
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs



Chapter 201201 Rising to the Top, Gift

The demeanor displayed by Baishen almost made Sister Xin think that they were of the same age.

When she heard Bai Shi talking about the college entrance examination, she vaguely realized that Bai Shi was only in her third year of high school and still needed to take the college entrance examination.

After listening to her, Sister Xin said seriously, "You will definitely ride the wind and waves and rise to the sky."

She hung up the phone and stood there in a daze.

Next to him, Yan Lu, who was flipping through a script, looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yan Lu is going to join a new crew for a costume drama. After trying on the makeup, she dyed her haze blue hair back to black to make it easier to wear makeup.

"Miss Bai said she gave the new song to Dean Jian," Wang Xin came back to her senses, she put down her phone and looked at Yan Lu, "Also, she is going to prepare for the college entrance examination. It is said on the Internet that Ning Xiao has a good chance of being among the top ten in the country. Yan Lu, do you remember that Ning Xiao often asked Miss Bai questions?"

Yan Lu held down the script with her hand, "Yes."

"That means Miss Bai might have better grades than him..." Wang Xin turned his gaze to the window.

After being together for so long, Sister Xin knows Ning Xiao and his group's attitude towards Bai Shi.

Like her and Yan Lu, it is respect from the heart.

Just for Ning Xiao, netizens have created many threads to discuss the hot topic. If Baishen were added to the list, Xiangcheng might have two students who rank in the top ten in the national exam.

It would not be uncommon to see ten such students in Jiangjing, but now it is Xiangcheng.

Their rarity is like finding two gold ingots in the desert.

Wang Xin feels that this year's college entrance examination will definitely be much more lively than previous years.

"Your Xiangcheng is really going to be lively, with so many talented people coming out," Wang Xin sighed from the bottom of his heart, and then thought of something else: "Do you know that strawberry ice cream?"

Yan Lu frowned, she knew that this was the person who set the pace in the beginning.

"She has been very popular these days. After she stopped being a fan, she became a big fan of Miss Bai," Wang Xin was also surprised. "She set up a fan club for Miss Bai, but she is still your hater."

Yan Lu: "…"

This is normal. Yan Lu does not have any representative works, and her singing skills are average compared to professional singers.

The song became popular thanks to Bai Mi and Dean Jian.


The next day.

After school in the afternoon, Bai Xi and Wen Qi and their group arrived at Zhang's house and saw Zhang's father, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, moving flower pots.

Seeing this group of students, Zhang's father put down the flower pot and said: "I have nothing to do in the next two months. During the rest time, you should prepare well for the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, I will treat you to a big meal.

As he spoke, he took out a bunch of fruits and gave them to a group of students.

It was thanks to these students that he was able to help during the time he was away, otherwise he would have been worried about leaving Aunt Zhang alone at home.

"Okay, uncle." Wenqi took the watermelon and moved closer to Baishen, curiously looking at Zhang's father who was carrying a bonsai as tall as a person, "The good man's father is really amazing, carrying such a heavy flower pot with one hand.

He was amazed.

The others nodded. Bai Xi looked at the calluses on Zhang's father's hands, took a bite of watermelon and said nothing.

Now that Mr. Zhang is back, the students in Class 15 no longer have to go to Zhang's house to punch in every day.

Bai Mi and Lu Xiaohan went back to the milk tea shop to do their homework.

Some people have a lot of money and expand their milk tea shops. At this time, many students do their homework in the milk tea shops.

Jian Zhe sat next to Bai Xi and listened to Bai Xi revising his article.

"Already knowing the name and imitating it... The description here is vague and empty," she outlined the article written by Jian Zhe, and the tip of her pen touched the sentence he wrote: "Confucianism on the outside and the law on the inside, Taoism is not empty, he maintains a balance, Confucianism in the open and Taoism in the dark."

In just a few months, Jianzhe's restlessness disappeared. Now, he can not only read a boring biography all night long, but also discuss it with Bai Mi.

The two were talking.

At the table next to him, Tang Ming, who studied science, finally couldn't help but whispered to Lu Xiaohan, "Brother Jian, are you going to take the civil service exam in the future?"

There have always been many people from the Calligraphy Association who are involved in politics.

Although Tang Ming studied science, he was also good at liberal arts, and he knew a thing or two about the things the two discussed every day.

"Don't you think Sister Xi is more powerful?" Lu Xiaohan hit the nail on the head.

"That's right." Tang Ming remembered that the teacher of the liberal arts class would wander around the door of Class 15 when he had nothing to do, and was caught by the dean of studies several times.

After Bai Shen finished discussing with Jian Zhe, Jian Zhe remembered something and reported to her: "The June calligraphy association rating will be in North City, around the 10th."

Qiu Xuezhen was already preparing the materials, but Bai Wei was about to take the college entrance examination, so he did not disturb Bai Wei.

Bai Xi estimated the time and it was just after the college entrance examination, so she had some time.

Dean Jian's message just came: [[Recording.p3]]

Dean Jian: [Retreat?]

He spoke briefly and to the point, probably because he heard Sister Xin say that she would no longer consider writing new songs before the college entrance examination.

Bai Mi wrote a line of words, then took out his headphones, connected them to Bluetooth, and listened to Dean Jian's arrangement.

Her song this time is different from the previous style, it is more of a Chinese style——

"Cold Time Wool".

Dean Jian started with a solo performance on the pipa, with the sparse curtains half rolled up, which was simple, steady and full of exotic feelings. In the first second, Bai Shi saw the scene of yellow sand and dry bones.

She listened for a while before she remembered to reply to Dean Jian.

Free Pickup: [1]

On the phone.

Dean Jian looked at this "1" and for the first time felt the same helplessness as Jiang Fuli.

Dean Jian gave the news directly to Jian Zhe and asked him about Bai Shi. Jian Zhe honestly told him about Bai Shi's whereabouts, that she was studying all the time and everything else would have to wait until after the college entrance examination.

As for after the college entrance examination...

Baishen will go to North City first. Dean Jian: [...]

Dean Jian: […What date are you going to North City? ]

Jianzhe: [The calligraphy association assessment, we should leave on the 9th]

Dean Jian: [Got it]

Jian Zhe looked at Dean Jian's reply and scratched his head. What did he mean? He wanted to go to North City too?


Three days later.

Afternoon, Jiangjing.

The postal boy stopped his bike at the entrance of Changping Street. He pushed off the ground with one foot, looked up at the ancient and solemn ancient buildings on both sides, then lowered his head to confirm the address on the broken box in his hand.

No. 29 Changping Street.

Hesitantly, he rode his bike onto the main road and finally stopped in front of Guangliang's gate. In front of the gate stood a pair of two-meter-tall stone lions, looking majestic without even getting angry.

There were two security guards standing at the door.

The postman had just stopped the car tremblingly when one of the security guards came over from a distance and said, "Hello, is there a package for our Third Young Master?"

The young man handed the tattered express box behind him to the security guard.

The security guard took it hesitantly and looked down at the address bar. The other party's handwriting was neat and beautiful. His eyes fell on the recipient's name.

Xu Nanjing.

It is indeed the Third Young Master's.

Looking forward, the name on the package is two words——

White smilax.


The security guard couldn't think of any family on good terms with the Xu family whose surname was Bai.

He went back with the tattered paper box and happened to run into Xu Jueming coming out of the house. He quickly took off his hat and said, "Second Master."

Xu Jueming, wearing a long gown, nodded slightly, his eyes falling on the box in his hand.

The security guard quickly explained, "This is a package for the Third Young Master. I was just about to deliver it to him."

Xu Nanjing's?

