
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs


Chapter 343 Chapter 344 Wake up!

  Lance paid attention to the silver needle in Bai Xian's hand.

  In the past two years, Lance has also been studying the human body meridians in traditional Chinese medicine and exploring how acupuncture can change pathology.

  He also tried acupuncture from Dr. Xuankang Zuotang. Even Dr. He's approach was slightly different from that of Bai Qian. However, when Bai Qian went to Jiangda, there were fewer opportunities to do it.

  Seeing Bai Zian take out the silver needle at this time, Lance knew that he had come to the right place this time.

  "Downstairs," Mao Kun came back instead of Lance. He held the car key in his hand and looked at Jiang Xijuan. "The machine brought by Mr. Lance is downstairs. It's troublesome."

  Mao Kun raised his eyes, a pair of eyes through Huang Mao, you can see that he is a bit serious.

  It's not as unorganized as what I saw a few days ago.

  The momentum became obvious.

  "Come in with me first," Bai Qian took the coat from Ming Dongheng's hand, put on one at will, and threw another to Lance, "Mao Kun, go down and move."

  The two of them put it on neatly. Jacket in.

  When the Luo family went in before, Ming Dongheng followed them in. Now Bai Qian brought Lance in, but Ming Dongheng felt relieved.

  He said directly to Mao Kun, "Let's go." He

  went down to move things with Mao Kun.

  Jiang Xijue and Gao Shu didn't know what they meant, so they looked at each other and followed.

  Behind him, Jiang Yunjian glanced back several times, still frowning: "Mr. Jiang, are you just going to leave them two here?"

  Jiang Xijue didn't answer and went straight downstairs.

  Jiang Fuli believed in Bai Qian, and Jiang Xijuan also believed in Ming Dongheng.

  Jiang Yunjian gritted his teeth and followed Jiang Xijuan down.



  There was a medium-sized truck parked.

  The door at the back of the car was open, housing four scattered silver machines.

  The outermost machine is a super sci-fi cylindrical shape.

  There is also an LCD screen inside.

  There was a foreigner standing at the back of the truck, chattering in a gibberish voice. When he saw Mao Kun coming, his eyes lit up and he grabbed his sleeve: "*%#@!..."

  Mao Kun scratched his head, "Brother, Speak in Chinese."

  He didn't understand, but Gao Shu and Jiang Xijuan next to him did.

  "LNight-3, Xijuan, he said this is LNight-3?" Gao Shu was in a daze.

  "It seems so..." Jiang Xijuan reacted and quickly went forward to communicate with the foreigners, contact the doctor, and instruct the people downstairs to move the scattered machine up.

  The instrument is heavy.

  But Mao Kun and Ming Dongheng carried the first two accessories upstairs.

  Both moved with ease.

  So much so that Jiang Yunjian and the others thought it didn't weigh much.

  Jiang Yunjian bent down to move a small appliance...

  couldn't he move it?

  He still kept moving, and then looked back in a daze to see Mao Kun and Ming Dongheng who had disappeared.


  It's past nine o'clock in the evening.

  Dean Gu was called by Jiang Xijuan.

  He lives in Jiang's backyard and came very quickly this time.

  Within ten minutes, we arrived downstairs.

  "Dean Gu," Jiang Xijue didn't know much about these medicines. He met Dean Gu downstairs and took him up. "It seems that LNight-3 has arrived and is being assembled and powered on."

  With that said, the two of them arrived at the instrument room. .

  Dean Gu immediately saw the middle-aged man with his back to them, directing others to assemble the instruments, "Doctor Ambrose?"

  "Hi." Ambrose turned around, obviously knowing Dean Gu.

  The two communicated for a while before Dean Gu came out and looked at Jiang Xijuan, "Ambrose, now the general manager of MTR, they were the first to invent this machine, but how did you hire them? Lance's student, Lance is a distinguished guest of the Dawson family... You may not know him, but Miss Chen must have heard of him. "

  The Miss Chen he mentioned was naturally Chen Beixuan.


  Jiang Xijuan remembered that Ming Dongheng had just called the "Mr. Lance" upstairs, and he said, "It's not me, it's the person Miss Bai is looking for. That Mr. Lance and Miss Bai are on the top floor now."

  When Jiang Xi heard that When Juan said this, Dean Gu quickly walked upstairs.

  Everyone went upstairs.

  Jiang Yunjian stood next to Jiang Xijuan and looked at Jiang Xijuan in a daze, "Mr. Jiang, this Miss Bai..."

  Jiang Xijuan said nothing.

  This was something he didn't expect, but it was also reasonable.


  LNight-3 is quick to assemble.

  At twelve o'clock, the result that Lance wanted came out.

  Dean Gu was not familiar with the research of LNight-3, so he only stood by and listened carefully to the analysis results of Lance and Ambrose.

  Lance spoke English throughout.

  Bai Qian spoke Chinese throughout the whole process.

  "That's it." Lance looked at the needle beside Jiang Fuli's nose and slowly turned to Bai Qian with a burning gaze. "To put it simply, there is no damage to the function of his large and small brains, but Bai, when you gave the needle, his brain There are obvious changes in the radio waves, please continue to administer the acupuncture."

  Bai Zian administered two acupunctures.

  She was relieved when she heard Lance say there was a difference after the injection.

  Sure enough, it was exactly what she expected.

  She stretched out her hand, slowly pulled out the third silver needle, and lowered her eyes to his pulse.

    There was a serious look on his cold white face, and there was faint sweat on his forehead, which was hidden behind the white mask.

  The machine beeped again.

  Lance and Dean Gu didn't dare to breathe and looked at the machine nervously.

  Only Bai Zian still calmly took out another needle and placed the fourth needle with focused eyes.

  The other people on the top floor have dispersed, leaving only Gao Shu, Jiang Xijuan and Ming Dongheng.

  "Aji...has she also studied Chinese medicine?" Gao Shu did not expect that it would be Baiji who gave the injection. After all, even the old man of the Luo family did not dare to give the needle easily.

  Ming Dongheng heard this and did not look back. He just said, "You know that Xuankang belongs to Miss Bai, right?"

  "I know." Bureau Chen has said this before.

  "The myopic acupuncture technique in it should be known to everyone by now," Ming Dongheng glanced at Gao Shu, "This acupuncture technique was taught by Miss Bai."

  Not many people know about this.

  Xuankang's external representative is He Zhiwei, who is very convincing.

  Both Gao Shu and Jiang Xijuan had heard of Xuankang's myopia acupuncture. Even Jiang Xijuan was moved by it and lamented the magic of traditional Chinese medicine. Why hadn't he heard of it before?

  I didn't expect this... to come from Bai Zian?


  The next day.

  A piece of news spread like wildfire.

  It is rumored that Ma Tongfeng, the master of quantum mechanics, died in the research institute. At the same time, the top person in charge of the Dark Matter Research Institute also fell into a coma.

  These two pieces of news spread all over the Internet overnight.

  Not to mention Jiang University and the research institute, even ordinary people can get it.

  Lu Xiaohan is a media person and has always been very sensitive to this kind of news.

  She is close to Bai Zian and others, and she knows better than anyone who owns the CRFS Dark Matter Research Institute.

  When she received the news, she quickly got up from guest room 303, called Bai Zian, and went to Jiang University to find Bai Zian.

  Almost all families in Jiangjing, large and small, received the news of the explosion one after another.

  Mu family.

  Mu Yining had just gotten up. She quickly took her coat and walked outside: "How many people know now? Where did the news come from?"

  Thinking about it, Mu Yining also felt that Bai Qian's behavior in recent days was not right.

