
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs


Chapter 317 Calls from various parties, the extraordinary Xiao Qi  

On the other side of the phone, Le Shaoming is still in the office today.

  He is the only member of the Le family who is engaged in politics and plays an important role in the Le family. Generally, someone will notify him of any important events in the Le family.

  I just finished a phone call with the Le family and heard about Le Yuzhang's fiancée.

  Le Shaoming didn't care about who Le Yuzhang's fiancée was or the love between children. He just listened to a few words casually until the Le family mentioned that the kid from the Wen family knew Bai Jian.

  He hung up the phone and called Bai Zian specifically.

  Based on Shiyu's attitude towards Bai Zian, Le Shaoming knew that Bai Zian had a promising future.

  I didn't expect to say this directly.

  A suspect suspected of intentional homicide?

  Le Shaoming took back his hand on the table and stood up from the chair, "Miss Bai, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter. I'll go check it out right away."

  He hung up the phone, bent down and picked up the internal phone on the table, and said quietly He said, "Let Sun Fei come to my office."

  He knew that Sun Fei was very familiar with Bai Qian.

  "Leju," someone on the other end of the phone heard Le Shaoming's attitude and quickly pulled away the chair and stood up. The sound of the chair scraping against the floor tiles was obvious, "Captain Sun reported to Xiangcheng last night." "

  Xiangcheng . City?" Le Shaoming was not in charge of this matter. He narrowed his eyes, "Why go to Xiangcheng?"

  "Investigating an intentional homicide case." This matter is in charge of Sun Fei's team, and the operator doesn't know much about it. , only knowing that Sun Fei made a report and took the two of them to Xiangcheng.

  Intentional homicide case, again.

  Le Shaoming ordered people to investigate and called Sun Fei.

  Since the last time, Le Shaoming has been very strict with the area he manages.

  Last year, Captain Zhang was suspended for investigation. The Yunxiao Branch mustered up its energy and dared not take advantage of any more cases. Over the past six months, everyone has worked conscientiously.

  The call was connected. Sun Fei was in Xiangcheng Prison, reporting the progress of the case to Le Shaoming. "There is indeed evidence at the scene that the person was intentionally hit. Based on the evidence provided by Miss Bai, I am verifying the reason why Ren Wanxuan intentionally hit the person." At

  the scene . The evidence of intentional collision is clear.

  After calling Sun Fei, Le Shaoming was sure what the problem was. He walked directly out of the office and called the guard: "Where is the suspect Ren Wanxuan? Who is handling it? How can we let her go? "Remember?"

  The detention center was also shocked by Le Shaoming's attitude and quickly handed Le Shaoming all the information about the case.

  Le Shaoming saw that Xiao Qi's information was very simple, but the other Ren Wanxuan was from the Mu family, and could still be released for intentional homicide, even if it was not Bai Pian's case, which was posted online by reporters.

  An orphan was deliberately injured, and the injury was not serious. The suspect was let go before the case was tried. You can imagine the heat it caused. No one in the entire Yunxiao Branch could afford it.

  The more Le Shaoming looked, the more scared he became.



  Mu Yining was still standing there, watching Bai Zian standing at the end of the corridor talking on the phone.

  Bai Zian hung up the phone, calmed down, and went in to see Xiao Qi.

  He had just woken up, and he couldn't drink too much soup. He was receiving nutrient solution.

  Mu Yining looked at the instruments in the single ward and could see that Xiao Qi was seriously injured. He was about the same age as Mu Zhao, about eighteen years old.

  Shen Qing packed his things in front of the hospital bed and muttered something.

  Seeing Shen Qing here, Mu Yining felt surprised again. She didn't expect that the Ji family cared so much about the people in the hospital bed.

  No wonder Bai Zian would call the police directly.

  She put the flowers and a bunch of supplements aside, introduced herself, and said a few words to Xiao Qi in detail.

  Xiao Qi couldn't talk much, and his voice wasn't very clear, so he thanked Mu Yining very politely.

  Bai Zian didn't say anything after re-entering the ward. She just stood leaning against the window, lowering her head and pressing her cell phone. The sun reflected the cold light from the white jade hairpin on her head through the glass window.

  The profile of his face was shrouded in golden light, making it hard to see his expression.

  I don't know who I'm messaging.

  "Aunt Mu," Xiao Wu made a cup of tea beside her and handed it to Mu Yining, "Sit down and drink tea first."

  Xuechun brought the tea.

  Yesterday, Bai Qian, Jiang Fuli and the others were all there. Occasionally Director Chen would come over. Xuechun bought some things for the ward after going back.

  "Thank you." Mu Yining looked at Xiao Wu's full head of red hair, which was indeed unattractive, but Mu Yining looked at the callus mark on his thumb thoughtfully.

  Mu Yining came here just to meet Bai Qian.

  She still had to go to the company to handle business, so Bai Zian sent her to the elevator.

  While waiting for the elevator, Mu Yining whispered to her about Mu Zhendong's actions: "This matter may not be easy to handle. Zhendong has a friend to intervene."

  Bai Qian said "hmm", not as lazy as before, and looked very serious. cold.

  Mu Yining knew that the Mu family might have to make a decision between her and Ren Wanxuan.


  Arrived at Mushi.

  Ji Shaojun was meeting with his partners, and after Mu Yining finished processing the documents, he went to Mu Zhendong's office.

  Mu Zhendong raised his hand, dismissed the secretary beside him, and leaned back on the boss's chair, with a surprised look on his face, "Are you saying that she must pursue the case for an outsider?"

  "Leave this matter to the police," Mu Yining pressed Touching his temples, he suggested, "Asian and the others take the injured very seriously, so don't get involved in this matter."

  Mu Yining has been in charge of business for so many years, and although he hasn't made any big achievements, he hasn't made any mistakes either.

  She must have her own considerations in saying this.

  After hearing what she said, Mu Zhendong took out his cigarette, lit it, and thought for a long time.

  "I still don't understand why she cares about it, but nothing can happen to Wan Xuan this time." About ten minutes later, Mu Zhendong put the cigarette in the ashtray and stood up to get his coat. "She is still waiting for me downstairs."

  Mu Zhendong As a businessman, you habitually evaluate risks and benefits.

  Ji Shaojun's connections last time were indeed impressive, but in the past half year or so, Bai Qian has not performed much since then, and Mu Zhendong has not seen her a few times.

  Mu Zhendong didn't even know if Bai Zian and the others had any contact with Chen Yongkun.

  On the contrary, Ren Wanxuan seized the opportunity and successfully entered the circle of celebrities, posting photos with her friends everywhere.

  It's very vain, but the effect is obvious.

  For example, this time, she used her connections to find the Yu family and successfully contacted foreign mining management.

  Ren Wanxuan seriously regarded herself as a member of the Mu family, and the surname on her household registration book had also been changed. On the contrary, Bai Qian did not regard herself as a member of the Mu family at all.


  Ren Wanxuan didn't panic at all after receiving Xia Yun's assurance last night.

  Wait for Mu Zhendong to come downstairs.

  Mu Zhendong tactfully conveyed Mu Yining's attitude to her, which was tantamount to standing aside.

  Ren Wanxuan sat in the back, pursed her lips slightly, and said after a while, "Uncle, today we are going to meet Miss Yu and his senior brother's friend. That gentleman has a lot of resources in his hands."

  Mu Zhendong sat up straight, with a look on his face. Surprise: "What a great event! I'll inform the board of directors..."

  If you have the materials, you will be eligible to apply to the Heavy Industry Research Institute.

  No one in Jiangjing knew that Miss Yu had such connections.

  "Uncle," Ren Wanxuan pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment, "Don't deliberately inform aunt about this."

  It was obvious that she wanted to leave Mu Yining out.

  She was still a girl under twenty years old, and it was normal to have emotions when she was wronged. Mu Zhendong acquiesced to her approach and did not object.

  Mu Yining's non-participation makes it easier for him to take over completely.

  Ren Wanxuan took Mu Zhendong to a place to eat and had a pleasant conversation with them.

  As soon as I came out after eating, I saw police cars parked on both sides of the car.

  The leading police officer confirmed Ren Wanxuan's identity and coldly showed her the arrest warrant, "Ren Wanxuan, please come with us."

  Chi Yundai acted quickly and had already collected part of the evidence and appealed to the court.

    Once the court approves it, today it is not a detention order, but an arrest warrant.


  Ren Wanxuan was taken to the detention center again.

  To be precise this time, it is an "arrest". Once the arrest warrant is issued, it basically means that a sentence will be imposed.

  Ren Qian and Ren Jiawei couldn't sit still.

  He called Ji Shaorong to urge him to come back, and then hurriedly came to find Ji Heng.

  Both of them are well aware of Bai Qian's temper, especially Ren Qian, who has long been aware of Bai Qian's strong character. He took several classmates to Jiangnan University in Xiangcheng, so he knew that Bai Qian was not an easy person.

  Sometimes I envy Ji Heng for having such a granddaughter.

  Proud and proud.

  "I can't tell Aji about this," Jiang Fuli reminded him in advance, and Ji Heng was not confused. He lowered his eyes to light the cigarette and said in a dull tone, "Let the police decide whether it was intentional or not. Yes, the police will find out."

  He put the check given to him by Ren Jiawei on the table and pushed it to Ren Jiawei.

  "She is your granddaughter!" Ren Qian stood up in disbelief, "Are you really so cruel that you want to watch your granddaughter stay in the detention center?"

  Bai Qian entered according to the password.

