
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs


 Chapter 322 Signature Wang Youfeng

  Bai Qian?

  Mu Yining stood up, very surprised.

  Normally, Bai Qian would not come to Mu's house without Ji Heng asking.

  "Ask Housekeeper Lou to take her to the tea room. I'll be there soon." Mu Yining went to get her coat.

  Next to him, when the old man heard about Bai Qian, he also stood up and said, "I'm with you."

  "Yi Ning, I think Zhendong's idea is not wrong. Everything is based on the overall situation." Dong Xiaobai remained silent until Mu Yi Ning was about to leave. Then he followed her: "Have you thought about this more clearly? It's not a bad thing for the Mu family. You Mu family have been waiting for this opportunity for too long. Now that Mu Zhendong has the right to cooperate with the Gao family, he Now I have set off to the Gao family... I can completely ignore you."

  In fact, Mu Zhendong has already started to take action.

  This is a key project in the country this year, but now most of it is managed by Mu Zhendong, and the information is in his hands.

  When Mu Zhendong Ren Wanxuan had dinner with those leaders several times, he never took Mu Yining with him.

  Not to mention Mu Yining, even someone like Dong Xiaobai, who is not sensitive to business, knows about it.

  If Mu Yining doesn't express his attitude now, if Mu Zhendong really takes control of such an important heavy industry for the Mu family, Mu Yining will really be marginalized.

  "What do you want me to do? Go tell Asian Xiaoqi and ask them to let Ren Wanxuan go?" Mu Yining stood there. She looked at Dong Xiaobai and said calmly.

  Dong Xiaobai was silent.

  He was familiar with Ren Wanxuan, and felt that Ren Wanxuan might not be such a person. He also felt that for the sake of the family's interests, he really felt that there was no need to make such an ugly scene. "For the sake of the family, it is not that the Mu family cannot tolerate a second person."

  Next to him, the old man heard the words and did not object.

  In fact, this is what most people in the Mu family think.

  Sacrificing one person can bring greater benefits, which is simply too profitable for them.

  "Did you go to the hospital to see that child? He really escaped death. Ren Wanxuan didn't report the knowledge. If you really let her go, do you think Shao Jun and the others will continue to stay in the Mu family?" Mu Yining sneered, and she turned to the old man , "Now everyone feels that the Mu family has risen, right? Second uncle, look back and see how our Mu family has gone this year."

  What did their Mu family rely on to get to where they are this year?

  Next to him, Assistant Wang also glanced at Dong Xiaobai and his second uncle.

  Dong Xiaobai doesn't know anything about business.

  As for the second uncle, he is old and does not care about business matters, he only cares about some family meetings.

  Assistant Wang couldn't help but shake his head, he really got up, forgetting that they asked Ji Shaojun to come back to share the burden at the beginning. If Ji Shaojun hadn't cooperated with Xu En and reconnected with the Chen family...

  the Mu family's funds to participate in heavy industry this year Can't even take it out.

  Let Bai Qian be magnanimous, let Xiao Qi be magnanimous, and put the overall situation first.

  "But," Dong Xiaobai looked at Mu Yining and moved the corners of his lips, "You will be marginalized by Mu Zhendong and the others..."

  "Then marginalize." Mu Yining withdrew his gaze and walked towards his yard.

  She wasn't afraid at all.

  Originally, a bunch of people from the Mu family were forcibly handed over to her.

  In the past, the younger generation of the Mu family was wiped out, and the entire Mu family was walking on thin ice. Several projects were paralyzed, and they could not even pay the salary of researchers. The huge burden was left to the 26-year-old Mu Yining.

  She had resisted tepidly until now, and finally saved the homestead left to the Mu family by her ancestors.

  The Mu family has stabilized.

  Now that the Mu family is prospering and people's hearts have changed, Mu Yining feels tired.

  She didn't want to argue with Dong Xiaobai's second uncle anymore, so she left the attic directly and went to find Bai Jian.


  This way.

  Mu Zhendong's car was parked outside the yard.

  He got in the car to go to the appointment with the Gao family and called Mu Youjun, very politely.

  Mu Youjun asked about Ren Wanxuan.

  Ren Wanxuan had been in the Chen family, and now she had her own connections in Jiangjing. She was also a smart person, and Mu Youjun liked to communicate with her.

  I asked about Ren Wanxuan's current situation for a while.

  Mu Zhendong did not dare to tell Mu Youjun about Ren Wanxuan's four-year sentence. He said something hastily and then hung up the phone.

  After hanging up the phone, Mu Zhendong shook his head and said, "What are these two women thinking in their heads?"

  Mu Zhendong didn't understand why Bai Jian and Mu Yining were so serious.

  Originally, this matter should have a better outcome.

  No one is dead.

  Ren Wanxuan was still useful in his hands, and he really didn't want to give up this chess piece.

  The co-pilot and secretary looked in the rearview mirror and offered advice to the boss, "I remember, doesn't Miss Bai have a mother?"

  Mu Zhendong was stunned.

  After Ren Wanxuan's accident, he tried to contact Ji Shaojun and Ji Heng, but the other party ignored him.

  Suddenly I remembered that there was such a person, Ji Mulan.

  Bai Zian's biological mother.

  Ji Mulan is different from Ren Wanxuan. Although she will come back during the holidays, she doesn't have much time. Mu Zhendong said hello to her mainly to contact Xu En.

  Ji Mulan is easy to see through, has a strong desire for control, has a good face, and is competitive...

  Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and pulled out a number.

  Dial it out.

  The other side of the phone.

  Ji Mulan handed the rattle to Xu Siqi and listened to him calling "sister" inarticulately. This was taught by Mrs. Xu and Xu En. The first sentence Xu Siqi spoke was "sister".

  During the Chinese New Year this year, Bai Zian hugged him for a while.

  "Mr. Mu." She walked outside the door to answer the phone.

  "Mrs. Xu," Mu Zhendong said with a smile in his voice, he said hello to Ji Mulan, and then changed the subject, "It's a very common thing, it's all a misunderstanding... You are her mother, you have educated her so well, You deserve your credit, she will definitely listen to your advice."

  Ji Mulan was stunned.

  I thought Xu En could have expected this?

  She held the phone and walked downstairs. "Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter."

  After saying that, she hung up the phone.

  She sat on the sofa and picked up the water that her aunt had poured for her on the table. Xu En had told her not to participate in this matter last week.

  Not to mention Xu En's advice, even if there was no advice, she wouldn't be able to participate.

  Bai Zian has already blocked her. If it weren't for Xu En and Ji Heng, Bai Zian wouldn't even look at her.

    Ji Mulan sat on the sofa in a daze.

  On the mobile phone side, Mu Zhendong didn't expect that Ji Mulan would refuse.

  "That's alright," Mu Zhendong put his phone back in his pocket, raised his eyes to look at his secretary, and said calmly, "Don't let the Xu family and Mu Yining get in touch with them this time, as long as the Gao family and the Feng family are here."

  He wanted to go out alone . .


  Mu Yining arrived at the tea room where she was receiving guests. Bai Qian was lazily leaning in front of the window, facing the door sideways, looking at the peonies outside.

  The flowers haven't bloomed yet at this season, but the leaves are green.

  She was dressed in thin clothing, and her eyes were calm and steady, without any hint of youthful impetuousness.

  Outside the tea room, the second uncle looked at Bai Qian from a distance through the sill window.

  He and Dong Xiaobai had an argument with Mu Yining on the road, so of course there was no reason to come in at this time.

  The second uncle's turbid eyes fell on Bai Zian, slightly surprised, but he left before he could see Bai Zian last time.

  At this moment, I finally understood why Mu Xianguang, who had been hiding from the world for many years, made an exception to see Bai Qian that day.

  This girl has a general air about her.

  Mu Yining stood by Bai Qian, and Mu Zhendong was afraid of Bai Qian, which didn't seem that difficult to understand.

  "Xiao Bai..." The second uncle looked at Dong Xiaobai.

  Dong Xiaobai smiled bitterly this time, "Forget it, don't ask me to be your lobbyist. The Mu family needs peace, and there is always someone who has to give in, but this person can't be Yi Ning every time." The

  second uncle didn't do it this time . When he spoke again, he put his hands behind his back.

  In the tea room, I saw Bai Qian.

  Mu Yining's restless mood finally calmed down.

  "Aji, why are you here today?" Mu Yining sat on the chair, raised her hand, and asked Assistant Wang to make tea again.

  Assistant Wang brought the tea set and boiled the water again.

  He didn't know much about these elegant things, so he poured water randomly.

  He was just a little absent-minded, but the words of Dong Xiaobai and his second uncle had affected him.