  "It's overwhelming. There are foreign media spreading this news at night." Assistant Wang followed Mu Yining, "Many foreign research institutes took this opportunity to try to break into us. Also, who are you talking about from the Jiang family?" ..."

  Is something really going to happen?

  The Mu family began to rebuild the research institute, recruiting twenty professors in the past month, led by Zhou Wenqing.

  There has also been some accumulation.

  I know more or less about the internal affairs, who owns CRFS, even Assistant Wang has heard about it.

  "I don't know." Mu Yining took the car keys and sent a WeChat message to Bai Qian. She turned her head and asked, "Where is Shao Jun?"

  "I was talking to the old man in the Buddhist hall. He probably doesn't know about it yet." Assistant Wang I know that Ji Shaojun, like Bai Pian, doesn't like to read the news.

  Mu Yining got in the car, "Tell him when he comes out."

  She looked down at her phone. Bai Zian hadn't replied to her message on her phone yet, but she had a vague feeling that Jiang Jing was going to change that day.


  seven in the morning.

  Private hospital on the street next to Jiang's house, on the top floor.

  Bai Zian didn't leave last night.

  After the acupuncture, she became weak and lived next door.

  Dean Gu and Lance went to study her acupuncture technique.

  At this time, Bai Zian was at the stairs, answering You Xinzheng's call.

  The staircase is empty, but the sound absorption is very good and there is no echo.

  On the other end of the phone, You Xinzheng's voice was very soft, "Little junior sister, I still haven't kept the teacher's matter a secret. The hospital has decided to hold a memorial service for the teacher in three days."

  A memorial service.

  Bai Zian put the phone to her ear. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes slightly.

  She didn't sleep much all night, and her voice sounded dry, "Okay."

  "The situation should be quite chaotic," You Xinzheng took a deep breath, "When the time comes, you will attend as the teacher's closed disciple, and I have prepared everything for you. "Teacher, I have entrusted you with my whole life's hard work. This is a very heavy burden..."

  "It won't be easy when the time comes. There are many people with different intentions in the institute." You Xin was thinking about Bai Qian being only twenty years old, " Don't worry, junior brother and I will help you. "

  Bai Zian is young and is under too much pressure.

  Academician Ma left in such a hurry that he didn't have time to explain that he didn't take care of anything.

  "Originally there was supposed to be someone else who could help you calm down the scene. He is also the teacher's old friend, but..." You Xinzheng said this, did not say any more, and hid her worry, "You can come to Jiangda later, and I will tell you in detail. Said. "

  How can Bai Qian hold on to the academician Ma's memorial service? "

  "I understand." Bai Zian raised his eyes and looked towards the corridor.

  She hung up the phone, stood at the stairs for a long time, and walked back to the ward.

  In the ward, the curtains were not opened.

  The sun shines through a small gap and falls on the white tiles of the room.

  The nurse came to record Jiang Fuli's physical signs as usual. After recording everything, he walked to the curtain and opened it.

  Next to it, the instrument still made regular sounds.

  The sunlight instantly filled the entire room and fell on the snow-white sheets.

  The person on the hospital bed had his eyes closed, his face was cold and white, and there was no trace of blood. His long eyelashes cast a shadow on his eyelids. It seemed that he was stimulated by the sun, and his eyelashes trembled.

  Open slowly.


Chapter 344 345 That young master Jiang's tricks

  Bai Pian pushed open the door and walked in.

  At the boundary between light and dark, what she saw was the rising sun outside the window, and its not-so-hot light was lazily shining on the bedside.

  On the bed, the unconscious man had already taken out the sling bottle in his left hand.

  He sat up with his right hand on the edge of the bed, his wrist bones thin.

  It seemed like I heard someone opening the door and coming in.

  His light eyes raised slightly and looked in the direction of the door.

  With the light behind him, Bai Zian couldn't see the person's face clearly, but he saw him sitting up on the bed.

  The nurse was holding a pen and notebook, a few steps away from the bed.

  He wanted to help lift the patient, but he didn't dare to approach him because of his cold temperament.

  Bai Qian was still standing at the door of the ward, and Jiang Fuli was sitting on the hospital bed, looking at her without blinking from a few meters away, as if thousands of years had passed.

  "Are you awake?" After a while, Bai Qian walked in with a normal expression.

  Help him raise the head of his bed.

  The nurse also reacted and immediately ran out the door to call the attending doctor.

  Jiang Fuli had been in bed for so long that his limbs were a little numb. His eyes only followed Bai Zian and his voice became hoarse. "How long have I been unconscious?"

  Bai Zian poured a glass of water next to him and handed it to him: "More than half a day." "

  More than half a month. "

  Jiang Fuli took the water, took a sip, put down the teacup, sat up, and looked at Bai Qian carefully. She was still the same as before, but her dark and clear eyes were slightly bloodshot today.

  I guessed that she hadn't slept well during this period.

  Jiang Fuli's face darkened, and he slowly stretched out his hand to tidy up the loose hair on her left side: "Go to sleep first, and we'll talk about the rest when we get up."


  Doctors in the Jiang family, big and small, heard that Jiang Fu Li woke up.

  He ran over immediately.

  At the door, he was stopped by Ming Dongheng again.

  Jiang Xijue and the Jiang family were waiting in the corridor, not daring to go in.

  "This," Jiang Xijuan lowered his voice and handed the cauldron to Ming Dongheng, "You asked me to bring it."

  Ming Dongheng took the cauldron, then did not knock on the door, but carefully pushed the door open. A small crack, and you can walk in quietly.

  Jiang Xijuan took a bold look.

  inside the door.

  Jiang Fuli was wearing a black soft home clothes, slim and tall, and was sitting quietly in front of the bed. The curtains in the ward were closed again, the light was dim, and there was another person on the bed.

  Ming Dongheng didn't dare to look at it, he just bent down and handed the furnace cauldron to Jiang Fuli.

  Jiang Fuli took the cauldron and placed it on the bedside. He lowered his pale eyes and didn't say much. He just quietly lit the incense in the cauldron.

  Ming Dongheng bowed and stepped back.

  Out of the room again.

  The soothing incense smoke rose in the room. Jiang Fuli lowered his eyes and looked at Bai Qian, who was already asleep. His long eyelashes covered his eyelids, but his eyebrows were still slightly frowned.

  He only raised his hand slightly, and his cold fingertips landed on the center of her eyebrows. Seeing that the frown between her eyebrows was smoothed, he slowly lowered his knuckles, across the bridge of her nose to her bright red lips.

  It seemed that she was really tired. In the past, if there was one more person in the ward, no matter who it was, she would wake up.

  Jiang Fuli thought quietly, then lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips gently, then pulled the thin quilt up slightly, stood up and walked outside.

  "You're finally awake!" Jiang Xijue relaxed when he saw Jiang Fuli.

  God knows how panicked he was when he received the news at five in the morning.

  Jiang Fuli is the absolute anchor to the Jiang family, the Aerospace Research Institute, or the Dark Matter Research Institute. If he really doesn't wake up, he will really have to reshuffle the cards.

  Jiang Fuli's face turned pale, without any color, but his aura remained undiminished. "How is the institute now?"

  He slowly went to the lounge next door.

  "The news about Academician Ma and you was leaked this morning," Jiang Xijue followed. "The news about me looking for the Luo family was leaked last night. So far, it seems that both the Xiang family and the Gao family are involved."

  "Xiang Xijuan . Home, Gao family," Jiang Fuli walked into the lounge to get his clothes, stopped, and continued to ask, "What else?"