  She was wearing a white sportswear today and came in from the outside with a cold feeling. She looked at the two people in the hall with a heavy gaze, and her dark eyes fell on Ren Jiawei.

  She said nothing but had a calm demeanor. Ren Qian, who had been the manager of Xiangcheng for many years, felt her invisible pressure and stopped.

  The hall fell into silence.

  Bai Zian closed the door, walked in step by step, and looked down at the check on the table.

  Reach out and pick it up.

  The ticket amount of 5 million is quite a big deal.

  "Didn't you watch the surveillance in the car?" Bai Qian ignored Ren Qian and only looked at Ren Jiawei, "You don't know if Ren Wanxuan did it on purpose?"

  "I..." Ren Jiawei opened his mouth, but his throat became hoarse. Ren Qian saw it, and that's why they were so panicked.

  If it was really just an ordinary car accident, how could she and Ren Qian be so nervous.

  "We will try our best to compensate," Ren Qian stood up with a pleading voice, "Wan Xuan was nervous and confused for a moment, please forgive her this time..."

  "Xiao Qi will have lifelong problems with her legs," Bai Qian said He fixed his gaze on Ren Jiawei, "If it were Ren Wanxuan who was deliberately bumped into like this by Xiao Qi, would you forgive him?"

  Ren Jiawei opened his mouth, but could not say a word at this time.

  If someone had bumped into Ren Wanxuan on purpose, she would have lost everything and had to pay the price.

  "Xiao Qi is still lying in the hospital," Bai Qian took a step forward. Ren Jiawei didn't wear high heels today. She was a little taller than Ren Jiawei and felt extremely oppressive. "Ren Jiawei, have you ever visited him?"

  She looked at Ren Jiawei. Yes, he couldn't help but stumbled back a step.

  He looked at Bai Zian blankly, unable to say a word.

  "Xiao Ming." Bai Zian turned around and stopped looking at them.

  Ming Dongheng had been hiding by the door. As soon as Bai Qian opened his mouth, he came in, carrying one in each hand, and carried the two of them out of the door of Building 5.

  Ren Qian stood in the cold wind and said to Ren Jiawei, "Ji Shaorong hasn't come back yet? Where is Mu Zhendong? Call him quickly!"

  In the past, Bai Qian had always been polite and considerate to Ji Heng in front of them.

  Taking Zhu Ji Heng's feelings into consideration, he will not break up.

  But now, they all realized that Bai Zian was serious this time.

  Ren Jiawei didn't say anything. She stared blankly at the bright lights of 103. She could feel Bai Zian's obvious disappointment when she just faced her.


  what is she disappointed about?

  Ren Jiawei clutched her chest, feeling uneasy.


  This side.

  Chi Yundai hadn't heard about Bai Zian's case for a long time. The last case Bai Zian and Jiang Fuli participated in was Zhang Shize's case.

  Although Zhang Shize is not smart, compared with Jiang Fuli and Bai Qian, he can be said to be stupid.

  But only relative to them.

  Zhang Shize has become Chi Yundai's beloved disciple this year, but his painting style is a bit biased towards Bai Jian and Jiang Fuli. Now Chi Yundai teaches Zhang Shize the most about obeying the law.

  The Jiang family occupies a large area. Director Chen took Chi Yundai to the forum. On the way, the two of them guessed who Xiao Qi was.

  Bureau Chen knew that Xiao Qi was related to the Qinglong Bar on Heishui Street. "Behind him were people from the Qinglong Bar."

  Chi Yundai nodded, but it was unlikely that Bai Jian and the others would be so concerned.

  This case is a very common car accident, that is, the perpetrator is suspected of being intentional.

  Jiang Fuli and Bai Qian were a little too concerned.

  Director Chen has not yet figured out the specific situation.

  The two of them entered the second floor from the outside together.

  Jiang Fuli stood on the second floor platform with his back to them, wearing a lonely and indifferent temperament.

  "I heard that the other one is Miss Bai's cousin," Chi Yundai whispered, asking the lawyer in the firm about their relationship, "Should I..."

  Outside, Chen Beixuan came in with a young woman, "People I brought it back."

  Sun Fei had never met Jiang Fuli and was only frightened by the plane from Xiangcheng. She went directly to Jiangjing in less than five hours without having to change trains in the middle.

  She lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Jiang Fuli. She only reached out and handed over a recording and a transparent plastic bag with hair follicles.

  Jiang Fuli turned around and signaled Bureau Chen to come next, with a cold look on his face, "Go get Ren Wanxuan's hair and ask the research office to do a comparison quickly."

  Director Chen left with Sun Fei confused.

  After leaving the forum, Director Chen heard part of the reason from Sun Fei.

  These words were like thunder in Chen Bureau's ears.


  Yunxiao District Branch.

  Le Shaoming got Ren Wanxuan's hair from the police and handed it to Bureau Chen.

  It was at this time that Xia Yun arrived at the police station.

  He worked on cases outside in the afternoon and called the bureau several times, but Ren Wanxuan was still not released. He went straight to Le Shaoming's office.

  "Leju, what happened with Ren Wanxuan..." Xia Yun opened the door and saw Le Shaoming standing respectfully by the desk.

  And sitting on the office chair was Chen Yongkun, their top leader in Yunxiao District.

  Xia Yun was startled and had no time to question Ren Wanxuan, so he said respectfully, "Mr. Chen."

  Director Chen glanced at Xia Yun, said nothing, just stood up and left with the hair.

  Le Shaoming respectfully sent the person away. Xia Yun was puzzled and put Mr. Chen in the car with Le Shaoming. After the person left, he was surprised: "Why is Mr. Chen free to come here today?"

  Le Shaoming did not The answer was, "Did you release Ren Wanxuan yesterday?"

  His voice was serious.

  Xia Yun heard something was wrong, "Le Ju, this is a traffic accident. I have carefully investigated the other party and found that he is an orphan..."

  "Orphan?" Le Shaoming looked at him and shook his head, "Not to mention that he asked Miss Bai to follow Master Jiang has been waiting in the hospital all day. Do you know who else called me this afternoon? "

  "General Manager Qinglong, an executive of the Dawson Family, and an official member of the Xuankang Cooperation Department." 

 Chapter 318 That's Dean Huang, Chi Lu  

These are all popular in Jiangjing.

  Needless to say, Qinglong, the Dawson family is one of the top mysterious families in the world, and Xuankang, ordinary people just think of it as a recently popular Chinese medicine company.

  But Xia Yun graduated from the military academy and naturally knew very well that there was an entire legion behind Xuan Kang.

  The prescription is classified as first-level confidentiality.

  Hearing Le Shaoming's words, Xia Yun's heart suddenly sank, "Xuankang? This Xiao Qi, who is he?"

  "Bureau Chen is here just for his business," Le Shaoming took out a cigarette and bit it, his expression Dignified, "One of the founders of Xuankang signed the official contract with Xuankang on behalf of Xuankang. Xia Yun, Xia Yun, you have been in Jiangjing for so long, how could you be confused about this kind of thing?"

  Behind the scenes of Xuankang people?

  "I, I obviously checked, he..."

  In this circle, no one who can play well has any eyesight.

  Mu Shi has indeed been discerning recently. Ren Wanxuan is a person who will seize opportunities whenever she has the opportunity. Xia Yun has also calculated the bargaining chips she offers in her mind.

  Ren Wanxuan's circle of friends posts photos of celebrities.

  Although she is in a marginal position at best, who doesn't recognize Ms. Xu in the C position of the photo?

  Everyone knows she can squeeze into this circle.

  The people contacted on the mobile phone were Mu Youjun and other members of the Gao family, as well as some professors...

  Even so, Xia Yun only dared to take action after checking Xiao Qi.

  He was obviously an orphan and had not even finished junior high school. Xia Yun didn't know why one day passed and Director Chen and the others came to investigate this small traffic accident.

  He was breathless for a moment and looked at Le Shaoming.

  "He is an orphan, right? But you have to think about it, as an orphan, why would the Mu family beg you?" Le Shaoming could tell what he was thinking at a glance. He took out a lighter from his pocket and put his hands together. Lighting a cigarette with a lighter, "Haven't Zhang Yiliang's matter given you a ring yet?"

  Le Shaoming exhaled a stream of smoke, looked at Xia Yun, and shook his head.

  Sun Fei's car stopped at the gate and got out of the car.

  Le Shaoming just saw Sun Fei. He took out the cigarette and was surprised: "Aren't you in Xiangcheng?" He

  was waiting for someone in Xiangcheng Prison in the morning, why did he come back at this hour?

  "I came back early," Sun Fei held a bunch of information, "Leju, I'm here to hand over Ren Wanxuan's case."

  Le Shaoming looked at Sun Fei with some sigh and took her in.

  When Bai Qian encounters problems, she only turns to Sun Fei, which shows how important Sun Fei is in her heart. Sun Fei showed up in Bai Qian Chen Bureau again this time.


  "Mr. Mu," Assistant Wang handed several documents to her in Mu's office for processing, "Ms. Ren took Uncle Clan and the others to discuss rare metal orders. Director Liu and the others should have already contacted their partners."

  Attend the banquet . There were a few people from the core of the Mu family, but Mu Yining and Ji Shaojun were not brought with them.

  The position becomes awkward.

  Mu Yining didn't mind. The end result was that Mu could get it. She threw the pen in her hand on the table and sighed, "But, Aji and her..."

  Can Ren Wanxuan do it in just a short time? It was indeed a skill to get into Xu Jinyi's circle within a year.

  That circle is not just a circle of famous ladies, but also a circle of ambitious girls.

