-up collared top with dark patterns embroidered on the collar. Today she wore a black and gold horse-faced skirt. Her hair was still meticulously pulled up.

  The snowy clothes and black skirt attracted the attention of everyone present.

  Just standing here, the boy standing in front who specially wore the uniform of No. 1 Middle School said in a loud voice, "Senior sister, how did you get into Jiang University!"

  Bai Qian tilted his head and looked at him: "Work hard, remember that you are now With enthusiasm and crazy efforts, I hope you can all win."

  After that, he smiled casually.

  The sunlight hit her face, giving her a look of disdain as if nothing could reach her feet.

  The youthful spirit is overwhelming.

  The noise in front gradually disappeared.

  The boy was stunned for a moment, just looking at her and forgetting to say anything.

  Jiang Fuli, who was also standing in front, was wearing a hat and a black mask.

  He tilted his head coolly and glanced at the boy in school uniform.

  The boy was looking at Bai Zian in a daze, and seemed to feel a chill. Then he came back to his senses, shivered involuntarily, and rubbed the back of his hands.

  At the back of the crowd, the former squad leader of Class 8 said to the tourists around him: "Her learning method is very useful. Although I only scored 421 points, it was 20 points higher than the second line. I was in our class before. Counting down, those in our class who have the same grades as me don't even reach the undergraduate level..."

  Beside him, Bao Boyu slowly lowered his head. He was the one who didn't reach the undergraduate level.

  "Brother, brother," Bao Boyu's sister grabbed his arm excitedly, "They said that the school sent you Senior Bai's learning method at that time. You have such a good thing, why don't you give it to me!"

  Mentioning this, Bao Boyu's complexion was even worse. At that time, for Ren Wanxuan and the others, he didn't ask for Bai Xian's learning method at all.

  He didn't want this thing at that time.

  People around him were still talking about the legend of the four Jiangnan students in Bai Zian's class. Bao Boyu looked up at Bai Zian who was sharing his experience and realized that Bai Zian was serious about sharing his experience with the students in the same school.

  And he missed that opportunity.


  Finished sharing experience.

  There were still many people in the school. Fortunately, Ming Dongheng's car was parked on the side of the road, and Jiang Fuli stood by the car door waiting for her.

  He was wearing a black T-shirt and had a tall figure. He held a cup of milk tea with his cold white fingers. He was as indifferent as ever, his eyes were so pale that he couldn't see any emotion, and he was waiting for Bai Qian coldly.

  Bai Zian stood nearby, talking to Lu Lingxi and two school leaders.

  The school leader wanted to ask Bai Zian a few more questions, but she was in a hurry to go to Beicheng.

  None stayed.

  Lu Lingxi wanted to ask Bai Zian how she was doing at Jiangda University. She raised her eyes and saw Jiang Fuli holding milk tea a few meters away. She stopped abruptly with the school leader, "Okay, bye."

  Wait . Lu Lingxi left with the school leaders. Jiang Fuli looked at Bai Qian for a while, then slowly handed her the milk tea.

  Bai Qian reached out and took the milk tea while sending a message to Lin Guangxu -


  But he never got the milk tea in his hand.

  She raised her head.

  Jiang Fuli held a straw in his other hand and asked slowly, "Senior sister, do you want me to help you insert the straw?"

  Bai Jian: "..."

   Sister Qian: Dad, you can do whatever you want.


 Chapter 350 Chapter 351 Return to Beicheng! The afternoon sunshine in Xingjiang District

  was dazzling, shining on the bright and lazy face of the girl.

  She had a copy of the speech given to her by the school rolled up in her hand and was tapping her palms carelessly.

  The wind gently blew the hem of her skirt, and the golden patterns disappeared. Her aura was always gentle and charming. She sighed helplessly, "Okay, as long as you are happy."

  Ming Dongheng, who was beside the driver's seat, did not dare to look at her. Floating randomly, just think that you are an invisible person.

  There are already sightseeing troops heading this way not far away.

  Jiang Fuli held the straw between his two slender fingers and lowered his eyes. His aura was not so attractive, but he was a little depressed. He slowly opened the milk tea.

  Passing it over: "Senior, your cherry fruit tea."

  Ming Dongheng got into the driver's seat and started the car.

  not far away.

  The principal, Lu Lingxi and a group of people walked to the Academic Affairs Office.

  Next to him, a leader of the Education Bureau kept looking behind him, "The gentleman next to Mr. Bai..."

  He seemed familiar.

  The principal's eyebrows jumped, and he said carelessly, "Director, let's go back to the Academic Affairs Office quickly. Ning Xiao and the others are still waiting to take pictures. This time, Teacher Lu called Student Yang back."

  Academic Affairs Office.

  Ning Xiao and Yang Lin were all there.

  Zhang Shize, wearing a baseball cap, was leaning outside the corridor and playing with his mobile phone with his eyes down.

  I heard Qi talking to him excitedly.

  The sunlight penetrated the dust and hit them slantingly. Lu Lingxi had just climbed up the stairs and looked at the two of them in a daze.

  "Mom Lu!" When Zhang Shize saw Lu Lingxi, he quickly put down his phone, took two steps forward, opened his arms and hugged Lu Lingxi, "I'm back again!"

  "You kid," beside him, the principal looked at Zhang Shize and smiled. Without saying anything, "Teacher Lu said you were admitted to the University of Political Science and Law?"

  He was the school boss of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, a popular student, and the principal was deeply impressed.

  "Lucky, lucky."

  The principal was about to say something. It's really great that you were admitted to the University of Political Science and Law. You don't have to be so modest.

  Zhang Shize took off his baseball cap very humbly and said, "Only tenth in the country."

  Principal: "..."

  Hearing the voices of the principal and Lu Lingxi, Ning Xiao, Tang Ming, Yang Lin, and three other people waiting in the office came out.

  Cooperate with the photographer to take photos.

  "Teacher Lu," the principal put his hands behind his back and discussed with Lu Lingxi sideways, "This guy is ranked number one in the country. Why doesn't he go to Jiang University? What do you think he went to the School of Political Science and Law?"

  Jiang University doesn't want to fight for it?

  Lu Lingxi didn't know.

  Until Yang Lin came over after taking pictures first and said hello to Lu Lingxi.

  After a moment of silence, he gave the principal two words: "Ten years."

  Ten years?

  What decade?

  The principal was confused and felt that Bai Zian and his group became more and more difficult to understand after they went to Jiangjing to attend university.

  Yang Lin was standing next to Lu Lingxi.

  After looking at her phone, she saw that her phone was also black and had many functions. In the past, the phone could only send WeChat and make calls, so Xia Peiyu gave Yang Lin his previously eliminated phone.

