
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs


 Chapter 290 290 The spear broke through the wind and waves, and

  the president of the Fengmang Calligraphy Association knew that the girl this time was the first prize winner of the Lanting Award last year.

  Although last year's handwriting was not collected by the calligraphy association, he still remembered the strength of his handwriting.

  Unexpectedly, just over a year has passed.

  When he saw this calligraphy today, he was shocked again by the calligraphy of the other party. It had only been a little over a year, and her calligraphy had improved by more than one or two points.

  The camera forgot to turn to Cai Xin.

  It wasn't until Bai Qian and Cai Xin left the scene that the camera was able to show Cai Xin a single shot.

  However, the camera has no meaning at this time, and the attention inside and outside the camera is all on Bai Zian.

  No one paid attention to Cai Xin who was on the same stage with her.

  first row.

  Mr. Chen was wearing a robe and kept looking in the direction of the girl. When he saw what happened to the two of them, he finally reacted and stood up with a leap.

  Beside him, Dean Jian stood up quickly: "Mr. Chen."

  The Jian family is a scholarly family. Dean Jian has been influenced by calligraphy since he was a child, and he also has the ability to appreciate calligraphy. Bai Qian's Liang Ti also made him feel different.

  Nowadays, most people's calligraphy is basically copying, polishing it from beginning to end, which rarely reflects the beauty and artistry.

  As for Bai Zian's handwriting, the simple and heavy feeling is almost overwhelming, with the sinews and bones of ancient wind and strong grass.

  Mr. Chen's eyes were still on the left side of the stage. Realizing that the conference was not over yet, he felt embarrassed and sat back down without looking back. "Who is this girl?"

  "She is the child I want to introduce to you." Dean Jian I was surprised by Mr. Chen's reaction.

  He knew that Mr. Chen had always cared about everything with the Bai family, but he wouldn't... react so much, right?

  Mr. Chen said "Yes".

  Sitting next to her, the other people in charge of Bi Mo Han Hai looked at each other and secretly ordered them to inquire about the origin of this girl.



  After Bai Pian came down and finished today's work, she did not stay.

  He took the cloak next to him and went out.

  At the back door, Jiang Fuli was waiting for her at the door.

  He put on his peaked cap and leaned slightly against the door. The brim of the hat was lowered, and only his slightly cold lower jaw could be seen. His long, cold white fingers held the phone and turned it around carelessly.

  Hearing the sound, he turned his head and turned his body.

  There were a lot of people at the scene today, so he didn't stay too long. Instead, he took Bai Qian and went out directly from the side door.

  "Go directly to Academician Ma's place," Bai Qian lazily followed Jiang Fuli, "I asked for leave from Professor Zhou's place, so there is no need to go there today."

  "So anxious?" Jiang Fuli took time out to watch the conference today.

  It came quietly and left quietly.

  Bai Qian told him about the analysis of Ning Xiao's materials, "He's still a little bit behind. He took the time to fill in the last few experimental data today. The machine ran for a day yesterday. I don't know if any data was captured."

  Plasma materials, Bai Her hands were a bit raw, and she was basically helping Ning Xiao, calculating data.

  She translated the early materials and foreign languages ​​for Ning Xiao.

  When the two of them passed by the booths, some people recognized Bai Qian as the person who was on the stage just now, but no one dared to come forward and strike up a conversation.

  Not to mention Jiang Fuli beside Bai Qian.

  Behind the two of them, Ming Dongheng was wearing a long black T-shirt, with his hands folded across his chest and falling two meters behind them. His eyes were constantly paying attention to the surging crowd.

  There were security guards following him.

  Xu knew that they were not ordinary people, and the crowd was crowded, but they still did not dare to approach them.


  They go fast.

  When Dean Jian took Mr. Chen to the lounge, he was gone.

  in the crowd.

  This was the first time for Mu Yining to experience it directly on the spot. Like everyone else, she was stunned for a while and didn't react until the conference was over.

  Everyone else nearby was quiet.

  Someone was discussing Bai Zian's name in a low voice.

  Dong Xiaobai also came back to his senses. He suddenly tilted his head, his eyes bright, "Yi Ning, who did she learn her calligraphy from?"

  He is a scholar and has always been reserved.

  Mu Yining looked at him and was stunned for a moment before reacting, "I don't know, I never heard her say that A's writing is very good?"

  "This is more than good..." Dong Xiaobai said softly. , "This kind of character, this sense of solidity...who did she learn from?"

  Although she could guess from the on-site reaction that Bai Qian might be a good writer.

  But I didn't expect to receive such praise from Dong Xiaobai.

  Dong Xiaobai had praised Ren Wanxuan's calligraphy before when he knew her calligraphy was good, but at that time he just said, "She writes really well." Mu Yining could feel the surprise and appreciation in his tone.

  But today, she heard the shock from Dong Xiaobai's tone.

  "I haven't heard from Shao Jun and the others," Dong Xiaobai's reaction meant that Bai Qian's performance did not go wrong this time. Mu Yining breathed a sigh of relief, "Then Minister Cai..."

  She narrowed her eyes slightly.

  The Mu family is much more low-key now and will not take the initiative to provoke others, but they are not afraid of trouble. Minister Cai may not agree, but Mu Yining may find someone else.

  But after agreeing, she stumbled when the program actually started. Mu Yining would not let her go so easily.

  Next to the two of them, Dong Chuan was also very surprised. After dinner at Mu's house last time, he heard Dong Xiaobai mention Bai Qian.

  At that time, he knew that Bai Qian had very good grades and was a top student in Jiangsu University.

  However, I found out today that she can also do calligraphy.

  Before he could react, a person in charge of the calligraphy association came over and said, "Mr. Dong, the president is looking for you!"

  "President?" Dong Xiaobai gathered his thoughts, "He is looking for me at this time?"

  Although confused, Dong Xiaobai and Mu Yining She told her to take Dong Chuan, Ren Wanxuan and the others out for a walk first, while he went to the lounge at the back to find the president.



  When Dong Xiaobai arrived, the president of the book association was standing respectfully aside, and Minister Cai and others were also there.

  The atmosphere is quiet.

  There was only an old man sitting on the chair in the middle.

  As soon as Dong Xiaobai entered the lounge door, he felt the solemn atmosphere. He was slightly startled, and he quickly bent down and greeted respectfully: "Mr. Chen."

  Mr. Chen raised his eyes and asked about his name and his position in the calligraphy association.