Xu Jueming stretched out his hand and the security guard handed the express over.

Xu Jueming looked down at the sender and his eyes fell on the location where the message was sent.

Seeing that the person came from Xiangcheng, Xu Jueming threw the box back without even looking at it.

The security guard breathed a sigh of relief. He knew about the open and secret struggles in the Xu family and could not afford to offend anyone. If Xu Jueming insisted on looking at Xu Nanjing's express delivery, he would have no choice.

In front, Xu Jueming walked up the steps and talked to the people around him, "Neither on the black market?"

"The CIA has investigated and found that the invitation letters were divided up by people in the international circle before they were sent out," the man explained in a low voice, "The invitation letters were bought up as soon as they arrived on the black market. But you don't have to worry. I heard that there is no news from the Third Young Master..."


Jiangjing Sijing Club.

The club had a high threshold, and it was Qi Shujun's first time to come to such a place. She followed Liu Shuhe into the private room. The room was very spacious, with men and women sitting together.

Some were playing cards, and some were chatting.

But most people looked at the innermost sand absent-mindedly.

There sat a young man, he had taken off his coat and was only wearing a light blue sweatshirt, leaning against the sofa, holding a torn-looking cardboard box in his fingers.

"Mr. Xiao." In front, Liu Shuhe greeted Xiao Bingwen and introduced Qi Shujun next to him, "This is the daughter of one of my former teachers."

The bureau was put together by Xiao Bingwen, who was holding a pair of small scissors in his hand and walking with a breeze.

He paused for a moment while Liu Shuhe was talking to him, and nodded to Liu Shuhe, "Xu Feng, take Miss Liu and the others to have fun."

Then he immediately walked towards Xu Nanjing.

Xu Feng stood up from the pile of cards, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and came to greet Liu Shuhe and the others.

Seeing Qi Shujun looking into the corner, Xu Feng smiled and said, "Ladies, the ancestor has been in a bad mood recently, so don't provoke him."

His words made Qi Shujun pull his coat closer and look away.

I wondered to myself who this could be.

in the corner.

Xu Nanjing lowered his head and slowly observed the paper box that had just been sent by the Xu family, seeming a little silent.

"She hasn't seen her teacher for several days." Xiao Bingwen looked at the paper box in Xu Nanjing's hand.

"Forget it, let's find a birthday gift for the old man," Xu Nanjing sighed. The auction would be in two days, and it would be too late to find time now.

Xiao Bingwen casually handed the scissors to Xu Nanjing, "What are these?"

He stared at the tattered express in Xu Nanjing's hand, and felt very uncomfortable with the paper box wrapped in tape appearing in his hand.

"This is the souvenir that sister A-xi gave me. It's so light. Is there really something inside?" Xu Nanjing looked at the double-layered paper box and took the scissors that he handed over.

Xu Nanjing is different from Jiang Fuli. It is not easy for him to change the flight route, so he flew away from North City.

Mr. Xu was in a hurry and left in a hurry to catch the plane, so he didn't have time to say goodbye to Bai Su Jiang Fuli. He only said a word to the two of them on WeChat.

"Did she write this?" Xiao Bingwen looked down at the neat handwriting and smiled, "I've never thought your name was so neat."

He thought it was something important, but it turned out to be a express delivery from Bai Mi.

Xiao Bingwen withdrew his gaze and leisurely poured himself a glass of wine.

Not very curious anymore.

Xu Nanjing slowly and methodically cut a slit along the edge.


Lu Xiaohan wrapped the box very tightly, and Xu Nanjing took some effort to cut it open. There was something like a book inside, wrapped in a layer of protective film.

It is not clear through the protective film.

Xiao Bingwen greeted Xu Feng over there, "She sent you...a book?"

This seems to be something that white mulberry can do.

Xu Nanjing spent some more time cutting open the protective film, finally revealing the front side, which had "Invitation" in gold letters on a red background, and a majestic white tiger underneath.

"Invitation letter?" Xiao Bingwen picked up the red wine on the side, stood up and prepared to entertain the group of people who came today. He glanced at it casually and said, "What kind of invitation letter is this? Baihu, Baihu Auction House..."

He said casually.

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly stopped.

Then he put down his wine glass with a "pop" and stared at the invitation letter intently.

He had never felt the sound of his heartbeat so clearly. His throat tightened and his voice trembled: "This, this is..."

They didn't have an invitation, but they all met.

Almost everything they wanted to buy could be bought at the White Tiger Auction House. Sometimes the item was too precious and it was difficult to get an invitation, but in most cases, the Xu and Xiao families could still get one through official channels.

So at a glance, they recognized that this was the invitation they wanted this time.

"Is this sent to you by Miss Bai?" Xiao Bingwen looked at the tattered box beside him, and then at the low-key and mysterious invitation in Xu Nanjing's hand. He felt as if he was watching a comedy.

Xu Nanjing took out his cell phone and called Bai Shi.

The call was connected as soon as it was connected. "Sister Bai Su, what did you send?"

Bai Xi had just finished school. She was ordering milk tea at the milk tea shop with her mobile phone, and Chi Yundai was handing her a plate of cake.

"Invitation," she took the cake Chi Yundai gave her, turned around and walked inside, her voice unhurried, "You've been looking for it, what's wrong?"

Xu Nanjing: "…No, no."

"Oh," Bai Su said casually, "Anything else?"

She had a tone of "Don't disturb me while I'm studying."

The two hung up the phone.

"She," Xiao Bingwen heard the whole thing, and finally came to his senses, muttering, "Where did she get the invitation letter?"

He and Xu Nanjing had been busy for half a month, and they were just not ready to give up in the past two days, and yet this invitation fell out of the blue?

Was it Jiang Fuli who gave it to her?

Bai Mi is a high school student at Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. Xiao Bingwen couldn't think of any other reason except Jiang Fuli.


Bai Mi has been in seclusion and did not go to the auction.


Jiang Fuli rarely takes a rest, so people like them have become regular visitors to the library.

The light shines through the library window and falls on the table near the window. There are many people in the library today, and the table on the right is occupied by Bai Xi and his group.

Jiang Fuli was sitting on the far right, wearing black headphones and with a very thin computer in front of him.

His slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, and he occasionally turned his head to talk to Bai Mi. The sunlight fell on his face, his eyelashes drooped, and his usually cold face now looked somewhat tender.

Tang Ming on the opposite side raised his hand and looked at Jiang Fuli cautiously: "Teacher Jiang, we will have hot pot for lunch."

Jiang Fuli was used to being a cold person, and his demeanor didn't seem like someone who would hang out at a food stall with them.

Although they had eaten hotpot together many times, it still took Tang Ming a lot of courage to invite Jiang Fuli.

"Okay." Jiang Fuli nodded casually.

Tang Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down quickly.

At noon, we went to the hot pot restaurant in the shopping mall next door.

In order to let everyone around them have a good meal, Tang Ming and a few others booked a private room. There were not many people there, including Bai Di, Jiang Fuli, Lu Xiaohan, Ning Xiao, Tang Ming and Jiang He.

They ordered a shabu-shabu hotpot, and Jiang Fuli didn't care for any of the dishes.

He took a pencil, scanned the menu, and ticked off a few white mulberry dishes.

As he slid down further, Bai Shi reached out and pressed his finger.

Jiang Fuli's fingers have always been very cold. He has stayed in the underground laboratory for too long. Even in Xiangcheng, it couldn't change his physique. His already cold and white fingers became even more like white jade.

Feeling a surge of warmth, he watched as Baishen pressed her fingers against his hand, then slowly pulled the pen out of his hand.

Bai Su supported her chin with her other hand and tilted her head slightly, "Teacher Jiang, don't order anymore. They can't finish what they ordered."