  On the phone, Xia Peiyu had already replied to her message -

  [Prune the damaged roots. If the area is too large, it is recommended to use gibberellin to remedy it]

  Yang Lin finished reading and planned to go to the market later to buy some gibberellin. Send it back.

  She thanked Xia Peiyu, then put away her phone. Her eyes were on the photographer in front, but her voice was very soft, "Teacher, who was the person who took the money before?"

  Lu Lingxi was silent.

  Yang Lin looked at Lu Lingxi and didn't ask any more questions.

  After the photographer had finished taking the photo, Lu Lingxi accepted the invitation from Zhang Shize and walked to the admissions office. Then she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.


  Campus gate.

  After the sharing session, there will be no restrictions on entry and exit.

  Yang's mother followed the middle-aged man and looked for Yang Lin in the crowd with her neck raised.

  Yang Lin had fair skin and wore glasses, so she didn't stand out in the crowd. It took them a long time to find Yang Lin in the crowd with their eyes wide open.

  "Xiao Lin, right?" The middle-aged man immediately carried the little boy on his back and grabbed Yang's mother. He walked over and said with a smile, "I am your Uncle Yu. This is the first time we have met..."

  They stopped Yang Lin, too. For demolition money.

  It's just that Yang's mother looked a little embarrassed when she saw Yang Lin, and she used her hands to pin her hair uncomfortably.

  "Sister Yang!" Not far away, Zhang Shize and Tang Ming noticed here. Zhang Shize twirled the basketball he took from Wen Qi's hand with his middle finger, "What's going on? There are some local ruffians looking for trouble for you."

  Wen Qi stood there Beside Zhang Shize, he bared his teeth at Yang and his mother.

  Not very fierce.

  But several tall teenagers, especially Ning Xiao, stood on the far left and made a phone call. He only looked over with a pair of gloomy eyes between words, and his aura was very strong.

  He himself is the hardest person to get close to in Class 15. In the past two years, he has been influenced by Jiang Fuli, and his aura has become colder and colder.

  The middle-aged man immediately took his young son and left as if running away.

  "Sister Yang, do you want us to take you back?" Tang Ming asked.

  "It's okay," Yang Lin shook her head, "I'm going to the market to buy something."

  Ning Xiao held the phone.

  On the other end of the phone was Xu Nanjing, asking about Ningxiao Haihai's uranium extraction. He seemed to hear Zhang Shize's voice. He paused briefly, "What are you doing?"

  "Yang Lin was stopped just now. Let's come and take a look. ." Ning Xiao lowered his eyes and spoke concisely.

  hang up the phone.

  Zhang Shize moved the ball neatly to one hand, and used his free hand to hold Wen Qi's shoulder, "Sister Yang, this can't be done. I have to tell the owner of Sister Yang's gym."

  Let Sister Yang start exercising.


  Beicheng and Xiangcheng now have high-speed rail and flights.

  Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli took a plane to Beicheng.

  It takes eight or nine hours to drive and less than two hours to fly to Beicheng.

  Ming Dongheng did not come with the two of them. He had to go to the fighting arena on Blackwater Street to pick up Bai Qian and Jiang Fuli, an acquaintance they had met before, Xie Chongfei, the general manager of Jiahao Hotel.

  Xie Chongfei drove the car steadily to Jiahao Hotel and left the key of the car to Jiang Fuli.

  Didn't dare to stay longer.

    The room reserved for Bai Zianjiang and Fuli was still on the third floor, and their room was next door.

  Jiang He did not follow.

  For the past few days, I have been following Ji Heng, carrying a chessboard with me, and killing everyone in the alley, old and young.

  The old people who were idle in the alley now ran away when they saw the two men carrying the bench.

  Bai Zian finally came to Beicheng, so naturally he wanted to see the Calligraphy Association and Zhou Wenbo.

  During the Chinese New Year, Zhou Wenbo brought a new year gift to Bai Qian through Zhou Wenqing.

  When they came to Beicheng this time, Bai Qian also prepared some tobacco for them.

  She was on the phone with Zhou Wenbo from the front. It came so suddenly that Zhou Wenbo didn't have time to prepare. "Why are you back? I'll wait for you at the Book Association tomorrow morning."

  "Okay." Bai Qian followed the lobby manager.

  The manager held two room cards in his hand, opened the door of Bai Zian's room, and stepped aside to let the two of them in.

  Just finished a phone call with Zhou Wenbo.

  Lin Guangxu's call came right after, "Miss Bai, will you go to the headquarters tomorrow?"

  Bai Jian stood in the living room of the suite, watching Jiang Fu leave and open the curtains, his slender figure lazily leaning on the table, the other He put his hand back on the table and said, "Tomorrow afternoon, I have other things to do in the morning."

  Jiang Fuli opened the curtains. On the third floor, he could only see the scenery downstairs of the hotel.

  He took a step back.

  Looking back at Bai Zian, Bai Zian had just finished a phone call with Lin Guangxu, and was slowly sending messages to Xu Zhiyue and the others who were not staying in Jiangjing Laboratory.

  The beautiful eyebrows are condensed, like a thick landscape painting.

  Jiang Fuli took a look, narrowed his narrow eyes, walked over slowly, held her hand on the table, lowered his head and kissed her soft lips.


  at the same time.

  Rose club.

  Lin Guangxu walked into the box from outside.

  In the box, Bai Qiming and Song's father stood up, stretched out their hands to Lin Guangxu, and introduced themselves: "Mr. Lin, hello, I am Bai Qiming."

  Lin Guangxu greeted politely, "I think Mr. Bai and Mr. Song both know that we are here." For Beicheng's plan, this is the first time that Xuankang has been put online in Beicheng Center. We are connected with Roche Pharmaceuticals, and we have obtained the license from Beicheng Municipal Government. "

  Roche is definitely the leading pharmaceutical company in Asia.

  Even Bai Qiming, who is not involved in the medical field, is aware of Luo's status.

  "Of course, Mr. Lin," Bai Qiming sat upright and glanced at the secretary behind him. The secretary immediately took out the announcement documents for the Bai family and the Song family, "Please also believe that our Bai family and the Song family will join forces. Let's move forward hand in hand."

  Lin Guangxu glanced at the document.

  Before coming to Beicheng, Lin Guangxu had investigated the situation in Beicheng. The Bai family and the Song family were indeed more powerful.


  Lin Guangxu only shook his head and said nothing.

  Next to him, a young waitress refilled Lin Guangxu's wine.

  Bai Qiming was surprised, "What worries does Mr. Lin have?"

  "I can't make the decision on this matter." Lin Guangxu picked up the wine glass and settled the matter without even placing it on the wine table, "Our highest executive is Xuankang. People will come to our headquarters tomorrow."

  This is a reminder to these two people to sell well.

  Lin Guangxu remembered that Miss Bai was coming.

  I didn't drink too much and went back to prepare to greet the other party.