  After asking a few questions, he said, "Bai Qian was recommended by your Dong family?"

  "She can also be considered my niece." Dong Xiaobai said.

  "Niece, good, very good. You can have such strength at such a young age." Mr. Chen looked at him with a much kinder look. "You did a great job this time."

  Next to him, the president of the book association smiled. He said, "Not only that, she is also very popular this time. Less than an hour has passed, and her short videos are all over the Internet. We decided to frame her words and set up a separate booth in the center to attract more people." Many young people came to watch the exhibition."

  Everyone in the room realized that the organizer admired Bai Zian.

  Of course, no other young person could be found in the entire calligraphy association with her name.

  A group of people were discussing lively.

  The president of the book association also smiled when he thought of Minister Cai, "Xiao Cai, you are not bad this time, the shot of Bai Qian was very timely!"

  Minister Cai smiled, but his whole body was very stiff.

  He has a conflict of interest with the Dong family. Mr. Chen was present at this four-nation exchange meeting. If Bai Pian made a mistake, or Bai Pian's handwriting was slightly worse, Mr. Chen and the organizer would be dissatisfied. Then the industry would be dissatisfied with Dong. The family will be re-evaluated.

  They were all good ideas, and he asked Cai Xin to inquire again and again.

  Bai Qian has not been rehearsed from the beginning until now, especially when Dong Xiaobai and Mu Yining personally brought gifts to him to reduce the scenes of Bai Qian.

  He also believed it to be true. How could he know that the word "Bai Qian" was so shameful? He is clearly a proficient person!

  There were too many cameras for Bai Zian, which made her even more popular.

  Now the media is promoting this year's "Bai Qian" in "The Vast Sea of ​​Pen and Ink". Who knew that there would be Cai Xin on the same stage with her, who can also write every word well?

  He was waiting for Bai Qian's comparison to give Cai Xin a name.

  If he had known this, he would never have given Bai Zian an extra shot.

  Not only is it a waste of time, but Mu Yining is not someone to be trifled with. If Bai Qian's performance on stage is not ideal this time, the Dong family will be too busy to take care of themselves, and Mu Yining may not have time to cause trouble for them in the short term.

  But now she not only has time, but even the Dong family may have caught the attention of the Chen family because of this.

  Minister Cai was no longer as leisurely as before, and he began to find someone to contact Mu Yining.


  The conference is over.

  Qiu Xuezheng went to work on the small booth in Xiangcheng. The Calligraphers Association said that they would add a booth to Xiangcheng.

  Jian Zhe and Dean Jian walked outside.

  He has an exam in a few days. Qiu Xuezheng didn't arrange anything for him. He wanted to go to Jiang University to familiarize himself with the exam room.

  Dean Jian didn't find Bai Qian, and she didn't reply even after he sent a message. He asked Jian Zhe where she had gone.

  "Sister Qian," Jian Zhe recalled for a moment, "She is going to the laboratory with Ning Xiao this afternoon."

  Ning Xiao had a big class in the morning, and still went to Academician Ma's laboratory with Bai Qian in the afternoon.

  "In such a hurry?" Dean Jian nodded. No wonder she didn't reply to the message. She didn't bring her mobile phone into the laboratory.

  Bai Qian could not be seen around, and Dean Jian couldn't wait any longer, so he returned to Chang'an District with Jian Zhe and went directly to Shanhai Apartment to wait for Bai Qian. After all...

  guzheng, spear, and beam body.

  Dean Jian thought back.

    Even Mr. Chen didn't wait any longer.

  The two of them walked out of the door together.

  outside the door.

  The Jian family has been guarding Dean Jian since yesterday, but when Dean Jian came over yesterday, they were surrounded by a group of security guards and reporters. They were blocked outside the security line and could not talk to Dean Jian for a whole day.

  I came here to stay early this morning.

  Seeing Dean Jian from a distance, Jian Zhonghai walked this way excitedly.

  But he was still stopped by the on-site security guard, "Old sir, please don't cross the security line."

  "That's my brother," Jian Zhonghai looked in the direction of Jian Zhongyou and said loudly, "Zhongyou, Zhongyou..." Dean

  Jian He bent down and got into the car.

  Didn't look back.

  The security guard stopped the rest of the Jian family with a smile, "There are people who claim to be Dean Jian's son or daughter who is living abroad. Sir, please don't embarrass me."

  Jian Zhonghai is also a well-known figure in Beicheng. This is the first time. This is the first time someone has been so yin and yang.

  He had an old face that seemed a bit uneasy.

  Next to him, the old man from the Jian family squinted at the back of another person getting into the car, and was slightly startled: "Master, look, is that Young Master Jian Zhe?"


  Today is Monday.

  The daily afternoon meeting of the School of Physics.

  Dean Huang sat in front, put his hands on the table, folded them together, and glanced around the people in the office, "Xiao Zuo, where is your project?"

  His eyes fell on Zuo Jinhua.

  Dean Huang has many students, but he has few real direct disciples. Some of them are helping Academician Ma's research institute. Zuo Jinhua is a semi-free doctoral student.

  This year's digital model missed an opportunity. His performance was not enough and he has not been awarded a professional title.

  He was not promoted to associate professor.

  Bai Qian is his future junior sister. Even without thinking about Dean Huang, he knows how glorious the future of Bai Qian and his team will be. Recently, I heard that Bai Qian and Ning Xiao have been in Academician Ma's research laboratory.

  Sun Fu asked Bai Zian and the others to leave the laboratory at this time, and Dean Huang did not persuade Sun Fu.

  He was willing to give Zuo Jinhua a chance.

  Bai Zian is quite close now, but it may be difficult to get to know Bai Zian and his group in the future.

  Zuo Jinhua pushed up his glasses and looked at Dean Huang, "Teacher, there are two newcomers in my laboratory this year."

  One is Bai Shaoke and the other is Qi Shuyun.

  Qi Shuyun will take his postgraduate entrance examination this year.

  Although Zuo Jinhua is still only a lecturer, because he is a student of Dean Huang, there are many people applying to be his disciple, but generally the really high-quality ones are above the professor level.

  Zuo Jinhua and the two newcomers felt overwhelmed, especially Qi Shuyun, who was not really a newcomer yet.

  As for Bai Zian and the other ten people, they couldn't even stay in Professor Sun's laboratory, so Zuo Jinhua naturally didn't want them either.

  "I know." Dean Huang glanced at him and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he turned to others.

  In the conference room, most people were just drinking tea with their heads down.