She has experience with this.

Jiang Fuli let go of the menu and said, "Okay."

He didn't order any more.

After knowing each other for such a long time, except when Jiang Fuli was teaching them, he would easily mock them. During daily meals, Jiang Fuli basically would not disturb everyone's enjoyment and he also tried his best to restrain his coldness.

At the dinner table, Lu Xiaohan was looking at pictures in the group.

Lu Xiaohan: [Grandpa's clothes are almost done]

After that, she looked up at the people at the dinner table and said, "Grandpa's class uniform is ready. I left one for a good guy, but he won't be able to take graduation photos with us next month."

Especially Zhang Shize. Zhang Shize heard that the two of them contributed greatly to the current atmosphere of Class 15.

When it came time to take graduation photos, Lu Xiaohan felt that Class 15 would be somewhat incomplete without Zhang Shize.

Although they laughed and joked when talking about Zhang Shize, Lu Xiaohan and the others knew that they could only adopt this mentality. Going to jail for a year would have too much psychological impact on a high school student.

"Don't worry," Bai Shi watched the dishes being served, and used the serving chopsticks to eat them. "Xiao Bei said that he prepared a banner for the good people."

"Banner?" When Wen Qi was mentioned, the atmosphere became lively again. Tang Ming was curious, "What banner? What good thing can Beibei do? Hey, I was thinking about how I can wear his clothes and take a photo with you guys."

Lu Xiaohan slammed the table and said, "Yes, print out a big picture of a good person and stick it on your face..."

A group of teenagers were eating hotpot, and their troubles came suddenly and went away quickly.

Jiang Fuli listened quietly to the conversation between these people, occasionally helping Jiang He to pick up the dishes that he could not reach, without interrupting their conversation.

Bai Su was also listening lazily on the side.

After dinner, Lu Xiaohan called the waiter to come and clean the table.

Jiang Fuli and Bai Di sat on the same side, with Bai Di on his left and Jiang He on his right. After the meal, the waiter took away the extra dishes and chopsticks on the table. He thought Bai Di would be in a hurry to go back to the library to do his homework.

But Bai Shi didn't leave. The other people at the table were still discussing what to do after graduation. Tang Ming said he wanted to take a photo with Class 15.

Bai Shi was also here, and Jiang Fuli was not in a hurry. He leaned back slightly and talked to Bai Shi, "They said they wanted to go on a graduation trip. Have you thought about it?"

Graduation trip?

"Have you traveled?" It was the first time Bai Mi heard this word. She opened a can of Coke with one hand and handed it to Jiang He, then tilted her head to look at Jiang Fuli.

"No." Jiang Fuli himself had never been there.

His life is all about research.

"Then why did you say you would take me to the snow mountains?" Bai Su remembered this.

The box was hot, Jiang Fuli had taken off his coat. He was wearing a white shirt with the collar slightly open. He didn't expect Bai Shi to remember this. He whispered, "You can go during the summer vacation, but the snow won't be that thick during the summer vacation."

"No hurry," Bai Su suddenly said, remembering something, "but I kind of want to go to the grassland."

She looked through the history books and found the tomb of the three princesses.

"Grassland," Jiang Fuli tapped the table with his fingertips, thinking about the map and planning the route in his mind, "That's fine."

As he was speaking, the door of the box was pushed open and the waiter brought in the unwrapped cake.

Snow-white cream and red roses covered the entire length of the cake base, with roses blooming along the green vines.

Like a passionate oil painting.

It's so eye-catching.

Ning Xiao stood up, took the cake, said thank you to the waiter and then put the cake on the table.

The waiter didn't leave, but looked at the handmade cake reluctantly, "Handsome guy, where did you buy your cake?"

"This is not bought," Lu Xiaohan smiled at her, "Our friend made it."

The one who made the cake was naturally Chi Lu.

Tang Ming motioned to Jiang Fuli to blow out the candles, "Happy birthday, Brother Jiang, blow out the candles and make a wish."

Jiang Fuli looked at the slowly burning candle. He was always calm and composed. This was the first time he didn't react. Maybe his family was gone. He didn't celebrate his birthday. In the past, he stayed in the laboratory to avoid trouble. If others couldn't find him, they would just let it go.

Even Xu Nanjing, Jiang Xijue and others would just send him a gift when the time came.

It was my first time to blow out candles and make a wish.

The window in the box was closed, and the candlelight reflected his cold face. At the urging of Tang Ming and the others, Jiang Fuli slowly closed his eyes and made a wish.

He doesn't have any wishes. If it were in the past, he might have wanted to find dark matter.


He thought quietly: I hope Miss Bai will be safe and sound every year.

Jiang He stood beside him and helped him blow out the candles.


In the evening, Jiang Fuli walked leisurely in the sunset.

Send Bai Mi back to the Ji family.

Ji Heng asked them to go back and eat.

Today he went fishing with Director Chen, and the aunt next door helped with the cooking. When they came back, the meal was already ready.

The dishes are very rich.

At the dinner table, Ji Heng gave him Jiang Fuli's suit, a silver-grey coat made of silk, which looked very high-end and had buttons.

There are patterns embroidered in the middle and on the front of the sleeves.

Jiang Fuli took the clothes carefully, and his fingertips touched the slightly cool fabric.

At first glance, the stitching is dense and Ji Heng has put a lot of thought into it.

Director Chen and Ji Heng both like to drink. They drank and chatted at the same time. They didn't finish their meal for an hour. Jiang He then found time to go to the room and move out his Lego for him.

Lego is a custom-made city wall.

The draft was drawn by Jiang He, and his teacher helped to revise it a lot. It is 30 cm wide and about 40 cm high.

You can see the delicate bricks and connecting beams.

Jiang Fuli said thank you twice today.

After Jiang He finished sending it off, he stared at him intently.

Jiang Fuli took it, pointed at one of the places and looked at Jiang He, and said leisurely: "This place is not painted well."

Jiang He: "…"

He decided to sleep with Ji Heng tonight.

Ji Heng drank too much today.

Bai Mi made an exception and sent Jiang Fuli out.

At nine o'clock, Jiang Fuli looked at the long alley. As soon as he reached the turning at the door, he stopped and let Bai Mi go back first.

Bai Su was wearing a green dress today, with Mo Ban holding her arm. She stopped, stretched out her left hand, and a piece of kirin that had almost melted under the light appeared in Jiang Fuli's eyes: "Teacher Jiang, happy birthday!"

Jiang Fuli was a little stunned. He probably didn't expect that she had prepared a gift for him.

He reached out to take it, and could still feel the warmth of the jade in his palm.


End of May.

As the college entrance examination approaches, the school takes graduation photos on a unified basis.

The location is the stone in the center of the school. There are five steps underneath the stone, just enough for the students to stand in line.

Class 15 has prepared uniform clothes.

The girls' dress is a stand-up collar style, with a white base with ivy embroidered on the edges, and a red sleeveless vest embroidered with delicate vine patterns, and buttons of the same color.

Below is a white skirt with lifelike rose bushes embroidered on the bottom. Blooming red and pink rose buds are dotted among the green leaves. When the girls take a step, the rose bushes hidden in the folds bloom everywhere.

Boys' clothes?


At this time, students from Class 14 were taking graduation photos below. The photographer was taking pictures. The students from Class 14 were standing on the steps and couldn't help but look at the students from Class 15. Their eyes fell on the last tall girl.

Bai Xi was holding her cell phone and walking lazily at the back with Lu Xiaohan.

She still had her hair half tied up today, her almond-shaped eyes half-closed, her hair was too long, and under the wooden hairpin, half a bunch of ink lazily hung on her shoulders.

