
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs

Chapter 171-175


Wang Youfeng knew that the last person who came was the classmate who taught Ning Xiao the technique.

Next to Tang Ming, Lu Xiaohan's eyes lit up, "Sister Xi is here!"

Ning Xiao, who was beside Wang Youfeng, also sat up straight.

This made Wang Youfeng feel strange. It seemed that the last student was the leader of this small group. Who was this person who could even conquer someone with Ning Xiao's personality?

Just as I was thinking about it, the person outside the door walked in.

The man was wearing a loose white shirt and dark blue trousers, which looked a bit like traditional Chinese training clothes. Two wooden hairpins tied his long hair up completely.

He was casually carrying a canvas bag in his hand, with a light drape on his forehead, and his inky eyebrows looked casual and a little cool.

Although the style is different, Wang Youfeng recognized it——

Isn't this the girl who saved him in the alley and whom he met at his godmother's place?

What a coincidence.

"Student Bai," Wang Youfeng stood up and smiled at Bai Xi, "So you are also Ning Xiao's classmate."

Lu Xiaohan turned back curiously, "Uncle Wang, do you know each other?"

"Yes, I've seen him at my godmother's house," Wang Youfeng didn't mention the incident in the alley, but only said, "His grandmother accidentally fell down before, and it was classmate Bai who sent her there."

Ning Xiao didn't know about this.

He thanked Bai Shi again. At that time, Bai Shi had just transferred to this school and he didn't know her yet.

Lu Xiaohan and Tang Ming were originally a little hesitant, after all, the faintly visible tattoo on Wang Youfeng's neck was a bit scary. Now that Bai Mi had arrived and they knew each other, the atmosphere instantly became relaxed.

"Classmates, add uncle's WeChat," Wang Youfeng took out his phone and added Tang Ming and Lu Xiaohan's WeChat in a friendly manner, "If you have any problems in the future, you can find uncle."

"Okay." Both of them took out their phones.

When Wang Youfeng heard Lu Xiaohan mention that she was in her third year of high school, he was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ning Xiao, "You are already in your third year of high school?"

He was a little embarrassed. This time when he came back, he brought Ning Xiao the exercises for the first year of high school.

Ning Xiao: "Or else?"

Wang Youfeng was a little embarrassed. He had to say that he didn't know how old Ning Xiao was. He changed the subject, "Is the college entrance examination coming up soon? All four of you should work hard."

After the group finished their meal, Wang Youfeng seemed particularly happy and did not finish eating until almost one o'clock and went downstairs.

He and Bai Xi fell behind, and Wang Youfeng took out a cigarette. "My godmother is in a very bad condition now. She is less awake, and I don't know how long she can hold on."

"You and Ning Xiao should stay with her more." The last time Bai Wei felt Grandma Wang's pulse, it was already weak.

As the two talked, they parted ways at the door.

Wang Youfeng watched Bai Xi and the others leave. To be honest, he hadn't asked Ning Xiao about his grades yet. "Where are you going to take the exam?"

He turned around and asked casually.

Prepare to arrange Ning Xiao's affairs in advance

Ning Xiao: "Jiangjing University."

Wang Youfeng: "…Seriously?"

Although he did not graduate from junior high school, he knew that this school was not something that ordinary people could get into.


Six p.m.

Bletilla striata and ginger left and arrived at the Panshan Road.

The winding mountain road of Xiangcheng is in the north of the city. Although it was only six o'clock, the entire winding mountain road was lit up with colorful lights and flags. The stands on both sides of the starting station of the winding mountain road had been rebuilt and were magnificent.

Motorcycle enthusiasts from various countries gathered in the middle of the road.

This was the second time Bai Mi felt there were so many people around, and she held her cell phone.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here." Xu Nanjing didn't have time, so Xiao Bingwen and his men took some time to come down and pick up Bai Mi and Jiang Fu from leaving the viewing stand.

There are three levels of viewing platforms.

The bottom level is for seats, ordinary audiences, and media reporters.

In the middle are monitoring facilities and a huge screen, which is the projection for follow-up filming. Many people are below using their mobile phones to take pictures of the giant screen.

The third floor is the VIP room, with a small tea break room in the middle.

Xiao Bingwen brought Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli to the observation deck, told the people outside to take good care of them, and then left in a hurry.

When Bai Su saw the balcony, she walked over. From the balcony, she could see the cheerleading team below, the huge screen opposite, and the audience on the first floor.

There was a lot of music and noise below.

Jiang Fuli stood beside Bai Xi and watched for a while. He leaned against the balcony with his eyebrows lowered. "I thought you were not interested in these."

"Not bad," Bai Xi lazily leaned on the balcony with both hands, staring at a black motorcycle below, with the corners of his lips raised, "I have seen it sometimes."

Outside, someone knocked on the door. It was Xiao Bingwen's people. Xiao Yilei said, "Mr. Jiang, Ms. Bai, here are some refreshments."

He placed a small plate on the balcony table. Seeing that Bai Shi and Jiang Fuli had no other instructions, he went downstairs again.

Very respectful.

The sun gradually set, the street lights gradually lit up, the entire winding mountain road was as bright as day, and the group of spectators downstairs became even more excited.

Jiang Fuli was not interested in motorcycles. He took out his computer and put it on the table. He talked to Bai Mi while looking at the computer.

The friendly match starts at 7:28.

At seven o'clock, after Xu Nanjing and Xiao Bingwen had received some guests, they finally found the opportunity to say hello to Bai Su Jiang Fuli.

Xu Nanjing sat opposite Jiang Fuli and drank a large glass of water. "It's not easy. Charles liked this scene as soon as he saw it. He was chatting with the driver downstairs."

Jiang Fuli reached out to close the computer and talked to Xu Nanjing about business, "Is everything arranged?"

"You still don't trust me?" Xu Nanjing smiled.

Jiang Fuli didn't say anything, just glanced at him lightly.

Xu Nanjing: "… Physics doesn't count."

Bai Su was still lying lazily on the balcony, listening to English and looking at the cars below.

Xiao Bingwen stood next to Xu Nanjing, his posture also relaxed a lot.

Just at this time, someone knocked on the door. Xiao Bingwen went to open the door. It was Xiao Yile. He whispered something in Xiao Bingwen's ear, and Xiao Bingwen's expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Xu Nanjing looked over casually, holding a glass.

Xiao Bingwen's face was grim, "Xiao Guo has returned to Jiangjing."

Xu Nanjing squeezed the cup tightly, his tone extremely dangerous, "Back to Jiangjing? When did he leave?"

"He said he wanted to run another lap in the afternoon to familiarize himself with the route," Xiao Bingwen pursed his lips, "He should be back then."

"No substitute?" Jiang Fuli tapped the table with his fingers and narrowed his eyes.

Xu Nanjing shook his head, looking very unhappy. "There are not many people in the club who dare to run this lap. Besides Xiao Guo, there is another person who can't run the whole lap. I recruited him personally, but I didn't expect him to leave at this time."

Jiang Fuli cast a cold gaze on Xu Nanjing, "Do you know who did it?"

Xu Nanjing raised his head and smiled bitterly: "It must be an internal thief."

Because of Xu Jueling's reminder, Xu Nanjing also took sufficient precautions against Xu Jueming. He made sure nothing happened along the way and was on guard against the people around Chaer.

The only thing I didn't expect was that there were people with ulterior motives around me.

This business concerns the overall situation. Xu Nanjing felt that his second uncle would not be so confused. It was also his fault that everything went too smoothly when he came to Xiangcheng and he lost his guard.

Jiang Fuli looked at Bai Xi who was listening to the words and lowered his voice, "Let's talk inside."

He got up and went in.