  Playing is an exchange of resources, and what is exchanged is connections.

  "Let's wait and see first." Assistant Wang had a much better impression of Bai Qian.

  Now, the conflict between Ren Wanxuan and Bai Qian is obvious. Mu Yining did not choose to speak for Ren Wanxuan and stood by Bai Qian.

  On the contrary, Mu Zhendong won the support of shareholders and internal staff this time.

  Of course, Mu Zhendong's side didn't go so smoothly either.

  Ren Wanxuan was taken away by the police station. If the crime of intentional homicide is confirmed, things will not be so easy to handle.

  Mu Zhendong called Xia Yun when he came back.

  "Why doesn't Lao Xia answer the phone?" Mu Zhendong looked at his phone and walked around the study.

  I called several times in a row but couldn't get through.

  Later, the phone was turned off. What on earth was going on?

  Mu Zhendong frowned.

  The Dong family called at this time and asked about Ren Wanxuan's situation.

  Her mobile phone was confiscated by the police and she could not make any calls.

  Ren Wanxuan is Dong Chuan's girlfriend. The two families have basically set an engagement date. Ren Wanxuan's recent behavior is also noticed by the Dong family.

  The Dong family didn't pay attention to the car accident at all.

  Just thought it was an accident.

  Dong Chuan hung up the phone and frowned slightly.

  "What's wrong?" Mr. Dong was surprised when he saw his expression.

  Dong Chuan stood up and went to get his coat, "She has been sent to the detention center again. It seems that Bai Qian is determined to sue her."

  "Bai Qian wants to sue her? Does a car accident warrant prosecution?" Mr. Dong also said Strange, he put down the tea cup and said in shock: "The Mu family is fighting among themselves now? Don't leave yet, ask your uncle."

  He pointed to Dong Xiaobai.

  Ren Wanxuan is now showing her talents. The Mu family wants to keep Ren Wanxuan no matter what. How can Bai Zian sue her?

  Dong Xiaobai also knew about this and told her the whole story, "The criminal case is waiting for trial now. Mu Zhendong is looking for a defense lawyer for her. Yi Ning is on A's side, so you can decide what to do."

  This means that you have to choose . Individuals took sides.

  Mr. Dong thought for a moment and said, "Xiaochuan, I remember, ask your mother to find a lawyer."

  Dong Chuan's mother is from the Jiang family's outside department, and everyone knows that the Jiang family has a legal team.

  This is the time to make sure you stand in line.

  That's right, any of the bargaining chips that Ren Wanxuan has shown are worthy of the Dong family's side.



  Ren Jiawei stood under the hospital building with the address she got from Ren Qian.

  She raised her head slightly and looked at the towering inpatient department.

  After a long while, I gathered my shawl and went in, waiting for the elevator with a bunch of people.

  She didn't go to Xiaoqi first, but found the doctor to ask about Xiaoqi's condition.

  "It's very bad," the attending doctor told the truth when he heard that she was Bai Qian's aunt. "This life was saved. Without Dean Gu's help, he wouldn't have been able to survive the rescue, and the leg sequelae would be serious... ..."

  After asking, she went to the ward.

  Xiaoqi lives in a single ward.

  Xiaowu returned to Xuankang to deal with the troublemakers in the Luo family. The person in Xiaoqi's ward now was Mao Kun. He was holding a knife and peeling an apple slowly.

  Seeing that the person knocking on the door was Ren Jiawei, he leaned against the door frame and turned the phone in his hand.

  Naturally, he recognized that this was the Ren family.

  They don't let anyone in.

  "I just came to see him," Ren Jiawei looked tired. Her eyes fell behind Mao Kun, and she couldn't see clearly who was lying on the hospital bed. "Don't worry, I won't say anything else."

  After all, people are Bai Qian's aunt, Mao Kun looked at Ren Jiawei up and down for a long time before taking a step back and letting Ren Jiawei in.

  Xiao Qi is lying on the bed.

  Xiao Wu used a telescopic frame to tie the tablet above his head.

  The tablet is playing Animal World at the moment.

  It's about a pack of wolves.

  He takes the animal world seriously.

  As soon as Ren Jiawei walked in, she saw the somewhat familiar face and was startled.

  Unexpectedly, the person in front of him turned out to be a young boy who had a close relationship with him and had a good impression on him.

  "Child," Ren Jiawei's voice was choked. Seeing his pale face, she couldn't say anything to plead for mercy for a moment, "I'm sorry."

  Xiao Qi heard the voice and moved her hands on both sides.

  Then he calmly turned his head and looked at Ren Jiawei.

  Ren Jiawei's eyes fell on Xiao Qi's legs again, and she heard Bai Qian say that his legs were likely to have sequelae.

    She remembered what Ren Qian had said before, that this child was an orphan and had not even finished the second grade of junior high school.

  Throw money at him and he will definitely compromise.

  I haven't even finished the second grade of junior high school.

  Ren Jiawei's mood fluctuated greatly, "I'm sorry."

  She left a check for Xiao Qi, "This is a little thought from auntie."

  Before Xiao Qi could say anything, she left the ward door directly, closed the door, and leaned against the wall. Breathing heavily, I thought about the doctor's words in my mind.

  In the ward.

  Mao Kun looked at the ward door being taken away, walked to the bed and looked at the check in front of Xiao Qi, "5 million? That's really rich."

  He shook the check and suddenly remembered: "If we accept it, they will Don't you think we're extorting?"

  Mao Kun talked to Zhang Shize several times before he was led astray.

  "Give it to sister." Xiaoqi withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the animal world.

  "Okay," Mao Kun nodded, stretched out his hand, and placed the flowers brought by Ren Jiawei on Xiao Qi's bedside, "This aunt is much better than that old man Ren, she is very reasonable, and she is a nice person."

  Xiao Qi looked at the TV, After a long while, he softly said "hmm".


  Ren Wanxuan's matter was eventually classified as a criminal case.

  The hearing will be held at Yunxiao District Court.

  Mu Zhendong's metal sales order has not yet been signed because of Ren Wanxuan's delay. He has made many connections for Ren Wanxuan in the past few days.

  There was no reply from Xia Yun yet. Mu Zhendong was surprised, but he didn't have time to ask clearly.

  The court summons has come down.

  He and Dong Chuan stood up from the chairs in the lounge and raised their hands, "Song Lu, please excuse me."

  "It's okay." Song Xi also stood up and shook hands with Mu Zhendong, "As long as there is no motive, you don't have to file this lawsuit. If you are too worried, it is just for humanitarian compensation."

  The two sent Song Xi out.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially Mu Zhendong. In the past two days, he had been worried about the order and Ren Wanxuan's case, and had not slept at all.

  Now it's finally settled.

  Mu Zhendong went to Mu Yining, "Song Xi, the lawyers the Dong family is looking for, Yi Ning, don't want to cause too much trouble. You also know what kind of lawyers the Dong family is looking for. It's hard for the Mu family to have this opportunity. I hope she can also take care of the overall situation."

  Mu Yining thought for a moment and went to Jiang University to find Bai Jian.


  Jiang Da.

  When Mu Yining arrived, Bai Qian, Tang Ming and the others were waiting for her at the intersection.

  She asked Assistant Wang to park in the parking lot and got out of the car to talk to Bai Zian.

  Tang Ming and others greeted Mu Yining.

  "Eating outside?" Mu Yining asked, holding her cell phone.

  "No," Bai Zian shook her head. She was holding a black laptop in her left hand, wearing a loose white sweater, and her back was straight. "I have to go to the laboratory later."

  Mu Yining wondered if Bai Zian was not a freshman in college. , why do we have to go to the laboratory later?

  But without thinking too much, she told the story about Mu Zhendong's appointment with Song Xi, "The lawyer the Dong family is looking for comes from a very powerful group of lawyers."

  Naturally, she would not persuade him as Mu Zhendong said. Bai Zian reconciled.

  He just revealed the news about Mu Zhendong to Bai Zian.

  "Dong family?" Bai Qian pressed his fingertips on the computer casing and raised his head slightly.

  Unexpectedly, Bai Qian's attention was on the Dong family, not Song Xi.

  "Yes." Mu Yining nodded.

  not far away.

  Dean Huang and Xia Peiyu greeted Bai Qian from a distance, "Classmate Bai Qian, I just happened to meet you. Let me tell you about the one you submitted last week. I just revised it."

  Dean Huang was talking about Bai Qian. After leaving the topology answer, Bai Zian tilted his head, told Mu Yining to wait a moment, and walked towards Dean Huang.

  "Which one are you talking about?"

  "Topology." Dean Huang put his hands behind his back.

  Mu Yining looked at Bai Qian's profile. She was standing in the shade under the tree, like a pine and cypress, whispering something to a bald middle-aged man. The sun was shining brightly on her body, and only her delicate figure could be seen. The profile is reserved and calm.

  Too outstanding temperament and appearance.

  "Teacher, your research has reached the third stage recently." Dean Huang finished asking the question and then mentioned Academician Ma to Bai Qian. "You didn't go to the laboratory this week, so he gave me part of the data. In the office "

  Bai Qian nodded, and she came back to talk to Mu Yining and Tang Ming.

  Prepare to get the data with Dean Huang.

  This week she was dealing with Xiao Qi's affairs and had not gone to the laboratory. She asked for leave from Academician Ma.

  "They hired Song Xi," Mu Yining came back to her senses. Seeing that Bai Jian didn't care about the lawyer, she quickly explained, "I've never heard of this guy, but he's very powerful..."