Bai Shi was used to wearing plain clothes, and this was the first time she wore such brightly colored clothes, traditional Chinese style clothes, which seemed to be tailor-made for her when she wore them, with blue sky and white clouds behind her.

The wind blew her skirt away.

Rose girl, blooming in the wind.

More than half of the students in Class 14 were stunned and only came to their senses after the photographer reminded them.

"They all say I'm stupid. Sister Xi, Xiaohan, take a look, isn't this stupid?" Wen Qi pulled open the banner he customized, which was about 70 centimeters long, and it read -

[Photographed with Zhang Shize (a good man)]

White text on a red background.

Lu Xiaohan looked up and imagined this thing appearing in her beautiful graduation photo.

No wonder the cultural and entertainment committee member has been complaining all the time.

She refused.

Bai Su looked at the words and nodded, "I think it's okay. This color goes well with our clothes."

Hearing this, his eyes lit up, "Right, I knew you understood me, Sister Xu."

"Do you really think so?" Lu Xiaohan couldn't believe it. She grabbed Bai Shi's arm.

White mulberry is surprised, "Yes, Egypt"

Lu Xiaohan: "…"

This is the first time I discovered that Bai Shi is a straight woman.


The graduation photo of Class 14 was taken, and the principal, vice principal and teachers of each subject stood up in the first row.

Of course the principal couldn't leave, as he had to take pictures all day.

"Wen Qi," Lu Lingxi called Wen Qi, and glanced at the banner with Wen Qi on it. After a pause, he said, "The chemistry teacher hasn't come yet. He's teaching in Class Nine. Go and call him."

Hearing this, he put away the banner and went to call the chemistry teacher.

The principal, vice principal and others came over to look for Lu Lingxi and Bai Di.

Finally, when the college entrance examination was over, the principal looked at Bai Xi and said with emotion, "Student Bai, relax. No matter how you do in the exam, just do your best."

"Okay." Bai Shi nodded.

"Time flies." Lu Lingxi straightened Bai Xi's clothes and looked at the girl in front of him. "I remember when you first came to take the exam, you scored 50 points in comprehensive science. At that time, I thought you had to repeat a year."

On the stairs next to him, Lu Xiaohan called Bai Shi to line up.

Baishen walked over.

The principal looked at the direction she left. "From 50 points to now, I don't know how far she can go in the college entrance examination. There has been no joint examination. I don't know how much Song Min's grades have improved. I always feel that this year's college entrance examination is not easy..."

The vice-president has now become a fan, "It's not that simple, the provincial champion will definitely be our student Bai."

As he spoke, he muttered quietly, "Don't think I don't know that you have already decided on the banner for the provincial champion."


The head teacher of Class 8 stood beside the principal, looking at Bai Shi in the crowd without saying a word.

Bai Su stood in the second row, next to Lu Xiaohan. The wind gently blew the hair on her forehead. Behind her was a stone with Bai Xiangjun's words engraved on it, exuding the youthful spirit.

Wen Qi called the chemistry teacher over.

The rest of the class 15 had already lined up, so he stood behind Bai Xi and Lu Xiaohan, holding the flag and whispering, "Just now they were discussing how you, Sister Xi, got from 50 points in comprehensive science to where you are now."

How did you get to where you are today?

Bai Xi tilted her head slightly and raised an eyebrow at Wen Qi. Her expression was as casual as usual, but also mixed with a romantic spirit that Wen Qi had never seen before.

She didn't say anything, only looking through the gap at the line of poetry on the stone behind her. The Bai family army had fought many battles and turned defeat into victory. This was what she was best at.

What we are playing is a comeback against the odds, do you understand, young man?


At ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

The light passed through the clouds and fell on Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School and on the huge rock that had stood for a thousand years.

Bai Shi stretched out his hand to block the light in front of him, looking at the sonorous and powerful handwriting. In between the real and unreal, he seemed to see the group of soldiers who fought the last battle with him a thousand years ago.

Light and shadow are blurred and intertwined.

A thousand years later, Bai Shi will stand under the line of poetry he wrote with a gun in hand.

Fight your first battle.

The photographer held up the camera. He originally wanted to look at the composition of the lens, but his eyes were attracted by the girl in the lens.

She stood in the middle of the crowd, her face slightly tilted, her head half tied up and falling on her shoulders. Her eyes and eyebrows in the camera concealed the image of weapons and horses, as if she had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, fought her way out of the Shura field, and rode towards us on horseback, splitting the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

There were so many students around her, laughing and playing, but at that moment they almost became her background.

The photographer couldn't help but focus and press the shutter.

After taking this picture, he returned to the previous picture. The composition was beautiful, like the fate of reincarnation for thousands of years, full of a mysterious sense of story.

He admired it for a while and prepared to give it to that classmate separately later.

The students of Class 15 have basically lined up. The photographer put down his camera and raised his voice: "Students, please stand in position quickly. The teachers can also take their positions."

The dean of studies, who was negotiating with the principal on "How many banners did you order?", stopped when he heard this, straightened his shirt, and walked to the front seriously.

In the crowd.

Lu Xiaohan took her camera to shoot the behind-the-scenes footage of the video editing. When everyone was almost ready, she put down the camera and stood up.

Seeing Wen Qizhen holding up the banner, she said, "Wait a minute, let the photographer take a picture of us without the banner first, and then take a picture with the banner later."

This was the result of discussion between Lu Xiaohan and Lu Lingxi.

"Let's take the photo without the banner first?" Wen Qi simply folded the banner, stuffed it into his pocket, and patted his pocket. "Okay, I'll take him with me later."

"Wen Qi, lower your head a little."

"Don't squeeze me, Xiaohan, I'm standing on your right..."

"Can I stand in front of Sister Xu to prevent..."

"Stand in front. Don't stand on tiptoe. You're not as tall as me even if you stand on tiptoe."


The students in this class were wearing uniform traditional Chinese clothing and chattering away.

Under the lens, it looks green and fresh.

The photographer looked at this group of young and beautiful students in the sun, and it was hard not to think of his own school days. That youth will never come back, and he wondered how many of these classmates would still be in touch in a few years.

He sighed--


The photo freezes at this moment.

The second one.

Wen Qi asked the students next to him to move aside, leaving an empty seat, and then he looked at Ning Xiao on the left and mustered up his courage: "God of Study, can you cooperate with me?"

Ning Xiao lowered his head, his drooping hair covering his dark eyes.

He looked coldly at the stupid banner in his hand and said nothing.

Wen Qi has been in contact with Jiang Fuli for such a long time, and now Ning Xiao doesn't think he is as difficult to approach as before.

"Study God," Wen Qi handed him a corner of the banner, looking at the distance between him and Ning Xiao, which was about one person's length, and tried to ask, "The good guy is your deskmate, so if you hold it, it means he is also here, right?"

As he spoke, he tentatively raised the banner in his hand.

Ning Xiao looked at the red banner and still said nothing.

Bai Su stood in front of the two of them, and the empty space between Wen Qi and Ning Xiao was just behind her.

She tilted her head back and said, "Ning Xiao, help him get it."

Ning Xiao coldly hooked a corner with his finger.

He was holding the banner with an extremely gloomy expression.

Wen Qi made a gesture of thanks to Bai Xi, then waved to the photographer, "We are ready, we can take pictures now."

The photographer raised his camera and was attracted by the banner. He saw the "A Good Man" sign on it and wondered why the nicknames given to others by students nowadays are so serious. They used to be called Farting Prince and Crazy Wild Boar...

Take all the photos.

Lu Lingxi asked a student to call the people from Class 16 to come down and take a group photo.