The atmosphere downstairs was high.

The atmosphere in this room on the third floor was very depressing.

Jiang Fuli and Xu Nanjing were inside. Xiao Bingwen didn't dare to go in, but his expression wasn't good either. "I should have stayed close to him."

"No one expected this." Xiao Yilei clenched his fists and said angrily, "Xiao Guo is a traitor!"

Bai Xi tilted her head, looked at the backs of Jiang Fuli and Xu Nanjing, and asked Xiao Bingwen, "One person is missing, is it that serious?"

How can it not be serious?

This is a major matter for Xu Nanjing to establish a good relationship with Charles. It involves rare metals and international trade. Bai Shen may not understand even if he explains it to her.

Xiao Bingwen just pressed his brows, suppressed his annoyance and explained to Bai Mi: "If this matter is not handled properly, it will be even more difficult for Nan Jing to stay in the Xu family. The Xu family is watching his every move, and his second uncle has been targeting him."

Bai Mi took off her headphones, leaned lazily on the balcony, and listened to Xiao Bingwen's explanation.

It was already 7:18, and the staff outside knocked on the door, "Third Master, Master Charles wants to know when you will be leaving?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the room became even more depressing.

The game starts at 7:28.

"Xu Jueming must have informed Third Young Master about this matter of Charles," Xiao Yilei added, and then sighed, "It would be great if there was a driver who was familiar with the road right now."

There is no motorcycle club in Xiangcheng, the winding mountain road is complicated, and there are few people riding on it. It is not easy to find such a person in a short period of time.

Xiao Yilei finished speaking.

Bai Zhu thought for a moment and said, "Are your requirements high?"

She was not a professional, she just followed Mao Kun and the others to run through this winding mountain road. Usually to relieve stress she would either go to the fighting arena or come here to take the turns. Xu Nanjing had given her something, so if the requirements were not high she would run for a while.

Of course, she's not professional, but she's crazy enough.

See you tomorrow, babes!


"Not high, they are all amateurs," Xiao Bingwen said softly. Because of this, no one expected that there would be any problems with this. "There are nine people, Charles likes the number nine, so just finish the race successfully."

Xu Nanjing found three drivers with good skills, one of whom was Xiao Guo, whom he trusted the most. Xiao Bingwen sent people to watch the other two, except Xiao Guo, whom Xu Nanjing trusted the most.

Even though Charles and Xu Nanjing are close friends, it is not easy to make a deal, otherwise Xu Nanjing would not have spent so much money to build a racing track.

It goes without saying how important it is to accompany Charles. Even Xu Nanjing was nervous. He spent so much time to improve his status, but at the last moment, there was one person missing.

Still focusing on the final key number "nine".

Bai Mi closed the app on her phone and moved her wrist slowly, "Then I can do it."

Xiao Bingwen was just thinking about the possibility of finding a substitute to run a full lap when he heard Bai Shi say, "What?"

He looked Bai Shi up and down. Compared with Jiang Fuli, Bai Shi was undoubtedly introverted. The loose white top on her gave her a mysterious artistic air.

So when Bai Xi said this, Xiao Bingwen didn't even associate her with the motorcycle.


Inside the house.

Jiang Fuli was wearing a casual white jacket today, and his cold and solemn aura was even more obvious. He just looked at Bai Shi, and pursed his lips: "No."

Xu Nanjing was also shocked by Bai Shi's words: "Sister Bai Shi? This is a motorcycle!"

Not many people dare to participate in tonight's competition, otherwise Xu Nanjing would not be so passive.

He had even planned to send in the substitute who couldn't finish the run.

Although it is not a racing car, the car Xu Nanjing prepared for today also has a displacement of 1000cc, but its top speed does not reach the 1000 of a professional racing car.

It's dangerous.

Not to mention Jiang Fuli, Xu Nanjing didn't stop Bai Shi from going up either, and judging from Bai Shi's appearance, it didn't look like she could ride a motorcycle.

Bai Shi nodded, "I know. I can ride it."

The timing was wrong, but Bai Xi said she could ride a motorcycle, and Xu Nanjing was extremely surprised. "Next time I'll take you to play, let's forget about it today. This is not a joke."

Moreover, Xu Nanjing did not dare to look back at Jiang Fuli beside him. He felt that the coldness of Mr. Jiang was almost leaking out.

Real racing is a game for knights, they are not afraid of death.

Xu Nanjing is a true car lover and he also knows the dangers involved.

"Aren't you looking for someone familiar with this winding mountain road?" Bai Xi looked at the track outside and made a rough estimate. "I have run no less than a hundred laps on this road. I can finish it with my eyes closed."

Jiang Fuli's face was very gloomy. "When did you run away?"

"In the beginning, I ran a lot," Bai Xi knew who was the one who could really make the decisions among them. "Now, almost everyone is studying. I will try my best to pay attention. It just so happens that I haven't run for a long time."

"After all," Bai Shi retracted his gaze, and turned his dark eyes to Jiang Fuli, and his voice was almost inaudible: "...I cherish my life now."

Jiang Fuli just stood in front of her, because he knew a little about Xu Nanjing's love for motorcycles.

As an outsider, all he felt was danger. At that speed, a single mistake would be irreversible.

He looked at Bai Xi steadily and said, "Be careful."

Xu Nanjing originally thought that Jiang Fuli was the most determined person to stop Bai Shi, but he didn't expect that in the end, Jiang Fuli was the most conniving one.

"Nan Jing," Xiao Bingwen looked at Bai Xi as she changed her clothes and got her helmet, feeling very uneasy, "Are you really okay?"

Xu Nanjing took out a cigarette and fixed his eyes on Jiang Fuli in front of him. He didn't look relaxed, which was unusual for him. "I don't know."

If Bai Xi hadn't said it himself today, he wouldn't have known that the other party could ride a motorcycle.



Starting track.


Xu Nanjing went downstairs to entertain Charles, a foreigner with chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. Xu Nanjing communicated with him fluently in English, "Sorry, there's something wrong with our people. I'll be right there."

Charles held a bottle of champagne in one hand. He squinted at Xu Nanjing for a while and said, "Okay."

Xu Nanjing observed Charles' expression and felt a little depressed. It seemed that someone had already told Charles about this in advance.

There are eight motorcycles in front, orange, fiery red, ice blue...

There was a person standing next to each motorcycle.

Amid the cheering crowd, a man wearing a fisherman's hat pressed the microphone on his ear and lowered his head, "They didn't use the substitutes."

On the other side of the headset, Jiang Jing.

The middle-aged man put his phone on the wall. Xu Jueming was playing with the bird in the cage. After listening to the report from the person on the other end of the phone, he said in an ambiguous tone, "What a pity. Mr. Charles is destined to be disappointed."

"Mr. Charles is not the only one who is disappointed." The middle-aged man hung up the phone.

"Yes," Xu Jueming smiled slightly, "My respected father will announce his next successor at his birthday banquet. I wonder what he will think tomorrow."

Mr. Xu can still live for a few more years. He skipped Xu Jueming and Xu Jueling, and only had high hopes for Xu Nanjing.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and said, "Second Master, I'll ask my son to come back. See..."

"Don't worry," Xu Jueming took down the birdcage and glanced at him, "You will definitely get some benefits. Pack up and go to the product department tomorrow."

He walked back along the corridor while playing with the bird.

After everyone left, someone next to the middle-aged man asked carefully, "Manager Guo, aren't you offending the Third Young Master by doing this..."

Everyone knows that Xu Nanjing is in a good momentum now.

If it weren't for the motorcycle, Guo Huai might not even have the chance to meet Xu Nanjing.