  "Song Xi ?" Bai Zian stopped for a moment, turned sideways, pondered for a moment, and looked for a comparison, "How about comparing with Zhao Jingzhou?"

  Zhao Jingzhou, an Internet celebrity lawyer.

  Assistant Wang and Mu Yining both knew each other. Mu Yining hesitated, "Although Song Xi is not as famous as Zhao Jingzhou, his strength is definitely not inferior to him."

  "That's it." Bai Qian changed the computer to hold it in one hand, "I Got it, thank you, I'll treat you to fish soup next time."

  She bid farewell to Mu Yining politely.

  Leave with Dean Huang.

  After Dean Huang finished talking about the business, he urged Bai Qian in a low voice, "Junior sister, have you seen Yang Lin recently? I can't catch anyone every time I go to the laboratory..." I

  just finished eating with Yang Lin a few days ago. Bai Zian remained calm and said, "I don't know either."

  After a few people left, Mu Yining looked back.

  She looked at Tang Ming and the others, "Is that Teacher Aji?"

  A certain professor?

  He seems to have a good relationship with Bai Zian.

  "No, that's Dean Huang of our department." Tang Ming continued to receive Mu Yining.

  Mu Yining was very surprised. Was it the dean who took the initiative to greet Bai Zian just now?

  She hasn't asked about Jiang Da's affairs for a long time, and she doesn't know about Bai Zian's situation on campus.

  Next to him, Assistant Wang also parked his car and came over.

  "Xiao Tang, which department do you and Ah Zian belong to?" Mu Yining only knew that Bai Zian was the top scorer in the college entrance examination and did not ask her in detail about her study situation.

  I just occasionally heard Shen Qing say what Bai Qian was doing again.

  Tang Ming: "Department of Physics."

  Department of Physics.

  Hearing this, he and Mu Yining looked at each other.

  Both of them remembered that Ren Wanxuan's status in the Mu family rose sharply after she met with the Gao family as the vice dean of the School of Physics.

  Was the person who just talked to Bai Zian the dean of the physics department?

  It looks like he is very familiar with Bai Zian.

  Mu Yining looked at Bai Qian's back and saw that she and the dean were walking almost side by side.

  It can be seen that the dean almost regarded Bai Zian as a peer.

  Mu Yining looked away in shock, and with a thought in her heart, she asked Tang Ming again: "Is it Zhao Jingzhou that Aji invited?"

  Assistant Wang's eyes also lit up, and he looked at Tang Ming intently.

  Tang Ming shook his head.

  Mu Yining was silent for a moment, "Isn't it Zhao Jingzhou? Who is that?" It

  wasn't Zhao Jingzhou. She suggested that Bai Jian not sue this time.

  "Chi Lu," Tang Ming said in a relaxed state, "he came to drink fish soup this week."

Chapter 319 Identity Revealed!  

"Here you go." Here, Dean Huang handed the sealed document in his hand to Bai Zian.

  The document was given to Bai Qian by Academician Ma, but Dean Huang did not read it.

  The office door was ajar, and the teaching assistant was standing at the door.

  Bai Qian took it and asked about Academician Ma's body.

  "It's still the same." Dean Huang raised his hand and motioned for Bai Qian to sit down. "He is allowed to rest, but there are so many people in the institute waiting for him. You can go to the institute to see him sometime."

  Academician Ma is studying quantum In the field of mechanics, there are only a few people studying quantum mechanics in China. Academician Ma has taught countless students, but few have the ability to comprehend this aspect, and there are none who can succeed him.

  There are too many evil people looking at the project he has in hand.

  Academician Ma had persuaded Jiang Fuli to take over more than once, but Jiang Fuli still plunged into the sinkhole of dark matter.

  After so many years of overdraft, even though a specialized medical team inspected Academician Ma's body, his body was still weakening rapidly.

  Dean Huang doesn't know what specific projects Academician Ma is currently involved in.

  He was originally assigned by Dean Ma to take charge of the Department of Physics of Jiangnan University.

  Bai Qian sat down on the sofa with an upright posture, looking down at the sealed document in his hand, "Okay."

  "By the way," Dean Huang remembered another thing, "The reexamination is coming soon, let Xiao Xu work hard. "

  The end of March.

  The weather in Jiangjing is getting warmer, and Xu Wenyao and Jian Zhe's retests have begun.


  Bai Zian returned to the dormitory and opened the sealed document bag.

  There is a new USB flash drive inside, as well as a red-head confidentiality agreement -

  [QE925 Project]

  is the direction of quantum mechanics that Academician Ma is currently researching.

  After reading it, she didn't sign it immediately. She just put the confidentiality agreement upside down on the sky blue table, leaned back in her chair, and thought quietly.

  Kong Wei and Yu Simin opened the door and came in after class, and saw Bai Xian holding it in front of the table.

  "My sister! You are back," Kong Wei threw the book on the table, walked to Bai Xian's table and talked to her, "Senior sister asked me to ask you if you want to form a team to participate in the campus science and technology innovation competition. This award is very valuable, and it will be very helpful for you to evaluate the special scholarship."

  It is a relatively important award among college students.

  Bai Qian came back to her senses. She put her hand on the agreement and shook her head, "No, I have other things to do."

  Academician Ma gave her a USB flash drive last year. She has not fully understood many things in it. Now this USB flash drive should be She still needs time to think about the QE project.

  "Ah... okay then." Kong Wei looked at Bai Zian and returned to his seat with a slight regret.

  When school started, Bai Zian, Ning Xiao, Tang Ming and others went abroad for a month and disappeared in school after returning.

  Compared with Bai Qian, Song Min and Bai Shaoqi from the Department of Finance first won the first prize for entrepreneurship after starting school, and were later taken to Jiangjing Commercial Bank by people in the department to participate in the "Top Ten Singers" and "Technological Innovation"

  ... The school is very fun and I get to know a lot of seniors.

  They are all freshmen. Bai Qian and Ning Xiao were in the same class last semester and were very popular. There is no news this semester. Occasionally, some news is professional and academic, and most majors can't understand it.

  "Oh, yes, my myopia has really improved. I'll treat you to dinner tonight!" Kong Wei announced this happy news to the people in the dormitory again.

  Bai Zian took out a pen from the bamboo pen holder and took off the pen cap with one hand.

  He turned over the document at the back again, raised his hand and signed his name on the last page. It was no longer a neat two words, but with the sharpness of the wind and grass.

  After signing, she turned her head slightly and smiled at Kong Wei, her gentle and restrained tone slowly revealed: "Congratulations."

  "Are you okay?" Yu Simin stepped on the chair and came to Kong Wei, observing her. Eyes, "Don't tell me, you really don't seem to wear glasses much since school started. Is it easy to queue up for acupuncture now?"

  "It's difficult to queue up for acupuncture," Kong Wei shook his head, "They limit the number of people every day."

  This year's Chinese New Year, the first The results of the batch test bloggers and short video bloggers are out.

  Most of them have become internet celebrities because they record their daily check-in routines.

  It became popular again during the Chinese New Year.

  According to incomplete statistics, there are more than one billion people in the country, and myopia accounts for 30%.

  Knowing that acupuncture is so effective, the number of people lining up to go to Xuankang is much higher than last year. Although Xuankang is already teaching Chinese acupuncture, there are too few Chinese doctors who have learned acupuncture, and it is still a drop in the bucket.

  The two were discussing.

  Bai Zian carefully dried the ink on the pen, put away the confidentiality agreement, and looked at Yu Simin again, thinking for a moment, not knowing whether Yu Simin believed him or not.

  never mind.

  Bai Qian opened her phone and found Dr. He's WeChat account -

  [Add a number this month]

  In order not to waste his arm and develop sustainably, Dr. He only receives ten people for acupuncture every day.

  At other times, he sits in the hall to consult on difficult and complicated diseases.

  Doctor He: [Okay, I will ask Xiao Wu to bring the card to you on Friday? ]

  Bai Jian: [1]

  Finish sending the message.

  Wang Youfeng sent an address.

  It was about iridium, and he wanted to talk to her in detail.

  Bai Zian glanced at -

  [Saturday. ]

  She is going to Xiao Qi's court hearing on Friday.



  It was the day when Xiao Qi and Ren Wanxuan were in court.

  Before the trial, Ji Shaorong did not come back, but Ren Qian called him, "This is your biological daughter! Are you just going to watch Bai Qian sue her?"

  On the other side of the phone, Ji Shaorong was silent for a moment, "...if she really I hit someone on purpose."

  Ren Qian coughed angrily and hung up the phone angrily.

  When Dong Chuan and Mu Zhendong came over, Ren Jiawei looked obviously tired and was gently patting Ren Qian's back and comforting him in a low voice.

  "Aunt Ren," Dong Chuan greeted Ren Jiawei, then turned sideways and introduced the man in a lawyer's robe behind them to Ren Qian: "This is Lawyer Song."

  Ren Qian had long heard what Ren Jiawei said about Lawyer Song's abilities. have to.

  He looked at Song Xi with a respectful attitude and asked Lawyer Song about the outcome of this court session.

  "Don't worry," Mu Zhendong clasped his hands behind his back and answered for Song Xi nonchalantly, "Song Lu is from a group of lawyers. There won't be any accidents with him here. Song Lu, please."

  A group of them went in.

  Bai Zian and Xiao Qi have arrived at the plaintiff's seat.

  Xiao Qi came over in a wheelchair because he was still injured. Bai Qian stood behind him and slowly pushed the wheelchair. He was still pale and thin.

  Ren Qian saw Xiao Qi from a distance and opened his mouth to say something.