Lu Xiaohan took out his own camera to shoot the behind-the-scenes footage of the class. Wen Qi called the boys in the class to stand on the side of the road and shouted to Lu Xiaohan: "Lu Xiaohan, hurry up and take a group photo of us male classmates.

Lu Xiaohan picked up the camera and turned to point it at them.

Wen Qi stood in front of everyone and asked them to pose. Before he could say anything, he was thrown up by several tall boys, who shouted loudly, "Yoni Xiaobei 1

Lu Xiaohan took a video of this scene.


People from Class 16 came down.

Their class was on the fourth floor. When they came in the morning, they didn't see the graduation uniforms of Class 15. But when they got downstairs, the girls immediately exclaimed.

The photographer taking graduation photos is communicating with the teacher of Class 16 about the positioning issue.

Two girls from Class 16 came over with their cell phones and stopped beside Bai Xi. "Bai Xi, can we take a photo together?"

There are many photos of Bletilla striata in the school forum, most of which are from the back.

When the other students in the senior class have nothing to do, they will come to Class 15 to worship the two exam gods. As the college entrance examination is approaching, if they don't find a chance to take a photo together, they may never see them again after the exam.

"Why hasn't Tang Ming come down yet?" Wen Qi was left behind for a long time and finally came to Bai Shi to beg for help. "Didn't he want to take a picture with us?"

As he was talking, Tang Ming came running over in a hurry. He was still wearing his school uniform and kept muttering, "Caught in time, caught in time."

Hearing that he was overwhelmed, he pointed at Tang Ming and said, "Everyone go and take a look at him!"

Tang Ming is a non-staff member of Class 15.

He had just come down and hadn't figured out what was going on when he was surrounded by a group of people from Class 15.

Many people brought their mobile phones and took a lot of photos to share in the group.

Bai Xi searched for a few photos in the group, and finally found a photo of her, Zhang Shize, and Lu Xiaohan, and gave it to Jiang Fuli.

[Print it out and bring it to a good person tomorrow]

Jiang Fuli replied quickly: [Graduation photos?]

[1] This group of people were playing around. Lu Lingxi stood and watched for a long time without urging them to go back to class. The students in Class 15 had put a lot of pressure on them in the past six months, so it would be good for them to relax before the exam.

Seeing Bai Xi standing aside and looking down at her phone, he walked over to her and paused, "Just do your best in the college entrance examination. Don't be stressed. Relax a bit since the exam is coming soon."

She thought Baishen was studying.

Bai Shen silently put away his phone: "...Okay."

graduate School.

Jiang Fuli waited for a long time, but Bai Shi didn't reply. He couldn't help but reach out and click on the photo Bai Shi gave her.

The person who took the photo used a mobile phone. Wen Qi and Lu Xiaohan were standing on the left side of Bai Shi holding Zhang Shize's banner. Another girl was standing on the right side of Bai Shi. Behind them were Ning Xiao, Tang Ming and others.

The sun was shining brightly overhead, making the group of young boys and girls look full of youth.

He looked at the girl in the middle, who was standing in the crowd. Her dark almond-shaped eyes were looking at the camera, a smile was on the corner of her lips, and she stood facing the wind with a slightly lazy posture, her black hair half-tied up, blending in with the other boys around her.

A group of high-spirited senior high school students.

Jiang Fuli tapped the photo with his fingertips, then reached out and clicked save.

After logging out, he turned to the posts of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. Ever since Bai Xi came to Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, she has been a frequent visitor to the forum. He asked her how many points she got in the exam, what she wore today, and when he met her in the cafeteria...

Jiang Fuli wanted to delete it at first, but after reading it over time, the forum seemed like a post for her growth.

From the first time I was a sedge emperor to the current graduation photo.

Jiang Fuli lowered his head and was just about to see what new posts there were today.

I saw the town building photo at a glance——

[Ahhh, I took a photo with Senior Bai! She is so beautiful?

If you scroll down, you will see photos of me and her.

It's okay for seniors, but why did freshmen and sophomores take the photo as well?

Jiang Fuli looked at him coldly.


School is over in the afternoon.

When the students in Class 15 walked on the street, 100% of them turned their heads to look at them.

Bai Xi was carrying a schoolbag and walking at the edge of the group. Next to her was Lu Xiaohan. The people in Class 15 were urging Lu Xiaohan to go home quickly and upload the video they had taken to the group.

The milk tea shop is still packed.

Jiang Fuli was talking to Chi Yundai opposite the milk tea shop. He was wearing the clothes that Ji Heng had made for him today, a silver-gray silk shirt that was elegant and cool, with a faint cold light dancing in the sunlight.

He listened to Chi Yundai quietly, his eyes occasionally glancing at the school gate, somewhat nonchalantly.

He paused for a moment when he saw Bai Shi and her group appear in rose-colored graduation gowns.

"Young Master Xu has told Butler Jiang..." Chi Yundai was talking to Jiang Fuli. When he saw his gaze shift away, he belatedly looked back.

Chi Yundai saw Bai Shi coming out of the school gate and stopped. "They are taking graduation photos today."

As the college entrance examination approaches, slogans are posted all over the school.

When Bai Xi came over, Wen Qi and Tang Ming stopped playing around, greeted Jiang Fuli honestly, and went to the milk tea shop together.

Chi Yundai remembered his cake and ran back without stopping.

Jiang Fuli stood there without moving. He looked aloof and just looked at Bai Shi.

Bai Su held Zhang Shize's banner in his hand and paused for a moment: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Fuli slowly took out his cell phone, turned on the camera, and said casually, "Senior Bai, can I take a photo with you?"

Baishen: "…"

Where did he hear this?

Jiang Fuli had never taken photos before, so he turned on the front camera without any beauty filter, but the two of them had excellent bone structure. In the front camera, they only showed the area above their chests, and they were both wearing antique-style clothes.

The two of them are like a painting printed in ink and color, with a ray of sunset behind them, which is exquisite.

There is no composition technique involved, the beauty of the picture depends entirely on the good looks of the two people.

Jiang Fuli finished taking the photos, then took a look at them. He thought they were okay. He remembered that Bai Xi had disliked his photography skills, so he showed them to her: "Senior Bai, can you take a look?"

Bai Su looked down at the photo and sighed.

Opposite the milk tea shop.

Lu Xiaohan stood by the counter with the order in hand and complained to Yang Lin in a low voice, "Teacher Jiang's angles are terrible. He's really not good at taking photos."

Yang Lin raised her head and glanced across the glass.

Chi Yundai came in and put on his chef's hat, wanting to give Lu Xiaohan a thumbs up.


at the same time.

North city.

As the college entrance examination was approaching, Bai Qiming specially invited the principal of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School and the head teacher of the international class to have dinner at the hotel to inquire about Bai Shaoqi's college entrance examination status in advance.

The principal of No. 1 Middle School spoke highly of Bai Shaoqi and Song Min, "You two students have made great progress this semester. President Bai, President Song, you don't have to worry."

Bai Qiming was always serious, but at this moment he couldn't help but smile. He and the Song family had already booked a hotel. "Do you think Shaoqi has a chance to be admitted to Jiangjing University this time?"

"Of course," the principal of No. 1 Middle School nodded with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but sigh, "Although her grades are not as good as her brother's, she has made great progress this semester. If she doesn't make any mistakes, there is a 90% chance that she can enter Jiangjing University."

Bai Qiming had no idea about their grades, but when he heard the principal of No. 1 Middle School say that Bai Shaoqi could really be admitted, he could hardly hide the surprise on his face.

He held the wine glass tightly in his hand to avoid losing his composure.