  I almost burned my hands with the scalding water.

  From the corner of her eye, Bai Zian saw that while talking to Mu Yining, she casually picked up the lid of her cup, raised her hand slightly, and gently held the purple clay teapot, "Be careful."

  She raised her long eyelashes.

  "Sorry," Assistant Wang put his hand away and put away the teapot, "Thank you, Miss Bai."

  He poured tea for Bai Zian again.

  Bai Qian thanked Assistant Wang, put down the lid with her slender fingers, picked up the tea cup, put her other hand on the A4 paper that was turned upside down on one side, and asked casually: "What do you want iridium for?"

  Mu Yining did not expect Bai Qian to mention this. thing.

  Somewhat unexpected.

  Not knowing much about the inside story, he gave a rough outline of the plan for the seaside, "A research institute built on the seaside will not be open to the public for the time being. The Mu family wants to take over this project, and the equipment requires a large amount of iridium. Originally, Ren Wanxuan and the others were working there. Talking about cooperation with iridium has been put on hold for the time being. Mu Zhendong is now seeking help from the Gao family.

  He is afraid that Bai Pian does not know about iridium, so he explains again, "Many instruments require iridium, and the project is huge, so the Mu family needs to get iridium first." Only then can I have the capital to talk to them."

  Mu Yining didn't want to mention Mu Zhendong, but she kept it secret from Bai Qian because she was afraid that Bai Qian would feel upset.

  I picked up what I could say and said some.

  "Can we negotiate with iridium?"

  "But Mu Zhendong is in charge of this matter now." Mu Yining smiled.

  Bai Qian lowered her eyes while drinking tea, and spoke to Mu Yining slowly, "How much iridium do you need?"

  How much?

  Mu Yining didn't know either.

  She had no contact with the core data, so she gave a rough number, "About... 500 kilograms."

  It was a very large number.

  Calculated based on 99.9% purity, the amount is over 100 million.

  Bai Qian discussed the issue of iridium with Wang Youfeng yesterday. For such a large amount of rare metal, Wang Youfeng had to go through the Dawson family if he wanted to trade domestically.

  Foreign demand for domestic metals needs to be meticulous.

  But with Xuankang there, Dawson's side wasn't too tight.

  Bai Qian didn't give much raw solution, and Wang Youfeng didn't give much iridium, less than 500 kilograms...

  Mu Yining watched Bai Qian finish asking and said nothing, "A Qian, why are you asking this?"

  "It's nothing. "Bai Zian came back to her senses. She tapped the A4 paper upside down on the table with her fingertips. "I'm counting data."

  Counting data?

  Mu Yining didn't understand and didn't think much about it.

  Just pretending that Bai Zian was calculating school statistics, she was now worried about Xiao Qi and Mu Zhendong.

  After a minute, Bai Zian stopped tapping on the table. She raised her head and pushed the A4 paper under her fingertips. "Take a look at this and see if you can accept it."

  "Is this for me?" Mu Yining was surprised. Look at Bai Zian pushing the A4 paper over.

  Don't know what this is.

  She turned around and looked at it with some surprise. It was an agreement in two languages. There were only four words at the top -

  "Dawson Group".

  Even Mu Yining, who didn't care about anything, knew the secrets of several major families in the world. Mori family.

  Not to mention, Mu Zhendong had discussed with Ren Wanxuan more than once some time ago, and they had been contacting the management of the Dawson family through Miss Yu.

  Dawson Group...


  Mu Yining's heart suddenly beat very fast. She quickly looked back, and sure enough, she saw Iridium the next second.

  Her hand holding the document was a little uneasy, and her fingertips were turning white.

  Trembling, I turned to the last page.

  On the last page, Party A signed three Chinese characters with a black pen -

  Wang Youfeng.

  On the back is a red Dawson family seal.

Chapter 322 Signature Wang Youfeng  

  Bai Qian?

  Mu Yining stood up, very surprised.

  Normally, Bai Qian would not come to Mu's house without Ji Heng asking.

  "Ask Housekeeper Lou to take her to the tea room. I'll be there soon." Mu Yining went to get her coat.

  Next to him, when the old man heard about Bai Qian, he also stood up and said, "I'm with you."

  "Yi Ning, I think Zhendong's idea is not wrong. Everything is based on the overall situation." Dong Xiaobai remained silent until Mu Yi Ning was about to leave. Then he followed her: "Have you thought about this more clearly? It's not a bad thing for the Mu family. You Mu family have been waiting for this opportunity for too long. Now that Mu Zhendong has the right to cooperate with the Gao family, he Now I have set off to the Gao family... I can completely ignore you."

  In fact, Mu Zhendong has already started to take action.

  This is a key project in the country this year, but now most of it is managed by Mu Zhendong, and the information is in his hands.

  When Mu Zhendong Ren Wanxuan had dinner with those leaders several times, he never took Mu Yining with him.

  Not to mention Mu Yining, even someone like Dong Xiaobai, who is not sensitive to business, knows about it.

  If Mu Yining doesn't express his attitude now, if Mu Zhendong really takes control of such an important heavy industry for the Mu family, Mu Yining will really be marginalized.

  "What do you want me to do? Go tell Asian Xiaoqi and ask them to let Ren Wanxuan go?" Mu Yining stood there. She looked at Dong Xiaobai and said calmly.

  Dong Xiaobai was silent.

  He was familiar with Ren Wanxuan, and felt that Ren Wanxuan might not be such a person. He also felt that for the sake of the family's interests, he really felt that there was no need to make such an ugly scene. "For the sake of the family, it is not that the Mu family cannot tolerate a second person."

  Next to him, the old man heard the words and did not object.

  In fact, this is what most people in the Mu family think.

  Sacrificing one person can bring greater benefits, which is simply too profitable for them.

  "Did you go to the hospital to see that child? He really escaped death. Ren Wanxuan didn't report the knowledge. If you really let her go, do you think Shao Jun and the others will continue to stay in the Mu family?" Mu Yining sneered, and she turned to the old man , "Now everyone feels that the Mu family has risen, right? Second uncle, look back and see how our Mu family has gone this year."

  What did their Mu family rely on to get to where they are this year?

  Next to him, Assistant Wang also glanced at Dong Xiaobai and his second uncle.

  Dong Xiaobai doesn't know anything about business.

  As for the second uncle, he is old and does not care about business matters, he only cares about some family meetings.

  Assistant Wang couldn't help but shake his head, he really got up, forgetting that they asked Ji Shaojun to come back to share the burden at the beginning. If Ji Shaojun hadn't cooperated with Xu En and reconnected with the Chen family...

  the Mu family's funds to participate in heavy industry this year Can't even take it out.

  Let Bai Qian be magnanimous, let Xiao Qi be magnanimous, and put the overall situation first.

  "But," Dong Xiaobai looked at Mu Yining and moved the corners of his lips, "You will be marginalized by Mu Zhendong and the others..."

  "Then marginalize." Mu Yining withdrew his gaze and walked towards his yard.

  She wasn't afraid at all.

  Originally, a bunch of people from the Mu family were forcibly handed over to her.

  In the past, the younger generation of the Mu family was wiped out, and the entire Mu family was walking on thin ice. Several projects were paralyzed, and they could not even pay the salary of researchers. The huge burden was left to the 26-year-old Mu Yining.

  She had resisted tepidly until now, and finally saved the homestead left to the Mu family by her ancestors.

  The Mu family has stabilized.

  Now that the Mu family is prospering and people's hearts have changed, Mu Yining feels tired.

  She didn't want to argue with Dong Xiaobai's second uncle anymore, so she left the attic directly and went to find Bai Jian.


  This way.

  Mu Zhendong's car was parked outside the yard.

  He got in the car to go to the appointment with the Gao family and called Mu Youjun, very politely.

  Mu Youjun asked about Ren Wanxuan.

  Ren Wanxuan had been in the Chen family, and now she had her own connections in Jiangjing. She was also a smart person, and Mu Youjun liked to communicate with her.

  I asked about Ren Wanxuan's current situation for a while.

  Mu Zhendong did not dare to tell Mu Youjun about Ren Wanxuan's four-year sentence. He said something hastily and then hung up the phone.

  After hanging up the phone, Mu Zhendong shook his head and said, "What are these two women thinking in their heads?"

  Mu Zhendong didn't understand why Bai Jian and Mu Yining were so serious.

  Originally, this matter should have a better outcome.

  No one is dead.

  Ren Wanxuan was still useful in his hands, and he really didn't want to give up this chess piece.

  The co-pilot and secretary looked in the rearview mirror and offered advice to the boss, "I remember, doesn't Miss Bai have a mother?"