  "The institute is said to have signed a contract with the Xiang family." It was Jiang Xijue who heard what Xu Nanjing said.

  The Xiang family has always cooperated with foreign companies, and the laboratory also recruits foreign students, under the banner of putting science first.

  However, the voice of Academician Ma of the Academy has always been very high, and Xiang Jia cannot take advantage of it. Looking outside, Jiang Fuli is still supporting him.

  Now the news about Academician Ma cannot be concealed, and the Xiang family wants to dominate. If Academician Ma's team really signs a contract with the Xiang family, then all of Academician Ma's 20 years of research results will be used by the Xiang family for foreign transactions.

  Jiang Fuli's eyes were cold as he listened to Jiang Xijue's report on what had happened to him after he had been unconscious for so long.

  After listening, I took my clothes and took a shower in the lounge.

  In the meantime, Gao Shu, Xu Nanjing and others called Ming Dongheng and asked if Jiang Fuli was awake.

  Ming Dongheng only told Gao Shu, and the others didn't say a word.


  at the same time.

  You Xinzheng's office.

  He pressed his eyebrows and was making phone calls one by one.

  Once something happened to Academician Ma, his top sect was almost disbanded, but fortunately, You Xinzheng and Huang Yushuo were also apprentices and could still hold on.

  It's just that those things in Academician Ma's name are difficult to keep.

  Especially Ma Jiren.

  If he wanted to cooperate with Xiang Jia, it would be equivalent to giving up Academician Ma and his final research.

  You Xinzheng naturally hoped that Bai Qian could withstand the pressure, gain recognition from the institute, and continue the research left behind by Academician Ma.

  What happened last time, everyone knew that Academician Ma's last call was to Bai Zian.

  There was definitely something left for her about research.

  By then the pressure on Bai Zian will not be small.

    For her to get through all this safely, he and Huang Yushuo alone are not enough.

  "Old Li," You Xin was standing in front of the window, calling someone she knew, "the day after tomorrow, my little junior sister will come to the teacher's memorial service, and my junior brother and I will introduce her to everyone... she is a direct relative. My junior sister...yes."

  Hang up the phone.

  You Xin's face was still very serious.

  Most of his friends agreed to come, which was a superficial gesture.


  the Xiang family and the Ming family are both waiting for a piece of the pie.

  "Junior sister is only in her freshman year," You Xinzheng picked up her phone and whispered, "There are not many people around her. She has to withstand these people. This level... is not easy."

  Academician Ma has not had time to pave the way for her.


  Jiang Fuli woke up and did not return to Jiang's house.

  After taking a shower, cooperate with the doctor to check your body.

  Even Lance and Dean Gu came.

  The two of them were very interested in Jiang Fuli's physical condition and had been studying his data. Combined with the data from Bai Qian's acupuncture last night, they estimated that a paper was about to be published.

  Dean Gu would not dare to write a paper on Mr. Jiang.

  But Lance was not as hesitant as Dean Gu. After drawing a tube of blood, he directly asked Jiang Fuli, "Jiang, can I give this report?"

  Dean Gu was frightened when he heard that Lance was so direct. One jump.

  Of course, he didn't know that Lance played well with Bai Zian, saved Bai Zian's aunt, and went fishing with Ji Heng. His status among this group of people was not low.

  Jiang Fuli slowly put down his sleeves and glanced at Lance in a leisurely manner, "Look at her."

  The two words were very casual, and inadvertently brought out his usual coldness.

  "Oh, then I'll wait until Bai wakes up." Lance took the blood and asked someone to analyze it.

  Jiang Fuli stood up and walked towards the ward where Bai Qian was sleeping again.

  Bai Zian's sleep was not very restful before. During the time he was in coma, it could be seen that she basically didn't sleep well. She was still in a deep sleep from morning to now.

  Jiang Fuli came twice and didn't find it.

  He stood in front of the hospital bed, looking down at Bai Qian's sleeping face. He was not in a hurry to deal with the laboratory matters.

  On the bedside cabinet, Bai Zian's cell phone lit up.

  Jiang Fuli muted the sound for her while she was sleeping.

  Jiang Fuli was about to hang up the phone, but when he saw the caller, he paused, took Bai Xian's cell phone to the corridor, and picked up the call.

  The caller was You Xinzheng.

  The person Bai Zian made a note of was Professor You.

  He told Bai Zian about the memorial service in the morning and asked Bai Zian to find him later, but Bai Zian never found him.

  When the phone was picked up, You Xinzheng asked, "Where are you?"

  Jiang Fuli stood in the corridor, raised his hand to let the doctor leave first, raised his hand, and took the glasses that Ming Dongheng had just brought up from downstairs, " She's sleeping."

  The voice was still cold.

  But neither the low sound quality nor the network cable can stop the momentum.

  The style is too obvious.

  "Sorry, typo." You Xinzheng said subconsciously.

  But as a rigorous researcher, You Xinzheng felt that he would not make such a low-level mistake. He lowered his head and looked at the call page on his phone again. The three words displayed on it -

  "Little Junior Sister"

  were correct.

  "Master Jiang?" You Xinzheng hesitated.

  His hallucination?

  Didn't I hear that Jiang Fuli was also in bad luck?

  And why did his voice come from Junior Sister's phone?

  "It's me," Jiang Fuli motioned to Ming Dongheng to take the computer to the lounge next door. He pushed the frame of the mirror with his middle finger and walked to the next door, "Academician You, what do you want to see her for? I will tell her when she wakes up. ."

  You Xinzheng finally confirmed.

  It's really Jiang Fuli.

  "I'm looking for my junior sister," You Xinzheng was so surprised that he didn't even have time to think about why Jiang Fuli, who was rumored to be in bad luck, was fine. He just said, "I asked her to come here today because I wanted to talk to her about the teacher. Before the teacher left, he said that he would hold an apprenticeship ceremony when he came back, but he left in a hurry, so during this memorial service, my junior brother and I prepared to formally bring the little junior sister to the front."

  You Xin said concisely and to the point.

  We shouldn't be in such a hurry, but Academician Ma's research really needs a leader.

  Jiang Fuli listened patiently to what he said before speaking, "I'll pass it on."

  "Thank you." You Xinzheng thanked you politely.

  Jiang Fuli turned his eyes to the door of the ward and said indifferently, "Don't spread the news that I woke up." When

  You Xin heard this sentence clearly through her mobile phone, she felt numbness in her back.

  "Okay." He responded and hung up the phone.

  The second I hung up, I took a deep breath.

  I just heard the rumor in the morning that Jiang Fuli and Academician Ma are not on good terms. I don't know who leaked the news. You Xinzheng also knew that the person who leaked the news wanted to take advantage of the troubled waters.

  It would be fine if something really happened to Jiang Fuli, but now he is fine...

  Maybe Young Master Jiang has not appeared in Jiangjing in the past two years, and seems to be much easier to talk to, so many people have forgotten the methods of the previous Young Master Jiang!


 Chapter 345 346 Junior Sister

  Shanhai Apartment.

  Mu Yining waited in 303 all morning, but Bai Qian didn't come back.

  "Aunt Mu," Zhang Shize was going back to Xiangcheng in the past two days, but Bai Qian didn't go back. He felt vaguely that something was wrong, so he stayed in Shanhai Apartment and continued reading, "You have a cup of tea first."

  Yan Lu chose to stay in Xiangcheng for a while . The newly built airport and train station will welcome passengers in two days.

  Mu Yining took the cup and felt a little uneasy.

  After drinking the glass of water, she took her mobile phone to the balcony and called Bai Zian again.