Does the Bai family really want two heroes?

Are we going to produce two top students from Jiangjing University?

Although the principal said that Bai Shaoqi was not as good as Bai Shaoke, Bai Qiming was also happy.

Now Bai Shaoke has entered the Jiangjing Laboratory for internship and has met many professors and doctoral students. Together with Bai Shaoqi, they are one step closer to settling in Jiangjing.

Behind him, Butler Bai was watching this scene and was also happy for the young lady.

But he couldn't help but think of Bai Shi, who left a deep impression on him when he left the Bai family.

Bai Xi and Bai Shaoqi were in the same senior year of high school, but unfortunately, there was no news about them after they went to Xiangcheng.

Bai Qiming was happy for his daughter, but he couldn't help but feel regretful, "It's a pity that she met Song Min. Song Min should be the top scholar in North City this year."

He had heard from the Song family several times that Song Min had always ranked first in the joint examinations.

Left the second place by a lot of points.

Bai Qiming thought the principal would agree, but he didn't expect the principal and the head teacher to say anything. Bai Qiming paused, a little confused: "Did I say something wrong?"


Bai Qiming knew that Song Min was extremely outstanding.

Not only in study, he is also very sensitive in finance. In addition, Song Min's grandfather is from Jiangjing, so he has had access to different resources from Beicheng since he was a child.

He has told Bai Shaoqi more than once that she was unlucky this year as she met Song Min's class.

The principal of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School naturally thought of Bletilla striata.

Since there is no joint entrance examination, they don't know Bai Shi's specific results. Song Min has made great progress, but they don't know how Bai Shi has improved. "I hope our No. 1 Middle School can win the title of provincial champion again."

Bai Qiming felt that there was something else between the principal and the head teacher, but he didn't think much about it.

As long as he was sure that Bai Shaoqi could go to Jiangjing University, he sent the two of them away after dinner. After returning to the Bai family, he told the good news to the people of the Bai family.

"I said that these two brothers and sisters are good enough," the uncle of the clan has always been very majestic in the Bai family, "I will immediately notify the people in the village, and after the college entrance examination results come out, we will open the ancestral hall to celebrate."

Except during the Chinese New Year, the clan members basically do not open the ancestral hall.

Last year, after Bai Shaoke passed the provincial imperial examination and became the top scholar, a ancestral hall was opened for him. However, only the side doors were opened, and the middle door was not easily opened unless there was a major contribution.

This is the busiest time for the Bai family in the past two years.

When Bai Qiming was talking to the clan members, his usually stern face could not hide his pride.

To bring honor to the family, no one can refuse.


Saturday, June 1st.

Bai Mi and Ning Xiao were preparing for the college entrance examination, and No. 1 Middle School did not have a holiday, so she did not come to see Zhang Shize today.

Jiang Fuli took Chi Yundai with him.

When Bai Mi was not around, he became even more distant and the two prison guards did not dare to approach him.

As Chi Yundai, who was standing next to him, entered here, his face automatically changed to one that said "I'll send you to prison for ten years."

After sending the two men to the meeting room, the prison guards looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the room.

Zhang Shize had been waiting here for a long time. When he saw Jiang Fuli and Chi Yundai, he was stunned for a moment before he stood up and said in a muffled voice, "Brother Jiang, Teacher Chi."

Chi Yundai threw the key to Zhang Shize.

Zhang Shize lowered his head and used the key to open the handcuffs.

Chi Yundai took a glance and said, "Very skilled."

Zhang Shize put down the handcuffs, loosened his hands, and followed Jiang Fuli to learn for a while. Bai Mi was not there, and Jiang Fuli had limited patience with him.

He Wen would be scolded if he made any mistakes in front of Jiang Fuli. He sat opposite Zhang Shize, with the cuffs of his white shirt rolled up twice, and his delicate eyebrows were covered with a layer of frost. "You are the only one who wants to apply to the University of Political Science and Law?"

Chi Yundai watched from the side for a while, his eyebrows twitched, "Mr. Jiang, I'll do it, I'll do it."

Jiang Fuli reached out and tugged at his collar, then stood up coldly.

An hour later, Chi Yundai calmly asked, "Do you mind staying in prison for another ten years?"

Zhang Shize: "…"

Even if Bai Shen is not here, it would be fine if Senior He Wenxue were here. Why did two devils come today?

The long visit finally ended.

Zhang Shize would rather go back and stay there for another ten days, so Jiang Fuli handed the two things to Zhang Shize before leaving.

Zhang Shize took it and took a look.

First open the red banner, "What is this."

As he spoke, he opened it and soon saw the words on it -

[Photographed with Zhang Shize (a good man)]

Zhang Shize: "…"

Only then did he look at something else. It was a photo, a photo of Bai Xi and the others holding the banner with him. He looked at the photo and suddenly remembered, "It's graduation time. They have all taken their graduation photos."

He carefully kept the photo, as if he was also participating in the graduation photo from afar.

"By the way, Brother Jiang." Zhang Shize took out another letter and handed it to Jiang Fuli, "Tell Sister Xi to give it to Mother Lu when the time comes."

This was given to Lu Lingxi by Zhang Shize.



Ji Heng's courtyard.

After the graduation uniforms for Class 15 were completed, he had some free time to make his own small items. Jiang He has been following Ji Heng during this period. Like Ji Heng, he doesn't talk much, unlike other children of this age.

He is smart and independent, but he doesn't talk much and tends to be hard on himself.

Strangely, he gets along very well with Ji Heng.

Usually one of the two people paints while the other embroiders, and the day passes like this.

When Xu En came over with a bunch of gifts, the courtyard door was open. He saw Jiang He sitting on the stone table, slowly painting with a paintbrush.

Ji Heng looked up and saw Xu En, a little surprised: "Why did you come back suddenly?"

He stood up.

Special Assistant Xu followed behind Xu En, also carrying a bunch of things in his hands, "Mr. Xu didn't tell Miss Bai in advance because he didn't want to disturb her preparations for the exam."

"I don't plan to stay any longer. I came to see you and Ah-Xin. Ah-Xin doesn't want to take the college entrance examination anymore, so she has to go back tomorrow." Xu En put a bunch of gifts in the living room. When he saw the TV in the living room, he was a little surprised. "You bought a TV?"

He thought Ji Heng didn't like watching TV, so he didn't think about buying it for them.

This time when Xu En came back, he brought them a bunch of gifts, including tobacco, clothes and accessories for Bai Shi.

"A-Xu bought it." Ji Heng went to make two cups of tea and asked the two to sit down. After waiting for a long time, no one else came. He pondered for a moment: "Mulan didn't come back?" Xu En put the things away. "Xiang Chengyuan, the doctor said her pregnancy was unstable, so I didn't let her come back."

Ji Heng glanced at Xu En and lit his pipe. "You don't have to explain for her."

Ji Heng knew very well what Ji Mulan was thinking.

Even though the journey was not far, Ji Mulan did not call to ask about Bai Mi's college entrance examination results.

As long as she doesn't force Bai Mi, Ji Heng doesn't want to get too involved in Ji Mulan's affairs. He knows that Ji Mulan only has eyes for the unborn child in her belly.

Ji Heng lowered his head and took a puff of cigarette.

His eyes were heavy.

Bai Shi came back with Jiang Fuli.

When they came back, Xu En was talking to Ji Heng in the hall.

Seeing Bai Su and the other person coming back, Xu En couldn't help but stand up. He walked outside to greet Bai Su and his eyes paused on Jiang Fuli.

Jiang Fuli was wearing a white shirt today, and the sharpness of his whole body was hidden under the light.