  Bai Qiming and Song's father put Lin Guangxu into the car and waited to leave. Song's father looked back at Bai Qiming in surprise, "Who is the top executor of Xuankang?"

  "I don't know," Bai Qiming looked away, his eyes Narrowing his eyes slightly, "There is only one Mr. Mao who is exposed to the outside world now, but...it is said that he came from Heishui Street."

  Xuankang has developed to this momentum in just two years, and he can still thrive in Jiangjing , which is enough to illustrate the power of the background.

  They both went home.

  Song Min raised his eyebrows slightly as he listened to Song's father's answer, "Who is the top executor of Xuankang?"

  "I don't know yet. Your Uncle Bai and I are going to go to Xuankang's headquarters tomorrow." Song's father slowly took off his clothes. He took off his suit jacket and turned around, "You'll know who it is by then."


  The next day.

  In the morning, Bai Jian went to the Calligraphy Association to visit the exhibition and asked Jiang Fuli to give the gift bag to Zhou Wenbo.

  The gift bag is a white paper bag and is not heavy.

  Jiang Fuli has always been holding it.

  Jiang Fuli was wearing sportswear and a black mask on his face. He was holding a paper bag in one hand and followed Bai Xian calmly. After hearing this, he handed over the gift bag.

  This was the first time Zhou Wenbo faced Jiang Fuli head-on.

  He didn't know who this person was.

  Only when the other party's pale phoenix eyes looked over, he quickly bent down and took the gift bag with both hands, "Thank you."

  After sending Bai Qian away, Zhou Wenbo raised his hand, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and gave Zhou Wenqing a kiss. On the phone, he complained strangely to him about the person beside Bai Zian.

  After listening to Zhou Wenbo's complaints, Zhou Wenqing remained mysteriously silent, "That should be Mr. Jiang."

  "Ginger? Which ginger?" Zhou Wenbo was stunned.

  "You know the Gao family and the Xiang family, the sects I told you about." Zhou Wenqing said.

  Zhou Wenbo naturally knows some things about their academic world. Dean Xiang is a top sect, "Yes, you mentioned that Dean Xiang."

  "He is no longer the dean." Zhou Wenqing said calmly, "Yesterday The voting of the Academy of Sciences is over, and Master Jiang is elected."

  "Is that him?" Zhou Wenbo said, "Are you kidding me?"

  "He is a little younger," Zhou Wenqing clicked his tongue, "But Jiang Jingxing Jiang. District, do you know whose surname it is? "



  The Xuankang headquarters is located close to the Western Development Zone.

  Bai Qiming and Song's father came here early. They both sat in the lounge and were received by the investment manager.

  The three of them were chatting animatedly.

  Half past three.

  "Are you here?" The investment manager received a call from his assistant, stood up quickly, and apologized to the two of them, "Mr. Bai, Mr. Song, you two will rest here for a while."

  Bai Qiming and Song's father looked at each other, knowing that it was A man behind the scenes has arrived.


Chapter 351 Chapter 352 She is Bai Zian!

  Lin Guangxu had been waiting for Bai Qian downstairs early.

  After the people from the investment department came down, the managers of the product and development department stood next to Lin Guangxu.

  Most of the people inside Xuankang were recruited from the outside by Xiao Qi. They all know that Xuankang has various exclusive licenses and R&D certificates. Those who work in the headquarters will have cameras posted to prevent the leakage of some prescriptions.

  Subtly, managers know that their company is not simple.

  Not long after, a local car drove slowly up ahead.

  Lin Guangxu took out his mobile phone, checked the license plate again, and walked forward with the managers.

  The passenger door opened first.

  Lin Guangxu saw at a glance that there was a girl wearing plain clothes, with a pair of deep black eyes, long black hair tied behind her head, and an overly young and loose face.

  Nothing seems to match the capable strong woman Lin Guangxu imagined.

  "Miss Bai?" he asked tentatively.

  Bai Qian closed the car door calmly, turned sideways and raised her hand calmly towards him, calmly saying, "Manager Lin."

  As soon as he spoke, his aura was obvious.

  "Miss Bai," Lin Guangxu quickly stretched out his hands and introduced several managers around her, "This is Manager Zhao from our investment department. This one is for product promotion..."

  Jiang Fuli, who was in the driver's seat, turned off the engine. car.

  When he opened the driver's door and got out of the car, the temperature at the scene seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

  Lin Guangxu and others looked over, only to see a slender man walking up to Bai Zian. He didn't say anything. He just took a mask and put it on himself. He put his hands on his chest and stood quietly next to Bai Zian. The black clothes made his skin look sickly white.

  This temperament does not look like ordinary people.

  I have never seen it in Beicheng.

  Lin Guangxu quickly looked away, without daring to ask any more questions. He walked on Bai Zian's right and took Bai Zian to visit the headquarters in Beicheng.

  "Currently, according to the official account, more than 2,000 people have made reservations for myopia acupuncture in Beicheng." Lin Guangxu pressed the button of the elevator and reported to Bai Jian the current situation in Beicheng. "There are too many people who have made reservations. The account has now stopped making reservations. Huang The doctor and several other doctors are training other acupuncture masters. Waiting for you to come over..."

  There had been no Xuankang in Beicheng Center before. Bai Qian didn't mention it at the time. Xiaoqi also wanted to divert tourists from Beicheng to Xiangcheng.

  It has been put on hold until now.

  Xiangcheng is now on the right track, and the city tower, Wutong Street and Qingshui Street have become landmark buildings.

  In the past two years, the people of Xiangcheng have been positive and have won the trust of all tourists.

  There is no need to divert traffic like this anymore, so Xiaoqi plans to open a branch in Beicheng.

  There are many students doing acupuncture for myopia, and these students travel long distances to do acupuncture in different places every day because of poor academic performance. Therefore, as soon as Beicheng Xuankang opened, a group of parents of students stayed overnight to schedule appointments.

  The elevator at the headquarters is not too small.

  Jiang Fuli took his mobile phone and followed Bai Qian in slowly.

  This kind of closed space feels too oppressive.

  Lin Guangxu bravely stood on Bai Qian's right side, trying to keep the distance between him and Jiang Fuli as wide as possible.

  He dared to go in, but the managers of the investment department and others did not dare. They all stood respectfully outside the elevator, looking up at the sky, but did not enter the elevator.

  Lin Guangxu watched helplessly as the elevator door closed.

  "..." In the


  lounge, Bai Qiming and Song's father were still sitting on the sofa, chatting. "This time we get Xuankang to cooperate. It will be more convenient in the future."

  This is their company's external communication . Development is a very important part.

  "We are joining forces," Song's father said with a fairly calm expression, "Xuankang will definitely choose us."

  But his eyes would fall to the door from time to time.