  Avoid looking.

  Dean Huang nodded, "That's the end of today's meeting."

  Zuo Jinhua finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Dean Huang didn't talk about it anymore.

  The students in the same peak class are certainly worthy of respect, as there are top scorers in the college entrance examination every year, but now the only person who has truly broken through the shackles is "He Wen".

  Others who have made achievements in scientific research are insiders who have people behind them.

  After going through so many detours, Zuo Jinhua already understands this.

  This is also the reason why he accepted Qi Shuyun.

  As a mentor, Dean Huang rarely opened back doors for Zuo Jinhua many times. Zuo Jinhua naturally thought that this time Dean Huang was trying to put trouble on his team.

  If Dean Huang forcefully assigned Bai Qian to him, he would have no way to refuse.


  Evening, five o'clock.

  Academician Ma's research building.

  Bai Zian took off his white coat and came out of the room.

  Beside him, Ning Xiao opened his coat, holding a pen in one hand and a notepad in the other. He lowered his eyes and recorded data on it, "I want to collect the materials and apply for this project."

  Researching materials is not easy, and implementing it is even harder.

  "Write the report and thesis first," Bai Zian took the white coat and entered the lounge. Her research was not in this direction: "Don't worry about the other things."

  After the two entered, they took their mobile phones.

  In addition to calls from Dean Jian, Bai Zian's cell phone also contained calls from Dean Huang.

  Dean Jian had already sent a message on WeChat, saying that he was at Shanhai Apartment. The other messages were from Qiu Xuezheng, asking her to discuss the book association at night.

  Bai Qian pressed her cell phone and called Dean Huang back.

  "I haven't decided which laboratory I will be assigned to yet," said Dean Huang, who was not in a hurry. "How about you go directly to the teacher's laboratory? He must like it very much."

  Dean Huang knew his teacher well. When Jiang He was only six years old, Academician Ma wanted to kidnap the person to the laboratory.

  "It's not time yet." Bai Zian replied.

  Dean Huang felt the same, "Then I will make a few lists for you tonight, and you can find one that you think is suitable."

  He hoped to find a research center with a better atmosphere for Bai Zian this time.

  Hang up the phone and go downstairs.

  Ming Dongheng was waiting for her downstairs. He was sure that Bai Qian was going to the restaurant in the Cultural Plaza, so he drove there directly.

  Zhou Wennan and Qiu Xuezheng were both at the hotel near the Cultural Square. As the vice-president of the Beicheng Calligraphy Association, Zhou Wennan was very familiar with Bai Qian and had always paid much attention to the Xiangcheng Calligraphy Association.

  As soon as Bai Pian got out of the car, she felt that someone had been watching her and secretly taking pictures.

  But because Ming Dongheng was following him, no one dared to get close.

  She also felt this way after the orientation meeting, and she raised her eyebrows.


  at the same time.

  Dong family.

  Mr. Dong didn't go out today, he had been worried about today's exhibition.

  After Dong Xiaobai and Dong Chuan returned, he stood up and asked, "The Cai family didn't do anything, right?"

  "Um..." Dong Xiaobai came back to his senses with a strange expression, "They moved the camera to Aji."

  "What?" Mr. Dong put down the tea cup with a "pop", his face darkened, "I knew they were not good-hearted!"

  "Dad, don't worry," Dong Xiaobai said with a smile, "This matter is a blessing in disguise for us. Yi Ning's Niece, her Liang calligraphy is better than Wan Xuan's. "

  She?" Mr. Dong was also stunned, "She is not a student of Jiang University, but she can also calligraphy."

  "Well," Dong Xiaobai said softly, "Better than Xu Yajun." "

  Xu Yajun is the benchmark for girls in the industry. Mr. Dong almost lost his voice, "Why have I never heard of her name? Who did she study under?"

  Dong Chuan listened to the conversation between the two and opened WeChat, wanting to ask Ren Wanxuan. , but saw the push of short videos.

  It was clearly written -

  "Bi and Ink Hanhai Exchange Meeting Bai Xian"

  He was stunned for a moment, and then clicked in.

  Bai Zian has been quite popular on the Internet before.

  As soon as the official live broadcast of BiMo Hanhai was released, many netizens recognized her.

  Due to her popularity at the last orientation meeting, people from the self-media came to hear about it.

  Her photos have always been out of the ordinary without needing to be retouched. This kind of magnanimity is rare in the entertainment industry. The last time other people in the school broadcast the live broadcast, the picture was not clear. This time it is an official clear wide-angle lens.

  Another bunch of edited videos went viral.

  The most popular video is a comparison photo created by the media, which has received over 5 million likes and 290,000 comments since the morning.

  The video only shows two photos, and the background music is the recently popular "Blooming on the Tree".

  Only the climax sequence was taken.

  In the blank second, a high-definition photo of her holding a langhao pen was released.

  In the photo, she slowly raised her sleeves, her eyebrows slightly raised lazily, and her composure.

  The next second, it switched to intense guzheng music, mixed with drum beats, and the next photo of Bai Xian holding a spear suddenly appeared!

  In the middle of the stage, her white robe was raised, and she slowly raised her dark eyes. The only red ribbon tied behind her head fell on her cold white cheek, facing the camera, with a wild and powerful beauty!

  Under slow motion switching, the two photos merged together with black lightning cracks.

  Then a line of white words slowly emerged at the intersection -

  [I can break through the wind and waves with a spear, and I can also test my edge with a pen! ]

  Even Dong Chuan was shocked by this clip.

  He was stunned for a long time, clicked on the comments, saw the number one hot comment, and suddenly sat up again.

Chapter 291 291 The great god of the same name, Bai Jian,

  ranked first in the comment area -

  Mr. Wang, a citizen of Chigua: [Bai Qian: Member of the Xiangcheng Calligraphy Association.

  Calligraphy grade: Has not participated in the examination

  . Awards won: First prize of the 9th Lanting Award ]

  Someone replied below: [Most people have probably never heard of the Lanting Award. Let me give you some popular science. The Lanting Award is held once every three years and divided into groups. As long as you get the third prize, you can enter the General Bookstore Association. The first prize is usually the third prize. Three, six second prizes.

  However, last year, the ninth Lanting Award, there was only one first prize. The original seed contestants of the Book Association, Xu Yajun and Xie Jinyuan, became the second prize, and the original second prize to be determined members became the third prize.

  For this reason, the Youth Award of the 9th Lanting Award has become the most valuable in history.