But the pair of light-colored eyes looking at me indifferently still made people feel oppressive.

Xu En wondered in his heart who this Mr. Jiang was.

Jiang, surname Jiang...

Xu En thought for only a moment before changing his mind. He reached out and took out a golden pendant with the words "Successful in the Imperial Examination" and gave it to Bai Shi. "You will be taking the college entrance examination in two days. I wish you success in advance."

This is the pendant he asked the gold shop to make, and both Xu Zhiyue and Bai Mi have it.

Assistant Xu said something auspicious next to him, "Ms. Zhiyue said that Miss Bai is so good at math that she will definitely pass the imperial examination."

"Thank you." Bai Xi lowered his eyebrows and took the pendant.


Jiang Jing.

The old house of the Xu family.

Xu Zhiyue was still in school, and only old lady Xu Wenyao and Ji Mulan were at home eating together.

"I went to see Zhiyue off on the day of her college entrance exam," said Mr. Xu, holding chopsticks in his right hand and spinning Buddhist beads in his left hand. "Wenyao, you're busy at school, so you don't have to rush back."

Xu Wenyao nodded.

As the college entrance examination approached, Mrs. Xu was also anxious. She took two bites of food and thought of something, "Where's your dad?"

"He went back to Xiangcheng," Xu Wenyao said, "Sister A-Xu is also going to take the college entrance examination, so he went back to visit them early."

Old Mrs. Xu knew that Bai Shi was going to take the college entrance examination.

But I didn't expect Xu En to actually go back specially.

She glanced at Ji Mulan opposite her. His biological mother had not even gone home, but he was in a hurry to go back.

Old Mrs. Xu said nothing more.

After dinner, the old lady still went to the ancestral hall at the back to burn incense to the Bodhisattva and pray for Xu Zhiyue's good grades.

"Madam," Butler Xu said respectfully, "According to the news, Miss Qi seems to have met the Third Young Master Xu."

The Third Young Master Xu is a prominent figure in the Xu Family Ancestral Hall.

Xu Jin and Xu Jinyi were both overshadowed by the Third Young Master Xu. Many people said that the next patriarch of the Xu family should bypass the father's generation and go directly to the Third Young Master Xu.

"Are you serious?" Old Mrs. Xu suddenly opened her eyes, and a gleam of light appeared in her cloudy eyes.

She was not qualified to meet Young Master Xu and his group, but that did not stop her from following their news.

Butler Xu replied: "Nine out of ten."

Old Mrs. Xu hung the Buddhist beads on her hand and clasped her hands together, "I will go to the Qi family in two days."


June 4th.

As for Ji Shaojun, after finishing a day's classes, Ji Shaojun asked the housekeeper and others to return to Xiangcheng.

And I will go back early tomorrow morning.

"The Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon," Housekeeper Lou looked at Ji Shaojun and disagreed with him going back. "I'm going to take you to see the master. Why are you going back to Xiangcheng at this time?"

Ji Shaojun lowered his head and poured himself a cup of tea. He did not hide it from the housekeeper. He said slowly, "I'm going back to see my dad and Ah-Sui."

"You can see people anytime," the housekeeper put down the teacup, his fingers full of wrinkles, "The master has to take time out to see you this time."

"Butler Lou," Shen Qing explained, "It's different. Ah Xu is going to take the college entrance examination, and Shao Jun and I are going back to take her."

She sat next to Ji Shaojun. After being in Jiangjing for so long, she no longer felt the awkwardness she had before.

College entrance examination?

The housekeeper paused, and he remembered Bai Shi, who was indeed taking the college entrance examination this year.

Moreover, sending the exam...

He knew Bai Shi, who lived with Ji Heng and went to Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

The housekeeper looked serious and wondered, "I know you care about her, but it's just the college entrance examination. Is it worth it for you to go back to send her to take the exam?"

He also knew that Shen Qing and Ji Shaojun had always cared about Bai Shi, but now they were attaching too much importance to Bai Shi's college entrance examination. It was understandable that they paid more attention to her, but it was not necessary for him to go back to Xiangcheng for this, right?

Shen Qing and Ji Shaojun were so excited as if she was going to be the top scorer in the imperial examination?


Shen Qing opened her mouth, looked at the housekeeper, and explained: "A-Xu's grades are very good..."

Last time at Xu's house.

Xu Zhiyue once said that Baishen was in some "source" base. Shen Qing was not well educated, and she had almost forgotten about it after half a year.

I can't remember what base it was, but I know that Bai Shi was likely to be admitted to Jiangjing University.

For her, it was already surprising enough that Bai Xi could go to Beicheng University, let alone Jiangjing University.

"I know." Upon hearing this, Housekeeper Lou just glanced at Shen Qing with a perfunctory tone.

He had heard Shen Qing say more than once that Bai Mi had good grades.

But the Mu family is a famous and prestigious family after all. Butler Lou has seen all kinds of geniuses in the Mu family. No matter how good Bai Mi's grades are, can she be better than those geniuses in the world who once lived in the Mu family?

"A-Xu's mother hasn't returned yet," Ji Shaojun took out a cigarette, held it between his fingers without lighting it, and said, "If the two of us don't return, it might affect her condition."

Affect her condition?

Housekeeper Lou thought to himself that it didn't matter whether the shadow affected her or not.

But after being together for so long, the housekeeper knew Ji Shaojun's character, so he didn't force Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing to stay. He just said, "Okay, I'll let Xiaojie take you back. Come back as soon as possible."

He calculated the time and found that the Dragon Boat Festival would come after the college entrance examination.

If Ji Shaojun had waited until she finished the college entrance examination and left immediately, perhaps he could have caught up.


No. 6.5.

Class 15, the last class of high school life. Even Wen Qi, who was usually the most active, became quiet at this time.

Lu Lingxi supported the podium with both hands, scanning the whole class, and finally paused for a moment at the seat next to Ning Xiao, "Classmates, you will go to the battlefield the day after tomorrow. This is a one-man fight. I will wait here for your triumphant return."

Outside the window, the setting sun falls into the jungle, half hidden in the clouds, and the light refracts from all directions.

It reflects a red glow.

Lu Lingxi started talking about the things to pay attention to in the exam again. In fact, she had already talked about it many times.

The class was very quiet and all the students were listening to her.

I didn't know whether I was listening to her talking about exam matters or about the precautions for the last exam in high school.

For a long while.

Wen Qicai took the lead in making a noise, "Mother Lu, you have to treat us to hot pot."

"Yes, Mama Lu!" The boys started laughing again.

He seems to be still that carefree young man.

"Okay," Lu Lingxi also laughed, "I'll treat you guys to a meal after the college entrance exam."

Lu Xiaohan's deskmate turned her head slightly and looked at Lu Xiaohan and Bai Xi. "After the college entrance examination, can we be in the same city? Or can we meet again?"

Bai Mi sat quietly in her seat. There were many papers on her desk, which were yearbooks handed to her by classmates or people from other classes.

She lowered her head and wrote slowly, listened to the other person's words, and slowly raised her head.

The light from the window fell on her face, her eyebrows were as casual as ever. She slowly flattened the paper in her hand with her fingers and said softly, "I will."

Lu Xiaohan put his arm around his deskmate's shoulders and said, "Don't worry, I will come to see you no matter where you get admitted."

After the last class, Lu Lingxi stood on the podium and watched all the students pack up and leave.

After Bai Mi finished writing the yearbook, she handed the stack of papers to Lu Xiaohan. These were given to her by people from other classes who asked Lu Xiaohan to give them to them.

Lu Xiaohan walked in front of her, Bai Xi was one step behind her. She stopped beside Lu Lingxi, holding her schoolbag.