  "Yeah." Bai Qiming put down his tea cup and calculated the whole Beicheng.

  Their two families and the Kong family join forces, and no one can beat them.

  Both of their mobile phones were placed on the table, with the cameras attached to the seals.

  Not long after, the manager of the investment department came back. Bai Qiming stood up quickly and said, "Manager Zhao."

  There was no one else behind Manager Zhao.

  "Mr. Lin and the others are still in the conference room," Manager Zhao understood Bai Qiming's meaning and smiled, "They will go see Dr. Huang later and should be out soon."

  Bai Qiming and Song's father looked at each other. .

  Song's father also picked up his mobile phone, "Manager Zhao, we won't disturb you today and will leave first."

  Manager Zhao sent Bai Qiming and Song's father down.

  Father Song said he wanted to leave, but the three of them got off the elevator and stood at the gate of Xuankang's headquarters, chatting all the time without leaving.

  He stared in the direction of the elevator out of the corner of his eye.

  The three of them chatted casually about their children.

  Manager Zhao was very surprised to hear that Bai Qiming and Song's father's sons and daughters were all in Jiangda, "Oh? All in Jiangda? Sure enough, the tiger father has no son."

  Everyone can see how difficult it is to get into Jiangda.

  "Mr. Bai's son is studying in the Department of Physics at Jiangsu University and doing experiments with the professor," Song's father smiled. "He is already preparing to apply for graduate school, and he is also preparing to get the highest scholarship this year."

  Manager Zhao looked even more admiring.

  Bai Qiming's face remained silent, but his hands were behind his back.

  A few people were chatting, and out of the corner of their eyes, the elevator opened again.

  Bai Qiming saw a girl who came out first. The girl lowered her head and was talking to the person on the left. She only saw the white jade hairpin on the back of her head. The afternoon light was good, and she could see her outline shrouded in light.

  Bai Qiming was about to look away, but he felt something was wrong in his heart.

  Suddenly he paused and looked at the girl intently.

  The whole person paused.

  Father Song was still talking to Manager Zhao about Song Min and Bai Shaoqi. Bai Qiming next to him suddenly lost his voice. He looked up and saw Bai Qiming looking behind him, seemingly stunned.

  Father Song looked in that direction in surprise.

  Several people came out of the elevator.

  In the middle is a girl in plain clothes, and next to her is a young man wearing a mask. Looking to the other side, it is Lin Guangxu, whom Song's father is very familiar with.

  Father Song just wanted to say, "Isn't that Mr. Lin?"

  The next second, the girl raised her face, and he saw her lazy and casual face.

    His voice was also stuck.


  Lin Guangxu was alone in the elevator, carrying the pressure from Jiang Fuli, and he had reached the critical point now.

  Seeing Manager Zhao now, I was very moved.

  He walked over in a few steps and greeted Bai Qiming and others. He felt something strange on Bai Qiming's face: "Mr. Bai, Mr. Song, are you leaving?"

  "Mr. Lin, there is something else in the company." Bai Qiming reluctantly moved away. Look at Bai Zian.

  Try to calm yourself.

  Lin Guangxu could tell at a glance that Bai Qiming and Bai Qiming were waiting for him. He smiled and introduced Bai Qian to the two of them, "What a coincidence, Miss Bai is about to leave too. Mr. Bai, Mr. Song, this is Bai Qian." Miss."

  He finished speaking to the two of them.

  Turning around again, he said to Bai Zian gently and respectfully, "Miss Bai, these two are well-known entrepreneurs in Beicheng. Bai's textile industry is very famous. This time he came to cooperate with us with sincerity..."

  Bai Zian stopped. Coming down, his dark eyes squinted lazily.

  Hearing this, he just smiled.

  Bai Qiming nodded to Mr. Song, without saying much. He politely waited for Lin Guangxu to finish speaking, and then said goodbye slowly, "Manager Lin, I'll go to Dr. Huang first."

  His expression was calm.

  Lin Guangxu observed Bai Qian's expression and couldn't see anything.

  The security guard at the door drove Jiang Fuli's scooter over and handed over the key respectfully. Jiang Fuli took the key.

  The corner of his eye swept over Bai Qiming, feeling cold in his bones.

  It's time to go.

  Lin Guangxu couldn't figure out this weird atmosphere, but he thought Bai Qiming and the two were also afraid of Jiang Fuli. When Bai Qian got in the car, he winked at Bai Qiming and Song's father.

  But his eyes almost popped out of his head, and both of them were still standing there, motionless.

  The black car drove away slowly.

  A group of people standing at the company's gate slowly exhaled.

  Bai Qiming looked at the car.

  No words were spoken.

  "Mr. Lin," Father Song asked, "Who were those two just now..."

  Bai Qiming also looked at Lin Guangxu.

  "I still want to ask you," Lin Guangxu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Didn't you come here today just to see Miss Bai? Why did you see her in person instead of saying a word?"

  "We are here to see Xuankang today. The scene..." Bai Qiming replied subconsciously.

  But halfway through the words, Lin Guangxu suddenly realized what Lin Guangxu meant.

  He raised his head and looked at Lin Guangxu blankly.

  "Yes, you just met," Lin Guangxu said, "It's Miss Bai."

  Bai Qiming sat in his car blankly, and the driver asked him where he was going next, but he didn't come back to his senses.

  He just raised his head and looked at the office building outside the car window.

  Xuankang, like Xiangcheng in the past two years, hot topics on the Internet have supported hundreds of bloggers.

  To be able to develop a company into a pharmaceutical industry similar to that of Roche in just two years, there must be a strategic manager behind Xuankang.

  Even Bai Qiming had vaguely heard that Xuankang was not a force behind him, but had backers at home and abroad.


  how could this person be Bai Zian?

  Isn't Bai Zian studying at Jiang University?

  She obviously studied physics.


  The car arrived at Bai's house.

  Guo Yueqing stood at the gate early. Wearing a fishtail dress that fit her figure, she greeted Bai Qiming against the wind.

  As soon as they got out of the car, she saw Bai Qiming's pale and dazed face. She quickly supported him and said gently: "Qiming, did the cooperation talks not go well today?"

  Bai Qiming said nothing and only took back his hand.

  Walk slowly to the ancestral hall next to it.

  Next to the rows in the middle of the ancestral hall, there is also a family tree.

  Two years ago, he and his uncle crossed out Bai Zian's name here, and it was also here that he asked Bai Zian to go to Xiangcheng.

  Thinking back to the overwhelming news last time, Bai Qiming's eyes were blinded: "Old ancestor...did I really make the wrong choice?"

  At the same time.

  Song's father also arrived at the Song family.

  Song Min was also waiting for his good news at the company today.

  The strange thing is that my father didn't say a word when he came back. He only took the coffee cup to pick up the coffee himself.