  Xiao Qi only looked down at his own clothes and didn't care about anyone.

    Bai Jian pushed the wheelchair to the front row and sat next to Xiao Qi. He had an upright posture and was dressed plainly. He was restrained and calm. He glanced at Ren Qian lightly, his dark pupils were sharp and sharp.

  Ren Qian, who still wanted to beg Xiao Qi, suddenly looked away when he saw her eyes and stopped approaching Xiao Qi.

  Within a week, Ren Wanxuan had lost a lot of weight. When Ren Qian and Ren Jiawei saw Ren Wanxuan's condition, the distress in their eyes was obvious.

  Especially Ren Qian, he couldn't help but stand up.

  The judge banged his gavel and said, "Quiet!"

  Ren Qian sat down.

  Beside him, Mu Zhendong and Dong Chuan also looked in Bai Qian's direction.

  Mu Zhendong's eyes fell on Bai Xian. She was sitting on the chair like this, with her hands on her side, her eyes lowered, and she knocked on the armrest idly, looking calm and relaxed.

  Mu Zhendong couldn't help but frown. Mu Yining should take the words to Bai Zian.

  Thinking about it, his eyes fell on the other party's lawyer, a middle-aged man. He was not wearing a lawyer's uniform, only a suit, with a lawyer's badge neatly pinned on his chest, his hands folded around his chest, his eyes slightly closed, and not communicating with anyone.

  Quite impressive.

  "Do you know him?" Mu Zhendong asked Dong Chuan.

  Dong Chuan shook his head, "I don't know."

  Nine o'clock.

  The judge's gavel fell, and he glanced at Song Xi. He wanted to look at Chi Yundai, but he really didn't dare to look at him, so he had to look ahead.

  Chi Yundai, who was sitting next to Xiao Qi, opened his eyes. He just arranged his badge casually and said calmly, "We accuse the defendant of attempted murder. This is our client's medical record and Surveillance video."

  He handed Xiaoqi's medical records and surveillance video to the jury.

  After a discussion by the jury, it was played in court.

  It was raining lightly that day and the surveillance was blurry.

  Xiao Qi stood with her back to the right side of the car, about a hundred meters away. After the car stopped, it suddenly accelerated and rushed out. There was an avenue on the right, and Ren Wanxuan did not go along, but clearly hit Xiao Qi.

  Just looking at the video, intentional murder is obvious.

  When the surveillance camera was released, on Xiao Qi's side, Mao Kun and others looked at Ren Wanxuan with terrifying eyes.

  "Right here," Chi Yundai still directed the last section slowly, looking at Ren Wanxuan, "In this section, Miss Ren was obviously driving towards the big tree, but you turned the steering wheel to the right? Still? At this point, the car obviously stopped when it hit Mao Xiaoqi, and the wheel had already crushed his leg, but why did you increase the accelerator at this time?"

  Ren Wanxuan looked at her lawyer for help. .

  However, Song Xi sat in his seat and did not move for a while.

  Ren Qian also stood up nervously, "Mr. Mu, what is Lawyer Song doing? Why hasn't he said anything?"

  In fact, Mu Zhendong and Dong Chuan also felt strange.

  Song Xi was hired by Dong Chuan's mother personally, and his business ability is evident. Why hasn't he said a word until now?

  When the judge looked in Song Xi's direction, he knocked his gavel to remind him.

  "Our client has just learned to drive a few months ago," Song Xi came to his senses and submitted his evidence. "It is normal for a novice to use the accelerator as a brake when he is on the road. According to the data, our client has no interest in Mao Xiaoqi. ..."

  He finished listing the evidence.

  Including Ren Wanxuan's performance in school is enough to prove that she is a good young man in the new era.

  All this was just because she was nervous and made a mistake.

  Ren Wanxuan had no reason to target Xiao Qi.

  After Song Xi finished speaking, Ren Wanxuan finally relaxed. She fell down on the chair and regained her graceful posture: "I was too nervous at the time."

  Ren Qian, Ren Jiawei and others also calmed down.

  "Nervous? Let's just assume you are nervous." Chi Yundai pulled out another report and said calmly, "I have investigated Miss Ren's study status and physical report. Miss Ren, you study well on weekdays and can also calligraphy. Learning calligraphy requires meditation. Ms. Ren, your physical report last month was also very healthy, and you did not have any anxiety or other mental disorders. Why were you nervous when there were no cars and animals around?"

  The jury continued to ask Chi Yun. Dai information.

  Why are you nervous?

  The audience did not expect Chi Yundai to ask this question.

  When Ren Wanxuan was asked this question, she froze and had no time to answer Chi Yundai's question.

  Song Xi prepared many professional answers.

  But only in this aspect, Chi Yundai's angle was tricky, and with his face, Song Xi looked at Ren Wanxuan's attitude and knew that there must be something inside.

  He regretted a little. He originally took the case after hearing about the Dong family.

  In a small car accident case, the plaintiff turned out to be Chi Yundai.

  Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Xiao Qi, who was sitting on the plaintiff's side. How could this orphan in the information invite Demon Chi?

  "Miss Ren Wanxuan, please answer my question." Chi Yundai's sharp eyes fell on Ren Wanxuan.

  Chi Yundai is the chief lawyer of Jiang's legal team, and there has been a legend about him as the devil for a long time in the circle.

  It was so oppressive that most lawyers would collapse under his gaze.

  What's more, Ren Wanxuan, who is not deeply involved in the world.

  "I, I..." Ren Wanxuan couldn't answer, and her eyes fell on Song Xi again as if asking for help.

  On her side, Ren Qian pursed his lips, watching Ren Wanxuan being forced to do this in the court. He looked at Xiao Qi and Bai Qian angrily and resentfully.

  Xiao Qi felt this resentful gaze.

  He finally raised his head and looked back without any waves.

  Ahead, Chi Yundai put his hands on the table and picked up another piece of information, "Can't answer? Then let me tell you, because you have known for a long time that you are Zhou Jian's daughter. Later, when you came to Jiangjing, you discovered that Xiao Qi He is the son of Ren Jiawei and Ji Shaorong. You want to take this opportunity to kill him completely. This is your motive."

  "No, I didn't want to kill him!" Ren Wanxuan was completely confused and retorted subconsciously.

  Chi Yundai folded his hands calmly on his chest, with a determined attitude, calm from beginning to end, and made a decision: "So, Miss Ren, you have long known that Xiao Qi is the biological son of Ren Jiawei and Ji Shaorong. "

  Ren Wanxuan just realized that what she just said was tantamount to exposing the fact that she knew Xiao Qi's identity.

  She couldn't help but take a step back and fell into the chair.

  Chi Yundai looked back calmly and took out the last two documents. "These are two paternity tests. Please ask the jury to evaluate them."

  The entire court fell into silence.

  Even Mao Kun opened his mouth wide. He looked at Xiao Qi, then at Bai Qian, and finally his eyes fell on Ren Jiawei opposite.

  On the opposite side, Ren Qian, who was resentful of Bai Qian and Xiao Qi, heard a thunder in his mind. He looked at Chi Yundai blankly, feeling very confused and unresponsive.

  After a few seconds of silence, the court was in an uproar.

  Ren Jiawei's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly by an invisible hand. She looked in the direction of Xiao Qi in horror and confusion. She was so weak that she couldn't say a word.

  He stumbled over to the jury and took the paternity test from the foreman of the jury.

  This was unreasonable, but the jury had never seen such a scene before. Instead of stopping her, they handed her the paternity test.

  One was for her and Xiao Qi, and the other was for her and Ren Wanxuan. The results of the two appraisals were very clear.

  Mao Xiaoqi is her son.

Chapter 320 Punishment, not agreeing to enter the family tree!  

Ren Jiawei squeezed the paternity test's hand so hard that the joints turned white. She turned her head sadly and looked at Xiao Qi sitting behind her.

  Horrified and scared.

  Xiao Qi still looked calmly in the direction of Chi Yundai, as calm as ever.

  In the defendant's seat, Mu Zhendong and Dong Chuan did not expect that things would develop like this, and they looked at each other in shock.

  It's not just the Ren family that has been impacted by the paternity test.

  "My statement ends here." Chi Yundai still maintained his previous posture, folding his hands lightly and looking only slightly at the judge and jury.

  The jury members wearing judge robes and lawyer robes also reacted.

  Who knew that an ordinary traffic accident would lead to such a big ethical drama? Ren Wanxuan's performance just now indirectly admitted that she already knew Xiao Qi's identity.

  Attempted murder is confirmed and constitutes a crime.

  If the attempt failed, he would be given a lighter punishment, but Chi Yundai's last sentence confirmed that Ren Wanxuan had known Xiao Qi's identity for a long time. The circumstances were so serious that he was sentenced to four years in prison.

  Ren Wanxuan may have thought about being sentenced since she was arrested for the second time, but what she didn't expect was that she would be sentenced to four years.

  The soles of her feet felt cold for a moment. She raised her eyes and looked at Ren Qian subconsciously, "Grandpa, Grandpa!"

  Ren Qian sat in his original position, his hands and feet limp.

  Ren Wanxuan, whom the Ren family spent so much effort to cultivate, is actually not from the Ren family.

  Ren Qian's vision was a little blurry.

  Hearing the sound, he subconsciously raised his head and looked at Ren Wanxuan.

  "Grandpa, please save me." The family can appeal a second time. Ren Wanxuan never thought that she would be sentenced to four years. She thought she saw hope. "I don't want to go to jail..."

  she begged Ren. Modesty.