  It rang twice and was answered.

  "Aji," Mu Yining breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you okay now?"

  On the other end of the phone, it was still Jiang Fuli who answered the phone. His voice was still indifferent, "She is sleeping."

  Calmly and with a sense of humor . He was always reserved and cold.

  "Young Master Jiang?" Mu Yining knew who it was and leaned against the balcony.

  Jiang Fuli responded calmly and lit incense in the temporary study. The faint mist covered his eyebrows and asked her only: "Do you know about the Yuzhou base?"

  Mu Yining subconsciously stood up straight, "Yes...Eighteen" The base years ago? "

  The Yuzhou base, where Mu Qing was buried at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

  Later, the Mu family no longer knew about this scientific research news.

  "Reworked," Jiang Fuli said casually, "This time the base was damaged and some researchers were lost. If the Mu family needs a quota, bring the list to the Jiang family."

  Mu Yining hung up the phone blankly.

  When he went out from the balcony, he saw Zhang Shize opening the door.

  A bald man came in, holding two iron boxes in his hands.

  Seeing Mu Yining, Zhang Shize patted the man and introduced him, "Old Li, this is Aunt Mu."

  The man quickly scratched his head and bowed to Mu Yining, "Hello, Aunt Mu, I am Li Sheng, you can just call me Xiao Li."

  Mu Yining held her phone and looked at the man who was no younger than her calling her "Aunt Mu", and suddenly felt that she was infinitely senior.


  Gao family.

  Gao Yiren was sitting in the tea room, holding a teacup in his hand.

  Opposite me was a white-haired old man. He smiled and poured himself a cup of tea. "As for the news about the Jiang family member, you should know better than me. The Academy of Science is too big for our Xiang family to eat alone.

  " Academicians have a lot of things in their hands that people want.

  "Mr. Xiang, according to Professor Ma, Academician Ma's things were left to his young apprentice," Gao Yi said in a low voice, fearful in his heart, "It's Bai Qian." He

  had suffered too much in her hands. "It's nothing," Old   Dean

  Xiang ordered the teapot and held the tea cup leisurely, "I have found someone to control her family, Mr. Gao, this is the only chance, otherwise, wait until he wakes up..."

He looked at Gao Yi deeply with his long eyes, and the meaning in his words was obvious.

  It goes without saying who this "he" refers to.

  Both the Gao family and the Xiang family wanted to squeeze in for that position.

  Previously, the Jiang family was in front and they couldn't squeeze in.

  Now that Jiang Fuli was in coma, the others didn't pay much attention to the old dean.

  "Old dean, please let me think about it." Gao Yi will send the old dean out.

  He stood on the steps with deep eyes.

  The phone rang, it was Gao Shu's call.

  "How involved are you in the Mu family's affairs?" After Jiang Fuli woke up, Gao Shu reluctantly turned her attention to the Gao family's affairs.

  Gao Yi found out a lot of news through insinuations in the past two days.

  At this time, this phone call was also asking.

  Gao Shu had already heard it, and she finally said lightly: "Let the Gao family clear up the rest of the matter if they can."

  That was all she said.



  Bai Zian wakes up.

  She pushed open the door to the ward, and Ming Dongheng stood outside chatting with Xu Nanjing.

  Seeing Bai Xian go out, Xu Nanjing immediately stood up straight, "Sister Aqian, are you awake?" Then she pointed to the next door, "Brother Jiang is over there."

  Next door is a temporary study room.

  Jiang Fuli had been in coma for so long and had accumulated a lot of things.

  The Jiang family, Xu family, and Chen family were all waiting in line.

  When Bai Jian entered the study, Chen Beixuan stood three meters away from the desk, lowering his head and waiting for Jiang Fuli to finish reading the documents.

  Jiang Fuli tapped the document gently with his fingertips, his expression cold.

  Until someone came in from outside the door, his light-colored eyes narrowed a bit and said, "Academician Ma's memorial service will be the day after tomorrow."

  His voice became softer several times.

  The temperature in the room finally rose several degrees, and Chen Beixuan finally couldn't help rubbing his arms and left the study.

  She didn't come to her senses until the door was closed.

  "Academician Ma's memorial service," Chen Beixuan did not dare to ask Jiang Fuli and turned to look at Xu Nanjing, "Academician Ma..."

  Xu Nanjing pursed her lips slightly and said nothing.

  He is the one who is most familiar with Academician Ma among the few people.

  In the study.

  Bai Zian was sitting on the sofa. Jiang Fuli put down what he was doing, squatted on the coffee table next to him, handed her mobile phone to her, and reached out to make tea slowly.

  Bai Zian said "hmm".

  He lowered his head and scrolled through WeChat on his phone.

  A bunch of unread messages.

  She took a look and saw that there were Ning Xiao, Lu Xiaohan and the others, as well as Dean Huang, You Xinzheng and the others...

  "Academician You will give you Academician Ma's personal seal," Jiang Fuli soaked it leisurely. He poured the brewed tea into a white porcelain cup. The soup was very clear. "There will be a lot of people at the memorial service. Do you want to take over?"

  He raised his eyes and looked at her quietly with his light eyes.

  If she didn't want to take over, he would just let this farce end.

  When he introduced her to Academician Ma, he thought it was a pity that she would not go into this industry, but it did not block the road. When he introduced Bai Qian to Academician Ma, he was extremely proud.

  When he recommended Academician Ma to Bai Qian, he was very casual.

  But Bai Zian chose this path again.

  Bai Zian watched him make tea. Jiang Fuli also made tea in an ancient way, elegant and calm, and the color of the soup was beautiful.

    After he finished brewing, she picked up the cup of tea he poured, took a sip, and raised her eyes: "I want Academician Ma's computer."


  The day of the memorial service.

  The memorial service will be held not far from the institute.

  A black and white photo is placed at the door, with white chrysanthemums on both sides.

  When Bai Qian arrived, You Xinzheng and Dean Huang were waiting at the door. They had a white chrysanthemum on their chests, and there were several people invited by You Xinzheng behind them.

  You Xinzheng took a look and found that the person who came with Bai Qian was not Jiang Fuli.

  But a few young people.

  There are also some professors who look familiar.

  Jiang Fuli was not with her.

  You Xinzheng was very surprised. He took Bai Qian in and only asked Huang Yushuo in a low voice when Bai Qian paid homage to Academician Ma.

  Dean Huang understood Academician Ma and Jiang Fuli, and he watched Bai Qian finish inserting the incense.

  Then he looked at the person behind Bai Zian.

  They were all those who enrolled in school together with Bai Qian, and there were also some people Huang Yushuo had only met around Bai Qian a few times, and he wasn't too familiar with them.

  Dean Huang turned his eyes to the black and white photo next to him and said in a deep voice, "She doesn't need to rely on the Jiang family."

  You Xinzheng was more realistic, "But...if he wasn't here, would Ma Jiren and Dean Xiang sign? Originally, Xiao Junior sister, this road is not easy."

  Thinking of this, he asked assistant coach Ma Jiren.

  The teaching assistant had just received a message and whispered, "Professor Ma is meeting Professor Andy and others in the lounge."

  "Take me there first." You Xin was holding back her anger.

  The voice was low, but Bai Zian heard it.

  He didn't move, still worshiping respectfully.

  After the memorial service was completed, she turned her head and looked at Dean Huang, "Take me to Ma Jiren."


  The lounge behind the memorial service was prepared for people who came from afar.

  Gao Yi and Dean Xiang gathered together. Gao Yizheng smiled and said to the Ming family: "Mr. Ming, don't worry, this project will definitely not cause your Ming family to suffer." Mr.