  Mu Zhendong was stunned.

  After Ren Wanxuan's accident, he tried to contact Ji Shaojun and Ji Heng, but the other party ignored him.

  Suddenly I remembered that there was such a person, Ji Mulan.

  Bai Zian's biological mother.

  Ji Mulan is different from Ren Wanxuan. Although she will come back during the holidays, she doesn't have much time. Mu Zhendong said hello to her mainly to contact Xu En.

  Ji Mulan is easy to see through, has a strong desire for control, has a good face, and is competitive...

  Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and pulled out a number.

  Dial it out.

  The other side of the phone.

  Ji Mulan handed the rattle to Xu Siqi and listened to him calling "sister" inarticulately. This was taught by Mrs. Xu and Xu En. The first sentence Xu Siqi spoke was "sister".

  During the Chinese New Year this year, Bai Zian hugged him for a while.

  "Mr. Mu." She walked outside the door to answer the phone.

  "Mrs. Xu," Mu Zhendong said with a smile in his voice, he said hello to Ji Mulan, and then changed the subject, "It's a very common thing, it's all a misunderstanding... You are her mother, you have educated her so well, You deserve your credit, she will definitely listen to your advice."

  Ji Mulan was stunned.

  I thought Xu En could have expected this?

  She held the phone and walked downstairs. "Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this matter."

  After saying that, she hung up the phone.

  She sat on the sofa and picked up the water that her aunt had poured for her on the table. Xu En had told her not to participate in this matter last week.

  Not to mention Xu En's advice, even if there was no advice, she wouldn't be able to participate.

  Bai Zian has already blocked her. If it weren't for Xu En and Ji Heng, Bai Zian wouldn't even look at her.

    Ji Mulan sat on the sofa in a daze.

  On the mobile phone side, Mu Zhendong didn't expect that Ji Mulan would refuse.

  "That's alright," Mu Zhendong put his phone back in his pocket, raised his eyes to look at his secretary, and said calmly, "Don't let the Xu family and Mu Yining get in touch with them this time, as long as the Gao family and the Feng family are here."

  He wanted to go out alone . .


  Mu Yining arrived at the tea room where she was receiving guests. Bai Qian was lazily leaning in front of the window, facing the door sideways, looking at the peonies outside.

  The flowers haven't bloomed yet at this season, but the leaves are green.

  She was dressed in thin clothing, and her eyes were calm and steady, without any hint of youthful impetuousness.

  Outside the tea room, the second uncle looked at Bai Qian from a distance through the sill window.

  He and Dong Xiaobai had an argument with Mu Yining on the road, so of course there was no reason to come in at this time.

  The second uncle's turbid eyes fell on Bai Zian, slightly surprised, but he left before he could see Bai Zian last time.

  At this moment, I finally understood why Mu Xianguang, who had been hiding from the world for many years, made an exception to see Bai Qian that day.

  This girl has a general air about her.

  Mu Yining stood by Bai Qian, and Mu Zhendong was afraid of Bai Qian, which didn't seem that difficult to understand.

  "Xiao Bai..." The second uncle looked at Dong Xiaobai.

  Dong Xiaobai smiled bitterly this time, "Forget it, don't ask me to be your lobbyist. The Mu family needs peace, and there is always someone who has to give in, but this person can't be Yi Ning every time." The

  second uncle didn't do it this time . When he spoke again, he put his hands behind his back.

  In the tea room, I saw Bai Qian.

  Mu Yining's restless mood finally calmed down.

  "Aji, why are you here today?" Mu Yining sat on the chair, raised her hand, and asked Assistant Wang to make tea again.

  Assistant Wang brought the tea set and boiled the water again.

  He didn't know much about these elegant things, so he poured water randomly.

  He was just a little absent-minded, but the words of Dong Xiaobai and his second uncle had affected him.

  I almost burned my hands with the scalding water.

  From the corner of her eye, Bai Zian saw that while talking to Mu Yining, she casually picked up the lid of her cup, raised her hand slightly, and gently held the purple clay teapot, "Be careful."

  She raised her long eyelashes.

  "Sorry," Assistant Wang put his hand away and put away the teapot, "Thank you, Miss Bai."

  He poured tea for Bai Zian again.

  Bai Qian thanked Assistant Wang, put down the lid with her slender fingers, picked up the tea cup, put her other hand on the A4 paper that was turned upside down on one side, and asked casually: "What do you want iridium for?"

  Mu Yining did not expect Bai Qian to mention this. thing.

  Somewhat unexpected.

  Not knowing much about the inside story, he gave a rough outline of the plan for the seaside, "A research institute built on the seaside will not be open to the public for the time being. The Mu family wants to take over this project, and the equipment requires a large amount of iridium. Originally, Ren Wanxuan and the others were working there. Talking about cooperation with iridium has been put on hold for the time being. Mu Zhendong is now seeking help from the Gao family.

  He is afraid that Bai Pian does not know about iridium, so he explains again, "Many instruments require iridium, and the project is huge, so the Mu family needs to get iridium first." Only then can I have the capital to talk to them."

  Mu Yining didn't want to mention Mu Zhendong, but she kept it secret from Bai Qian because she was afraid that Bai Qian would feel upset.

  I picked up what I could say and said some.

  "Can we negotiate with iridium?"

  "But Mu Zhendong is in charge of this matter now." Mu Yining smiled.

  Bai Qian lowered her eyes while drinking tea, and spoke to Mu Yining slowly, "How much iridium do you need?"

  How much?

  Mu Yining didn't know either.

  She had no contact with the core data, so she gave a rough number, "About... 500 kilograms."

  It was a very large number.

  Calculated based on 99.9% purity, the amount is over 100 million.

  Bai Qian discussed the issue of iridium with Wang Youfeng yesterday. For such a large amount of rare metal, Wang Youfeng had to go through the Dawson family if he wanted to trade domestically.

  Foreign demand for domestic metals needs to be meticulous.

  But with Xuankang there, Dawson's side wasn't too tight.

  Bai Qian didn't give much raw solution, and Wang Youfeng didn't give much iridium, less than 500 kilograms...

  Mu Yining watched Bai Qian finish asking and said nothing, "A Qian, why are you asking this?"

  "It's nothing. "Bai Zian came back to her senses. She tapped the A4 paper upside down on the table with her fingertips. "I'm counting data."

  Counting data?

  Mu Yining didn't understand and didn't think much about it.

  Just pretending that Bai Zian was calculating school statistics, she was now worried about Xiao Qi and Mu Zhendong.

  After a minute, Bai Zian stopped tapping on the table. She raised her head and pushed the A4 paper under her fingertips. "Take a look at this and see if you can accept it."

  "Is this for me?" Mu Yining was surprised. Look at Bai Zian pushing the A4 paper over.

  Don't know what this is.

  She turned around and looked at it with some surprise. It was an agreement in two languages. There were only four words at the top -

  "Dawson Group".

  Even Mu Yining, who didn't care about anything, knew the secrets of several major families in the world. Mori family.

  Not to mention, Mu Zhendong had discussed with Ren Wanxuan more than once some time ago, and they had been contacting the management of the Dawson family through Miss Yu.

  Dawson Group...


  Mu Yining's heart suddenly beat very fast. She quickly looked back, and sure enough, she saw Iridium the next second.

  Her hand holding the document was a little uneasy, and her fingertips were turning white.

  Trembling, I turned to the last page.

  On the last page, Party A signed three Chinese characters with a black pen -

  Wang Youfeng.

  On the back is a red Dawson family seal.

Chapter 323 324 Do you want to play bigger?  "The iridium they gave is not enough," Bai Qian picked up the tea cup again, lowered his eyes and drank, thinking on his face, "but there is still someone who still has it."

  The raw liquid that Xuankang can provide to foreign countries is limited, and Wang Youfeng can take out Not much.

  But the mine that Wang Youfeng donated to Mao Kun was the iridium mine.

  This is also the reason why Mao Kun can produce infinite amounts of iridium.

  Mu Yining finally came to her senses and realized what was in her hand.

  When he looked up, he couldn't hide the shock on his face and was speechless for a long time.

  Rare metals and rare earths are in short supply at home and abroad. Only a few people hold the resources, and too many people hold money and don't know how to find channels. It is too difficult to find a trustworthy middleman.

  So after learning that Ren Wanxuan had an intermediary relationship with the Gao family, the Mu family paid so much attention to Ren Wanxuan, and only then did Mu Zhendong dare to think about competing with Mu Yining.

  Bai Zian reported a number, "This is Mao Kun's mobile phone number."

  Assistant Wang was stunned for a moment and didn't remember the number.