  The one with the first fault is our classmate Bai Zian [Flowers]]

  [Wait a minute, I checked it out of curiosity. Did anyone notice that Bai Zian's name looks a bit familiar [Picture]]

  [Bai Zhan? Is she also a fan of Yan Lu and Zhan Shen? ]

  [How is it possible, the Lanting Award is more than two months earlier than "Gambling and Wine"! Should it be a coincidence? ]

  [Speaking of which, there is also a great person with the same name on our Jiangda App]


  Netizens began to argue over the name Bai Qian submitted for the Lanting Award. Dong Chuan didn't look any further. He didn't know much about the entertainment industry. He looked at Mr. Dong and Mr. Dong and said, "Grandpa, Bai Qian won the first prize of the Lanting Award last year."

  The two people who had been discussing Bai Qian's calligraphy suddenly lost their voice.

  The Dong family was very excited when they learned that Ren Wanxuan studied art and wrote Liang Ti.

  For them, the beam body is not only a beam body, but also a stepping stone.

  Knowing Liang Ti and writing well are two different concepts from winning the Lanting Award.


  This year's Bi-Ink Hanhai Four-Country Exchange Conference was frighteningly popular because of Bai Qian's presence.

  Vice President Liang of the Cultural Affairs Bureau has not considered how to increase the popularity.

  A bunch of tourists flocked to the venue in the afternoon.

  There was a steady stream of people until evening.

  "What's going on?" Vice President Liang stepped up arrangements, made emergency arrangements, and held impromptu meetings to strengthen the promotion of cultural concepts this time.

  People from the Publicity and Development Department quickly found out the source of the whole incident, "Vice President, look at these videos!"

  Vice President Liang watched the clips from netizens and then checked the popularity of the Internet, "Is everything because of her?"

  "Of course, the top scorer in the college entrance examination that Jiangda is favoring this year," said the young man from the Publicity and Development Department who had seen Bai Qian's spear before, "Vice President, with her here, I believe there will be no shortage of popularity in the vast sea of ​​pen and ink this year."

  Deputy Liang Will look down at the list.

  The words of the person from the Publicity and Development Department seemed familiar.

  Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Dean Jian said the same thing last week when she got the new list?


  Restaurant near Cultural Square.

  Qiu Xuezheng and Zhou Wennan both drank a lot. Qiu Xuezheng lived nearby. He walked back with Zhou Wennan with his hands behind his back, "Vice-President Zhou, you live in Chang'an District, and you happen to be going back with classmate Bai?"

  Xiangcheng Shu It has been co-organized to this day, and Zhou Wennan has played a vital role in it.

  "No, my brother will pick me up later," Zhou Wennan smiled and shook his head, "That's it, I will report the quota for the Xiangcheng Calligraphy Association. How many applications did you receive today?"

  "Today, 986. "Qiu Xuezheng sighed, this is only the first day.

  They haven't experienced it in Jiangjing. I heard from the Xiangcheng Calligraphy Association that this afternoon, the number of people shopping on Wutong Street increased sharply, and many foreign tourists lined up to go to the Calligraphy Association to experience traditional culture.

  There are not many people in the Xiangcheng Calligraphy Association, so the Cultural Affairs Bureau temporarily sent 20 people to help, and has begun to limit the number of people.

  This is the era of traffic information explosion.

  It was even more exaggerated than Qiu Xuezheng imagined.

  Bai Jian stood on the roadside and sent Zhou Wennan away first.

  Behind her, Ming Dongheng quietly handed her a black cloak.

  It hasn't snowed in the past two days, but the temperature in Jiangjing is still very low. Qiu Xuezheng rubbed his hands, exhaled, and was still discussing the next direction of the Xiangcheng Calligraphy Association with Zhou Wennan.

  Bai Zian has good physical fitness and is not as afraid of the cold as others.

  She casually put on the black cloak. This cloak was not made by Ji Heng. It was black velvet, Chinese style, with wide sleeves on both sides, and a thick layer of white fluff sewn on the cuffs and collar.

  Except for a bionic red rose on the left collar, there are no other decorations.

  Simple yet elegant.

  The car that picked up Zhou Wennan drove slowly over, slowed down, and the driver got out of the car and greeted Qiu Xuezheng.

  His eyes caught sight of Bai Xian standing next to him, "Classmate Bai Xian?"

  "Teacher Zhou?" Bai Xian was also surprised that Zhou Wenqing turned out to be Zhou Wennan's younger brother.

  "Wen Qing, do you know each other?" Zhou Wennan took out a cigarette and handed it to Qiu Xuezheng. He looked at the two of them and said, "That's right, you are both from Jiang University."

    After he finished speaking, he continued to talk to Qiu Xuezheng about today's events . thing.

  Zhou Wenqing didn't know much about the art of calligraphy, so she communicated with Bai Jian about the courses she didn't take in today's class and the next literature report.

  Bai Xian lowered his head and arranged the sleeves of his cloak slowly. After listening to what he said, he asked, "Teacher Zhou, how many team members are there in your laboratory?"

  Ning Xiao often went to help Zhou Wenqing before, and Bai Xian knew that Zhou Wenqing Qing also has projects on hand now.

  The Zhou family has a variety of studies, some are engaged in politics, some study literature, and some are engaged in scientific research.

  Zhou Wenqing has no foundation in Jiang University. "Ning Xiao will sometimes come to help the four team members, but Ning Xiao only goes to sort out the information."

  The entire division is in a state of neither advancement nor inferiority.

  After Zhou Wennan finished chatting with Qiu Xuezheng, he got in the car and left.

  Zhou Wenqing's car.

  Zhou Wennan sat in the passenger seat and chatted with Zhou Wenqing for a few words about Bai Qian and the Book Association before he got down to business. "Dad helped you go to Xiangcheng to inquire about it, but there is no news so far."

  Zhou Wenqing put his hands on the steering wheel . "It's okay, just keep an eye on it for me."

  "You applied. I remember Jiang University has allocations." Zhou Wennan asked.

  With the green light, Zhou Wenqing started the car, "The price is high, the output is lower, and there are only so many quotas every year, and they are all allocated to key projects. The quota allocated to my laboratory was used up in June this year."

  There is no way, this is A metal that is scarce throughout the world.

  Zhou Wenqing's main research direction is also this. As soon as the progress of the experiment was suspended, he took over the task of teaching new students assigned by the School of Physics. He always wanted to earn some performance and get a longer salary to support the laboratory.