"Third Young Master?" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly. "Guo Huai has been following him for eight years. What has he gained except being a racing driver? I have been demoted instead of promoted in the Xu family for so many years. Even if we don't offend him, people like him won't take us seriously. We might as well go all out."

This is an opportunity that has only come after eight years of waiting. "Moreover..." The middle-aged man said this with a smile on his face: "After today... the Third Young Master will have to bow down to the Xu family. It is still unknown whether the Xu family belongs to the Second Young Master or the Third Young Master."

He seemed to see his future great wealth.



First floor.

Jiang Fuli also came down and looked at the big screen. From this angle he could only follow the camera on the big screen.

Beside him, Xiao Bingwen still felt like he was dreaming. He hesitated and asked Xu Nanjing, "Is she really okay?"

Xu Nanjing watched Charles' movements and shook his head, "I don't know. Charles already knows."

"What?" Xiao Bingwen pursed his lips, realizing that his voice was too high, he lowered his voice, "So is there no hope today?"

"About 99%." Xu Nanjing looked at the track and said casually.

Another 1% is on Bletilla striata.

"Brother Jiang," Xu Nanjing asked Jiang Fuli, "You haven't seen her sports car either?"

Jiang Fuli's face didn't look very good either, he just nodded slightly.

Xu Nanjing also became worried now.

The roar of the engine sounded, and a black motorcycle drove out of the garage. The person on the motorcycle was wearing a white and black motorcycle suit and a black helmet. It was not very close-fitting. Her upper body was slightly leaning forward, and her legs were casually supporting the fuel tank.

Finally, it suddenly stopped at the starting point.

Xu Nanjing was stunned. It looked like he could really do cornering and speeding.

Because she was the last one to appear, the camera gave her a close-up.

She was still wearing a helmet, her legs loosely supported on the ground, and her upper body relaxedly leaning forward. Although the movements were very relaxed, they were inexplicably powerful.

The camera stopped at her pair of dark and beautiful eyes——

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Female rider?"

"Who is this person? Have you heard of him?"


It was the first time to see a female rider in such an occasion, and people in the audience were talking about it.

Xu Nanjing's heart was tense, but he smiled and said to Charles, "This is my sister. She has just started learning."

"Your sister?" Charles was surprised, and then he gave Xu Nanjing some expression. He could see that Bai Shi was not a rookie, nor was she someone Xu Nanjing found temporarily to perfunctorily deal with him: "That's too cool!"

"Maybe I didn't perform well," Xu Nanjing observed Charles' expression and finally smiled, "Don't mind it."

Bai Shi watched the red flag fall, squeezed the front brake, pressed the shock absorber, engaged the clutch and shifted gears, increasing the speed.

"3, 2, 1——"

When the light comes on, just push the accelerator and go!

In fact, her speed was not that fast. The red motorcycle in front was the first to squeeze into the curve, and the white motorcycle stepped on the accelerator and squeezed in between the second and third motorcycles.

The commentator's voice was also very excited, "We can see that the black car is currently in fourth place, very stable, and the yellow car has completely blocked her lane.

"The race between the first and second place became fierce, and we saw the white car was about to overtake.

The curve at the starting line is not big, and Bletilla striata has been maintaining a decent speed.

Until the first left bend, Baishen always took the middle line when running this road, because there might be cars on this mountain road at night, and the view was good along this line.

It was the same at this time, on the left bend, Bai Su's dark eyes condensed, and the whole person leaned forward to reduce the resistance of the oncoming wind. He gently pushed forward with his left hand, and the car body instantly tilted to the left, forming an angle with the ground!

Having studied physics, Bletilla striata naturally understands this.

If the speed is fast enough, this turn can be lowered.

The camera just switched to her. At high speed, the body of her car seemed almost like a phantom, and her entire body could not be seen clearly. All we knew was that the angle between the body of the car and the ground was very small, and the ground almost touched her clothes along the way.

There were exclamations from the crowd from time to time.

There are a total of fifteen turns on the entire track.

The whole process took less than twenty minutes. Bai Xi was so familiar with this road that, as she said, she could finish the run with her eyes closed.

"Quick, let's look at the black car. In the last two turns, is she going to overtake the third place?" The commentator was passionate!

The last two bends.

The left turn and the right turn are the largest and most difficult section of the entire track.

If you don't control it well, you will fall or drift out. The three people in front also tried their best to brake and control the speed. Only Bai Shi did not change her speed at this time. She leaned her heels on the windshield and adjusted her posture to control the center of gravity of the car.

The black motorcycle was like a nimble warhorse in her hands, tilting and turning, leaving a trail of fireworks on the outer circle of the track!

"Look, she's overtaken the one in front of her.

"Let's see if she can keep the third place.

In the last lap, the camera finally positioned itself on her.

With the sharp sound of tires scratching the ground, the red car stopped at the finish line. Immediately afterwards, the black car turned the corner and overtook the yellow motorcycle that was originally in second place, and stopped at the finish line with a "swish".

On the big screen, the intense war has left no time to look at the people behind.

Everyone only saw the black car parked next to the red car. The person sitting in the car was wearing a white and black racing suit. She casually placed one hand on the cold-toned hood of the car and took off the helmet on her head with the other hand, with her long legs supporting the ground.

The long black quilt was half tied behind the head with a rope. The white light shone down at an angle, and the broken quilt was blown up by the wind, making the black hair a little messy, shrouded in a light yellow fluorescence. The cold eyes looked towards the camera inadvertently, casual and wild.

It is the unruly nature engraved in our bones.


The girl's face was magnified on the big screen.

Leng Bai's slender fingers held the helmet, and a hint of red was faintly visible on her wrist. Even through the distant camera, one could feel the tension in her whole body.

A spirited style that is unique to this age.

At the starting track, the crowd was quiet for a moment, and then cheers suddenly rang out, like a surging heat wave.

Female riders are rare in the arena, and female riders with such strong strength are even rarer, especially the third type -

Such a good-looking one!

"Xu, that's amazing!" Charles's dark brown eyes burst into intense colors. He turned around excitedly and looked at Xu Nanjing beside him. "Oh, your sister is really amazing!"

Charles patted Xu Nanjing's shoulder and laughed, "You Chinese are so modest!"

He used several exclamatory sentences in succession to express his surprise and satisfaction.

The final two laps of the race were an absolute feast for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Xu Nanjing reacted and smiled back at Charles, "As long as you like it."

His face was calm, but Xu Nanjing's heart was like a drop of water rolling into a frying pan.

"Of course," Charles looked at the finish line, "Is your sister free? I'd like to meet her."

"She," Xu Nanjing looked at Jiang Fuli and said apologetically to Chaer, "She is in her senior year. It's not easy for her to find time to come. She also has to go back to do her homework."

"That's a shame, Xu. Let's talk about cooperation then." Charles remained enthusiastic.

The red car belonged to Charles, and it won first place. Charles was very satisfied, and even the cooperation that Xu Nanjing wanted was put directly on the agenda.

The two returned to the VIP room. Behind them, Xiao Bingwen and Xiao Yilei looked at each other, and saw disbelief in each other's eyes, "Miss Bai..."

Xiao Yilei didn't have many adjectives, so he only used one word in the end: "She's so fierce."

Xiao Bingwen recalled the unruly eyes on the big screen and took a deep breath.

"But... this time we can say it's a blessing in disguise," Xiao Yilei clenched his fist again and looked at Xiao Bingwen excitedly, "Third Young Master has won this cooperation.

After Guo Huai left, someone told Charles about this. Charles was dissatisfied. Then Baishen appeared out of nowhere and performed classic cornering on the last two tracks. With such superb skills, he was just behind the red car...

With these added benefits, Charles was in high spirits and agreed to Xu Nanjing's request.