  "Miss Bai," he put down the teapot gently. Finally, he didn't have the brains like Ning Xiao and the others, so he took out his mobile phone, "Say it again, I was stupid and didn't remember." "

  How many paralyzed research institutes does Mu's family still have? ?" Bai Zian waited for the assistant to finish writing before looking at Mu Yining.

  "3+2, two are still running, and the other three are paralyzed." Mu Yining subconsciously answered, this is their key goal this year.

  Bai Zian nodded, "He can provide small amounts of other rare metals, but it will take some time."

  At this point, she paused for a moment, then looked at Mu Yining, "How long will it take for you to take control of the Mu family? "

  Less than two years." Her heart was beating very fast.

  After Bai Zian said this, he got up with his cell phone and returned to Shanhai Apartment.

  Mu Yining and Assistant Wang sent her out.

  Before Bai Zian got into the car, she stopped and turned around, looked at Mu Yining, and smiled suddenly: "If you can't decide about the Mu family, if you have any questions, just ask Xiao Qi. I'll wait for your good news."

  She got in the car . .

  Sit in the back seat and send Xiaoqi a WeChat message.

  She is not a real Bai Zian. She doesn't care about everything in the Mu family, and these things don't belong to her.

  But Xiaoqi is real.

  Why shouldn't he want anything from the Mu family?

  Until Bai Zian's car drove away, Mu Yining and her assistant looked at each other.

  The sunlight made people feel dazed. Mu Yining held the document in her hand and immediately decided: "Go to the hospital again."

  Bai Qian was never a person who said useless words. This time, Mu Yining went to Xiao Qi with the answer. .

  In the hospital, Ji Heng went to turn on the water, and Xiao Qi was the only one left in the ward.

  Xiao Qi, who has developed Xuankang to this day, has a very strong talent and can understand the situation of the Mu family and Mu Yining in just a few words.

  He rocked the bed and elegantly pricked a piece of apple with a toothpick.

  Mu Yining sat in front of the hospital bed and watched him eating apples quietly.

  Assistant Wang stood behind her, looking at Xiao Qi without daring to breathe.

  Two minutes later, Xiao Qi raised his hand: "Mr. Mu, if you have any questions, you can tell me in the future and we will cooperate."



  Bai Qian was having dinner in 103, and today, Sunday, Yang Lin was also back.

  He also brought a report to Bai Zian.

  "His neuronal transmitters are damaged." After several months, Yang Lin finally gave Bai Qian some information. "It's a biological treatment. It adds some chemical elements to the technique of a previous senior. The teacher said it is very possible." "Big."

  She is good at biology. In the past few months, she has put aside the matters that Xia Peiyu gave her and studied such a report.

  It's just that it hasn't been used in clinical studies yet.

  Bai Zian took it and turned over it.

  "Holy shit," Tang Ming looked at the report with the Jiangnan University logo in Bai Qian's hand and fell into a trance, "Yang Lin, are you going to publish a paper?"

  Yang Lin didn't say much to others.

  He only glanced at Tang Ming and nodded.

  Keep eating.

  In fact, her paper had already been submitted by Xia Peiyu, and like Ning Xiao, she was just waiting for it to be announced.

  Tang Ming was a little afraid to look at Jiang Fuli's eyes across from him. Bai Qian was on He Wen's second work last year. Ning Xiao and Yang Lin all had their own research, but he was the only one doing nothing.

  He lowered his head and ate in silence.

  Jiang Fuli glanced at Tang Ming lightly, but didn't say anything.

  Next to him, Bureau Chen, who was drinking with Ji Heng, couldn't help but twitching as he listened to the conversation of several young people.

  After eating, Bai Zian went back to the study.

  Jiang Fuli was telling her about the latest experimental arrangements.

  While listening, Bai Zian opened the drawer and took out

  the black square seal that Mu Xianguang had given her as a meeting gift.

  Even if Ji Heng and the others didn't say it, Bai Qian knew the meaning of this square seal.

  Bai Zian took out his mobile phone and called Xu En first.

  Xu En didn't come to Shanhai Apartment today. He heard the old lady say that someone could call Ji Mulan. He was frightened and hurried home.

  "Asian, tell me." Xu En breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Ji Mulan was not guilty this time.

  Bai Qi knew about the Mu family's previous business model from Xiao Qi. The only problem was that a large amount of capital was needed in the early stage. "I have a business, should I do it?"

  Others didn't know, but he knew very well that Xingyi Martial Arts School and Xuankang Heili Who matters.

  He returned to the study and said seriously: "You say it."

  She understood that Ji Heng couldn't let go of the Mu family.



  In Ji Heng's room, his old mobile phone was fully charged.

  When you turn it on, the phone page only has an address book with the word "C", a message inbox, and no other software.


  Only the breathing light on the far right is on.

  Ji Heng reached out and opened the address book. There were not many contacts in the address book, just a dozen or so. He saw the "A" logo at the top at a glance and clicked to dial.

  The call was answered.

  Ji Shaorong's voice rang on the other end of the phone, "Dad? Why did you use this phone to contact me? Wanxuan...what happened to her?"

  "It's okay," Ji Heng's voice was calm, "What are you doing now?"

  "Close the team. Yes." Ji Shaorong said.

  Ji Heng understood that Ji Shaorong had nothing dangerous at hand. "Report the report as soon as possible. You... your and Jiawei's child is not Wanxuan, but Xiaoqi."



  Zhang Shize, with his head hanging, came out of the lobby of 303 and took the elevator back to his home.

  Zhang's father was helping Zhang's mother wash dishes in the kitchen, and the door was open.

  Seeing Zhang Shize coming down from the elevator, he said, "Look at Xiao Tang and the others, they always climb the stairs. Why do you get to the elevator every day?"

  "I can't climb anymore," Zhang Shize took the book and returned to his room, waving to Dad Zhang. , "I'll go back and read first, Dad."

  Zhang Shize's efforts over the past six months or so have been visible to everyone.

  I no longer play my favorite games in the past. Every weekend when I'm at home, I read a book and read a few things.

  Zhang's mother brought a bowl of fruit and milk to his room and touched his head. "Just try your best. Don't push yourself too hard."

  "It's not enough." Zhang Shize flipped through a black book of wrong questions and shook his head.

  He was trying hard to catch up with Bai Yanlu and the others.

  After Zhang's mother went out, Zhang Shize took a pen and was about to write when he received a call, "Hey, boss, when can you come out."

  Zhang Shize crossed his legs and said while doing his homework, "Tomorrow you go find Mao Brother, maybe go to the Xingyi Martial Arts School and let them teach you. I'm about to take the college entrance examination and don't have time."

  This is his good brother in prison, Li Sheng.


  Zhang's mother returned to the room, and while helping Zhang's father pack his clothes, she chatted with him about Zhang Shize, "If it weren't for Miss Bai, you might not be able to see that kid when you come back, let alone see him become Like this."

  Dad Zhang was smoking on the side. Zhang Shize was about to take the college entrance examination. He came back to cheer him up. He was about to go on a business trip again.

  He took out the black mobile phone in his pocket and opened it to read the messages inside.

  Just opened.

  I saw a signal on the same channel on my phone light up. It was obviously nearby, less than a hundred meters away.

  Dad Zhang was stunned for a moment, and then immediately walked outside.

  As soon as he walked outside the door, the signal disappeared instantly.

  "What's wrong?" Zhang Ma stood up with her clothes and asked doubtfully.

  Dad Zhang shook his head, exhaled a puff of smoke, and said thoughtfully, "No, the cell phone signal is not good."

  He looked at it for a while, and the signal was really gone, as if the sight just now was an illusion.

  But Dad Zhang always believed in his own perception, so he put the phone back in his pocket.

  I know this is not an illusion.


  At the end of April, Jiang University.

  The two major departments of physics and finance have a relationship, and most of the funds come from the finance department. Most of the finance department is rich second generation, not to mention there are two successful twin stars this year.

  If you have money, you choose Qinglong Bar, a new bar that recently opened in Chang'an District.

  Kong Wei and Yu Simin were both present. At this party, the most eye-catching people in the audience were Bai Shaoqi and Song Ming.

  "Junior Song, Junior Bai, I heard that Little Elephant Cosmetics has cooperated with you?" The student president of the School of Finance raised his glass to Song Min.

  Bai Shiming smiled, "Junior Song can take over your class."

  Xiaoxiang Enterprise is an e-commerce company that has emerged in the past two years. While most students are still buying Xiaoxiang beauty products, Song Min has already successfully taken a share of the pie. .

  Song Ming responded modestly, "With the recent trend and the good market, we just got the upper hand."