  Ren Qian stood up like a rotten tree, relying on the handrail in front of him, and instantly aged ten years, "Wanxuan, you... when did you know?"

  Ren Wanxuan was frozen in place, she opened her mouth, wanting to speak , but didn't say it.

  Take two steps back.

  When she was handcuffed and staggered down this time, she thought of Dong Chuan and Mu Zhendong again, with a look of horror on her face: "Dong Chuan, uncle..."

  Mu Zhendong came back to his senses.

  It doesn't matter to him whether Ren Wanxuan is a member of the Ji family, he has no feelings for the Ji family.

  What matters is who can bring benefits to the Mu family.

  Song Xi came down from above and was stopped by Mu Zhendong, who asked about the possibility of winning the second appeal.

  "Sorry," Song Xi shook his head, "I can't take on this case."

  "Why?" Mu Zhendong asked hurriedly.

  Not far away, Chi Yundai took off his badge and walked down the steps slowly. Inside, Xiao Wu and Mao Kun surrounded Bai Qian and Xiao Qi.

  He didn't join in the fun with a bunch of kids.

  Song Xi saw him walking down and stood up straight, "Teacher Chi."

  There were only so many people in the legal team. Chi Yundai naturally remembered that he was a member of the legal team and nodded, "I have taught you before."

  " I know." Song Xi smiled bitterly.

  Chi Yundai said that when you meet a senior and powerful lawyer, don't try to dismantle the other party's point of view, but use a more tactful way to persuade the judge and jury. This will achieve the goal of communicating with the other party's lawyer. Same effect.

  But Chi Yundai completely cut off Song Xi's opportunity, causing him to be in chaos.

  Chi Yundai was going back to prepare a speech, so he said a word to Song Xi, said hello to Bai Qian, and left the court.

  While the two were talking, Dong Chuan and Mu Zhendong remained silent.

  It wasn't until Chi Yundai left that Song Xi tilted his head slightly and looked at Mu Zhendong, "Teacher Chi is here. I appealed a hundred times and he was able to dismantle my points one by one."

  After saying that, Song Xi also raised his feet and left. Follow in the footsteps of Chi Yundai.

  After the two left, Mu Zhendong looked at Dong Chuan, "Who is this lawyer Chi?"

  Dong Chuan's face was silent. He looked at Song Xi's leaving figure. He already knew Chi Yundai's identity, but he didn't speak and looked at him. It fell on Bai Zian and his group again.

  I felt uneasy, not only about Ren Wanxuan's identity, but also about the lawyer Bai Zian and the others hired.

  He took out his mobile phone and called Mr. Dong.

  Now Dong Chuan no longer knows whether this choice was right or wrong.


  Xiao Qi was pushed out of the court door by Xiao Wu.

  Ren Jiawei also went out.

  It was close to twelve o'clock, and the sun was dazzling outside. Ren Jiawei looked at the bodies of the group of people in front of her, opened her mouth, and said in a dry voice, "Aji..."

  Her eyes fell on Xiao Qi.

  It was Bai Qian who screamed.

  Bai Qian was the first to stop. She stood there and looked at Ren Jiawei slightly sideways.

  Mao Kun saw Ren Jiawei in the hospital last time. He had a much better impression of Ren Jiawei than Ren Qian. He had a head of yellow hair and put his hands in his pockets, watching quietly.

  "I..." Ren Jiawei cautiously took a few steps forward. She finally saw Xiao Qi's face clearly, "Your legs..."

  Xiao Qi was very calm. He had spent a long time digesting his identity. , as calm and polite as ever: "Thank you, much better."

  Ren Jiawei looked cautious, full of guilt and powerlessness. He was a little unable to respond. This kind of blood relationship was too unfamiliar.

  "Okay, okay." Ren Jiawei seemed to mutter. The people following Bai Qian were all extremely polite, even at this time.

  She looked at Xiao Qi's face carefully, and it seemed that it was not that surprising. She had been surprised by Xiao Qi when they first met at the airport. His demeanor and temperament really looked like Ji Shaorong.

  "Your name is Mao Xiaoqi, right?" The powerful woman who was in the shopping mall suddenly turned red.

  Mao Xiaoqi.

  Xiao Qi.

  Did she try to think about who gave such a simple name? He grew up in an orphanage. Was it someone from the orphanage who gave it to him?

  She remembered that Ren Qian told her that day that he had not finished the second grade of junior high school, and they wanted to use the hope of studying abroad to get ahead of him and have an affair with Ren Wanxuan.

  He was in pain because he didn't finish the second grade of junior high school, but they were used harshly as conditions, tearing one wound after another on his wounds.

  She remembered what Bai Zian asked her back that night.

  The more she thought about it, the more breathless Ren Jiawei became.

  Courthouse entrance.

  The car picking up Bai Zian stopped.

  It's a business car.

  The back door opened, and Shen Qing's face emerged from inside. She called the children very skillfully, "Come up quickly. Uncle Chen made a sauce duck today. You must like it."

  She asked about Xiao Qi's legs again.

  Xiao Qi smiled warmly, "Thank you, Auntie."

  This group of people all followed Bai Qian in calling Shen Qing Aunt. They all had almost no parents, and Bai Qian also had no parents. Shen Qing and Ji Shaojun played roles in their lives. played an important role.

  Ren Jiawei looked at Shen Qing in a daze, a woman she once thought was a philistine.

  Now she was extremely grateful for her existence.

  She tried to think again, if there was no Bai Pian and no Shen Qing, where would her child be now? Had she and Ren Qian joined forces and been forced to sign a private agreement?

  The black business car left.

  The sunshine above his head was cold, and Ren Jiawei was already in a trance.

  She reached out, turned on her phone, and contacted Ji Shaorong again.


  Xiao Qi's matter.

  Bai Qian didn't tell Ji Heng until night.

  Ji Heng sat alone in the courtyard of 103, holding a cigarette pipe, lowering his head and smoking slowly, his fingertips trembling.

  The glass top has not yet been removed and is filled with smoke.

  Jiang Fuli walked in from the outside and reached out to press the switch on the top glass. The top glass moved to both sides, revealing a side of the sky.

  The smoke in the yard slowly dispersed.

  Jiang Fuli still looked cold and indifferent. He only stretched out his hand and handed a piece of information to Ji Heng: "This is part of Xiaoqi's information."

  Ji Heng's hand holding the cigarette bag stopped momentarily. He took the document bag handed to him by Jiang Fuli.

  Xiaoqi was in the orphanage in Xiangcheng, so close to them. He didn't have his own surname, so he took Mao Kun's surname. Because he was the seventh in the family, he was called Mao Xiaoqi.

  Ji Heng looked down and saw that Xiaoqi had outstanding grades since he was a child. When he dropped out of school, a teacher came to persuade him.

  There are also a few pieces of paper brought from the orphanage.

  They are all simple drawings made by Xiaoqi when she was a child. Because the drawings are beautiful, they have been kept by the dean until now.

  No one taught him, and he didn't attend cram schools, but he could still draw very spiritual pictures.

  He should have had a prosperous road carefully paved by his family, instead of being alone and helpless. In the second year of junior high school, he chose to drop out of school because he could not save living expenses...

  Ji Heng read it over and over again, and finally put away the paper bag. He said in a low voice: "Thank you."

  He finally knew why Jiang Fuli suddenly said those words to him that morning.

  Jiang Fuli bent his fingers and pushed the frame of the glasses up on the bridge of his nose. He said calmly, "Yes, please be more open."

  He brought the things and did not stay to deal with Ji Heng.

  Go to 303.

  Hall 303 was very quiet today. It was obviously Friday night, and Zhang Shize, who was on holiday, did not come down. Instead, he stayed at Ning Xiao's place to do his homework.

  Jiang He was wearing a white sweater alone, sitting on the carpet and building blocks.

  Seeing Jiang Fuli come in, he raised his head in a daze, then continued to put his head down to play with the blocks, like a little gentleman.

  Jiang Fuli naturally didn't bother to care about him.

  He knew Bai Zian was in the study and opened the door directly.

  Bai Zian stood in front of the half-open window, resting his cold white fingers on the window sill with a lazy attitude, looking at the street lights outside and the almost invisible stars in the sky.

  Somewhat lost in thought.

  Jiang Fuli approached slowly, without asking Xiao Qi, but just stood beside her, "Did you go to see Academician Ma yesterday?"

  "Huh?" Bai Zian came back to his senses and tilted his head slightly.

  303 No one disturbed her today. She was dressed more casually. She was wearing a black satin housecoat, embroidered with dark patterns. The top button was unbuttoned, vaguely revealing her thin collarbone.

  "Academician Ma called me this morning," Jiang Fuli looked at her and spoke slowly, "His little e was missing two screws this morning."

  Little e is a robot that Academician Ma made himself a long time ago.

  Jiang Fuli had updated the functions of Xiao e before.

  Miss Bai said "Ah" and then continued to look outside as if nothing had happened. Her eyebrows were beautifully printed by the light. "He must have remembered it wrong."

  Jiang Fuli looked at her lazy eyebrows and clasped one hand behind her back. , pressed down with a slightly warm kiss.

  "You were just opening the window to let out smoke." He said.

  Bai Qian paused and said, "That's nonsense."


  The next day.

  Bai Qian is going to see Wang Youfeng.

  The two made an appointment at 8:30 in the morning.

  At eight o'clock, Bai Zian went to 302 and put the two uninstalled screws on his desk.

  When leaving, I met Ming Dongheng and a woman.