If Guo Huai hadn't left and everything went according to plan, Charles wouldn't have given in so quickly and would have to wait at least another month.

"After today, her status in Nan Jing's heart may be higher than Xu Jinyi's." Xiao Bingwen said softly.

With Jiang Fuli around, who is very much to Xu Nanjing's liking and can ride a motorcycle, he can handle Charles...

Xiao Bingwen thought, maybe it's no longer "maybe".

The position of Xu Jinyi, the "big lady" of Xingjiang District, may have to be moved out after Bai Shen entered Jiangjing.

not far away.

In the crowd, the squad leader of Class 8 also came back to his senses. He poked Chen Zhuo beside him and said, "Mr. Chen, that... that is the white smilax, right?"

But he couldn't recognize the arrogant face on the big screen.

Chen Zhuo looked at the big screen that had turned into an advertisement and said nothing.


Baishen returned to the lounge here.

Jiang Fuli was already waiting for her at the door. After bending down, she was in a good mood. She took off the hairband behind her head and stretched out her hand to him, "Where is the hairpin?"

Of course, one cannot use the hairpin when wearing a helmet, so Bai Shi asked Jiang Fuli to take off the hairpin.

Jiang Fuli still looked cool and aloof, and the casual white clothes he wore made him look even more noble.

He held two wooden hairpins in his fingers, lowered his eyes, and motioned Bai Shi to sit down.

Bai Shi sat on the sofa, Jiang Fuli stood behind her, his bony fingers piercing through her black hair. His movements were slow but orderly as he gathered a bunch of black hair.

"Can you?" Bai Xi felt him fiddling with his head. She leaned slightly on the sofa, a little hesitant.

"Yeah." Jiang Fuli lowered her eyes and responded nonchalantly, and tied half of her hair up behind her. It was a little difficult to do it the first time, but after the second time, she finally found a clue.

"I just finished watching it," Jiang Fuli wrapped the ink around the wooden hairpin. His movements were gentle and his tone was also light, "The process was very cool."

He commented seriously.

Bai Su leaned lazily on the sand and didn't urge him.

"But..." Jiang Fuli gently inserted the hairpin into the crack. The head was loose, but it was inserted anyway. He paused and picked up the second hairpin. "It's very dangerous."

He paused, then said three words.

Xu Nanjing knows how to race cars, but Jiang Fuli has never seen a racing scene. Today was the first time he saw it because of Bai Mi.

The whole process was extremely dangerous.

Especially at the last two bends, Bai Shi's desperate attitude made Jiang Fuli almost breathless, and everyone was cheering.

Jiang Fuli put on the second hairpin, and her loose hair seemed to be somewhat stable.

But not as neatly as she did it herself.

He took a look before slowly turning to her, slowly squatting down, and looking her almost level with his eyes. There was always a sense of coldness between his brows, but today it melted a little.

Jiang Fuli said softly: "Even if you want to ride a bike in the future, can you go a little slower?"

Those light-colored eyes were like glass beads, looking at her quietly, seriously and persistently.

"Otherwise I'll tell your grandpa." He added at last.

Baishen: "...Okay."

"Find me a piece of paper and a pen," Bai Xi urged Jiang Fuli, "I have some inspiration."

Just now, between life and death, Bai Shiling was shocked. She wanted to remember

When Xu Nanjing and Xiao Bingwen came back from their work, Bai Xi was holding a piece of paper and writing something. She was sitting by the window with her head lowered, and a lamp was on above her head.

"We'll leave later." Jiang Fuli glanced at Xu Nanjing and Xiao Bingwen.

Xu Nanjing walked over and took a look. "Are you not leaving now?"

Bai Mi was drawing something, probably numbers, something Xu Nanjing had never seen before.

Xiao Bingwen did not dare to run around, but just stayed quietly aside. His attitude towards Bai Shi was now more respectful than before. What Bai Shi showed was enough to make him respectful.

"Wait until she's done." Jiang Fuli turned on the computer again, and the fluorescent light reflected his cold face.

Without her guzheng, Bai Shi only roughly recorded her inspiration.


Nine o'clock.

Xiao Bingwen drove back.

Bai Di and Jiang Fuli sat in the spacious back seat. Yan Lu's next song was promising, so Bai Di finally had the mood to open the app, and the plug-in on the screen was also activated.

She casually clicked on the account.

Monthly ranking from top to bottom:

NO.1 Liang Wuyu 48800

NO.2Xu Zhiyue45112

NO16. Ning Xiao 35587

NO.37 Song Min 32589

NO.43 Tang Ming 30178

NO.261 Bai Shaoqi 22493

...NO.852 Free Pickup 0

There should have been a flood of private messages, but now they all disappeared.

The Baishen app got back to normal operation instantly after being stuck for a while.

She glanced at the points and clicked on this month's question bank. Each question in this month's question bank was worth 100 points. She hadn't done any of the questions yet, and the first question she encountered was math.

Fill in the blanks question with a range of values.

In a quadratic equation, ac is a triangle. Find the range of values ​​of a+-c.

Bai Mi knew roughly what to do after just one glance, so she opened the drawing board on her phone and started calculating.

In the driver's seat, Xiao Bingwen turned on the music. In the car, Yan Lu's voice rang out, and Bai Xi subconsciously looked up.

In the passenger seat, Xu Nanjing was very active in all of Bai Shen's actions. When he saw her looking up, he immediately perked up, "Sister Bai Shen, do you know this song too? This is the singer that Xiao Bingwen likes..."

"Yan Lu," Xiao Bingwen answered politely after looking in the rearview mirror. When talking about his favorite song, he added, "This song would be better played on the guzheng."

Speaking of Guzheng, Xu Nanjing remembered that Bai Shi also knew how to play it. He smiled and said to Bai Shi, "Sister Bai Shi, he has a childhood sweetheart who is learning Guzheng from a famous teacher. Let him introduce her to you later."

"Are you talking about Shuhe?" Xiao Bingwen's eyes and brows softened a little when he mentioned this person.

"That's her," Xu Nanjing said to Bai Xi, "There are many people learning guzheng in Jiangjing, and there are many good teachers. If you want to learn guzheng well..."

He talked eloquently.

Bai Xi lowered her head, turned to the next question, and said honestly: "I am just interested in Guzheng, and I have never thought about learning it seriously."

She only loves to study now.

Otherwise, why would Dean Jian feel that he couldn't persuade her and had to return to Jiangjing?

"Learning the guzheng well is also very useful," Xiao Bingwen continued, "Shuhe is very good, and the teacher thinks highly of her. I heard that he will take her to meet Mr. Chen."

Xu Nanjing shrugged. He was not very interested in the guzheng, but he had heard of Liu Shuhe's name.

Arrived at Qingshui Street.

Jiang Fuli sent the white peony down.

Xu Nanjing looked at the low-rise houses on Qingshui Street and estimated that Jiang Fuli would take a while to come back, so he got out of the car and leaned against the door to smoke.

Xiao Bingwen came down from the other end.

The two talked about what happened today.

"Send some scarce materials to Academician Ma when the time comes," Xiao Bingwen made a rough estimate and said to Xu Nanjing, "What do you think are the chances that he will agree to let Professor Huang be an honorary professor?"

He hasn't given up yet.

"If Academician Ma doesn't have enough materials, he will ask Young Master Jiang for help, unless you show him something that will impress him," Xu Nanjing flicked the ash from his cigarette and shook his head. "If he were really that easy to approach, he wouldn't be a rare breed among the academicians."

He did not join any faction and focused on research.

His own achievements, the medals he had received...even Mr. Chen was polite when he saw him.

"Guo Huai, what are you going to do?" Xiao Bingwen thought of the important matter.