  Jiangjing University, Female Dormitory 407.

  After Bai Zian returned, Kong Wei sat in his seat and checked his cell phone. Yu Simin put his hand on her chair and watched with her.

  As soon as Bai Zian came back, the two of them looked at her without saying a word.

  Bai Zian paused briefly and looked at Xu Qian first, who raised her head from the desk.

  Not clear.

  Okay, Bai Zian closed the door to the dormitory and came in. He calmly pulled out the chair and sat on it. He then put on his computer, logged into WeChat unhurriedly, and typed for Ning Xiao to send the data.

  She also wanted to help Ning Xiao draw pictures.

  News from Dean Huang also popped up at this time. It was a list of academic laboratories with good atmosphere that he had inspected.

  Dean Huang: [Choose one]

  Bai Qian pressed his fingertips on the mouse, zoomed in and took a look, but didn't see anyone familiar. He replied:

  [Teacher Zhou also has a project, can we enter his laboratory? ]

  On the other side of the computer, Dean Huang was surprised, Zhou Wenqing?

  As a professor, he was arranged by the college to lead the same peak class. In fact, he didn't have any good projects at hand. The several master's students he led were all like him. When they went to the academic summit, they paid more attention to the coffee break. How did Bai Zian fall in love with him?

  Dean Huang was puzzled and drafted a document and sent it to Zhou Wenqing's mailbox.

  It doesn't really matter where Bai Zian goes, after all, this is just her springboard.

  After discussing it with Dean Huang, she started drawing pictures slowly.

  Next to them, Kong Wei and Yu Simin looked at each other.

  Both of them are surfing experts, so they naturally caught the most popular comparison pictures and clips today. Their response to the Lanting Award was quite good. They were studying another thing... The

  comment section mentioned that Bai Qian won the Lanting Award. Former nickname: Bai Pick.

  Netizens naturally did not associate this nickname with Yan Lu's imperial composer, because Yan Lu's arranger was Dean Jian, a highly respected inheritor of classical music.

  Now the two collaborated on a song "Blooming on the Trees" for the theater.

  In the minds of netizens, the "free pick" should be someone of the same generation as Dean Jian.

  But Kong Wei clicked on Bai Qian's WeChat name—

  what a big "Baizhan".

  This is nothing.

  Nowadays, there are many random searches on the Internet, but Bai Qian gives her the feeling that she is very familiar with Yan Lu.

  Kong Wei held the phone and a ridiculous idea came to his mind.

  She kicked her feet on the ground and slid the chair next to Bai Xian, "Xian Xian."

  Bai Xian was still drawing, and from this angle, she could still see her long curly eyelashes: "Say."

  "That's... you and Sister Lu. What's the relationship between the royal composer?"

 Chapter 292 292 Are you going back to bomb Jiang Jing? (Second update)

  Bai Qian also unfolded five column diagrams of the atomic arrangement at each temperature point selected during the simulation process.

  She drew a curve of MSD versus time, fitted a straight line, and differentiated the ratio to replace the slope. Without moving her eyebrows, she said, "Why do you ask this?"

  "You two use the same online name, do you know each other?" Kong Wei said honestly , she looked at Bai Xian's computer.

  You can see the bar chart at a glance. On the NPT system, the simulation time below is 195ps, and then there is the interface energy.

  She was dazzled and immediately looked away.

  Bai Qian tilted his head slightly and said unhurriedly: "That's right."

  Kong Wei just had an inspiration and suddenly asked.

  She didn't expect to get this answer, and realized that she had disturbed Bai Xian's research. She stomped back to her desk.

  Yu Simin and I looked at each other in confusion, "Okay, what does this mean?"

  she asked sincerely.

  "Consider it acquaintance?" Yu Simin looked at her with hatred, "Can you ask if she is a boy or a girl and how old she is?"


  Tuesday, early morning.

  Bai Zian finally returned to Tongfeng's class.

  She took a week off, and no one in her class had seen her for a long time.

  The courses at Jiangsu University are tight, and few people would ask for leave, let alone for a week in a row.

  Gao Yuan and his group were sitting in the middle. As soon as Bai Qian walked in, many people's eyes fell on her.

  "I heard that they had a bad quarrel with the members of Professor Sun's laboratory," the boy next to Wang Xin clicked his tongue, "so Professor Sun made a report and sent them out. By the way, Mr. Gao, you know that they will be killed in the end. Which laboratory are you assigned to?"

  Gao Yuan said calmly, "It should be Teacher Zhou's laboratory."

  Wang Xin couldn't help but lowered his head when he heard this.

  Although Zhou Wenqing is their counselor, their group all have some background and they all know that... the school will not arrange for professors with key projects to teach freshmen.

  The reason why Zhou Wenqing was assigned to teach them was simply because he didn't have any key projects at hand.

  This kind of laboratory has always been of little value.

  "Fortunately, we have Gao Yuan in our group, so we can directly enter Dr. Gao's laboratory." Next to Wang Xin, the boy sighed again.

  Wang Xin has always felt that his choice was right.

  Now I feel that it was a wise move to leave Ding Wenyang's group and come to Gao Yuan's group.

  Compared to them.

  What I find even more bizarre is Zhou Wenqing. After the four-hour class in the morning, he was waiting for Bai Zian at the door.

  Bai Zian took the canvas bag, handed the card to Tang Ming, and asked him to wait for her in the cafeteria.

  Almost all the students around had finished leaving, and she and Zhou Wenqing stayed in the corridor.

  "Classmate Bai, didn't you tell Dean Huang to go to another group?" Zhou Wenqing pointed at the lesson plan in his hand and said earnestly, "My laboratory is relatively small, with only four team members, and the tools in the laboratory are not complete..."

  The team members are all Buddhists recently.

  Zhou Wenqing felt that it would be of little help to Bai Zian and the others.

  "It's okay," Bai Qian waited for him to finish, then raised his chin, speaking in a calm tone, "As long as you don't reject us."

  Zhou Wenqing actually prepared a lot of excuses, telling her that choosing a good laboratory is the right choice. It's very important to them, but looking at Bai Zian's expression now.

  He had no choice but to say: "I won't refuse, but the research topic of my laboratory is very vague. Most of the four team members have mixed academic qualifications. I'm afraid it will affect you."

  Zhou Wenqing was probably the only one who could tell his own story. Student water.

  He stood there and watched Bai Zian's back as he left.

  He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and call his teaching assistant, "Help me apply for another share of palladium from above..."