  The woman was wearing a smart outfit, with a gun holster strapped to her left knee, and her hair was tied back, looking smart and neat.

  Chen Beixuan also looked at the girl coming out of 302.

  The temperature in Jiangjing is now about ten degrees. The girl is wearing a sea-sky blue stand-up collared top. The collar and cuffs are embroidered with two circles of complicated white and pink patterns, and the beige buttons are neatly buttoned to the top.

  Her hair is very long, half pulled up, with a green hosta inserted diagonally.

  Sparse eyebrows, lazy eyes raised, very gentle temperament.

  Chen Beixuan had obviously seen Bai Qian's photo on the Jiangda Forum, and now that he saw her, he felt more and more confused, as if it was a fate engraved in his genes.

  She couldn't help but think of the portrait of a woman in white hanging in the Chen family ancestral hall.

  Ming Dongheng raised his hand to ring the doorbell of 302. When he saw Bai Xian, he immediately put down his hand and said, "Miss Bai."

  "Good morning." Bai Xian glanced past Chen Beixuan and nodded to Ming Dongheng.

  Ming Dongheng saw what she was wearing and said, "Are you going out?"

  "Yes, Xiao Wu is coming to pick me up." Bai Zian came downstairs from the stairwell.

  After she left, Chen Beixuan came back to his senses, "This is the legendary Miss Bai..."


  Mu's family.

  Mu Zhendong didn't sleep all night and went to the study to find Mu Yining early in the morning.

  Ji Shaojun was also in Mu Yining's study, telling Mu Yining about Ren Wanxuan. Ren Wanxuan had been recorded in the Mu family tree before. Now that she was not Ji Shaorong's daughter, he naturally wanted to tell Mu Yining about this. lemon.

  After listening to Tang Ming's words that day, Mu Yining guessed that Ren Wanxuan and the others might lose the case this time.

  But I really didn't expect that she was not the biological daughter of the Ren family.

  No wonder Bai Zian was so angry at that time.

  Mu Yining thought for a while.

  Ren Wanxuan has entered the family tree...

  We can see the relationship between Bai Zian and Mao Xiaoqi. Now that Ren Wanxuan's identity has been exposed, it would be inappropriate to put her name on it. Bai Zian and the others will also feel guilty. pimple.

  As soon as Mu Zhendong came in, he heard Mu Yining talking about genealogy with Ji Shaojun.

  "We haven't received this batch of goods yet. What's the benefit of revealing that she is not a member of the Mu family at this time?" He had previously disagreed with Bai Qian suing Ren Wanxuan. After all, she grew up outside and did not understand the relationship of interests. Now Bai Qian and the others announced Ren Wanxuan's identity, and he felt even more unreasonable, "You also know how important Ren Wanxuan is to our research institute now. If we don't seize such a good opportunity, you will watch the last three... A research institute was recycled? "

  There are not many big ones in the entire Ji family.

  Mu Zhendong had heard from Xia Yun that Xiaoqi dropped out of school in the second grade of junior high school.

  Compared with him, Ren Wanxuan is more suitable to be put on the table.

  He is accustomed to weighing the pros and cons, and is very rational in every aspect.

  Mu Yining wanted to think about Bai Qian, Ji Shaojun sat next to her and said nothing.

  Knowing what Mu Yining was thinking, Mu Zhendong looked at her directly and made the final decision: "Ren Wanxuan is still in the Mu family tree and will not be removed, at least until our cooperation is finalized. As for Mao Xiaoqi, I will not Agree to let him enter the family tree."

  He still wanted to keep Ren Wanxuan, as keeping her would bring him the greatest benefit. It was an easy choice between her and Xiao Qi, who was once an orphan.

Chapter 321 Regret, Miss Bai is here 

Since Ji Shaojun came back, the Mu family has been getting better and better.

  Seeing hope, Mu Zhendong became more eager for quick success and wanted to push the Mu family to its previous heights.

  There was no internal strife in the declining Mu family, but now that it was on the rise, Mu Zhendong's confidence doubled and he became the second-in-command of the Mu family.

  The children of the Mu family all see hope, and Mu Zhendong is not satisfied with the immediate benefits. His ambitions have grown and he has begun to fear Bai Jian and Mu Yining.

  He didn't have a close relationship with people like Bai Zian, so it was best to keep the Mu family in his own hands at this time. It would suit him best if Bai Zian and Xiaoqi didn't come back.

  "Uncle Clan, be careful what you say!" Mu Yining stood up with a cold face.

  Beside her, Ji Shaojun's expression did not change.

  After Mu Zhendong left, Mu Yining looked at Ji Shaojun apologetically, "Shao Jun, I will take care of Ren Wanxuan's matter. As for Xiao Qi..."

  "Xiao Qi listens to Azian," Ji Shao Jun squinted his eyes, focusing on the light and shadow outside, and his voice became softer, "He won't go back to Mu's house."

  Mu Yining didn't speak again this time, just worried inside.

  In the past, Ren Wanxuan was willing to go back to Mu's house, but now neither Bai Zian nor Xiao Qi are coming back.

  Bai Qian can take it easy, but she must deal with the Mu family as soon as possible. Civil strife is the root cause.

  She sent Ji Shaojun out.

  Twenty years ago, the Mu family was also a powerful family. A skinny camel was bigger than a horse. It was beyond her expectation that Bai Qian would not come back, but now Ji Shaojun said that Xiao Qi would not come back either.

  "He should have gone to meet the Gao family." Assistant Wang looked at Mu Yining and began to worry. He also realized Mu Zhendong's ambition, "He is really going to cooperate with them this time..."

  The Mu family is a big one this year. Project, aiming at this heavy industry, he really succeeded, and Mu Yining had to take a back seat.

  "The Gao family..." Mu Yining's gaze deepened, "Cooperating with them is like seeking the skin of a tiger."

  When something happened to the Jiang family, the Gao family was the first to want to take over the Jiang family.

  Assistant Wang nodded and thought of something again, "Is it true that Xiao Qi's classmate won't go back to Mu's house?"

  "They think differently from you." Mu Yining said softly.

  Ji Shaojun lived in the Mu family for a while when he was very young and was taught by Mu Xianguang. He was able to come back because he still had a sense of responsibility for the Mu family.

  But Bai Zian and Xiao Qi really didn't.

  Mu Yining is now familiar with Bai Qian. To her, the Mu family may not be as important as her classmates in Xiangcheng.

  "Go to the housekeeper. There will be another meeting of the organization clan in the evening." She stood at the door for a long time and said, "Also, prepare yourself to go to the hospital."


  Xiao Qi has not been discharged from the hospital yet.

  Yesterday, when I went to court, I went out to indulge for a long time, and the nurse was worried in the ward for a whole day.

  I have to rest for half a month.

  When Mu Yining arrived, Ren Jiawei was standing in the corridor of the ward. She didn't know how long she stayed here. She didn't go in. Mu Yining said hello to Ren Jiawei before going in.

  When she came in, Xuechunzheng peeled an apple for Xiaoqi slowly and talked about the recent Xiankang incident.

  Xuankang's plan to join the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine will provide more traditional Chinese medicine to Xuankang in the future.

  "Professor Wen wants Dr. He or Dr. Liu to give a lecture this month," Xuechun was reporting on Xuan Kang's recent situation. "The school will arrange for reporters to follow up."

  Xuan Kang has been recognized by the general public and has strong credibility. .

  The head of Xiaoqi's bed was lifted up, his head was wrapped with gauze, and his right hand was hanging on the side to inject the medicine, "Let Dr. Liu go."

  "I think so too," Xuechun slowly cut the apple into pieces and pretended Putting it on the plate and handing it to Xiao Qi, "Doctor Liu is more handsome."

  As soon as Mu Yining came in, she heard them talking about "professor" and "doctor", and she glanced at Xiao Qi in surprise.

  Did she hear "professor"?

  Mu Yining was a little confused and suspected that she had heard wrongly.

  She didn't say anything about letting Xiao Qi go back to Mu's house. She only stayed in the ward for a while to chat with Xiao Qi. Before leaving, she said to Xiao Qi: "I just saw Jia Wei in the corridor, she was alone."

  Mu Yi After Ning left.

  Xiaoqi took a piece of apple and was silent for a long time before saying, "Sister Xuechun, please let her in."



  Bai Zian got up early for a morning run.

  When he came back in sportswear, Ji Heng was already up, and soup was simmering in the kitchen stew pot.

  He and Shen Qing alternated visiting Xiao Qi these two days.

  Ren Jiawei and Xiao Qi obviously have the closest blood relationship, but they are also the strangers. Ji Heng and Shen Qing obviously get along well with Xiao Qi, and the "aunt" and "grandpa" that Xiao Qi blurts out are not fake.

  Bai Qian opened the door of 103. She was wearing sportswear and black sneakers. Her hair was tied into a ponytail, hanging from the left side to her chest, and she was leaning against the door frame.

  Watch Ji Heng fill a bowl of soup, and then go to water the flowers in the yard.

  "Grandpa, do you like Xiao Qi more?" she suddenly said.

  Ji Heng held the kettle and raised his head, with a speechless expression appearing on his face for the first time.

  "Isn't it?" Bai Qian clasped his hands casually on his chest and said in a calm tone, "Then you got up so early to make soup?"

  Ji Heng glanced at her, and after watering the flowers, he returned to the kitchen to put the soup on the chopping board. Throw away the bowl of soup.

  "Hey, don't, Grandpa." Bai Qian quickly took it back and drank two sips before telling him about Xiangcheng. "Officer Sun has found out that it was Zhou Jian who replaced him. If you have any questions about them, go to Officer Sun." "

  Zhou Jian, Ren Qian's secretary.