  The secretary looked at Song Min and didn't dare to take action.

  Song Min raised his hand to let the secretary out. Seeing that his father's coffee was about to overflow, he reached out and slowly pressed the switch. Ying Ting's eyebrows wrinkled, "Dad, what did Mr. Lin say? Have you seen the person behind Xuankang?" ?"

  He and Bai Shaoqi have been starting a business. Although it is small compared to their own business, they are considered the most successful among this group of rich second generations.

  It was precisely because he had tried that he understood how terrifying it was for Xuankang to develop into this in just a few years.

  "See you." Father Song picked up the coffee and walked out of the lounge.

  Song's father is in finance.

  Bai Pian was admitted to the top exam, and Bai Pian's grades were very good. He had no idea about these.

  I don't know what level of "good" this is.

  But when it comes to the shopping mall, if you say that Bai Qian is the top decision-maker of Xuankang, he will understand instantly.

  "Song Min." Father Song walked outside and called Song Min.

  At the very beginning, Song Min and Bai Jian were engaged.

  Song Min's heart skipped a beat and he looked up.

  Father Song held the white porcelain coffee cup but did not drink. He looked deeply at his son and said in a complicated tone: "She is Bai Zian."

 Chapter 352 353 Jiangda Preparatory Camp 61247524 points!

  At the end of August, the weather in Beicheng was not that hot.

  Lin Guangxu and Manager Zhao were in the office, and they talked about Bai Qiming's reaction just now.

  "Mr. Bai, after working so hard to win this cooperation, how could he let himself slip at the critical moment?" Lin Guangxu sat down and narrowed his eyes.

  They are all human beings, and they have already guessed that there must be an inside story.

  "Speaking of which," Manager Zhao sat opposite Lin Guangxu, holding the teapot and pouring a cup of tea for Lin Guangxu, "Miss Bai and Mr. Bai are both surnamed Bai."

  Both surnamed Bai...

  This fact struck Lin Guangxu. A bell.

  He thought twice and didn't dare to disturb Xiaoqi, so he went to ask Xuechun.

  Xuechun is also a general under Xiao Qi. She is smart and learns everything quickly. She even designed part of the Xuankang logo, making her a veteran-level figure.

  People are also very easy to talk to.

  All her managers get along well with her.

  Jiang Jing.

  Xuechun had a day off today. She was wearing a silver tank top and denim hot pants. Her chestnut curly hair was lazily draped behind her head. She was in the university town, leaning against a milk tea shop in the snack street.

  She is waiting for her boss to make Yangzhi nectar for her.

  When she received a call from Lin Guangxu, she didn't say much. She just flipped through her phone and found a piece of news and sent it to Lin Guangxu.

  "Classmate," the boss handed her the prepared poplar nectar and looked at Xuechun's attire and the direction she was looking in. "Are you a student from the Academy of Fine Arts?"

  The boss has seen many students, Xuechun... His temperament is very much like that of an art student.

  Especially the group of students from the Academy of Fine Arts.

  "Me?" Xuechun took the Yangzhi nectar, thanked him, and replied, "I'm not a college student."

  Not a college student?

  The boss looked at Xuechun a little strangely, but didn't ask any more questions.

  Xuechun inserted the transparent straw into the milk tea cup, took a sip of the cold poplar nectar, and finally glanced in the direction of the Academy of Fine Arts.

  He waved to his boss.

  Turn around and leave.

  After she left, a girl on the left came over with a drawing board and looked at Xuechun's back with some confusion.

  "Classmate Jiao," the owner of the milk tea shop obviously knew this girl, "do you know the girl just now?"

  "She looks familiar." Classmate Jiao ordered a cup of milk tea skillfully and touched his chin.

  The milk tea owner picked up a big cup again, made milk tea, and shrugged, "Really, but she said she was not from your school."

  "That must be true, otherwise she would have been so good-looking, she would have been posted on the confession wall. . "But the girl is also curious, why do she think this young lady looks familiar?


  Lin Guangxu, who is far away in Beicheng.

  When I clicked on Xuechunfa's news, I was shocked.

  "Manager Zhao," Lin Guangxu picked up the teacup and drank the hot tea in one gulp, "We can't cooperate with the Bai family and the Song family. Let's look for other information."

  Most people are concerned about Xuankang's move into Beicheng Center . look.

  I originally thought that the Bai family and the Song family would have an advantage by joining forces, but I didn't expect that Xuankang gave up cooperating with these two big names and chose other companies.

  On that day, Lin Guangxu deleted the Bai family and Song family from the backup data sent to Bai Qian and Xiao Qi.

  Xuan Kang would choose not to cooperate with the Bai family, which Bai Qiming could probably predict from the moment he knew who Bai Zian was.

  But I still didn't expect that this matter would develop so quickly.

  That night it was reported that Lin Guangxu had dinner with the Wei family.

  When Bai Qiming came out of the ancestral hall and learned the news from his secretary, his expression became increasingly gloomy.

  He came to the family meeting room in a trance.

  The conference room in Nuoda was extremely empty, with empty mahogany chairs on both sides of the ten-meter long table.

  He pulled out the chair on the far left and sat down, "Tell me, did I do something wrong?"

  Butler Bai stood quietly behind Bai Qiming. He knew what Bai Qiming was thinking, but he didn't dare to talk.

  When Bai Shaoke appeared, the entire Bai family regarded him as their savior. Later, he became the number one scholar in Beicheng. He was the ceiling of the Bai family in recent decades. At that time, even Butler Bai felt that the Bai family would not appear again for decades. Such a descendant.

  So the uncle of the Bai family visited the thatched cottage three times at that time.

  Invite Bai Shaoke and Bai Shaoqi back.

  Ji Mulan was angry and left, leaving only Bai Qian.

  At that time, Bai Zian was still unlearned, and even Butler Bai felt that inviting Bai Shaoke back was the right thing to do.

  Who knew that such a big change would occur in just two years.

  That girl who cheated in school and was rejected by Beicheng No. 1 Middle School later became the top scorer in the country. Now she is closely related to Xuankang, a pharmaceutical company that sells all over the country. Who would have thought that?

  "Sir," Butler Bai sighed in his heart, but changed the subject, "The eldest young master will be recommended for the special scholarship of Jiang University this year."

  The special scholarship of Jiang University is a fight between gods.

  Once the review is approved, there is basically no problem with Baoyan.

  "Yeah." In the past, Bai Qiming would have been very happy when he heard similar topics, but now he was not very happy.

  Bai Shaoke can guarantee his research, but what about Bai Qian?


  Bai Qian didn't pay much attention to the matters at the Xuankang branch in Beicheng.

  After she and Jiang Fuli took care of the matters in Beicheng, they hurried back to Jiangjing.

  Both of them still have a lot of things to deal with in the institute.