  Zhou Wenqing decided to try harder. The presence of new students could be considered an excuse.


  Zhou Wenqing's laboratory is in the experimental center.

  Bai Zian and the others went straight over after eating.

  His laboratory was not as big as Sun Fu. There was only one room, and three students were sitting on the middle table chatting.

  Seeing the freshmen coming in, the only girl stood up quickly and put away her desk, "Juniors and junior students, welcome! My name is Hu Yue, this is senior brother Liu, and this is second senior brother..."

  Hu Yue has short hair, He looks tall and tall, and he is cheerful and neat.

  Very much like the students Zhou Wenqing would accept.

  "Senior Sister Hu, Senior Brother Liu, and Senior Brother Chu." Ding Wenyang and the others greeted each other obediently.

  "Junior brothers and sisters, please add me on WeChat first." Hu Yue took out her mobile phone and asked them to scan the QR code.

  After scanning, he took them to know the laboratory equipment. The laboratory is relatively small and they can see everything at a glance. "The experimental operation manuals are here. Take a look. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me or Senior Brother."

  Tang Ming read it He circled around and asked Hu Yue, "Senior Sister Hu, what are our tasks today?"

  "Ah, this," Hu Yue and senior brother looked at each other, "the teacher's research direction is superconductors, but there are not many experimental equipment now, so Our laboratory is not busy. You just need to be familiar with the subject. You don't need to help us. If you don't understand anything, just ask. "

  The new laboratory is not big, but with people like Bai Zian, it becomes lively.

  Tang Ming and Ding Wenyang studied the machine excitedly.

    If they encounter someone who doesn't understand, Hu Yue and the two senior brothers will patiently explain to them.

  Bai Zian and Ning Xiao found a seat and sat aside to study Ning Xiao's plasma decomposition.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon, Hu Yue and others were going to listen to an academic lecture.

  Hu Yue sat opposite Bai Qian, resting her chin on the table and asking, "Do you have any desserts that you like to eat? I will bring you some more during the tea break."

  "Jiang University's tea break is out of stock. It's famous. "

  This academic is not Hu Yue's major, but the school asked for people to come, and Hu Yue and the others were happy to go, not for the academic conference, but for the delicious tea break.

  As soon as Tang Ming heard this, he immediately raised his head and said, "Taro clams."

  It was past four o'clock.

  Hu Yue and Senior Brother Liu came back, each holding a paper bag in their hands. They put fruits and cakes on the long table in the middle, and invited the senior brothers and sisters in the laboratory to come for afternoon tea, "Yao mud Xiaobei, Mu Cake, chocolate biscuits... they are all here, junior sister and junior brother, you can decide what you want to eat."

  Bai Zian was sitting in her seat, and she had already drawn Ning Xiao's picture.

  I was a little surprised when I saw the tea break that Hu Yue and the others brought back. I didn't expect that they brought so much.

  "Thank you, senior sister and brother!" Tang Ming put down the experimental equipment at hand.

  Bai Zian also put down what she was doing, raised her hand to take a strawberry, and took a bite slowly.

  Chatting with Hu Yue, "Senior sister, you said that the experimental equipment is not enough?"

  "It's not considered experimental equipment," Hu Yue said to Bai Jian, "The teacher's research direction is superconductors, and there is a very important thing in it. Metal element, palladium. But the annual share of palladium is too limited, and our entire experiment has made almost no progress."

  "Palladium?" Bai Qian finished the remaining strawberries.

  He took a piece of paper from the table and wiped his hands slowly, thoughtfully.


  Friday afternoon.

  Tang Ming had been in the laboratory for a few days and had learned to operate various experimental equipment.

  Like Ning Xiao, he was very interested in these things.

  At this moment, Senior Brother Liu was telling Ning Xiao and Tang Ming about the experimental data they had studied before. Senior Brother Liu did not hide any secrets. He patiently answered all questions Ning Xiao and the others asked.

  Seeing that they were still researching, Bai Zian left the laboratory before waiting for them.

  Downstairs of the Experimental Center.

  Jiang Fuli was waiting for her in advance. When he saw her, he came out wearing a velvet dress with a sloping front. He lazily held a cloak in his hand and didn't bother to put it on himself.

  "Aren't you cold?" The air conditioner was on in the car, and he was only wearing a black sweater, making him look increasingly cold.

  His left hand rested on the steering wheel, and his right hand rested on the back of her hand.

  Very good, her hands are warmer than his.

  The words that came to my lips disappeared instantly.

  There was a white milk tea bag on the passenger seat. Bai Zian picked up the bag before sitting on it. He slowly took out the straw and stuck it in. He took a sip and then said, "You haven't taken any medicine recently?"

  In the bag, except for a cup of milk tea, There is also a bright red rose.

  Bai Qian took out the rose and held it in her hand.

  "In the laboratory, we didn't let them come in." Jiang Fuli said casually.

  He has been taking traditional Chinese medicine in winter, which was prescribed to him by Bai Qian last year, but in the laboratory, he did not ask the Jiang family to send it to him, and he has always been used to it casually.

  No one in the Jiang family dared to care about him.

  Bai Qian pointed her fingertips on the bright red petals, glanced at Jiang Fuli, and said nothing.

  Back at Shanhai Apartment, Jiang Fuli left to see Jiang He. Bai Qian returned to the study and put the flowers in the vase. She and Jiang Fuli didn't come back for a week.

  The previous flowers were a little wilted, but today this one is fresh, with a drop of water sliding down the bright petals.

  She lowered her eyes slightly, read the words for a while, then leaned against the table, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to He Wen.

  There are many unread messages on my phone.

  Wang: [The statistics are finished, where can I send them? ]

  He answered the question that Bai Zian asked him last time. Bai Zian knew that Wang Youfeng had a mine, and after hearing that the laboratory was short of palladium, he asked Wang Youfeng.

  Bai Zian sent the address of Shanhai Apartment.

  On the other side of the phone.

  Abroad, Wang Youfeng looked at the address and found it was Jiangjing.

  He took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for himself.

  "I'll find two groups to send back." The confidant looked at Wang Youfeng. Such a lot of rare metals are extremely valuable. "Is there anyone over there to take care of it?"

  Wang Youfeng blew out a smoke ring, "No, it's not a partner, the junior at home wants it. , I will send it back in person."

  Confidant: "...? "

  No, you are going back to bomb Jiang Jing?"


  (Double Monthly Pass darlings, here's what you have to say, give me some monthly passes~)

  Chapter 293 Chapter 293 looks very much like our ancestors!