  After Bai Xian went upstairs, Ji Heng stood in the kitchen for a long time.

  He couldn't imagine that it took so long for him to know that Ji Shaorong's child had been changed. If it hadn't been for Bai Qian...

  they might have been kept in the dark all their lives.

  Ji Shaorong hasn't come back today, and Ren Jiawei didn't contact him the day before yesterday.

  After pouring the soup into the thermos bucket, Ji Heng returned to his room.

  Opening an old wooden box, there were still a bunch of black and white photos inside. The gentle woman in cheongsam faced the camera and smiled softly. He slowly ran his hand over the photos, and then took out an old mobile phone from the bottom of the box.

  After searching in the room for a long time, I found the charger and charged my phone.

  I haven't used my phone for a long time. Before I could turn it on, I took the insulated bucket and went to the hospital first.



  Bai Zian went back and took a shower before going to the study.

  There were two documents on the table in the study room. One was the confidentiality agreement that Dean Huang had given her before. She signed it and never gave it to Dean Huang. The other was the rare metal transaction she signed with Wang Youfeng yesterday.

  The phone rings.

  Dean Huang called to inquire about this matter.

  Knowing that Dean Huang was at the school, Bai Zian picked up the two agreements and went to Jiangda first.

  Dean Huang is in the office.

  When Bai Pian came over, the teaching assistant was reporting the email news to Dean Huang, "I have received ten emails so far."

  When the news came out that Dean Huang was going to take over graduate students this year, that group of people was still the first to know. Baoyan's email has long been sent to Dean Huang's mailbox.

  "Except for Xu Wenyao, all others were rejected." Dean Huang stood up to greet Bai Qian.

  The teaching assistant had already guessed that Xu Wenyao had the highest score in the written retest this year. It was no surprise that Dean Huang chose him.

  The most important thing is...

  the assistant teacher looked at Bai Zian, who was classmate Bai's brother.

  Bai Zian didn't say anything. She came to Dean Huang's office today with the intention of asking about Xu Wenyao's whereabouts.


  Physics Building.

  This year's re-examination for graduate students at Jiangsu University has ended for two days.

    During the written examination, Xu Wenyao, a literature major and a science major, and Jian Zhe, who jumped out of nowhere, scored frighteningly high.

  Xu Wenyao also has a certain reputation in the School of Physics. Some people in Jiang University know him. Although they know that he has such a high score in the exam, it is okay. The key is Jian Zhe.

  Those who are interested in literature and history have never heard of this person. He seems to have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks.

  This year, there are many people taking postgraduate entrance examinations in the Physics Department. Qi Jun, Yu Sheng and others went to the Physics Building to pack up the books they left behind.

  When they took the postgraduate entrance exams, most of them were in fixed classrooms in the physics building, with their books inside.

  Now that the exam is over, the counselor asked them to assemble and took the books out for the next level students.

  "Brother Qi, which professor are you going to apply for?" Yu Sheng failed to pass the postgraduate entrance examination this time, so he was about to leave the school and submit his internship files.

  Ask Qi Jun.

  Qi Jun passed the re-examination, but because of his affected mentality, he reluctantly said, "I'm still looking."

  He approached two professors, and they both expressed interest in candidates.

  I didn't get a good ranking in digital modeling last summer. Qi Jun's resume was not very impressive, so it was difficult to find a better mentor.

  "Where's Dr. Zuo?" Yu Sheng thought of his summer instructor, who was the highest-ranking professor Yu Sheng knew. "Didn't Miss Qi know Dr. Zuo?"

  When Qi Shuyun was mentioned, Qi Jun became even more silent.

  Qi Shuyun failed the retest, which was more difficult than him.

  Last summer, there were still a lot of people around Qi Jun. After taking the exam this year, there were not many people around him. They all went out to look for jobs.

  Looking at Qi Jun's expression, Yu Sheng knew that the situation was not optimistic.

  A group of people walked downstairs. On Sunday morning, there were not many people entering and exiting the building.

  Soon, I heard a surprising sound not far away, and someone called "Dean Huang" in a low voice.

  Qi Jun and Yu Sheng both heard this sound. They stood at the gate and looked up at the stairs in shock.

  Dean Huang is the real boss of the physics department, and his teacher is Academician Ma. Many professors in the physics department are loyal fans of Dean Huang. Qi Jun and Yu Sheng couldn't help but look back.

  Dean Huang was slowly walking downstairs with his hands behind his back.

  There was a girl beside him.

  The girl was wearing a simple white cardigan and a long white skirt. She had no other decorations on her body and was extremely plain. Her dark hair was half draped behind her head. She tilted her head slightly and was talking to Dean Huang -

  both Qi Jun and Yu Sheng recognized her. This is Bai Zian!

  The assistant coach followed behind the two.

  "Ning Xiao's thesis review should be over,"

  said Dean Huang, who had a sealed document rolled up in his hand behind his back. It was obvious that he was in a good mood. "Their project will also be officially launched..." The two of them talked about something . .

  It can be seen that he is in a good mood.

  Qi Jun and Yu Sheng watched them leave without making a sound.

  It took a long time after Dean Huang and Bai Zian left before Yu Sheng came back to her senses and said, "That's...Bai Zian, right?"

  Yu Sheng had met Bai Zian last summer, but at that time Bai Zian was randomly found by Xu Wenyao He didn't pay much attention to the team members. It wasn't until Xu Wenyao's team won the first prize and Bai Zian frequently appeared in the school forum that he had a deep understanding of Bai Zian.

  "Xu Wenyao's sister," someone nearby also knew Bai Qian, "Does she actually know Dean Huang?"

  "A rare genius student in the same class for a century," someone shrugged, "It's normal for Dean Huang to know her."

  "I think Dean Huang is going to accept a student this year..."

  As soon as these words came out, several people fell silent. They didn't know Dean Huang's private email address, only the teaching assistant's phone number.

  Xu Wenyao ranked first in both the written and re-examinations, and his sister is Bai Zian, so the possibility is very high.

  Qi Jun pursed his lips and went to the lecture theater without saying a word, and Yu Sheng followed.

  They sat a little further back, and not long after they sat down, Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong arrived.

  "Wen Yao, congratulations!" The squad leader stood up as soon as he saw Xu Wenyao, congratulated them, and patted Chen Hong on the shoulder, "And you, good boy, didn't you say you won't take the postgraduate entrance examination? Now that you have passed the written and re-examinations, you have found a tutor. No?"

  "Okay, it's Professor Lin." Chen Hong smiled.

  "Professor Lin?" Most of the class exclaimed.

  Even Qi Jun's heart skipped a beat and he raised his head in disbelief.

  This year, in addition to Dean Huang, the most popular mentor is Professor Lin, a direct professor of Jiangnan University. He has participated in several key projects and published many papers.

  Almost everyone sent emails to Professor Lin, even Qi Jun.

  "Thanks to Lao Xu for asking me to get up and read every day," Chen Hong felt happy, his feet felt as if he were stepping on a ball of cotton, and his whole body felt light. "When I encounter questions that I don't know, Mr. He Wen will also help me. By the way, Professor Lin said that he liked my digital model very much, so he chose me."

  Chen Hong said, sighing in his heart that at this time last year, he was still a bad guy and had never thought about taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

  I never thought I would become a member of Professor Lin's team.

  Who knew that in less than a year, things would change so much.

  "Old Xu, don't you have time yet, junior?" Chen Hong put his arm around Xu Wenyao's shoulders, "I must treat you to this meal..."

  they were talking.

  Qi Jun and Yu Sheng both couldn't stand listening.

  The two packed up their books and walked out of the lecture hall in a daze.

  No need for Chen Hong to explain, they all knew that Chen Hong was selected by Professor Lin because of the digital model.

  "I didn't expect Chen Hong to successfully land ashore." Yu Sheng said in a sour tone.

  At first, Xu Wenyao also invited him, but he refused.

  A year later, Chen Hong, whose grades were much worse than his, came ashore and became a member of Professor Lin's team.

  When the numerical simulation results came out last year, Qi Jun felt uncomfortable in his heart, but it was not as obvious as it is now. He was originally from Xu Wenyao's team. If he had not suddenly left the team at that time...


  I have met Dean Huang.

  Bai Zian waited on the side of the road for a while, waiting for Xu Wenyao to come out, and chatted with the two of them.

  Just took a taxi to Mu's house.

  The Mu family had a meeting last night.

  This morning, neither Mu Yining nor Mu Zhendong went to work, so they met again.

  Both sides hold their own opinions.

  "Whether Xiao Qi comes back or not, Ren Wanxuan must be removed." Mu Yining had already found out from Ji Shaojun that Ren Wanxuan was deliberately replaced by her biological father, and she knew it last year.

  "What happened to her just now, if we remove her, what will outsiders think?" Mu Zhendong stood up. He looked at Mu Yining and said sincerely, "Yining, I think you are too emotional. For the Mu family's important matters, you can't do it for the time being." It's better to leave it alone."

  They broke up unhappy again.

  After Mu Zhendong left, an old man from the clan spoke to Mu Yining in a low voice and sighed: "Yi Ning, don't argue with him yet. He has his own reasons. The reputation of us suddenly driving her out will not be good. This matter It's not good for you. Mu Zhendong still has the other party's contact information..."

  Mu Yining had a headache.

  She shook her head and said nothing.

  Outside, Assistant Wang came in and whispered in her ear, "Miss Bai is here."