  Ji Heng was not in a hurry to come back.

  Yang Lin wants to stay and deal with the demolition. She hasn't had much vacation this year. During her vacation, she is either in the laboratory or working part-time. Xia Peiyu also gave her a long vacation this time to let her take care of the housework.

  There was no rush to return to Jiangjing.

  Ning Xiao's family had few people, and he didn't stay in Beicheng for long. After knowing that Wang Youfeng bought the house in Shanhai Apartment, he thought about taking his grandma's portrait to Jiangjing.

  The day after Bai Zian returned, he packed his things and returned to Jiangjing.

  The others still stayed in Xiangcheng for a few more days.

  Mountain and Sea Apartments.

  Bai Qian returned to 303 one day early, and Dean Huang asked her and Ning Xiao about their speeches.

  Both were recommended for this year's Wall of Fame.

  The defense speech needs to be given in the golden lecture hall.

  Jiang University made a promotional panel for them, and Dean Huang just sent it to Bai Pian.

    "I'm done." Bai Zian sat leaning against the back of the chair, holding a white brocade handkerchief in his right hand and slowly wiping the celadon vase next to him, looking at the enlarged panel on the computer screen.

  The panel is a living light green hue.

  At the top is the school badge and the four characters "Jiangjing University".

  Further down is a row of titles -

  [Jiangjing University Elite Student (Undergraduate) Candidate

  Bai Qian, Department of Physics]

  Next down is a bunch of her introductions.

  The results of the same peak class, several major competitions, the training abroad, and even the papers written together with He Wen and Ning Xiao...

  are all listed above.

  "If you have no problem, I will put it on display at the Wall of Fame tomorrow." On the other end of the phone, Dean Huang was satisfied. "Is Ning Xiao back for the speech on 9.3?"

  Bai Qian withdrew his gaze, "He will do it tomorrow." Just come back."

  "Okay, show me Ning Xiao's speech. There will be twenty professors making the selection on the 3rd, and there will inevitably be people from the Xiang family among them." Dean Huang has always been satisfied with Bai Qian.

  Even he couldn't find anything wrong with the review she wrote.

  If the teacher hadn't gotten there first, this was his biological junior sister, and he would have definitely taken advantage of her to take her under his tutelage.

  Dean Huang from Ningxiao was the one to check.

  Bai Zian hung up the phone, found Ning Xiao's WeChat account, and asked him to send the speech and ppt to Dean Huang.

  Jiangjing University.

  Dean Huang clicked on Ning Xiao's speech while talking to Shi Yu.

  "Why doesn't he come to our school?" Shi Yu held the thermos cup in both hands and walked around Dean Huang's office. "I'm going to retire soon, and I want to see him come to our school before I retire."

  Dean Huang finished flipping through the speech with two minds, "You, please stop trying to persuade Mr. Zhang."

  He didn't even want to think about what those people from Jiangjing University of Political Science and Law were doing.

  Either those who write laws with a pen or those who hammer the gavel. What if their principal knows that people from Jiang University are still obsessed with Zhang Shize?

  I heard that Zhang Shize also has a perverted teacher.

  "So why doesn't he come to our school?" Shi Yu looked at Dean Huang again.

  Dean Huang: "..."

  Okay, give them Principal Shi a repeater.

  He ignored Shi Yu and turned over the speech with full concentration. He felt that Ning Xiao's writing was very good, and he clicked on the ppt out of surprise.

  The second page of the ppt is the introducer's information.

  From the moment he saw the introducer, Dean Huang immediately closed the ppt.

  Shi Yu saw Dean Huang's movements clearly at this moment and stopped, "Is this Mr. Ning's ppt?"

  In previous years, there was not one student who appeared on the wall of fame, but this year there were only two. Shi Yu didn't respond to this matter. He also attaches great importance to it, but he is also afraid that Ning Xiao will not be able to pass the votes of many old professors.

  After all, Bai Pian has Academician Ma behind him, and Ning Xiao is really a white card.

  "Yes," Dean Huang calmed down, "As for him, don't worry."


  The next day.

  seven in the morning.

  The staff of Jiangjing University placed three billboards over one meter high on the right side of the boulder in Celebrity Square.

  The school is preparing for the new year these days.

  Many staff and seniors came back to decorate the campus and college.

  Kong Wei and Yu Simin are both members of the student union and have been promoted to ministers. They are following Ye Jingxian's lead in setting up this year's welcome venue for the Physics Department in advance.

  There are also freshmen in Jiangjing who take their parents to visit Jiangjing University in advance and check in to the Celebrity Square as soon as possible.

  Everyone in the front rows looked up at the statues of Liang Zewen and his students. What was really close to them was the Wall of Fame carved on the boulder.

  The highest goal pursued by all Jiangda students.

  Since the creation of this huge stone, there have been less than seventy people.

  The last person to appear on this boulder was He Wen, the man who had led the entire scientific research trend in Jiangsu University in the past two years.

  Everyone has no doubt that these people who appear on the Wall of Fame will be leaders in a certain research field.

  And today.

  The tourists and Jiangsu students who came to Celebrity Square to worship as usual saw the three billboards placed next to them.

  Kong Wei joined in the fun and saw the content of the billboard clearly, and exclaimed, "Yu Simin! Look!"

  Yu Simin held the banner and squeezed into the crowd to see it.

  The middle billboard has a green background and is slightly taller than the two adjacent ones.

  On the upper left is "Jiangjing University" and its logo.

  In the middle are four huge words -

  [Jiangjing University Elite Students (Jiang University Wall of Fame)

  - Report Meeting -   Golden Lecture Hall,

  September 3 ]   On the left and right sides, there are two candidates participating in this report.   

On the right is a young boy wearing glasses, pale, and looking a little gloomy -   Ning Xiao, Department of Physics.   

The person on the left is familiar to most people at Jiangsu University -   Bai Qian from the Department of Physics.   

These are nothing.   

Everyone is looking at Bai Qian's introduction below   [Aim high and be the best]   * The second author of three SCI papers   * The first prize in the Mathematical Analog Competition of Jiangsu University   *

The outstanding graduates of the winter summer camp   


Bai Qian is only a freshman, when did he participate in mathematics? mold?   

Of course, these are no longer important now. All Jiang University students present were looking at the last row——   *Jiang University Preparatory Camp 61247524 points    

The gods have returned! 


Chapter 353 Is 354 just

  a player who has reached the top again? There are more than 60 million points in the Jiangnan University Preparatory Camp?

  Of course there is.

  Everyone remembers the guy who appeared in the top ten last year.

  Then slowly surpassed He Wen, surpassed Academician Ma... and finally came to second place.

  With her speed, everyone on the app knew that it was probably only a matter of time before she reached the perfect score. She was the first to reach this position step by step under the witness of all of them.