  Mountain and sea apartment style.

  When Bai Zian finished sending the message and took out the dried roses from the vase, Xiao Qi and Mao Kun also arrived.

  "Xue Chun didn't come?" Bai Zian pulled away the chair and sat down. She leaned on the back of the chair. She held the dry rose casually in her hand and fiddled with the branches slowly.

  Xiaoqi showed her Xuankang's recent project, "She has a new store in Shimen District."

  When she first came to Jiangjing, Xuechun liked to come to Baixian and buy various things for Baixian. In recent months, she has not I love coming to Shanhai Apartment so much.

  She has been going to bars less recently.

  I like to go to Xuankang and occasionally learn some Chinese medicine from He Zhiwei.

  There is a Xuankang branch in Shimen District that has just opened. Xiaoqi and the others can't tell each other about their origins. Xuechun has temporarily stopped working in Yunxiao District. Recently, he has been in Shimen District, and Xiaoqi has not seen much.

  Mao Kun asked Xiao Wu to follow her without fear of danger.

  Bai Qian flipped through the report summary that Xiao Qi gave her. She couldn't understand most of it, and she could only get a rough idea of ​​Xuan Kang's recent situation.

  The difference between Xuankang and other pharmacies is that the largest source of drugs for Guben Ointment is Xiangcheng. After Xiaoqi spent 2 million to purchase Chinese medicinal materials in advance last year, most farmers are planting medicinal materials this year.

  Xiangcheng is the most suitable place for growing medicinal materials. Gubenpao is Xuankang's treasure. As long as it is not affected, Xuankang will not be aborted no matter how hard Luo suppresses it.

  After gaining a foothold, Xiaoqi launched "Myopia Acupuncture". Without Lance's knowledge, it became popular all over the Internet. This popularity was only temporary.

  But as long as those subsequent "Nth day check-in myopia acupuncture" videos remain popular, they will remain popular.

  After this, as long as the efficacy of "myopia acupuncture" is shown, there is no fear that it will be forgotten by the masses.

  Of course, on this basis, there is another point that is more important.

  The spokesperson of Xuankang Guben Cream is Yan Lu.

  It is also an important factor for Gubenpao to break through the sinking market and enter first-tier cities.

  "How was the discussion with the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine?" Bai Qian looked at Xiao Qi.

  "Dr. He is talking to the professors at the school." Xiao Qi sat opposite Bai Qian with his hands on the table. "There are still not many doctors willing to come to Xuankang as an intern. However, some old professors are very interested in Dr. He's acupuncture methods. "

  This is not surprising. After all, medical students prefer to go to large hospitals for internships, or at least authoritative institutions.

  Xuankang has only been in business for more than a year and has no authority in the professional field.

  Bai Zian was not surprised.

  The two chatted for a few interesting questions before Bai Qian asked him about the ancient list question, "Have you ever thought about finding your biological parents?"

  Xiaoqi's expression was extremely calm, "It doesn't matter."



  Shen Qing bought vegetables early this morning.

  Every weekend, Shanhai Apartment is always busy. Jiang Fuli watches Jiang He write Olympiad questions downstairs.

  Lance was playing backgammon with Lu Xiaohan.

  Jian Zhe has an exam tomorrow. Ji Heng specially asked him to come over for dinner today. At this time, he was helping in the kitchen.

  Director Chen got off work early today. He just learned a few tricks from Chi Yundai last week and showed off his skills in the kitchen.

  Shen Qing was studying the food processor next to it. There were a lot of fruits next to it, and she was studying how to squeeze juice.

  When Bai Qian came down, Jiang Fuli looked at Jiang He with a cold face.

  Lance and Lu Xiaohan moved two meters away from the small table, away from the two of them.

  Jiang He sat on the dining table, with his feet twenty centimeters above the ground, holding a pen in his right hand and pressing a test paper in his left hand.

  Jiang Fuli sat next to him. He put his elbow on the table and held the mobile phone on his slender fingertips. His cold eyes were slightly tilted, "You can know the answer at a glance."

  Bai Zian stood next to Jiang He and lowered his head. Look, what's stuck is the last question of the Olympiad, thinking diffusion.

  Jiang He is sensitive to numbers. He learned basic algorithms in primary school a few years ago and is now doing junior high school math Olympiad questions.

  Although it is a junior high school question, it is not challenging for Jiang Fuli. If you ask him to talk about the thinking of elementary and junior high school students, it is no different from asking him "1+1".

  Not to mention Jiang Fuli, when Bai Qian saw the question at first glance, the answer came to his mind immediately.

  Bai Qian said calmly, "Jiang Xiaoniao, wait until Brother Qianzhang comes back and let him tell you."

  She turned around, threw Jiang He to Jiang Fuli again, and went to the kitchen to find Bureau Chen.

  Director Chen is shredding potatoes at "哓哢".

  "Miss Bai." When he saw Bai Zian coming in, he paused and greeted her.

  Bai Qian nodded and stretched out his hand to help him wash the vegetables. "Can you show me Zhou Jian's files in Xiangcheng again?"

  The transaction records from Heishui Street were passed over. The recorded traders include Zhou Jian, who has been there for more than ten years. The previous accounts were unclear, but because Zhou Jian often traded with buyers, he remembered clearly that the buyer at that time was Zhou Jian.

  "Zhou Jian?" Director Chen thought for a while before he remembered who this person was.

  Zhou Jian, who almost caused Xu En's brain death, was Ren Qian's secretary.

  "Zhou Jian's files are in the Xiangcheng branch." Bureau Chen was promoted directly from Xiangcheng to Jiangjing. A bunch of people in Xiangcheng praised him, "I'll ask them to look for the files and scan them over at night. Find some time." Let Sun Fei take you directly to the Yunxiao branch system to take a look. "

  It's not easy to send Xiangcheng's internal information over at will.


  Gao's house, study room.

  Gao Yi was talking to Mu Youjun, "You haven't seen anyone yet?"

  Mu Youjun put the tea cup next to him, "She hasn't returned to Mu's house yet, let alone me, and Yi Ning doesn't see her people very often either. "

  Forget it, don't worry about it." Gao Yi didn't say anything more, took the teacup and took a sip of tea.

  After she left, Gao Yi looked at Gao Jiachen, "As you know, Academician Ma's laboratory is recruiting an undergraduate student. Gao Yuan is a breakthrough here."