  People from the School of Physics didn't understand this, but listening to the people from the Student Union of the School of Finance talking about this and that, they felt that they were superior.

  "This is your Jiangda University friendship," Kong Yifan, monitor of the international class at Beicheng No. 1 Middle School, and Xu Yi, from the second class, came to Jiangjing in advance to play with Song Ming during the May Day holiday. The bar is really different from Beicheng."

  Kong Yifan held the wine glass and looked at Bai Shaoqi and Song Min with envy.

  As expected, people with outstanding abilities are the center of attention no matter where they are.

  He and Xu Yi had already been to Jiangda during the day and checked in famous attractions. They were at the social gathering place and also added many outstanding students from the finance and physics departments to their WeChat accounts.

  Kong Yifan and Xu Yi were really envious of these two people who got into Jiangnan University.

  "After all, this is Qinglong Bar. Many of the people who come here are not ordinary people. They are almost on the same level as Si Jing." Song Min said.

  Just as he was talking, outside the bar door.

  Two figures walked in from outside.

  Kong Yifan recognized the two of them and paused with his hand holding the wine glass, "Bai Qian, Wen Zhixia?"

  Most people in the international class had forgotten Wen Zhixia's name, but the two words Bai Qian seemed to turn on a switch. Even Xu Yi subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the door.

  Ever since they found out that Bai Qian had won the top prize in the national examination, no one in the international class or the second class of liberal arts class had spoken to each other for a week.

  Later, Bai Jian went to Jiangda, and because of the spear and calligraphy, the traffic exploded again.

  Even Kong Yifan and Xu Yi had seen a lot of Baiji videos during that time.

  Song Ming and Bai Shaoqi couldn't help but turn their heads and looked towards the door. They didn't care about Wen Zhixia, and their eyes fell on Bai Xian.

  She also came to join the party?


  Song Min and Bai Shaoqi could notice Bai Qian, let alone the people from the student union in the physics department.

  "Sister," Ye Jingxian and Yu Simin, who were sitting in the booth next to them, were very surprised when they saw Bai Qian at a glance, "Why are you here too?"

  Bai Shiming and the other people from the School of Physics said "hoorah" and they all stood up. .

  This kind of movement startled Kong Yifan and others at the table next to them.

  "Senior, President, I came here with my friends." Bai Qian greeted Bai Shiming and others one by one.

  This is where Wen Zhixia meets.

  Wen Zhixia knew that these group of students were all top students of Jiang University and greeted them friendly.

  Bai Shaoqi and Song Min both came to their senses, and Bai Shaoqi reacted quickly, "Let's go together, Master Song will pay for today."

  When she talked about Master Song, she was teasing.

  Inadvertently showing her good relationship with Song Min and their current strength.

  Wen Zhixia didn't know how Bai Zian and Song Ming were doing now. After all, Bai Zian was too tolerant of Song Ming in the past. She turned sideways and looked at Bai Zian.

  As soon as Bai Pian arrived, someone would naturally recognize him and tell the manager.

  The manager was transferred from Qinglong Bar in Yunxiao District, and he knew Bai Qian.

  Most of the managers of Qinglong Bar have seen blood, and they are full of blood. There are many students in the bar, and many people disperse when he passes by.

  A group of Jiang University students had never seen such a battle before.

  Even Bai Shiming and Ye Jingxian couldn't help but move aside to make way.

  "Who is this?" Kong Yifan and Xu Yi also took a step aside, not daring to look at the manager, and only asked Song Ming in a low voice.

  Song Min explained in a low voice, "The manager of Qinglong Bar in Chang'an District, the boss of this area, I have only heard of him."

  The last time I saw this manager, he threw out a troublemaking rich second generation in the bar during the opening. .

  The next day, the rich second generation was sent abroad by his family, who apologized to Qinglong Bar overnight.

  Song Min knew that the background of Qinglong Bar was not simple.

  Seeing that Bai Qian was still stuck in the middle of the road, Ye Jingxian, who often came to the bar, took her to the side, "Senior sister, let's make way first."

  Bai Qian glanced at Ye Jingxian, and then moved aside with her.

  The manager walked directly here, stopped and said hello to Bai Xian, "Miss Bai."

  "Manager Mi." Bai Xian replied.

  "Is this your classmate?" Manager Mi looked at Yu Simin and Bai Shiming beside Bai Qian.

  Bai Pian patted Yu Simin on the shoulder, "Yu Simin is my roommate, and these two are my seniors and seniors."

  The two said a few words, and Bai Pian took Wen Zhixia upstairs.

  They have a private room upstairs.

  Manager Mi watched the two of them go upstairs, then took out a VIP card to Yu Simin, with a smile on his face: "Miss Yu, if you come here in the future, just use this card, I will prepare a private box on the third floor for you."

  Yu Simin trembled He took the VIP card tremblingly and said, "Thank you, thank you."

  Until Manager Mi left, people from the two major schools of Jiang University were still standing there, not daring to speak.


  Upstairs, private room.

  Wen Zhixia told Bai Zian about the hair dryer, "The new product will be officially launched tomorrow, and it will be endorsed by Sister Lu."

  Bai Zian was responsible for this, so she would naturally say hello to Bai Zian.

  "Very good." Bai Zian nodded.

  "This," Wen Zhixia took a deep breath, "the hair dryer that broke the existing market was still... still cooperated with the space agency. We can't get it in vain."

  Even Wen Zhixia can see the future. I know the importance of cooperating with the space agency and this drawing.

  This is Wen's opportunity to break through the market and become a global enterprise. Wen's people dare not neglect cooperation with the government.

  Bai Qian poured a glass of wine for her and himself, "Let's not talk about these things for now, I have a cooperation, do you want to hear about it?"

  Wen Zhixia sat up straight, surprised, "Tell me."

  Half an hour later, Wen Zhixia was there On the other side, there was silence.

  While Bai Zian was waiting for her reaction, he took his cell phone and went outside to call Mu Yining.

  Mu Yining was actively preparing for the three research institutes. She was a little surprised when she received a call from Bai Zian, "A Zian?" "

  Mr. Mu," Bai Zian was a little more formal this time. She leaned against the wall, her eyes Calmly, "Would you like to play a little bigger?"

  Jiang Jing, their peak is back.

Chapter 324 325 Bai Qian never plays low-end games!  On the other end of the phone, Mu Yining perked up. She quietly waited for Bai Zian's next sentence.

  The next second, Bai Zian spoke.

  "The Xu family and Private Equity will cooperate with all your actions."

  Xu En's net worth has increased dramatically in the past year. During the Chinese New Year a few months ago, the Xu family invited him back to worship their ancestors.

  Mu Yining naturally knew Xu En's current influence.

  Now it is also a dominant player in the Yunxiao business district.

  As for private equity, due to ZTE's successive investments, all those who joined were big names in the industry, and their network of contacts was terrifyingly strong. Mu Yining's previous investment of 50 million has already doubled in profit.

  She knows very well that her ability to raise funds and invest is so strong that the manager is not something she can guess.

  Bai Zian's meaning is very simple. This private equity firm will fully support her in everything she does.

  Mu Yining hung up the phone.

  She sat in her office in a daze, and she didn't react until Assistant Wang called her.

  She reached out and took the document handed to her by the assistant.

  "The leases of the three research institutes have not been renewed at the beginning of this year," Assistant Wang said, introducing to Mu Yining: "In addition to funds, there are also honorary professors. For these, you have to ask Mr. Mu."

  Mu Yining flipped through the documents . , stood up and said, "Okay, let's go find Mr. Mao first."

  Most companies outside will have a few honorary professors, let alone these research institutes.

  Even Xu En's private equity firm recruits traders with Ph.D.s and professors from prestigious universities. Of course, they just have a name and don't have to work, so that the team can be introduced to outsiders as a high-end team.

  Some of the real traders are just graduates of technical schools.

  Several previous research institutes of the Mu family involved the research of detector probes and drones.

  When Mu Qing was still there, the Mu family was extremely prosperous, with many experts in the field of research.

  After their death, the research institutes involved in heavy industry were severely damaged, and all projects were completely unable to proceed. Now only the medical research institute is still struggling and barely operating.


  This side of the bar.

  Wen Zhixia finally understood what Bai Qian had told her about cooperation. She drank a glass of gradient blue cocktail with ice and calmed down. "I'll go back to my second uncle."

  The last time she showed up was a mechanical diagram of cooperation with the space agency.

  This time, we are directly cooperating with an undisclosed heavy industry.

  Wen Zhixia has realized how outrageous Bai Qian is during this period, but she didn't expect it to be so outrageous. Compared to this, the fact that she helped her get Yan Lu's endorsement was nothing.