  After the Mu family announced its members, so many people flocked to it.

  Some people have guessed who the second person is, and they all guessed that he went to a foreign laboratory.

  No one expected to see this name in Jiang University.

  "Is this picking up the gods?" Yu Simin clenched the banner in her hand and pinched Kong Wei's arm with her other hand.

  Kong Wei stood next to her, "It's her, it's her, our roommate!"

  While the two were talking, the alumni of Jiang University next to them also exploded.

  "She is the one who picked up the god? What kind of genius is she?"

  "Yes, and this Ning Xiao, who is also in the same class as her, right? Who were the people who took the college entrance examination last year?"


  These two days It is the most lively welcoming ceremony every year at Jiangsu University. However, this year it was overshadowed by the addition of two new students on the "Celebrity List." There were not many posts discussing freshmen on the school forum.

  The quality of freshmen this year is not as explosive as last year. There are several monsters.

  They were all flooded with posts about "picking up gods" and "wall of fame".

  This is also the result that the school wants. Only by advocating academics and advocating benchmarks can we produce more benchmarks.

  There are also a lot of posts on the forums in the university town -

  [Pick up the gods! ! ! ! ]

  [Am I going to witness the birth of a new god? ! ! ]

  [Ahhhhhhh it's her! ! ! ! ]



  The school here exploded.

  Several groups on Baiji's WeChat are also very popular. Students from the same peak class and the previous theoretical basic class are all crazy about Baiji and Ning Xiao in the group.

  Especially Bai Zian.

  Except for Gao Wen, the classmates in the same class often asked her questions.

  She is gentle and polite.

  No one has any sense of distance from her.

  Bai Qian was in 303, drawing a pattern on the table, looking at the vibrating phone, and after replying a few sentences, she found that the messages in the group were being sent faster, so she silently put down her phone.

  If it were Jiang Fuli, let alone these classmates, not even Dean Huang and the principal would dare to favor him.

  When Xuechun and Xiaoqi came over, Bai Qian had just finished painting an iris flower.

  Xiaoqi's legs have recovered to 70% to 80%, and she walked over.

  He still held Beicheng's project in his hand.

  Bai Zian put down his pen and freed up his hands to take over Xiao Qi's project. Unexpectedly, Yu Xuechun also came over today.

  While looking at the project, she asked about Xiao Qi's recent rehabilitation training.

  "I'm already like a normal person," Xiao Qi didn't care so much about her legs. "Doctor He gives me acupuncture every day."

  Xuechun went to the kitchen to boil water.

  303 was still arranged by her. Bai Qian's things were placed in her original position, unchanged. After Xuechun boiled the water, she made a pot of tea and poured it for the two of them.

  Occasionally, answer questions from Bai Zian Xuan Kang's headquarters.

  Jiang He and Lu Xiaohan were still in Xiangcheng and had not returned, so 303 was very deserted.


  The entrance of the building.

  A taxi stopped.

  Ning Xiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, got off the car, and Yang Lin, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses in the back seat, also got off the car.

  The two went to the back of the taxi to get their luggage.

  Yang Lin was still on the phone with Xia Peiyu, "Teacher, yes, I'm here. I'll go to school after I put down my luggage."

  Originally, Yang Lin would not be back for two days, but Xia Peiyu asked her to go back temporarily, so she hurriedly When she returned to Jiangjing with Ning Xiao, it was the beginning of the school year and there were many people at Jiangda Gate, so she simply went back to Shanhai Apartment first.

  At the door of 303, Yang Lin put one hand on the suitcase.

  Pressing the doorbell with one hand.

  Next to her, Ning Xiao was looking down at a paper.

  The door opened from the inside. The person who opened the door was a tall woman wearing a white T-shirt and light-colored jeans. The woman's curly hair was lazily draped behind her head, and she held a lit cigarette in her hand.

  Yang Lin's eyelashes were slightly lowered, and she didn't look at people very much.

  A pair of dark eyes were hidden behind the lenses.

  At this time, when he saw the woman who opened the door, her dark eyes were trembling.

  It seemed that she didn't expect that the person who rang the doorbell would be Yang Lin, and the woman who opened the door also stopped at the door.

  The two looked at each other, refusing to give an inch.

  Ning Xiao also noticed something was wrong with this weird atmosphere. He put down his phone, raised his head, and greeted Xuechun skillfully, "Sister Xuechun."

  Then he glanced sideways and called Yang Lin in a low voice, "Yang Lin?"

  Yang Lin She has always been silent. Except for Bai Qian, she rarely pays attention to others. She can even ignore Jiang Fuli. This is the first time that Ning Xiao sees some fluctuations in her face.

  The strangeness at the door alerted Bai Zian in the living room.

  She put down the document in her hand, "Why don't you come in?"

  Xuechun pursed her red lips, turned to the left, and greeted Yang Lin and Ning Xiao: "Come in."

  Yang Lin still put her hand on the suitcase's lever. His joints turned white, and he stood at the door for a long time before he moved his steps and entered the hall.

  in the hall.

  Bai Zian raised his hand, opened the teacups one by one, and poured two more cups of tea.

  He pointed to the empty seat next to him, motioning for everyone to sit down, and stretched out his white fingers to push the tea to Yang Lin and Ning Xiao.

  His eyes fell on Xuechun, and his other hand kept knocking on the table. Without asking, he just spoke to Ning Xiao: "Speech No. 3."

  Ning Xiao nodded.

  Xia Peiyu called again and asked his assistant to pick up Yang Lin.

  Yang Lin hurriedly answered the phone and left.

  Bai Qian looked at the luggage that Yang Lin hadn't even had time to take away, and glanced at Xuechun.

  Motioning her to come to the study.


  In the study room.

  Bai Zian stood in front of the desk, holding silver scissors in her long and well-proportioned hands, pruning an unusually fresh rose.

  She didn't ask Xuechun and just trimmed it slowly.

  Wearing a long cyan dress, with long eyelashes hanging down, looking from the side, it vaguely reveals the quiet casualness of the years.

  Xuechun looked at the water droplets rolling on the rose petals on Bai Qian's hand, and her mood actually calmed down.

  She said calmly: "Miss Bai, Yang Lin is my sister, she should...recognize me."

  Bai Xian's hand cutting the flower branches paused slightly.

  Not that surprised.

  She noticed the strangeness between the two of them when they met just now.

  The hand holding the scissors tightened, "You..." she raised her head, "...your real name is Yang Qiong?"

  Xuechun turned her eyes to the window.

    No one has called her this name for a long time. She just thought it was what Yang Lin said to Bai Qian. "Yes," she said, and smiled easily, "I was sold to Blackwater Street when I was seventeen. Seven years, if it weren't for you and Mr. Mao, I would still be unable to get out of Heishui Street."