  Ming also smiled and felt relieved. One breath.

  Since the marriage between the Le family and the Wen family, Ming Zongyao and the Le family have come to an end, watching the Wen family soar and the Ming family decline.

  The Ming family was also anxious and couldn't find a way out.

  Finally, there is a clear path, and the Ming family will naturally grasp it firmly.

  "Mr. Gao, of course I believe you." Mr. Ming sat down again.

  Not many people at the scene were really sad, including Ma Jiren.

  They all regard Academician Ma's memorial service as a resource and information exchange meeting.

  To say it was an exchange meeting, it was better to say it was the last time to advertise to Malaysian academicians.

  Encircle more people and win top-notch cooperation.

  There were also three foreigners present, representatives from the scientific research community of Country M, Country Y, and Country R.

  Next to Gao Yi, Ma Jiren stood up, shook hands with the foreign man in the middle, and said in fluent English, "Professor Andy, happy cooperation."

  They chatted happily.

  At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside.

  Everyone in the lounge looked towards the door in surprise. Seeing that it was You Xinzheng, they all stood up subconsciously.

  You Xin was in control of nuclear resources, and she felt subconsciously frightened when she saw it.

  "Academician You, you came just in time." Ma Jiren looked at You Xinzheng indifferently, turned sideways, and introduced the foreigner, "This is Professor Andy. I was about to introduce him to you."

  You Xinzheng said nothing, his eyes only Ma Jiren looked at the contract in front of him with bright eyes.

  It's "Yuzhou Base" and "Project 925."

  The 925 secret project, You Xinzheng doesn't know what the specific cooperation is, he only knows that Bai Qian is also a member of it.

  As for the "Yuzhou Base", You Xinzheng knew very well that it was the base where the teacher passed away.

  "Ma Jiren," You Xinzheng did not try to get close to Ma Jiren, "Project 925 cannot be transferred, and the junior sister will officially take over as 925."

  As for the Yuzhou base, You Xinzheng was not worried with Jiang Fuli here.

  Hearing the junior sister, the smile on Ma Jiren's face completely disappeared.

  Gao Yi said calmly, "Academician You, now that the 925 project is leaderless, it is best for us to cooperate with Professor Andy. The mineral resources in Mr. Andy's hands are beyond your imagination. Your project base She's also short of uranium, right?"

  "As for the junior sister you mentioned, do you think she can lead 925?"

  As he spoke, Gao Yi bent down and handed the black pen next to him to Ma Jiren.

  Have him sign it.

  You Xin's face was livid. When he saw Gao Yi and Dean Xiang, he knew that this test was not going to be so easy.

  He looked worried and was about to stop him.

  He was stopped by the assistant teacher next to him, "Teacher, let's not be impulsive, that's Andy! We still need to talk to them about the core fuel reactor next year!"

  There is really a shortage of uranium in the country.

  It relies on large amounts of imports every year. Otherwise, the seawater project of Ning Xiao and Academician Ma would not have received so much attention.

  As for 925, it is Academician Ma's hard work over the years.

  Ma Jiren lowered his head and signed the contract.

  Then he picked up Academician Ma's personal seal.

  It was at this time that the door was opened again.

  The seal was only one centimeter away from the paper, and his wrist was held up by a black mobile phone.

  No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move even half an inch.

  Ma Jiren looked up and saw an unusually cold face. She held the phone loosely in her hand, and her cold white face was no longer as gentle as before.

  Eyelashes lowered slightly, the other one unhurriedly pulled out the contract on the table.

  It's Bai Zian.

  You Xin, who was being stopped by the teaching assistant, raised her head, "Junior sister?"

  "The teacher is gone, but I'm still here." Bai Qian held the piece of paper in his hands, politely and obviously restrained, and glanced at Ma Jiren, "You guys Do you dare to have the idea of ​​925? "



 Chapter 346 347 You Xin was shocked outside the main


  Dean Huang couldn't help but take a step forward.

  Bai Qian always respected her teachers in front of him and Academician Ma, but this was the first time he saw her like this.

  Unavoidable surprises.

  Mao Kun stood next to Dean Huang, holding a computer in one hand, squinting at the people in the lounge, and explained slowly: "I didn't throw him out. Sister Xian already took care of her teacher's sake. You have restrained yourself."

  "Bai Qian," Ma Jiren looked at Bai Qian with deep eyes. Academician Ma was so absorbed in his research that he didn't even care about him as much as the assistant beside him. "Now I have the right to handle everything about my father."

  Gao Yi faced Bai Qian head-on for the first time.

  Ben was confused about what happened between her and Jiang Fuli.

  Now that he saw that there was no one from the Jiang family around Bai Zian, he felt relieved.

  As for the old dean Xiang, she didn't care about her at all. She just said pointedly: "Miss Bai, you have time to challenge us here, why not take the time to go back and care about your family."

  As soon as these words came out, dean Huang and You His face changed.

  The old dean Xiang's family has connections with Taoists, and this was basically how he dominated the institute in the early years.

  Both of them knew this. You Xinzheng walked up to Bai Qian and said, "Little junior sister, let's go back to your house first and talk about 925 later."

  Even though Huang Yushuo had been unusually calm from beginning to end, his expression had changed a bit. .

  I couldn't care less about the current scene.

  Come in directly and give Bai Qian a look. It's easy to dodge open guns and hard to defend against hidden arrows.

  Especially those with a family history like the Xiang family, whose family background is not too clean. The Xiang family is a top sect in the scientific research circle. In the past, when Academician Ma was still alive, he could compete with them.

  Now that Academician Ma is away, apart from the Jiang family, there is really no one who can compare with the Xiang family.

  Not to mention, the Xiang family still has a black and white relationship.

  You Xinzheng felt that he was too anxious and that Bai Zian should have better room for development. He looked at Bai Zian eagerly, hoping that she could understand his eyes.

  Bai Qian's eyes were bright, "Xiao Mao."

  "Here you go, sister." Mao Kun came in with the computer, looked at the computer on the table, and opened the lid to everyone.

  Ma Jiren and President Xiang were still sneering when they saw the expressions of You Xinzheng and Huang Yushuo.

  Until the next second, I saw the computer screen.

  He looked deeply at the old dean and stood up directly on the table.

  On the desktop of the computer screen, there is a statement signed by the institute and academician Ma himself.

  A concise statement stating that if anything happens to him, all projects under his name will be handed over to his closed disciple Bai Jian.

  The signing is in May.

  The seal of the institute is official, and if it can be placed on the seal, it means that the statement has gone through official procedures and been notarized by the official, and is valid.

  This means that even Ma Jiren cannot make decisions for Academician Ma.

  The entire lounge was very quiet.

  Even Dean Xiang didn't expect this. How much did Ma Tongfeng believe in Bai Qian?

  Why did you make plans so early?

  The old dean Xiang gave Bai Qian a deep look, said "good" three times in a row, then turned to Andy and said, "Mr. Andy, come to my house first."

  He left with a bunch of people.

  Mao Kun looked at Ma Jiren with a smile on his face, "It's time to give me the seal." You Xinzheng

  also reacted, looked at Bai Jian, and hurriedly asked the old dean, "Go to your house first..."

  Outside , Ning Xiao came to call Bai Qian, "Sister Qian, Professor Xia and Manager Hal are here to pay homage to Academician Ma."

  Bai Qian slowly crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it behind him, hitting the trash can.

  "Don't worry," she shook her head, "I'll take you to see Manager Hal."

  She didn't look at Ma Jiren again and left the lounge directly.