  Bai Zian went downstairs with Wen Zhixia.

  Butler Wen and Xiao He were waiting for her downstairs.

  "Miss Bai, do you want to take you back?" Butler Wen did not see Ming Dongheng's car outside the door.

  "No need," Bai Zian looked at the direction of the student union dinner, "You go first."

  After the Wen family left.

  Bai Shiming and his team asked Ye Jingxian and Yu Simin to invite Bai Qian.

  Due to the school's request, there are fewer posts discussing Bai Zian on the Internet, but the physics department is very familiar with the group of freshmen Bai Zian and Ningxiao. Bai Zian's reputation in the physics department is almost the same as that of He Wen.

  Bai Shiming, Ye Jingxian and Yu Simin came over and asked Bai Jian if he wanted to go there.

  Bai Xian shook his head. She was wearing simple and plain clothes, very clean. The lights in the bar were dim, and the arc-shaped lamp grid above her head was equipped with colorful small lights, which shone on her body, making her look particularly cold and indifferent.

  There is a unique and beautiful aura.

  Many people who wanted to strike up a conversation did not dare to approach her because of her temperament.

  "I have to go back first. An uncle is coming home tonight." Before leaving, Bai Qian thought of something again and took out a card from his pocket and gave it to Yu Simin. "Take this."

  "What?" Yu Simin took a card. A hollow gold card.

  The light was dim and she couldn't see clearly.

  Seeing Bai Qian going out from the gate, the three of them escorted her out.

  Watching Bai Zian go to the bus stop on the next street, it is close to the university town, has many students, and the transportation is very convenient.

  The three of them returned to the booth.

  At this moment, a group of people were drinking and chatting and bragging. Ye Jingxian thought of something and asked Yu Simin, "Xiao Min, did the school girl give you another VIP card?"

  The bar manager just gave it to Yu Simin. A VIP card.

  Hearing this, Bai Shiming also looked over.

  "I don't know." Yu Simin turned on the flashlight of her phone and illuminated the words on the hollow gold card. It was a business card - [

  He Zhiwei: Xuankang Pharmaceutical]

  Below is He Zhiwei's contact information.

  Yu Simin and Kong Wei have recently been competing for the account released by Xuan Kang. They are very knowledgeable about this. They can tell at a glance that it is the VIP card of the boss doctor who is sitting in the hall.

  Yu Simin suddenly woke up from the alcohol.

  I remembered that I mentioned this matter to Kong Wei in the dormitory.

  Ye Jingxian also recognized this thing, "Damn, my schoolmate gave this to you too? Come on, show me! I see their documentaries online every day, but I have never seen the legendary gold card!"

  " ..."

  People from the Student Union of the School of Physics rushed to look.

  Here, several people from Beicheng were sitting together. Kong Yifan turned his head and looked at Ye Jingxian, vaguely hearing about Xuankang, "Is that Xuankang's internal gold card? Can you see He Zhiwei at any time? She also gives it to others. Already?"

  Bai Shaoqi and Song Ming looked at each other without saying anything.

  "When school first started, Xuemei Bai showed off two signed photos of Yan Lu." Beside them, an officer from the student union of the School of Physics answered them, "Xuemei Bai knows a lot of people."

  Song Min could guess it without him needing to answer. , Manager Mi tonight alone was enough to confirm it to them.

  He looked down at his phone, confused and confused.

  In just one year, how could the previously inconspicuous Bai Qian in Beicheng have changed so much now?

  On the phone, a banner popped up.

  It was played by the preparatory camp. This year, Song Min and Bai Shaoqi have reached their limits.

  There are so many geniuses on the app that most of them can't access the question bank. One of them is still in the top 10,000, and the other is barely in the top 10,000.

  When Song Min saw the news, he quickly clicked it and took a look.

  Next to him, Kong Yifan glanced at his page and was shocked:

  "Damn, he has more than 27 million points?"

  Such an awesome person appeared on the app, and everyone paid attention to it, and some people even opened a betting market. , I bet on whether this person could surpass Jiang Xijuan, but within half a year, he not only surpassed Jiang Xijuan, but also reached this score.

  Kong Yifan looked at the numbers displayed above——

  NO2. Baijiao 27045899


  Shanhai Apartment.

  Ji Shaorong has returned and arrived at 103 with Ren Jiawei.

  When Bai Pian came back, there were only Ji Heng and the three of them in 103.

  Everyone else went upstairs.

  Ji Shaorong sat on the sofa, resting his elbows on his knees and burying his head. Ren Jiawei also sat next to him, saying nothing, with red eyes.

  Ji Heng sat at the dinner table and smoked silently.

  Bai Zian opened the door and came in.

  Both of them couldn't help but raise their heads and stood up to look at Bai Qian.

  "Have you gone to the hospital?" Bai Qian calmly sat over and squatted beside the coffee table, setting up Jiang He's small chessboard.

  She asked Ji Shaorong.

  "I took a look outside," Ji Shaorong recalled the scene, with a bitter look on his face, "He should have...recognized me."

    Because they had little family, the relationship between him and Ren Wanxuan was not good, and Ren Wanxuan He had never liked the Ji family, nor was he close to the Ji family. Ji Heng put in a lot of furniture to accommodate her, but he still failed to win her favor.

  Ji Shaorong always thought it was a problem with Ren Qian's education and he was too pampered by Ren Wanxuan.

  But now I know...

  It turns out that his child, even if he has a different identity, will still be so close to the Ji family.

  "Aqian," Ji Shaorong stood up straight, then took Ren Jiawei and bowed deeply to Baiqian, "Thank you, thank you."

  Without Baiqian, Ji Shaorong probably would never have known that Xiaoqi was his child. .

  Bai Zian accepted this worship.

  She packed up the white chess and the black chess separately, "Xiao Qi is soft-hearted, you didn't want him on purpose, stay with him more, everything will be fine."

  Hearing this, Ren Jiawei opened her eyes wide, Her fingers hanging on both sides were trembling, "Thank you..."

  Ren Jiawei couldn't say anything else.

  "One more thing," Bai Qian came back, mainly to talk to Ji Shaorong about his nerve damage problem, "Tomorrow you find a time to go to the Jiangnan University Biological Research Center and ask for Yang Lin. I will give you her phone number."

  * *

  Upstairs, 303.

  Yan Lu also came back today and was playing chess with Lu Xiaohan.

  While out filming, Yan Lu's chess skills improved, and now he can play with Lu Xiaohan reciprocally.

  Xu Nanjing sat back on the table with her arms folded across her chest, watching Jiang He do the Junior High School Mathematical Olympiad questions expressionlessly.

  The door to the study room was ajar, and the faint voices of Jiang Fuli and Ning Xiao could be heard discussing the big project of seawater purification.

  Seeing Bai Zian, Xu Nanjing stood up straight, and he was shocked, "Sister A Zian, what have you been busy with recently?"

  Little Putao Private Equity was only regarded by outsiders as the private equity club established by Xu En.

  But no one knows the inside story better than Xu Nanjing. The Jiang family bought shares, Jiang Xijuan personally set the general direction, and Xu Nanjing also invested in several small targets.

  Recently I heard some investors mention Mujia.

  "It's about the Mu family." Bai Qian walked to Yan Lu's side and watched her play chess.

  Although Yan Lu studies backgammon in her spare time and kills all the invincible players in the entertainment industry, "backgammon killer" has become synonymous with her in the industry.

  But there are still differences between people.

  Yan Lu is invincible in the entertainment industry, but in 303, he can't even compete with a primary school student.

  He raised his head and asked Bai Zian for help.

  "Mu family?" Xu Nanjing naturally knew the Mu family. While watching two girls playing chess, she continued to ask, "What do you want to do?"

  Since that generation happened, it has been in decline for twenty years.

  Bai Qian bent down, reached out and picked up Bai Zi beside Yan Lu and dropped it. She had no intention of hiding it from Xu Nanjing, and said in an unhurried tone: "Reopen the institute."

  This sentence was tantamount to setting off a huge wave of shock in Xu Nanjing's heart.

  Bai Qian made three moves with the white piece, and the black piece was defeated.

  Yan Lu, who finally won a game, put down the chessboard and told Bai Zianlu Xiaohan about the recent arrangements.

  "The endorsement will be sent out at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Yan Lu's makeup photos have been taken, and Sister Xin is contacting the public relations department. "By the way, Sister Xin wants to ask you, have you got the patent?"

  "Zhixia just got it tonight."

  The two said After saying this, only Lu Xiaohan felt strange, what kind of endorsement is this, and it also has a patent?