Give the letter from Zhang Shize to Lu Lingxi.

Zhang Shize's handwriting was so ugly that Lu Lingxi could recognize it at a glance.

Her students are about to take the college entrance examination. Wenqi has heard that so many people in the class have focused on studying seriously in the second half of the semester. The only one she has not given up is Zhang Shize.

Lu Lingxi lowered his head and opened the letter——

[h, Aunt Lu, I am Zhang Shize. I didn't expect that I would write to you in a place like this. I'm sorry, Aunt Lu…]

Zhang Shize's letter is very long.

Lu Lingxi didn't know…

Since Zhang Shize got into trouble, he has not said sorry to anyone, nor has he admitted his mistakes to anyone, because he does not think he is wrong.

The only person he said sorry to was Lu Lingxi.

"He said he is studying hard in there and wants to be a lawyer in the future," Lu Lingxi carefully put the letter away, "Then I feel relieved."


No. 6 and 7.

Early in the morning.

Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing came to Ji Heng's yard and accompanied Bai Xi to take the college entrance examination.

Bai Mi still gets up very early, at six in the morning, and reads for a while.

Shen Qing was wearing a festive red outfit today. When she saw that Bai Xi's door was open, she sent the food she made in the morning to her room: "A Xi, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

She and Ji Shaojun arrived yesterday morning and made a lot of supplements for Baishen in the past two days.

"No need," Bai Xi flipped through a page of printed paper slowly. Her cell phone vibrated several times beside her. "I'm used to this time."

The phone contained blessings from Xu Nanjing, Yan Luxin and others.

Everyone knows that she is going to take the college entrance examination today.

Except one person.

He Wen: [[Document.oc]]

He Wen: [Take a look today]

Bai Mi was eating breakfast, took a look, and replied slowly: [Not today]

He Wen: [What's wrong? You've changed your direction recently]

White smilax: [no]

Bletilla: [College entrance exams these two days]

On the other side of the phone, He Wen, who had been in the research institute for a long time, checked the time and saw that it was indeed June 7. He was a little dazed.

Although Bai Mi told him that she was a senior in high school, she could communicate with him so smoothly that He Wen often forgot that she was a senior in high school.

"Who will be taking the college entrance examination this year?" He Wen tilted his head and asked the team members around him.

The man didn't know either, "I don't know, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He Wen said to Bai Xi, "Good luck on the college entrance examination," and then said quietly, "I just feel a little sorry for them."

Why did I encounter Bletilla striata in this year's college entrance examination?



Lu Lingxi stood at the gate. The traffic police were already in place and some students had already arrived at the exam hall.

She arrived at eight o'clock and kept looking at the intersection.

Eight twenty.

She saw a black electric car with the logo of Xiangcheng Local Cuisine Restaurant appear at the intersection. Lu Lingxi paused for a moment, as she recognized that this was the restaurant where Yang Lin worked part-time.

The person in the car is Yang Lin.

Lu Lingxi saw her stop the car and walked over immediately.

"Yang Lin."

Yang Lin parked the car. She lived far from here. When she went back last night, the restaurant owner knew that she was taking the college entrance examination today, so she asked her to ride the store's delivery bike back.

"Teacher." Yang Lin took off his helmet and took the bag he had placed next to him.

No one took her to the exam today, but Lu Lingxi was waiting for her.

Lu Lingxi said "hmm", she reached out and touched the head that Yang Lin had grown, "Have you brought everything? The questions on the national test will be a bit difficult, but don't be nervous, the teacher will be waiting for you here."

Yang Lin wanted to say something. She looked at Lu Lingxi through her bangs, but in the end she didn't say anything.

It seems that since Bai Mi came, she has rejected people less often.

Yang Lin seemed to be silent for a long time before handing the phone to Lu Lingxi, "Teacher, please keep it for me."

Her grandparents are still in the countryside and she is alone. Lu Lingxi didn't come today, so she probably left her cell phone in the security room.


No other year's college entrance examination in Xiangcheng has been as lively as this year.

On the main roads of Xiangcheng, the routes close to the major examination centers are controlled by traffic police and have put up "No Honking" signs.

Bai Shi's test site is at Experimental Middle School. She went there with Jiang Fuli yesterday.

Bai Xi and Shen Qing were riding in a taxi that was used by Xiangcheng to transport candidates. There was a sign on the taxi that said "College Entrance Exam Candidates Inside". Almost all cars along the way gave way to this taxi.

She and Shen Qing sat in the back seat, and Ji Shaojun was in the passenger seat.

It was Bai Mi's first time taking the college entrance examination. The cars behind the taxi didn't even honk their horns. This was a scene Bai Mi had never seen before. No matter who they were, today they were making way for the group of senior high school students rushing to the examination hall.

The people here really care about students.

At half past eight, Bai Xi and his friends' taxi stopped at the Experimental Middle School.

There are many people taking the exam at this point.

As soon as Bai Mi got off the car, she saw Jiang Fuli standing under a tree.

He was wearing a dark grey casual jacket today, his back was tall and slender. At the bustling school gate, he was the only one who had a peaceful corner.

"Little Jiang!" Shen Qing raised his hand towards Jiang Fuli and led Bai Xi towards Jiang Fuli.

Bai Shi was wearing a white satin shirt today with light yellow flowers embroidered on the cuffs and collar, and a long peach-colored skirt. Under the sunlight, it looked like peach-colored jade, delicately laid out and with a warm luster.

Since her graduation photos, she seems to be less averse to wearing brightly colored clothes.

Jiang Fuli stood under the tree, quietly watching Bai Shi coming over. She was facing away from the light, so her face was a little unclear.

He watched her walk towards him step by step, and was a little dazed for a moment.

After the others came over, he greeted Shen Qingji and Shao Jun, then looked down at Bai Shi: "Did you bring your pen, ID, and admission ticket?"

Bai Shi raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect him to say this. "I brought it."

"Okay," Jiang Fuli lowered his eyelashes, "You go to the examination room, I'll watch you go in here."

No other person is allowed to enter the test site.

"Xiao Jiang, we just need to wait here. Why don't you go back first?" Shen Qing glanced around. She remembered that Jiang Fuli was always very busy.

"It's okay." Jiang Fuli replied softly.

Ji Shaojun looked at Jiang Fuli, then took out a cigarette box from his pocket, but said nothing.

Jiang Fuli just stood there, watching Bai Mi holding only a pencil case. She walked into the examination room step by step, her back calm and determined.

She went to the battlefield alone, but it seemed as if there were thousands of troops behind her.


Bai Xi remembered her examination room and seat, and she went in after passing security check and getting her admission ticket.

Most of the people in the examination room had already arrived, but she still attracted a lot of attention as soon as she came in.

Eight fifty.

The two invigilators looked very calm. After the bell rang, they handed out the test papers and told the candidates what to pay attention to. "Everyone, please write down your name and admission ticket number first. Don't forget them."

Bai Mi lowered her head to look at the test paper.

National College Entrance Examination Paper (A) Chinese.

She looked at the test paper, opened her pencil case, and took out her usual black pen.

At nine o'clock, the sun was shining brightly outside the classroom. Bai Xi looked down at the black pen and took off the cap.

Lu Lingxi said that they were alone today, but Bai Xi felt that she was not. She picked up the pen and wrote her name on the answer sheet stroke by stroke.

White smilax.

She started her first real battle in this world——

Today, the pen can be turned into a spear, going against the current and soaring into the sky!

I also wish that the children who are about to go to various examination halls can go against the current! (Hehe, thank you for the monthly ticket. I will add one more chapter for everyone. The number of words in each chapter is still long enough. See you tomorrow!)