  Behind the scenes, Gao Yi and the Ming family felt uneasy, always feeling that something was beyond their control.


  at the same time.


  Xia Peiyu and Yang Lin were respectfully offering incense to Academician Ma.

  Bai Qian and Dean You Xinzhenghuang stood on both sides, bowing to them and thanking them,

  "Come on." Ji Shaorong has studied medicine.

  Speaking of Xia Peiyu, he is the living ancestor of soybean research in China.

  He is low-key, but most people know him.

  Today I saw him bringing out a student and introducing him to others as studying the same subject as him.

  In the lounge, Ma Jiren and Gao Yi came out.

  Gao Yi looked up and saw the foreigners in the yard.

  He forgot about Jiang Fuli for a moment and was stunned for a moment, "Hal Dawson?"

  "Do you know him?" Ma Jiren turned his head and looked over.

  A foreigner.

  "Well, someone from the Dawson family is now an agent in Asia." Gao Yi begged many people for rare metals during the Chinese New Year. He had attended several dinners and had some knowledge of the top brass of the Dawson family. , "Why is he here?"

  Opportunities are rare.

  Gao Yi hurried over and Haldawson said hello.

  "Manager Hal," the scene was mostly filled with people from the academic circle. Not many people recognized Hal Dawson. Gao Yi directly handed over his business card, "I am Gao Yi. I met you at the auction before. Got it."

  He introduced himself to Haldawson.

  He also introduced Ma Jiren next to him, "Mr. Andy has also been here today. Are you here to look for Mr. Andy?"

  Hal Dawson is a member of the Dawson family. He has traded goods with the seawater purification project and is related to Academician Ma. see once.

  Today I came here specifically to pay my respects to Academician Ma.

  "Andy?" He had a pair of blue glasses and looked at Gao Yi doubtfully. He didn't recognize him. He thought hard for a moment before he remembered Andy, "He's here today too."


  You Xinzheng, Huang Yushuo, Bai Qian, Ma Jiren and even Gao Yi are all protagonists.

  Seeing Gao Yi and Ma Jiren talking to the same foreigner with Yuese's face, most people looked this way, knowing in their hearts that this foreigner's identity must not be simple.


  the next second, Haldawson saw Mao Kun and Ning Xiao, and politely said goodbye to Gao Yi, "I'm here to see Master Mao and Miss Bai. See you again when we have the chance."

  Wang Youfeng saw that Bai Jian was still there It takes time, not to mention Hal Dawson.

  Bai Qian was busy during this period. Wang Youfeng wanted to make some risky deals with her, but he couldn't find anyone, so he sent Hal to stay in Asia and keep an eye on Bai Qian's free time.

  "You Jiao..." Bai Qian saw Haldawson coming and introduced him to You Xinzheng and Dean Huang.

  You Xinzheng interrupted her, "You should call me senior brother."

  The words were neither light nor serious, and most people heard them.

    "Senior Brother," Bai Qian introduced him sideways without being formal, "This is Manager Hal."

  You Xin worked on the normal-year research project and didn't know Hal, but he saw Gao Yi's attitude towards Hal before.

  Thank him for coming.

  In the yard, Gao Yi stared at this scene.

  Sparks were flying in his mind, and he suddenly remembered the tons of iridium that the Mu family suddenly took out some time ago!

  He had speculated for a long time at that time, but he didn't get any news about the sale from the Mu family, and he didn't even think about Bai Zian. After all, he really didn't take Bai Zian to heart at that time.

  Now I see Bai Qian casually introducing Haldawson to You Xinzheng, and the two even added their contact information.

  Gao Yi's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly thought of Zhou Wenqing, whom they had dated many times.

  "Jiachen," Gao Yi took out his cell phone and called Gao Jiachen, "Before Zhou Wenqing was promoted to deputy dean, he brought a group of students from the same peak class. Who were in that group of students? Is there any Bai Qian?"

  Gao Jiachen remembered clearly, "Yes."

  Gao Yi hung up the phone and stood there, unable to recover.

  The sun's rays were dazzling above his head, and he swayed for a moment. Thinking of the phone call Gao Shu had made before, a shiver ran down his spine.


  Gao Yi walked with heavy steps and left the memorial service.

  The Gao family's car was parked not far from the memorial service.

  The driver opened the rear door.

  Gao Yi walked to the car door.

  At this time, a black business car, a very ordinary car, parked steadily in front of the memorial service.

  Gao Yi knew this car and knew its license plate by heart. When he saw the license plate number, he looked a little dazed.

  The tall, muscular man in the passenger seat got out of the car.

  Stand by the rear door.

  The rear door opens automatically.

  A tall figure got out of the car, dressed in black clothes. Under the light, his complexion looked increasingly pale and cold. The broken hair on his forehead was lightly scattered. He slowly glanced sideways and glanced at Gao Yi calmly.

  It was a pair of narrow phoenix eyes, with no emotion at all in the light-colored eyes.

  Always dignified and indifferent.

  However, Gao Yi was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and kept bending down to get into the back seat.

  A large amount of sweat broke out on his forehead.

  Flow down drop by drop from your temples to your neck.

  The temperature was over 30 degrees, and his spine was chilling.

  Beside him, the assistant didn't come back to his senses for a long time, "Mr. Gao...then...is that Master Jiang?"


  The scene of the memorial service.

  Jiang Fuli didn't say hello to Bai Qian, nor did he say hello to anyone present.

  He only reached out to pick up three sticks of incense and bent down to worship Academician Ma.

  The entire scene fell silent and looked at him quietly. The rumors about him being unconscious a few days ago were completely disproven.

  The young master of Zhilan Yushu left after paying homage to Academician Ma.

  It wasn't until two minutes after he walked out of the memorial service that anyone at the scene dared to take a deep breath.

  "Old Huang," the professor who was familiar with Dean Huang came back to his senses. He looked in the direction of the gate, "This... Dean Xiang and the Gao family..."

  Is this going to end?

  Dean Huang shook his head and was about to say something sarcastic when he suddenly remembered something.

  "Junior sister, little junior sister! Hurry! Your family!" His expression changed as he remembered what happened to his family.

  The memorial service is almost over.

  You Xinzheng reacted at this moment and urged Bai Qian anxiously, "Go to your house quickly!"

  "What's so urgent?" Mao Kun took out the car keys.

  Bai Jian went to get Academician Ma's computer and was surprised by the reactions of You Xinzheng and Dean Huang.

  "This Xiang Jia has a complicated background. He squeezed out many teachers from the Academy of Sciences." You Xin said with a serious face, "The methods are not honorable. He is the leader of Jiangjing..."

  Bai Qian is just starting now. There may be someone protecting her. , but her family did not.

  "That's it." Bai Qian got into You Xinzheng's business car and nodded.

  You Xinzheng and Huang Yushuo were worried.

  Especially Huang Yushuo.

  Over and over again, he urged the driver to drive faster.

  All in Chang'an District.

  There is no traffic jam at this point.

  Soon we arrived at Shanhai Apartment. Building 5 was full of silver vans, which were Jiangjing's local brands.

  "Her grandpa lives here?" You Xinzheng's heartbeat skipped a beat when she saw this scene.

  Huang Yushuo had been here more than once, and he was also startled. He jumped out of the car before it stopped, "This is where she lives. She lives in 303, and her grandpa lives in 103. Senior brother, please contact the person first."

  Huang Yushuo's fingers were also trembling a little. Jog all the way to the door of 103.

  Slamming the door hard.

  Bai Zian lazily followed the two of them, slowly discussing Wang Youfeng's matter with Mao Kun.