  The next day.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, Yan Lu's official Weibo posted a Weibo post.

  V Yan Lu: @Space Administration @Wen's First Project Team [Picture] [Picture]

  Yan Lu does not do much business on weekdays. Early in the morning, when he saw Yan Lu's Weibo post, fans immediately rushed to be the first. After grabbing it, I looked at the Weibo content posted by Yan Lu.

  After reading it, fans were silent collectively.

  "Wait, I may have misunderstood. Let me go back to Weibo."

  "Isn't it that my sister Lu is endorsing an ordinary hair dryer? What's going on?"

  "This seems to be correct. The aerospace official responded, It is indeed their handiwork. Please click on the official Weibo to take a look, as well as the patent pictures..."

  Everyone followed the Aite point to enter and saw the official Weibo of the aerospace industry.

  Yan Lu fans:? ? ?

  Yan Lu fans woke up early in the morning:! ! !

  As soon as it was posted on Weibo, it quickly shot to the top of the Weibo hot list.

  Yan Lu's traffic is naturally immeasurable, but this time it is not just her traffic, but more importantly, she represents the official endorsement of aerospace.

  The representative of fashion resources in the entertainment industry.

  Yan Luhuo does not have many endorsements, only Xuankang and Wenshi, as well as Xiangcheng Cultural Tourism.

  Some opponents ridiculed Yan Lu for not having the extravagant endorsement.

  But now, Yan Lu is finally proud and proud, with a luxurious endorsement and an officially recognized fragrance?

  There will definitely be backlash in getting these endorsements. If her background is unclear, there is some dirty information, or there are character issues, the official will not approve it. Now that Yan Lu can get the endorsement, it shows that there is absolutely no problem with her backlash.

  The moment the endorsement was obtained, the paparazzi deleted all the scandalous material on Yanlu.com. Who would dare to break this kind of news again? Going against the authorities?

  Yan Lu is now more than just a fire.

  His status in the circle is already evident.

  She is very happy here.

  However, Lu Su lost several endorsements because the soymilk machine was instantly outperformed by the hair dryer. Wen invested most of his energy into new products and the soymilk machine was stopped.

  "Lu Su, didn't you say there was some gossip?" Lu Su's agent looked at Lu Su, his fingers trembling, "Then why didn't you know that Mr. Wen and the others have cooperation with the space agency?"

  When Wen Zhixia revealed that she was cooperating with Yan Lu, Lu Su was shocked. He never expected that Wen Zhixia would know Yan Lu.

  But fortunately, Wen Zhixia didn't argue with them at that time, and she just regretted not having a good relationship with Wen Zhixia.

  When the endorsement came out today, Lu Su and his agent were completely devastated.

  Originally, Wen Zhixia was looking for herself for this endorsement.

  Such a great opportunity for cooperation...


  As soon as Wen's new product is launched.

  The stock price rose by 12% that day, and it is still rising steadily. Anyone with a little insight can see that Wen's future path will definitely become a domestic electrical appliance giant.

  Even Xu Jueling has heard about it.

  "Jiangjing is really lively these days," he chatted with Mr. Xu in the study, "Zhixia, this kid, is really good at this."

  Xu Nanjing sat under them, thinking about what Bai Qian said last night.

  Playing with the tea cup, he listened nonchalantly.

  Only when the old man asked, he raised his head, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm thinking about the Mu family."

  "Mu family?" Mr. Xu was surprised.

  Xu Nanjing put down the teacup and said slowly: "Grandpa, the Mu family wants to reorganize the research institute, and I want to contact them."

  Next to him, Xu Jueming also found out today that the child who came to the Xu family that day was silent today. released a big news.

  Hearing Xu Nanjing's words, he raised his head and asked in a nonchalant manner, "Mu family?"

  Everyone knew the current situation of the Mu family, and they were just stubbornly resisting.

  Xu Nanjing placed his fingertips on the lid of the cup. He was not surprised when he saw the casual attitude of people like Xu Juming and Mr. Xu.

  Everyone would think that the Mu family was struggling when they heard the news, but Xu Nanjing knew very well that Bai Qian would take over from Academician Ma in the future. She had never played a low-end game since he knew her.

  This is not a struggle, but a unique comeback.

Chapter 325 326 Bai Qian's senior brother  Neither Mr. Xu nor Xu Jueming asked further questions.

  The short chat ends.

  Xu Jueling came out with Xu Nanjing, and he knew Xu Nanjing.

  The third young master Xu can become Mr. Jiang's brother and become famous in Jiangjing not only because he is the third young master of the Xu family.

  "What's going on with the Mu family?" Xu Jueling put her hands behind her back and tilted her head to ask.

  To reopen the research institute, investment, manpower and resources are all indispensable.

  "The Mu family..." Xu Nanjing walked across the covered bridge and looked down at the stream at his feet, "Dad, I plan to let Xiao Bingwen cooperate with them."

  "The Xiao family?" Xu Jueling was surprised. The Xiao family is the best managed by Xu Nanjing. With a knife, they didn't even listen to the old man's words, and directly put it under the management of Xu Nanjing, "You are so optimistic about the Mu family."

  "More than just being optimistic," Xu Nanjing shook his head, "The situation in Jiangjing is about to change."

  He raised his hand and immediately Someone handed him a box of fish food.

  Xu Nanjing slowly sprinkled a handful of fish food, and the arowana swam over slowly, ignoring his fish food.

  Bai Zian, that's the person accepted by Academician Ma.

  Look at Academician Ma's students.

  He achieved academician-level honors at the age of forty, and now leads a team to participate in national project research... Although he is a student of Academician Ma, his achievements are no less than those of Academician Ma, and the projects he controls are terrifying.

  The second Huang Yushuo, although he is just the dean of the Department of Physics of Jiang University, it is just because he is not old enough. Everyone knows that after Shi Yu retires, he will be the president of Jiang University.

  As the last student of Academician Ma, Bai Jian was trained by Academician Ma as his successor, and was protected by these two.

  She wants to revive the Mu family's research institute...

  what's the result? Needless to say?


  Except for a few people, no one in Jiangjing paid attention to the Mu family's actions. Most of them were attracted by the Wen family.

  In the past two years, we have to decide which company has been the most successful.

  It is like a breakthrough from a third-tier city to Jiangjing's Xuankang. From the plaster for treating bruises to the acupuncture that is popularized by the whole people today, they are all top-notch.

  Nowadays, the Wen family has a faint tendency to follow the path of Xuankang.

  It just so happens that both of them are endorsed by Yan Lu.


  Uncle Wen sat at the front, sorting out documents, "The R&D department continues to look for materials that are most suitable for the outlet. All departments and warehouses should pay attention to the fact that the current traffic explosion is only in the short term. We must grasp the impact of this traffic expansion to achieve long-term goals. Okay, let's adjourn."

  In the office, the department managers put away their notebooks and left in an orderly manner.

  Before leaving, he would greet Yiyi and Wen Zhixia.

  "Second Miss..."

  Wen Zhixia is the youngest person sitting in this conference room today. Although she is young, she has been taught the internal affairs of the family by Butler Wen since Beicheng. She is really depressed, so she Go drag racing.

  Now I can also carry the banner.

  Second Uncle Wen stood behind, watching Wen Zhixia chatting calmly with the shareholders and managers, his eyes pleased.

  Even compared to Le Yuzhang, Wen Zhixia is not inferior at all.

  Wen Zhixia and Uncle Wen walked out of the conference room door together. Not far away was Wen Zhiwei. Her project had been stopped and she was now assigned to a group of departments.

  I am not qualified to enter the conference room.

  She kept staring at Wen Zhixia until the phone in her pocket rang, and she reached out to pick it up.

  It was her cousin Li Chen. "Today is Master Ming's birthday. They asked me to ask you, can they invite your cousin?"

  In the past, Li Chen called Wen Zhixia by his name. In the past, there was never anyone at these insider gatherings. His name is Wen Zhixia. After all, Wen Zhixia has been away from Jiangjing for many years. He has no friends in the circle and cannot fit in.

  Wen Zhiwei never thought of bringing Wen Zhixia into the circle.

  But she and Li Chen never expected that in just half a year, there would be such a big change. If we talk about the last engagement, everyone would have a different view of Wen Zhixia.

  Now Wen Zhixia's move has directly recognized her in the circle.

  Now it is not Wen Zhixia who is in the circle, but their circle who needs Wen Zhixia.

  "I'll try my best to ask..." Wen Zhiwei watched Wen Zhixia enter the elevator and let out a long sigh of relief.

  The Wen family has never had the idea of ​​​​favoring boys over girls, and those who are capable will take over.