Xu Nanjing's eyes turned cold. "My second uncle is so quick to get news. I'm sure he will know the news about my negotiation with Charles tomorrow."

If he knew that by mistake he had cooperated earlier...


Ji Heng's yard.

Today is Saturday, Jiang He has been with Ji Heng. He swings his legs and watches Ji Heng draw.

Seeing Bai Xi coming back, Ji Heng looked at her head and said, "Where have you been? Your hair is a mess."

Bai Zhu wanted to laugh, but held back: "Running."

"There's a midnight snack." Ji Heng knew that Bai Xi loved to exercise, so he just pointed to the pot and continued to draw with his head down.

Bai Mi returned to her room after bringing her midnight snack, took out her guzheng and some white paper, and started tinkering with the instrument based on her inspiration for the night.

This song is about to take shape.

Different from the previous two styles, this white peony is positioned as a carnival feast. For fear of disturbing the neighbors, she pressed the strings very lightly and planned to refine it in the next two days.

After roughly changing the music, she picked up her phone and slowly did the exercises on the app.

No one knew that the free pick-up of No.852 had turned into No.598 overnight.



School is over in the afternoon.

At the school gate.

The people in Class 8 also saw the white smilax that stood out from the crowd.

"What are you doing?" My deskmate Bao Boyu put on his schoolbag and glanced at the monitor of Class 8.

The monitor hesitated and lowered his voice slightly: "I need to go back to my old class to print out Bai Shi and Ning Xiao's study methods and materials. Are you going?"

As soon as he said this, Bao Boyu quickly looked at Chen Zhuo and Ren Wanxuan in front of him, and finally said, "Are you really going?"

"Yeah." The monitor recalled what he saw the night before, as well as the school rankings: "You know, all three of them scored 730 points."

"Do you think you can get 30 points after watching it? There are only three months left," Bao Boyu whispered, "Can you get into North City University after watching it? You might as well sell yourself in front of Ren Wanxuan and Chen Shao instead."

The two of them have similar grades, but they are still far from being admitted to North City University.

The monitor paused, "What if I go to print it, and you really don't want to go?"

Bao Boyu looked at him hopelessly. The white sedge in the school seemed to have an inexplicable faith cohesion: "No."

"Then I'll go by myself." The squad leader left quietly.


Bai Mi was holding her phone, swiping the screen to look at the questions, and saw Xu Nanjing waiting outside.

He was talking to someone on his cell phone while watching the flow of people.

Gao Yan was on the other end of the phone. "You owe me a big favor. Master Jiang didn't hit you, did he?"

"Not bad." Xu Nanjing touched his nose and smiled, "Anyway, it's fine as long as you know about this matter. As for the rest, you can arrange it. Find me ten or eight tutors first."

Chaer had made great contributions to this matter. Gao Yan had originally wanted to take Bai Xi as her goddaughter. When she heard the news, she could only sigh, "She is your lucky star. Don't worry, I have reserved a place for her in the future. Why don't you ask her if she wants to be my goddaughter?"

Xu Nanjing smiled and said, "I don't know about that."

When Bai Xi approached, she heard him talking on the phone, but she didn't interrupt him.

Xu Nanjing glanced.

I just happened to see the page on Baishen's phone that looked a little familiar.

Xu Nanjing said politely to Gao Yan, "I'll call you later."

As he said that, he hung up the phone and stared at Bai Su's phone, "Sister Bai Su, what's on your phone?"


Bai Mi answered whenever someone asked her a question. She pointed her phone at Xu Nanjing, who happened to be reading a message on the screen.

[Hello, your answer has been included as the standard answer?

My eyes were hurting a few days ago. I wanted to explain yesterday, but I felt my eyes twitching so I went to bed and only had time to say "see you tomorrow". I'll explain to you today. I don't know if anyone has been waiting for the second update the day before yesterday (I'm really sorry if anyone has). See you tomorrow, my dears~


Xu Nanjing was also tortured by this app and once suspected that Jiang Fuli and Jiang Xijue were not human beings.

He was silent for a moment, then put his phone back in his pocket and asked a little impolitely: "Sister Bai, can you show me your question bank?"

Baishen: "…"

She handed the phone to Xu Nanjing.

Xu Nanjing politely did not click anywhere else. He only clicked on the overall ranking, saw the familiar "L", looked at the familiar follow list, and finally clicked on Baishen's homepage——

NO.192 Free Pickup 23875

Xu Nanjing had heard Ming Dongheng say a few words about Bai Shi from the beginning. The Xu family and Jiang Xijue respected the people around Jiang Fuli and did not conduct a large-scale investigation.

Ming Dongheng said that Bai Shi's grades were average, and Xu Nanjing believed it until now.

"Nanjing," Xiao Bingwen stopped the car at the intersection. Seeing that Xu Nanjing hadn't shown up for a while, he came over to urge him. When he saw Bai Shen, he was quite polite: "Miss Bai."

Xu Nanjing slowly raised his head.

Return the phone to Baimei.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Xu Nanjing's strange expression, Xiao Bingwen asked. He knew that Xu Nanjing came to talk to Bai Mi about tutoring.

Xu Nanjing took a deep breath and said, "Her ranking in the preparatory camp app is 192."

"What?" Xiao Bingwen looked at Bai Xi's phone, very surprised.

Bai Shi nodded, "Yes, 192, what's wrong?"

Even Tang Ming made it into the top 50. Bai Xi felt that this ranking was within the normal range compared to others.

"Your school probably doesn't know about this ranking. Jiangjing University is open to the world, and foreign students there are often persuaded by other students to stay in Jiangjing, so the competition is fierce." Xiao Bingwen, who is also from Jiangjing, looked away in shock, "So basically the top 500 domestic students on the app have a chance to enter Jiangjing University, and the top 200..."

"It means that not only can you go to Jiangjing University, but you can also choose a very good major."

It was very difficult for these two people to be admitted to Jiangjing University, and they are engaged in business.

Especially in Xiao Bingwen's eyes, in a place like Xiangcheng with backward teachers and information, being able to enter the top 200 means that she has a very terrifying talent.

After listening to it, Bai Mi finally understood the reason.

"You're so strong?" Xu Nanjing sighed, then came to his senses, "I'm the one who got the advantage. When you pass the postgraduate study, you can directly join our senior management."

He made a promise to Baishen nonchalantly.

This made Xiao Bingwen look at Bai Shi again.

Bai Xi held the phone tightly and did not answer. She only asked Xu Nanjing: "Why did you look for me today?"

Xu Nanjing: "...I came to see you on the way."


He was too embarrassed to say it.

Baishen: "…"

What a great guy who came to take a look on the way. Even more outrageous than Mr. Jiang.

"Okay, then I'll go to my classmate's house." Seeing that Xu Nanjing was fine, Bai Xi waved at him and turned to go to Zhang's house.

Xu Nanjing just stood there and looked at her back.

After Bai Xi left, Xiao Bingwen let out a sigh, "Nan Jing, she really is..."

"Not surprising," Xu Nanjing murmured, "192, I should have thought of it earlier. Whoever Mr. Jiang likes, there must be a pervert."

Little did these two people know that Bai Shi had not yet finished all the questions for this month. The 192 points were just the results of her doing one day of exercises on the app during the weekend after she had a break.

I thought this was Bai Shi's limit, but I didn't know that this was not her true strength.


The Zhang family didn't have that much cargo to unload today, so only Bai Mi and Lu Xiaohan came, and everyone else went back to do their homework.

The two of them were eating the fruit washed by Zhang Ma in the yard.

"Xiao Lu will probably finish filming by the end of the month," Aunt Zhang said to Bai Xi with a smile. When she mentioned Yan Lu, her eyes were filled with joy. "She will return to Xiangcheng after she finishes filming."