  You Xinzheng pressed her cell phone with trembling hands and called someone familiar with the special department to urge her again.

  The call is connected.

  The door of 103 was also opened.

  The person who opened the door was Lance. His face was covered with a layer of flour and he was holding a dumpling wrapper in his hand. "The mud guys are here to make Jiaozi?"

  he said, leaning aside to let them in.

  Just in time, I could see a bunch of tall men sitting obediently around the table in the hall that was usually used to play mahjong.

  At this time, one person was holding a dumpling wrapper in his hand and was stiffly learning to make dumplings.

  "Hello?" The officer's serious voice sounded on You Xinzheng's phone, "Academician You, where did you say there is a vicious incident? We are ready to go!"

  You Xinzheng: "..."

   Li Sheng: How dare you disrespect my eldest brother's eldest sister ?


 Chapter 347 348 Dimensionality reduction strikes

  You Xinzheng silently.

  Behind him, Dean Huang was speechless for a moment.

  Are these people sent to Xiangjia?

  The two of them just stood at the door, looking at the seven big men sitting around the round table, and looking at the pile of reasonably well-made dumplings in the middle. It was obvious that the seven of them had been making them here for a long time. .

  This scene -

  it had a huge impact.

  "Academician You?" The person on the other side of the phone called him, "Where is the address you mentioned?"

  "It's okay." You Xinzheng had seen big events after all. When he came back to his senses, his voice was still calm, "I'm sorry to bother you. . "

  hang up the phone.

  Shen Qing, who was making flour, came out of the kitchen and said, "Dean Huang, Asian said you would come over. I'm asking people to make more dumplings. Come in quickly and sit down for a cup of tea."

  Dean Huang has been here several times and said to You Xin Zheng glanced over and took You Xinzheng to see Ji Heng who was in the yard, "Brother, that is the little junior sister's grandfather."

  In summer, Ji Heng was keen on making various clothes for Bai Qian and Lu Xiaohan.

  But what he was embroidering today was not clothes for Bai Zian.

  It was Yan Lu's dress that would be worn on the red carpet a few months later.

  When You Xinzheng came over, he was sitting on the embroidery stool, his hand resting on the armrest next to him, and he slowly dropped a stitch. The thread was so thin that You Xinzheng almost didn't see it.

  Someone came over. Ji Heng put down his needlework, stood up, and said politely, "Dean Huang."

  Ji Heng was Bai Jian's grandfather, and You Xinzheng didn't show off. Both parties were very polite.

  Both of them looked down on Ji Heng's embroidery work. He was embroidering butterfly flowers. The butterfly wings on it were made of more than a dozen colors and were inlaid with fine velvet and silk. It had a real sense of reflecting light in the sun.

  The two professors, who had no artistic talent, stood nearby and watched for a long time, not daring to disturb him again.



  Bai Zian and Mao Kun both came in.

  You Xinzheng and Dean Huang watched Ji Heng's embroidery for a while. When they went to the hall again, Mao Kun was asking Shen Qing where these men in black came from.

  Shen Qing put away the dumplings on the table and talked to Mao Kun, "When they first came, I thought they were looking for trouble. Later I saw that they were friends of Xiao Zhang's friend, and there were two more people above.

  " People in Donglou are good eaters, and dumplings are in high demand.

  Shen Qing had to mix the stuffing and roll out the dough, so he didn't have enough time. This group of people came just enough to help them make dumplings.

  Bai Zian was wondering which of Zhang Shize's friends it was.

  After saying something to Shen Qing, she went upstairs.

  You Xinzheng and Dean Huang were with her. There were many people downstairs, and You Xinzheng wanted to talk to Bai Zian about Haldawson's problem.

  Bai Qian and Mao Kun took the stairs upstairs, while You Xinzheng and others were waiting for the elevator.

  When the elevator door opened, You Xin was standing at the entrance of the elevator and took another look at the door of 103.

  "Brother?" Dean Huang entered the elevator first and called him, "Is there anything else?"

  "Nothing," You Xinzheng said thoughtfully, and walked into the elevator a few steps, "Junior sister's grandfather seems to have a kind face."

  Face kind?

  Dean Huang was noncommittal. After all, he felt that Ji Heng always seemed to be under invisible pressure.

  Arrive at the third floor.

  The door to 303 is open.

  At a glance, the two of them saw a big man in black clothes similar to the one downstairs holding a rag.

  There is also a green tiger-shaped tattoo on the half-exposed arm.

  I am wiping the table and cleaning 303.

  Next to them, a bright-looking young boy was putting his hand in his pocket, directing them, "Clean up here too, and take out this carpet and clean it. Brother Bird likes to sit on it..."

  You Xinzheng: "..."

  "Dean Huang," Mao Kun stood next to Zhang Shize. He arrived before the two professors because he didn't wait for the elevator, and pointed to the study, "Sister Qian is in the study."

  You Xinzheng and his wife were in a trance again for a moment, and went to the study in silence.

  A second before he opened the study door, he turned back and glanced at the two people cleaning.

  It must be aggrieved for them to have this tattoo, right?



  Bai Qian was on the phone with Sun Dan.

  Sun Dan is the director of the Xiangcheng Culture and Tourism Bureau. Because Bai Qian took leave, he did not have time to go home and explain the No. 1 Scholar strategy to tourists.

  "I'll go back with Zhang Shize in two days," Bai Qian stood in front of the window, pushed open the half-open window, and gently clasped her fingertips on the window sill with an elegant gesture, "Don't worry."

  After the Chinese New Year, she and Ji Heng I didn't go back to Xiangcheng very often.

  After the summer vacation, one thing happened after another.

  She also wanted to take Ji Heng back, but Zhang Ma had already gone back early. Zhang Shize was admitted to Jiangjing University of Political Science and Law and had received the notice. Zhang Ma also wanted to go back to entertain relatives and friends and pay homage to Yan Lu's parents.

  This summer vacation is very busy.

  "Junior sister." You Xin came in with Dean Huang and asked her about Haldawson.

  "Manager Hal?" Bai Zian walked to the desk, bent down, slowly opened the drawer, took out a box of cigarettes from it, and raised his eyes, "I just heard in the office that you want to negotiate rare metals, you can talk to him Talk."

  "He?" You Xinzheng was surprised.

  He tilted his head to look at Dean Huang.

  Dean Huang knew about Zhou Wenqing and nodded to him invisibly.

  With channels, anything can be done easily.

  Because of the relationship between Bai Zian and Ning Xiao, Wang Youfeng was able to get through this channel.

  "Okay," You Xinzheng wanted to ask Dean Huang about the inside story at this time, but he also saw that Bai Qian was busy, so he didn't bother him much, "Junior sister, I don't know the specific content of your project. The teacher is not here right now. You have already taken over 925. After the relationship between Xiang Jia and Ma Jiren is over, if there is anything going on within the project team, please inform me in time. "

  You Xinzheng also knew that Bai Jian was under great pressure after the new official took office.

  "Thank you," Bai Qian held the cigarette case and raised his eyes to look at the trees under the sun outside the window, "I will go back to Xiangcheng in two days and stay for a few days."

  "Back to Xiangcheng?" You Xinzheng nodded. , "Just arrange the time."

  As for Jiang Fuli, You Xinzheng didn't ask.

  His appearance today was enough to express his position. The Xiang family and the Gao family must be extremely panicked now.

  "Brother, let's go down and eat dumplings." Dean Huang put his hands behind his back.

  The two went out, and the two big men outside were lifting the sofa and clearing out the carpet underneath.

  You Xinzheng got used to it after seeing it too much.