  She knew that from now on, the Wen family would focus entirely on Wen Zhixia.


  Ji Shaorong came back this time and did not go on a business trip for a short period of time. He and Ren Jiawei went to the hospital non-stop every day. Ji Shaorong talked little, but Ren Jiawei could say a few words to Xiao Qi.

  Xiaoqi Bing still needs to recover for a few days.

  Mu Yining came to visit Xiao Qi and wanted to tell Xiao Qi some internal affairs of the Mu family.

  Ji Shaorong and Ren Jiawei both left the ward, leaving space for them.

  Until the two left, Assistant Wang's eyes still fell on Ji Shaorong, "This is the second young master Ji..."

  This young master Ji Shaorong is the most mysterious person in the Ji family, and Bai Qian still has traces to follow.

  But Ji Shaorong could not see anyone at all.

  When they met today, Assistant Wang found it a bit unexpected. Without him, Ji Shaorong looked too ordinary, especially his temperament.

  One of the many living beings.

  If you don't look carefully, it's hard to notice him passing by you.

  Mu Yining also felt that Ji Shaorong had a special temperament. It was hard to imagine that Bai Qian and Ji Shaorong were the same family. They were completely opposite.

  Thinking about it, Mu Yining walked into the ward.

  Xiao Qi had previously asked Mu Yining to come to him if anything happened, but she didn't take it too seriously at first.

  Until last night, the plan proposed by Xiao Qi surprised her, so she came directly to find it today.



  Ji Shaorong and Ren Jiawei sat on the edge of the hospital flower bed.

  Ren Jiawei is taking Ren Qian's call.

  On the other end of the phone, Ren Qian's voice was very old. He asked a few questions about Xiaoqi's situation before he became concerned about Ren Wanxuan's situation: "Is it really impossible for them to withdraw the lawsuit?"

  Ren Jiawei took out a cigarette from his pocket, "Dad , Wan Xuan did something wrong."

    She was calmer than Ren Qian, thinking that she and Xiao Qi had been separated for so many years, and she had hatred for Zhou Jian and Ren Wan Xuan.

  Especially after Ren Wanxuan found out about this, she not only failed to tell the truth, but also tried to create an accident to make Xiao Qi disappear.

  Ren Qian didn't answer on the phone, only said: "I will go back to Xiangcheng tomorrow."

  "Dad, he has never come to see Xiaoqi." After hanging up the phone, Ren Jiawei smiled sarcastically: "He has been used to being complacent his whole life, and he can't accept it. His grandson hasn't even graduated from junior high school."

  So knowing that there was no room for change in Ren Wanxuan's matter, he went back to Xiangcheng directly.

  Even when he returned to Xiangcheng, he would not mention his grandson to his relatives.

  Ren Wanxuan is Ren Qian's best work. He may prefer Ren Wanxuan to be his granddaughter.

  "If he... is willing to change his surname in the future, let his surname be Ji." Ren Jiawei whispered to Ji Shaorong. She knew that Ren Qian was dissatisfied with Xiao Qi and would not persuade Ren Qian. She now hated Zhou Jian very much. "I have always regarded him as the savior of our family, but it turns out that he is the most ruthless one."

  Ji Shaorong hugged Ren Jiawei and patted her back, comforting her silently, but his eyes were cold.

  Fortunately, it's not too late, and things haven't reached the point of irreversibility yet.


  Xu Nanjing called Bai Qian and learned that she was at the experimental center of the Physics Building of Jiangsu University.

  It was a bit unexpected, but I drove over.

  In May, when the weather was not too cold, he drove his favorite red convertible.

  Luxury cars are not uncommon in Jiangjing, but his license plate is too ostentatious.

  Along the way, the number of heads turned was off the charts.

  He rubbed his nose, found a place to park his car, and walked to the laboratory according to the address given by Bai Zian.

  In the laboratory, Ning Xiao was having a small meeting with Senior Brother Hu Yue and Liu to study alloy issues.

  It is completely different to have a good teacher who leads the way and to think blindly on your own. Ning Xiao usually receives guidance from Zhou Wenqing, Dean Huang and even Academician Ma. He has already published a paper and has already determined his research direction. .

  In just a few months, his progress has caught up with Hu Yue's.

  Bai Zian sat in his seat and analyzed a piece of data.

  Xu Nanjing had been away from science for so long that she didn't recognize what it was for a while. She just put her hands on the table next to her and distributed the afternoon tea she brought to everyone in the laboratory.

  Then he took a cup of milk tea, put it in, and handed it to Bai Qian, "Old Xiao, you still remember, right? Although his company and the research institute below have been short of honorary professors, their overall strength is good."

  Bai Qian pressed the keyboard with his fingertips. He raised his head slightly, and his dark eyes fell on his face for a long time.

  Then, he leaned back a little on the chair, picked up the milk tea, took a sip, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Let him find Xiao Qi."

  Needless to say.

  Bai Zian knew what Xu Nanjing meant.

  "Okay." Xu Nanjing was confused, why would she go to Xiao Qi about the Mu family?

  But Bai Zian didn't have time to explain to him.

  The cell phone placed aside rang, and Xu Nanjing saw the page on which the call came. There were three words -

  Academician Ma.

  He was surprised. He didn't expect that Academician Ma, who always pretended not to know him, would take the initiative to call others. However, thinking that it was Bai Zian, he thought it was normal, so he turned around to see Ning Xiao and the others.

  "Classmate Liang, what are classmate Ning doing?" Xu Nanjing asked Liang Wuyu.

  Liang Wuyu pushed up his glasses and raised his head, "Researching new materials, by the way, his paper has passed the SCI preliminary review. Senior Sister Hu is asking him for details." Xu

  Nanjing listened casually at first, but was startled by Liang Wuyu's words later.

  "He? Ning Xiao?" He's only a freshman, right? Xu Nanjing's face was expressionless.

  One pervert is enough. Ning Xiao, what's the matter with you?

  Next to him, Bai Zian went to the corridor to answer the phone.

  On the other end of the phone, Academician Ma coughed and said slowly: "Take some time and come to see me. Someone is back. I will introduce you to him."



  Xiaoqi is discharged from the hospital.

  There were many people picking him up from the hospital, so Bai Zian didn't go out of his way to pick him up.

  Come to the institute instead.

  She had signed a confidentiality agreement, and she could access 80% of the information here. However, she did not read it. She just stayed quietly in Dean Ma's office and waited for him to come out. This was the first time that Dean Ma asked her to see someone.

  When Academician Ma came back, he was followed by a man about fifty years old.

  He wore black-rimmed glasses, black long sleeves, and baggy jeans. His hair was uncombed and he looked slovenly.

  "This is Bai Qian," Academician Ma put the notebook in his hand on the table, turned on the computer, and introduced to the man, "You have to take good care of her from now on."

  Then he explained to Bai Qian, his voice was much gentler, "You Xin Zheng, Yushuo's senior brother, is also my first student. He just came back after completing the task a few days ago. I will start engineering in a while. This time is a bit long. If you encounter any problems, please ask me. Right."

  Bai Zian stood up. She was always very polite and said, "Hello, Professor You."

  I don't know what to call you. You can't go wrong.

  You Xin was involved in confidential research and had not had many contacts for two years, but he heard from Dean Huang that the teacher was looking for a junior sister to replace him.

  He and Huang Yushuo had different studies. One stayed at Jiangda University while the other went to study nuclear weapons.

  This made You Xinzheng feel happy for Academician Ma from the bottom of his heart. He looked at the gentle girl in front of him with soft eyes and nodded secretly, "You call me big..."

  "Forget it," You Xin said halfway. Just then he remembered that she had not finished her freshman year and the teacher had not officially accepted her as a student. "You can change your tune whenever you want."

  He and Bai Zian were sitting in Academician Ma's office chatting. The more they chatted, the more they became more and more speculative. Although the girl is only a freshman, her knowledge has already surpassed that of her peers.

  After chatting, You Xinzheng sent Bai Qian downstairs. You Xinzheng's teaching assistant had just arrived and looked at Bai Qian several times in surprise.

  After Bai Qian disappeared, the teaching assistant said, "Professor You, I have an appointment with you at the Gao family."

  "Turn back." You Xinzheng waved her hand.

  You Xinzheng returned to the office, walked to Academician Ma, helped him tidy up his desk, and asked enthusiastically, "Teacher, when will you officially accept junior sisters to the school?"

  Next to you, You Xinzheng's teaching assistant heard his voice. , and then he reacted.

  Is that young lady just now a close disciple of Academician Ma? You Xinzheng's little junior sister? Then I'm afraid I won't be able to walk sideways in Jiangjing from now on, right?