Yan Lu has been filming for nearly four months. Her acting skills and foundation are in place, and her manners are great. It's just that her lines are a little bit behind her.

He is not inferior to some veteran actors in acting.

If it was just her, she would have finished filming her scenes long ago, but because of the other actors, it was delayed until today.

Bai Mi finished eating a cherry and nodded, "I understand."

She studied hard, and Yan Lu usually wouldn't disturb Bai Shi unless it was necessary. Later, Bai Shi never looked at Yan Lu again, but Zhang Ma had looked at her several times.

"She and Xiaoze are all thanks to you," Zhang Ma looked at Bai Xi, then at Lu Xiaohan, "and you classmates..."

Aunt Zhang didn't say anything else, but Lu Xiaohan and Bai Di understood.

"Auntie, Yan Lu and he are both right," Lu Xiaohan said slowly as she filmed the backyard with a camera, "and... Zhang Shize is a good man."

Zhang Shize's imprisonment this time has a lot to do with Yan Lu, and Zhang Shize's parents have never blamed Yan Lu.

Bai Su listened quietly, took out a cherry from the plate next to her, and finally opened WeChat.

Give the two pictures to Dean Jian——

[New Song]

Dean Jian: [So fast? ]

The other side of the phone.

Jian Zhongyou put down his pen and picked up his cell phone.

Not far away, a man and a woman stood up, "Teacher?"

"Li Jiu, Shu He, you two continue practicing. I have something to do." Jian Zhongyou raised his hand and asked the two to continue. He turned around and went back to his house in the school.

While going back, I clicked on the lyrics and composition of Baishen.

The first one is the words.

Jian Zhongyou clicked on it and saw that, unusually, Bai Mi did not use regular fonts, but rather a wild and unrestrained style that was so powerful that it could penetrate the paper and flow like clouds and running water. Even though it was just a picture, he could see the free will of the writer.

Although Jian Zhongyou did not learn calligraphy, he came from a family of calligraphers, so he naturally knew——

This is clearly Liang Ti!

Who copied the letter for Baimei?

Jian Zhongyou exclaimed, and finally focused his attention on the content. After one, two, three, the third song was four words:

Re-reading the Old Days

I see the flowers along the road blooming for you

The old road is back

Jian Zhongyou read on and landed on the last three lines of words:

"The sun never sets, it's so beautiful


He took out his key, opened the door, and prepared to go to his small recording studio to check out the song Bai Shi. The arrangement of a song is very important. Jian Zhongyou has not played her composition yet, but he has a general idea of ​​the style of the song by looking at the lyrics, and he is afraid that he will not be able to handle it.

After reading the last few sentences, he took out his guzheng and asked Bai Shi:

[What's the meaning?]

Bai Mi replied quickly: [This name sounds nice, I want to grab it and use it]

Jian Zhongyou: "…"

This child, why does he smell so bloody?

Baishen: [How is it? Can this song be edited? ]

This song is completely different from the previous two in style. Jian Zhongyou looked at the lyrics and the style of the song. It is inspirational yet faintly murderous, and it might be a more "burning" style of song.

Jian Zhongyou saw the composition of Multi-Character Music and felt that it was worthy of being written by a senior high school student.

He didn't dare to say that he could write it well, as it was a bit challenging.

Dean Jian: [I will try my best]

Dean Jian tested the sound in the recording studio before returning to his room to get his laptop.


Sister Xin, who was far away in Jiangjing, received the news from Bai Shi.

"Warm your hands," she handed Yan Lu a cup of water and smiled, "I have to go back to the company to arrange your next song."

Yan Lu exhaled a breath of white air, "Ms. Bai writes so fast?"

Sister Xin nodded.

Not far away, the stage manager came over with the script, "Teacher Yan Lu, the screenwriter wants you to take a look at the new script."

Yan Lu thanked her and took the script. Sister Xin watched this scene with satisfaction. Yan Lu is now on his own feet and has stabilized in the "Da Yong" crew. His acting skills have been recognized by everyone, and the crew members all call him "Teacher Yan Lu".

"Okay, you watch. I'll go back to the company to do promotional activities. I'll be able to release the new song after you finish filming." Sister Xin said to Yan Lu and went back to the company. "It should be the end of the month."

Yan Lu has been concentrating on filming "Da Yong" in the past few months and has signed a confidentiality agreement, so many inside stories cannot be disclosed.

During this period, the two songs were so popular that the company's resources were slightly biased towards Yan Lu.

Whoever has potential will be able to get better resources.

Beicheng, Yanlu Company Headquarters.

"Yan Lu is going to have a new song at the end of the month?" When the boss heard this, he looked at Sister Xin with a more amiable look, "Okay, the company will cooperate with you in everything."

He saw Sister Xin off with a smile.

Then he returned to the office, looked at An Qi and his agent, took out a cigarette, and asked in a negotiating manner: "An Qi, why don't you change the time of the album? If this collides with Yan Lu..."

Anqi is a popular singer now, but his relationship with Manxi is in jeopardy.

Who would have thought that half a year ago, Yan Lu was just a little-known actor.

In just half a year, An Qi, a popular singer, had to avoid Yan Lu's new song.

There is no way, Yan Lu's first two songs were too popular and can be found on overseas charts.

The boss's words made An Qi look even worse. His agent smiled at the boss and said, "We will follow the company's arrangements."

After leaving the office, An Qi took out his mask and said coldly, "You haven't found out who composed the music yet?"

"Someone offered a million but still couldn't buy it," the agent shook his head. "What on earth did they see in Yan Lu? Which singer wouldn't be able to sing this arrangement and composition better than Yan Lu?"

Compared with professional singers, Yan Lu's singing skills are very average.

It's also very strange. If you say that Yan Lu has a financial backer, we don't see any overwhelming resources for Yan Lu.

After much thought, the only thing that comes to mind is this eye-catching composition and arrangement.

"Tell me, if you are still hyping up your relationship with Yan Lu, will she tell you who they are?" The manager looked at An Qi and asked softly, "Or just let you sing?"

After these words were spoken, An Qi fell silent.

It was rare for Anqi to feel some regret.

Because what the agent said is not impossible——

Everyone knows that Yan Lu used to be very generous to others.

"Find out who is behind her." An Qi put on a mask and lowered his brows.


Late February, Xiangcheng.

I didn't do anything else in the second half of the month. I just kept doing practice questions.

Saturday afternoon.

Bai Di and Jiang He were doing their homework by the fish pond in the garden. Jiang He was sitting next to her doing a puzzle, and Bai Di was holding a pen and writing the answers neatly on a piece of white paper.

In addition to 20 exercises every month, the app also has a challenge question bank.

Each time you complete a challenge question, your points will be multiplied.

This is how Jiang Fuli got her infinite points. Bai Shi was not good at chemistry, so she did more challenge question banks, and most importantly, all the challenge question banks were math questions.

Xu Nanjing came over to take a look. It had been a few years since he left high school, and he had almost forgotten these complicated numbers. He only sighed with Xiao Bingwen, "Sister Bai's handwriting is really good. She is worthy of being a top student."

Xiao Bingwen didn't dare to get close, but he had seen Bai Shi's calligraphy once or twice.

He glanced at Xu Nanjing silently and said, "That's not what you said before."

Jiang Fuli was standing not far away, tall and slender, holding a box of fish food in his hand. He picked up some and casually sprinkled it down.

The fish food he scattered seemed to have a spell, and the fish scattered.

Jiang Fuli had a cold face.

Bai Shi sat on a stool, propping up her chin lazily with one hand, tapping her phone with the other to upload the answer, half-squinting her cold black almond eyes as she looked at the school of fish, "Don't feed them, they'll starve to death."