  When they got outside, Dean Huang pressed the elevator button and explained: "You know Zhou Wenqing, right? The palladium that his laboratory lacked was provided free of charge by junior sister."

  You Xinzheng: "..."

  They are engaged in scientific research. The state and schools will allocate funds.

  Jiangsu University is the one with the most funds.

  What's missing?

  It is a variety of experimental equipment and various experimental materials. The Department of Physics studies conductor materials and various metals for chips.

  Metal of this purity is limited each year and cannot be purchased with money.

    Some laboratories may not be able to wait for materials for a year, but Bai Qian could get them so easily. At that time, Dean Huang realized that the little junior sister the teacher had found for him was not an easy person.

  "No wonder, I see you're not in a hurry today." You Xinzheng exhaled slowly.

  This path is really broad.

  "But," the elevator door opened and Dean Huang entered, "what I didn't expect was that these people from Xiang's family would be making dumplings here..."

  They were very sure that these dozen men in black were not here specifically to make dumplings. Dumplings.

  If you say it, who would dare to believe it?


  Jiangjing Federation of Industry and Commerce.

  Summer Membership Meeting.

  Wen Zhixia attended on behalf of the Wen family and the meeting ended.

  A crowd of people flocked to Ming Zongyao, "Miss Ming, I heard that you have cooperated with the Academy of Sciences?"

  Everyone knew that the Ming family had recently hooked up with the Xiang family.

  Of course, this is the news released by the Ming family.

  Ming Zongyao remained calm, "There is no accurate information yet."

  She was cryptic, but others confirmed it again.

  Mingjia's stock price rose five points this morning, which has already explained something.

  Le Yuzhang stood at the door, without waiting for Wen Zhixia, he only looked at Ming Zongyao's car from a distance, and bent down to get in the car and go home.


  "Yu Zhang," Le's father put down the documents in his hand and stood up to ask, "Has the Ming family been trying to get in touch with the Xiang family recently?"

  "I have talked with the Ming family, and they have not revealed anything to me. However, the Jiang family's case "When the incident comes out," Le Yuzhang took the sour plum soup from the servant, "their families all want to fight for

  the leading position in Jiangjing for so many years. "

  Both the Xiang family and the Gao family wanted to sit down.

  "Yuzhang, you said that person from the Jiang family..." Even at home, Le's father did not dare to mention this name. "Is something really wrong?"

  "Nine times out of ten," Le Yuzhang said.

  "That's a pity. We have nothing to do with the Ming family now." Le's father regretted.

  Le Yuzhang and Ming Zongyao were at loggerheads, and the Wen family was also very good recently, directly co-signing with the Aerospace Institute, which was the only one in the business world.

  Next to her, Le Mu said directly, "Okay, don't mention the Ming family all the time. Yu Zhang, you haven't seen Zhi Xia for more than half a month. Why didn't you ask her to have a meal with her today? To cultivate a relationship? I remember you guys We both went to a meeting today. "

  The two have been engaged for half a year, but have met less than seven times.

  "I'm busy." When Wen Zhixia was mentioned, Le Yuzhang only nodded.

  His expression was dull.

  Le's mother looked at Le Yuzhang's back and shook her head. She knew that Xiaojia Biyu like Wen Zhixia was not the type that Le Yuzhang liked.

  But that's not all a family like theirs is.


  Jiang family.

  An old man wearing a housekeeper's uniform was waiting outside the steps of the central hall. When Jiang Fuli's car drove into the yard, he went over and opened the door.

  Jiang Fuli bowed his head and came out, his cold white face extremely sharp.

  The light-colored phoenix eyes showed no emotion.

  There is also a white flower pinned to the collar.

  It's cold so don't let strangers come near you.

  Jiang Fuli walked directly to the steps and handed over his coat.

  Did not stop.

  "All the management staff are waiting for you in the conference room." Butler Jiang followed him and took his coat. "In addition, there is a letter from abroad. I put it on the desk of the Council."

  Jiang Fuli Nod.

  No words were spoken.

  "We have also applied for the route to Xiangcheng." Butler Jiang was meticulous about everything. "We can make a stop at Xiangcheng Airport." He

  took a few steps to reach the meeting hall.

  The heavy door was closed, and people in formal clothes were guarding both sides. Seeing Jiang Fuli approaching, he bent down and pushed the door of the conference room open.

  The mahogany Chinese-style conference room is solemn and solemn.

  Headed by Jiang Xijue, they are all the backbone of the Jiang family. They are all gathered here at this time. They all have serious faces and sit upright, and no one makes a sound.

  All eyes were directed towards the door of the conference room.

  When they saw Jiang Fuli appear, they all stood up and looked at Jiang Fuli, "Master Jiang."

  Both young and old were very respectful.

  Jiang Fuli walked to the front and middle seat, sat down, looked around the entire conference room, leaned back, put his hands on the back of the chair, and directly called his name: "Jiang Xijue."

  Jiang Xijue took the meeting minutes, stood up, and said to him Report on ZTE Group and the Academy of Sciences.

  "The current ZTE drone project has been stopped, and Xiang Jia wants to participate." Jiang Xijue knew that Jiang Fuli didn't like to be wordy, so he said directly: "Institute, Xiang Jia is applying for deputy director, and the Gao family has provided eleven There are ten places for scientific researchers in the Ming family, Zhu family, etc."

  Jiang Fuli slowly listened to Jiang Xijuan's words.

  "Drone?" Jiang Fuli tapped his cold white fingertips on the sandalwood table, his tone unchanged, "Are you being stopped?"

  When Jiang Xijue heard Jiang Fuli's tone, he knew that Jiang Fuli was serious this time. .

  "Then ZTE will give up this project and give it to them." Jiang Fuli frowned slightly, "Jiang Xijuan, get ready and take this group of people to the seawater uranium extraction project." ZTE

  is an infrastructure maniac and has traveled to foreign countries many times. Helping friendly countries build large-scale bases, there is no second ZTE in Asia, let alone this drone. Everyone knows that the manufacturing blueprints are all in Jiang Fuli's hands.

  Xiang Jia got involved because he wanted to penetrate ZTE.

  Now Jiang Fuli directly asked ZTE to withdraw from the drone project...

  Don't ask Xiang Jia what else he is playing with, just ask Xiang Jia how to explain to the superiors and how to explain to the military region?

  "Give me all the information on those who are attacking the Mu family, Academician Ma, and ZTE."

  Jiang Fuli finished his instructions, looked at his phone, and before leaving, he added: "I will apply to be the vice president of the Academy of Sciences. , and asked He Wen and the others to prepare the application materials, as well as the Mu family, and send them all to me."

  Everyone in the conference room was startled when they looked at Jiang Fuli's back.

  "Xijuan, young master..." A senior executive of the Jiang family looked at Jiang Xijuan.

  Most people like Jiang Jing knew Jiang Fuli's temperament and never participated in such things in the scientific research circle. They set up a dark matter research institute on their own, which made countless scientific researchers struggle to get in.

  He also handed over the ZTE Group to Jiang Xijuan and didn't care much about it himself.

  Especially in the past two years, Buddha has not been able to come back, even for the Jiang family's annual gathering.

  So people like Jiang Jing seem to have forgotten that Jiang Fuli was able to stabilize the Jiang family and develop Zhongxing to what it is now at such a young age.

  It is still something that foreign laboratories are afraid of.

  "It's okay now," Jiang Xijue slowly closed the notebook in his hand, tilted his head and smiled, "Uncle Jiang, by the way, please also inform those people who have been asking about Brother Jiang that their Emperor L is back."