  At this point, Xuechun knelt down to Bai Jian and kowtowed three times seriously: "Miss Bai, you are me. Yang Lin's biggest lifesaver. "

  She didn't know what happened to Yang Lin.

  Now that Yang Lin is admitted to Jiangnan University, she has also escaped from that dire straits.

  Everything is going in the right direction.

  "Yang Lin has been looking for you for a long time," Bai Qian helped her up, "When she comes out of Professor Xia's laboratory, you go and have a good chat with her."

  Xuechun stood up and smiled bitterly with a sigh, "I know, it's just I don't know how to face her. "

  I don't know how to tell Yang Lin about her current life.

  Xuechun went out.

  Bai Zian pursed her lips and looked at Xuechun's back.

  She just thought of the trophy displayed in Ji Shaojun's home, and what Shen Qing once told her, about the person who won the first place in the art exam and was invited in advance by three academies of fine arts, which Ji Shaojun still can't let go of. The most talented student -

  Yang Qiong.

  It turned out to be her.

  The first daughter who was sold by Yang Jianmin.


  September 3rd.

  Today is Sunday, the last day for freshmen reporting.

  In the golden lecture hall, many people came at six o'clock in the morning with their student ID cards to grab seats.

  Those who came late could only wait at the door of the lecture hall, waiting for people to come out.

  When Bai Xian and Ning Xiao came over, there were crowds of people on both sides of the stairs outside the gate. When they saw Bai Xian, most of them waved their books or mobile phones, "pick up the gods!"

  Bai Xian stepped on the steps and turned around when he heard the sound. Take a look.

  She was wearing a long white chiffon dress today, with only two circles of embroidery on the skirt and cuffs. It had a very simple beauty. The morning sun shone on her through the dust in the air, like a lady from an aristocratic family walking in the bamboo forest.

  The breeze blew by, and the students standing on both sides of the steps were in a daze for a moment when they saw her flowing skirt.

  She overlaps with the figure of the eldest lady of the Bai family following Liang Zewen in the Celebrity Square.

  In the golden lecture hall.

  The first two rows are professors.

  The back was filled with students who came to listen.

  Dean Huang stood at the door. When he saw Ning Xiao and Bai Qian coming over, he explained the details to them, "Ning Xiao, you give a speech first. The two rows in front are professors."

  Ning Xiao took the USB flash drive and listened to Huang Yuan Following the chief's instructions, I took the USB flash drive to the podium and prepared to start.

  Sitting in the first and second rows are all very influential professors from the School of Physics.

  Professor Sun Fu, who led Bai Qian's experiment in the first place, was also there. He was sitting in the second row and was looking at Bai Qian and Ning Xiao with squinted eyes, his expressions hard to argue with.

  Sitting in front of him was Zhou Wenqing.

  Today's classroom can be said to be occupied by half of Jiangsu University's School of Physics.

  The physics and non-physics students sitting in the back did not dare to gasp loudly.

  Bai Shaoke came with Zuo Jinhua. Because Zuo Jinhua was a student of Dean Huang, he had a seat in the back row. He looked at the professors in the first and second rows.

  His eyes fell on the empty seat next to Shiyu.

  It was almost half past eight, and Dean Huang sat on the right side of Shiyu, while the left side of Shiyu, the middle seat, was empty.

  "Are they going to have a hard time today?" Bai Shaoke asked, "I heard that all professors must agree to the Wall of Fame."

  Bai Qian and Ning Xiao offended several professors last year.

  "Professor Zuo," Zuo Jinhua remained silent, and Bai Shaoke looked at the empty seat again, "Is there anyone else who hasn't come?"

  Zuo Jinhua already knew that Bai Qian was Dean Huang's junior sister.

  Hearing Bai Shaoke's words, he only moved his eyes slightly, clearly surprised: "He is also coming to this position today?"

  When mentioning "him", he kept it secret.

  Bai Shaoke is still wondering who this "he" is.

  Just then, the front door was opened.

  A tall figure came in with the light behind him.

  Bai Shaoke couldn't see the man's face clearly, but even from such a distance, he felt a deep chill, and he subconsciously held his breath.

  at the same time.

  The big guys in the physics world in the first and second rows, including Dean Huang, all stood up.

  This is a grand occasion that Dean Huang has never even come to.

  Jiang Fuli bent down, nodded to them, and then sat casually next to Shi Yu.

  Bai Zian was still standing on the left, with his hands folded across his chest as he watched Ning Xiao open the ppt.

  Ning Xiao stood on the podium and introduced himself, followed by his introducer information. Everyone in the lecture hall saw the dark golden page behind him, which displayed the text -

  [Introducer Information

  Jiang Fuli

  *Jiang Deputy Director of the Physical Science Center of Peking University

  * Deputy Director of the Institute of Aerospace Studies

  * Deputy Director of the Institute of Science

  * Director of the Dark Matter Institute ]

  The entire lecture hall was quiet for several minutes.

  After the speech, the professors in the first and second rows should ask questions and make comments.

  Sun Fu was ready to embarrass him this time, but at this time he only asked a harmless question, similar to "Have you eaten in the morning?"

  When I go to Bai Pian to give a speech later, there will be no one to stop me.

  Among Academician Ma's closed disciples, let alone Dean Huang, let's just talk about the senior brother. Who dares to embarrass her?

  This speech report is over.

  After the report, the workers' names of Bai Qian and Ning Xiao were immediately engraved on the wall of fame.

  Jiang Fuli went out early, put on his peaked cap, and waited for her at the Wall of Fame.

  Bai Qian was still talking to Kong Wei and the others.

  At a glance, he saw Jiang Fuli standing outside the crowd.

  He pressed the brim of his hat, raised his head halfway, and looked ahead.

  "Damn, your name, your name!" Kong Wei grabbed Bai Qian's arm and asked her to see the wall of fame. His face turned red with excitement, "This can be included in our family tree! Look, yours The name appears on the wall of fame!"

  Bai Zian stood next to Kong Wei and followed her gaze. The worker was carving the last stroke of her character "蔹" one by one.

  She admired it casually, "Calm down."

  "Why are you so calm? This is your name! If it were me, we would have to open a separate page for me in our family tree!" Kong Wei opened his eyes wide.

  Next to him, Yu Simin also nodded.

  Having their names engraved on the Wall of Fame is the pursuit of all students at Jiangsu University. Mrs. Xu once lamented about this Wall of Fame. It was a great honor to be in the same venue as Liang Zewen and his disciples, and it was a dream for almost all students. A lifelong pursuit.

  However, Bai Zian looked at the statue holding a spear behind Liang Zewen.

  Just smile.

  Behind it is the bright midday sun.


  She returned here again in another identity, letting the teacher witness that

  the high-spirited girl he had been unable to let go of did not lose this time.

  It's just a return to the top.