These words were said by Bai Shen. Xu Nanjing looked up and did not dare to laugh.

If it were him, he would bring his head to see Master Jiang tomorrow.

Xiao Bingwen lowered his head.

Jiang Fuli put down the fish food slowly and said nonchalantly, "You feed it."

Xu Nanjing saw that he had finished his work, then he sat down next to Jiang He and talked to Jiang Fuli, "The contract has been signed, you really don't plan to mention it to Academician Ma?"

Jiang Fuli looked at the two boxes of chess pieces on the table. Jiang He had just been playing Gobang with Bai Shen. He sat on the bench in the pavilion, his hands on the railing: "Notify your uncle and aunt first."

Rare metals are a big deal after all.

He turned on the computer beside him.

"OK." Xu Nanjing raised his hand lazily.

Bai Mi lowered her head and looked at her phone——

After the answers were reviewed, her ranking successfully changed from 56th to 19th.

A WeChat message popped up at the top of the phone. It was from Yan Lu: [[Location]]

Yan Lu returned to Xiangcheng today to invite Bai Xi and the students from Class 15 to dinner on behalf of the Zhang family. Now he is locating Bai Xi.

Bai Mi lowered her eyebrows and ended the painting.

Jiang Fuli closed the computer and raised his eyebrows slightly, "She's here?"

"Yes." Bai Shi nodded.

Yan Lu also wanted to invite Jiang Fuli and Chi Yundai, but Chi Lu was busy at the beginning of the year and had not returned to Xiangcheng yet. He only brought a message to Bai Su, asking him to train Zhang Shize well.

The two took Jiang He out to eat.

Xu Nanjing and Xiao Bingwen were left staring at each other. Xu Nanjing rested his phone against his chin and asked, "Xiao Ming, where did they go?"

"Let's have dinner with Miss Bai." Ming Dongheng knew Ning Xiao's group.

Xiao Bingwen and Xu Nanjing didn't pay much attention to it. Bai Shi's classmate should be Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School... The fact that Bai Shi was about to be admitted to Jiangjing University was surprising enough.

Xiao Bingwen's cell phone lit up.

He looked down and saw the video push——

[Yan Lu's new song]

Xiao Bingwen was stunned. He didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry, but when he saw Yan Lu, he clicked on it anyway.

"New songs tonight?" Xu Nanjing heard the video blogger's recommendation, "Why are you so interested in this singer?"

"She's not a singer," Xiao Bingwen explained, "but because Shuhe listens to her songs, I also pay attention to her."

Xu Nanjing was even more surprised: "Liu Shuhe? She would like a pop singer?"

"I heard that..." Xiao Bingwen lowered his voice and said to Xu Nanjing, "Her teacher admires this singer very much."

So everyone around Dean Jian paid close attention to her, including Xiao Bingwen.


North city.

At the Bai family's house, Bai Qiming put down his coat, looked upstairs, and asked the housekeeper: "The young lady hasn't come down yet?"

Butler Bai said respectfully, "I am upstairs discussing the exam questions for the preparatory camp with Young Master Song."

"Preparatory camp?" The uncle of the Bai family took the tea handed to him by the servant and asked in surprise, "What is this?"

"The questions for the preparatory camp for Jiangjing University," Butler Bai said to him with a lowered eyebrow, "You can predict whether you can enter Jiangjing University based on your overall ranking."

"Oh?" When the uncle was mentioned about Jiangjing University, he became more excited. He lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then put down the teacup: "So how is Shaoqi's ranking now?"

Although it is a bit mysterious that two siblings from the same family could be admitted to Jiangjing University, I have recently heard Bai Shaoke say that Bai Shaoqi has made great progress in his studies.

After the incident with Dean Jian, the clan rarely contacted Bai Shaoqi.

But the Bai family still holds out a little hope.

Bai Qiming's face was flushed, and he looked very proud: "This child has been kept secret, so no one knows yet."

As the two were talking, Bai Shaoqi and Song Min came down the stairs one after another.

"Just in time," Bai Qiming waved his hand, his stern eyes showing a hint of gentleness, "Shaoqi, my uncle from the clan wants to ask how you rank in the preparatory camp?"


Beicheng is colder than Xiangcheng.

Bai Shaoqi was wearing a plaid jacket, while Song Min was wearing a sweater and walking beside Bai Shaoqi. Both of them had beautiful eyes and eyebrows, and standing together they looked like a golden boy and a jade girl.

Listening to Bai Qiming's words, Bai Shaoqi's eyebrows remained calm, "I just wanted to show you."

She walked down and handed the white cell phone to Bai Qiming.

I sat with Song Min opposite Bai Qiming and my uncle.

"How is it?" Uncle Grandpa looked over when he saw Bai Qiming took the phone. "How many people?"

Bai Qiming opened the app and saw the ranking above——

NO.199 Bai Shaoqi 31478

199th place should not be a low number, but Bai Qiming and his uncle did not understand this app. They just looked up at the two people opposite them and asked, "What does 199th place mean?"

The uncle also stared at Bai Shaoqi, waiting for an answer.

Bai Shaoqi smiled.

Song Min took out his cell phone, his expression cold, "It means Shaoqi can enter Jiangjing University."

"Really?" Bai Qiming couldn't help but stand up. He clenched his phone tightly. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, one could see a smile overflowing from the corners of his eyes.

Bai Shaoqi let out a breath slowly.

She hardly slept throughout February after returning from Xiangcheng.

She has been asking Bai Shaoke to teach her. Even when Bai Su was still in the Bai family, Bai Shaoqi had never worked so hard for beauty.

The more pressure you put on yourself, the greater progress you will make. Although your grades are fluctuating, this ranking can already explain some problems.

Uncle Grandpa also changed his attitude from half a month ago and said to Bai Shaoqi with a smile: "Shaoqi, there will be a family dinner at the end of the month. Ask your mother if she has time to come."

Bai Shaoqi just smiled this time.

Beside her, Song Min was holding his cell phone, watching the scene quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Bai Shaoqi called him, but he didn't answer: "What are you looking at?"

"Look at the ranking." Song Min stood up and walked outside with Bai Shaoqi. They were going to the Song family to receive online training from Teacher Jiang Jing.

"What ranking?"

Song Min looked at the setting sun and said softly, "Pick up the gods."

Bai Shaoqi didn't pay attention to other people's rankings. Liang Wu Yu and Xu Zhiyue were too hopeless.

Not to mention the overall ranking.

Hearing this, she swiped her phone to check the monthly rankings, and soon saw -

NO19. Free Pickup.54878

"He shouldn't be a freshman," Bai Shaoqi said, "Liang Wuyu didn't even have a standard answer."

Song Min also thought so, after all...

How can a fresh graduate start writing this answer?

However, Song Min said, "This name is as annoying as the composer..."

"You mean Yan Lu's composition?" Bai Shaoqi naturally remembered that the two names were the same. "It's a coincidence, but Yan Lu released a new song today, I want to take a look..."

One is a genius on the Jiang Jing Preparatory Camp app. He should be a treasure in the hands of professors in the laboratory. How could he possibly end up in the entertainment industry?

Apart from coincidence, Bai Shaoqi couldn't think of any other reason.

Behind the two people.

Bai family.

Uncle Grandfather held the tea and looked at the two people's backs with a smile, "Qiming, do you think these two people are a good match?"


Xiangcheng, hot pot restaurant.

The male assistant was sitting on the first floor, looking up, "Xiaotian, who is Sister Lu meeting? Why is she so serious?"

He is the new assistant and bodyguard that Sister Xin found for Yan Lu. There are some things that Xiaotian, a girl, cannot do.

Oda ticked the menu, "Sister Lu's friend."

"Sister Lu is now a celebrity," the male assistant smacked his lips, "and these friends are so lucky. Hey, the internet is speculating about the arranger and composer, do you know anything about it?"

Xiaotian handed the menu to the waiter and glanced at him, "Sister Lu, let's be your friend. You know how difficult it has been for Sister Lu."

"I think Director Wan is very nice to Sister Lu," the male assistant scratched his head.

"That's because Sister Lu is capable," Xiaotian said perfunctorily, "Don't ask anymore, or you'll be beaten up by Sister Xin."

"Okay." The male assistant looked at the backs of the two adults and one child and suddenly said, "Xiaotian, look at the temperament of these two people, how come they are stronger than Sister Lu?"

When Oda looked up, he saw a familiar figure.

The girl was wearing a snow-blue top with plum blossoms embroidered on the collar. She seemed to sense being stared at and glanced over here lazily with her eyebrows slightly raised.

Oda took a breath of cold air——

The young lady who had been to the crew before.


Yan Lu invited a group of young people today, so Aunt Zhang did not come.

Lu Xiaohan, Ning Xiao, Wen Qi, the cultural and entertainment committee member...

Including Bai Di and Jiang Fuli, there are eleven in total.

Yan Lu wore knee-high boots, a mid-length brown jacket, and had her hair cut short and dyed a haze blue. One side of her hair was casually tucked behind her ear, revealing her snow-white ear. She looked capable and charming. This was the look she created for her new song MV.

Compared to a few months ago, Yan Lu is now beginning to show his strength.

As soon as Wen Qi came in and saw Yan Lu, his face turned red and he didn't dare to say a word.

At this time, I was sitting only with Lu Xiaohan and the others.

When Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli arrived, Yan Lu came to open the door. She followed Chi Yundai in calling them, "Miss Bai, Mr. Jiang."

His gaze finally fell on Jiang He.

"Little bird brother," Lu Xiaohan stood up before Yan Lu spoke and waved to Jiang He, "Come, sit here."

Jiang He walked over reluctantly. As soon as Jiang Fuli entered, the atmosphere in the private room became quiet.

He sat next to Jiang He, Bai Di sat next to him, and Yan Lu sat next to Bai Di, so that they could just fit a round table.

Lu Xiaohan took a piece of meat with the serving chopsticks and suddenly said, "After a while, the good guys will come out and there won't be enough room."

"You can remove the bird brother." Wen Qi suggested.

Lu Xiaohan's eyes lit up, "That makes sense."

Jiang He: "…"

Jiang Fuli glanced at Jiang He and was in a good mood.

He just sat next to Bai Xi, looking at his phone with his head down, looking very cold, but he did not disturb others, so the classmates gradually became bolder.

Bai Su is talking to Yan Lu.

"'Da Yong' has been filmed and is now being dubbed," Yan Lu said with some regret, "My dialogue skills are too poor."

Bai Su lowered her head and drank a cup of tea. She said in a casual voice, "Director Wan said you acted well."

Listening to Bai Shi's words, Yan Lu couldn't help but tilt her head and observe Bai Shi carefully, thinking of what Director Wan said to her -

"You know your friend, she has a very special temperament. If you have reached a bottleneck and don't know how to act, you can think of your friend. If she were not a student and not a person in the entertainment industry, I think she would be Miss Bai who walked out of the original novel."

"If she is willing to act, you will have no chance to survive."

At that time, Yan Lu didn't know the life experience of Miss Bai, nor did he study her biography.

Now that she has finished reading the entire script and written a short biography, and then observed Bai Shen, she feels that what Director Wan said makes sense.

"What's wrong?" Bai Shi noticed her gaze and put down the teacup.

Yan Lu came back to her senses, "New song at 8pm tonight, and Sister Xin is going to take me to two variety shows later."

She told Bai Xi about the follow-up arrangements. The variety show was to promote "Da Yong". As for the new drama, Sister Xin would wait until "Da Yong" was broadcast before taking it. By then, Yan Lu would be famous and the drama would be of higher quality.

Bai Su picked up the chopsticks and slowly picked up a piece of cooked corn, then listened to Yan Lu saying, "Very good, then we can sing later."

After hearing this, Yan Lu remembered that she was still a high school student. "Miss Bai, you should focus on the college entrance examination first."

Many people are investigating who is behind Yan Lu.

But who would have known that behind the "free pick-up" was a senior high school student working hard to prepare for the exam.


eight pm.

As soon as Yan Lu's new song "Re-writing the Old Days" was released, it immediately topped the new song charts of major music apps and became a hot search on Weibo.

Different from the previous two songs, the most popular one is:

"After listening to this, I think I can get into Jiangjing University.

With the momentum created by the first two songs, this song is particularly popular among student groups, especially high school students who are preparing for exams or are about to arrive at the exam venue.

Modern technology is becoming more and more advanced. When individuals face these things, it is like facing an endless universe. There are too many people whose spirits find it difficult to bear the feeling of powerlessness. This song is like a carnival feast that ignites the passion in people's bones.

This song has had a huge response.

It's even more exciting than the last "Gambling and Drinking".

North City, Anqi Studio.

The cigarette in his hand flickered, and his face was gloomy as he read the overwhelming news.

Yan Lu is an actor, but she can suppress him, a singer, to this extent. Half a year ago, if someone told An Qi that Yan Lu would threaten him in the future, he would not believe a word of it.

Beside him, Manxi sat down and said, "Put out your cigarette."

Anqi's agent cursed and finished the call. He looked down at Anqi and said, "Anqi, wait for your song. Her momentum is too good. If you keep doing it for a while, you will be overshadowed by her new songs."

It is obvious who this "she" is referring to.

Manxi was naturally aware of the popularity on Weibo. She had not been active in recent months. The Internet has a short memory, and the incident of her "slipping" and liking a post has finally come to an end.

The price is that I haven't received any good endorsements in the past few months.

She pressed her brows, opened her phone and frowned to read Yan Lu's Weibo.

Yan Lu has nearly 10 million fans, which is not a lot, but Manxi saw that the top three trending searches on Weibo were all Yan Lu, with her lips tightly pursed, so it was really easy for her to become popular again.

She clicked on a trending search and read the comments.

An Qi's agent's phone rang again. After he answered it, his face turned completely black: "Come on, Friends" has decided to invite Yan Lu.

"Come on, Friends" is a variety show where you invite friends to your home, chat with them, and then cook a meal. It is currently a very popular variety show on the Internet.

The agent had drinks with the variety show staff twice.

I didn't expect the other party to invite Yan Lu.

We all know that Yan Lu's "Da Yong" is being edited and is expected to be broadcast during the summer vacation. This top 3S production will be 99% likely to be a hit.

The entertainment industry is making decisions based on the situation, and this time it is finally Anqi's turn.

An Qi put out the cigarette and stood up.

Manshi turned to a comment and suddenly stopped.

[Am I the only one who thinks that the melody in this song arrangement is very similar to the performance of the Conservatory of Music every year? ]

"Anqi, look." Manxi handed the phone to Anqi.

An Qi looked down and saw that there was no clear boundary for plagiarism of arrangements in the industry. After all, some people were still using overused chords like 4536251.

As long as the navy arrives, it will be fine.

An Qi held the phone and asked his agent: "Find out if there is anyone behind her?"

The music industry has a limited pie. Singers like Yan Lu, who are not original, have affected the interests of many singers, such as "Bai Jian" and "Jian", who were previously unknown in the industry.

Very well targeted.

Jian: Yan Lu, take the basin and catch your wealth.

See you tomorrow, babes~