  "Dad, don't worry, I'm leading my cousin to study the core content," Gao Jiachen said. They all work for Gao Yuan. "This time, Liang Wuyu and Bai Qian are both very competitive."

  "Which team are they in now?" "

  I checked Zhou Wenqing's team. They are researching superconductors, but it has been three years. There is no progress in the project," Gao Jiachen said to Gao Yi.

  Gao Yi slowly put down his tea cup, "There has been no progress in three years. What do they use so much of the scientific research funds for every year? They must provide results this year, otherwise there is no need for this project to exist."



  The unified national master's degree entrance examination begins.

  This year, Xu Wenyao and Jian Zhe both participated in the major exam.

  There is not much rain in Jiangjing, neither rain nor snow, but it is extremely cold. The lakes in Jiangjing are frozen. Today Ji Heng, Chen Ju and others went to Jiayu Lake for ice fishing.

  Lu Xiaohan wanted to check in the ancient buildings of Jiangjing, "Sister Lu, will you come with me? You are just here, I will take some photos of your back. What new concept do I want to shoot, the collision of ancient and modern times? Sister Lu has not returned to Jiangjing yet, Otherwise, I can find her."

  Of course, Lu Xiaohan's first choice was Bai Qian.

  Bai Zian was reading documents in the study and didn't think much about it, just with Lu Xiaohan.

  She would never refuse people like Lu Xiaohan.

    Ming Dongheng stayed at Shanhai Apartment. As soon as Bai Zian and the others went out, he picked them up in a special car and followed them from a distance, although with Bai Zian's skills, there was no need to worry.

  The ancient buildings in each city are similar.

  Bai Zian and Lu Xiaohan walked around carelessly.

  After walking along the road, Lu Xiaohan put down the camera in his hand, pointed to the road sign on the left and said, "Bai Chongyu's tomb is right in front."

  When Bai Zian heard this, he was in a daze.

  It was only ten o'clock in the morning, and the cold light fell in front of her sight, making her vision a little blurry.

  I could only vaguely see the words "Bai Chongyu's Tomb" written in white on the ancient sandalwood road sign ahead.

  The people and sounds around him seemed to be blurred.

  She was calm when facing her own tomb, but when she saw the words on Bai Chongyu's tomb, her heart seemed to be tightly clenched by an invisible hand.

  Lu Xiaohan was still lamenting to Bai Zian that the people in Xiangcheng had always had a very special feeling for the Bai family. Lu Xiaohan knew that Bai Zian had the same belief as the people in Xiangcheng.

  This is not the first time she has come to Bai Chongyu's tomb.

  After saying a few words, he found that Bai Qian had not made any sound.

  Lu Xiaohan was a little surprised and tilted his head. Next to him, Bai Zian was staring blankly at the road sign.

  From this angle, I could only see her fair side face, her dark hair shawl half rolled up, and her dark eyes filled with mist. Bai Qian was wearing a snow-white cloak today, looking up at the road sign slightly, her poppy hair with a white jade hairpin following the wind. Shaking slightly.

  Her skirt and cloak were also fluttering in the wind.

  Pavilions, corridors and pavilions.

  The girl with her hair half pulled up seemed to be on a different level from the people present. She seemed to have traveled from the ancient times.

  Most of the tourists passing by stopped to look at her involuntarily.

  People taking pictures on the road couldn't help but take pictures of this scene.


  "Sister Qian," Lu Xiaohan realized that there were more and more people watching, and suddenly came back to reality. She stretched out her hand to pull Bai Qian's cloak, "Let's go first."

  Lu Xiaohan had been here before . It's cooked here.

  Holding the incense in hand, he took Bai Qian to Bai Chongyu's tomb.

  When Bai Zhongyu died, like Bai Li, he did not leave a body. Mrs. Bai erected a tomb for him, so the cemetery was not big and was surrounded by people in the tourist area.

  Bai Xian followed Lu Xiaohan and looked at the tomb here.

  The first group of people had just finished paying homage to Bai Chongyu.

  There were many things that the young man stuffed in front of Bai Chongyu's tomb, including daggers, toy guns, newspapers, chocolates and lollipops... and

  a bouquet of poppies, a representative bouquet of the Bai family, on the side.

  After Lu Xiaohan paid her respects, she saw that Bai Zian was still standing in front of the tomb. She thought it was Bai Zian's first time here, so she didn't bother him. She talked to the person who managed the cemetery next to her and asked them how often the tributes here were swept.

  Bai Qian held the lit incense and looked at the numbers engraved on the tombstone before speaking, "You saw it. After all, Chen Ye and the others survived, and I am fine now..."

  Bai Qian took out the Mobile phone, there are photos of Jiang Suyi's cemetery on the mobile phone.

  She turned to the photo and thought about it for a long time but still didn't show it. "I've seen the third princess and she's pretty good too."

  Jiang Suyi was two years younger than Bai Chongyu. When she was a child, she was sent to the hospital by Emperor Jiang Wen because of poor health. Bai Li had learned spear training from him for a while, and she and Bai Zhongyu had known each other since they were children.

  However, later Bai Li died on the battlefield and Bai Chongyu went to Xiangcheng, so the two of them never saw each other again.

  The night before Jiang Suyi was sent to get married by Emperor Jiang Wen, Bai Qian sneaked into Jiang Suyi's palace and asked her if she wanted to leave.

  She remembered that her father died on the battlefield without waiting for reinforcements. She remembered that Bai Chongyu abandoned his pen and joined the army and went to Xiangcheng. She remembered that the third princess died on the grassland and could not wait for her brother to come back and level the grassland...

  until Xiangcheng could not hold on and she stayed alone. Only when I was in Xiangcheng could I understand Jiang Suyi's thoughts.

  Jiang Suyi didn't leave because she couldn't help herself and because she couldn't disobey the emperor's order.

  But it is also for the common people.

  She is Jiang Suyi and the third princess.

  This is what Chen Beixuan saw when he came to Bai Chongyu's tomb wearing a military coat, black leather short boots and holding a bouquet of sunflowers.

  A girl in a white cloak stood in front of Bai Chongyu's tomb with a mobile phone.

  The way she lowered her eyes resembled the only painting enshrined in the Chen family ancestral hall.

  Chen Beixuan was in a daze.

  Bai Zian put the incense on the incense burner next to her, then put away her phone and turned around. She saw the woman holding a sunflower and staring at her. She nodded slightly towards the woman.

  Move away.

  After the others left, Chen Beixuan realized what she was doing. She looked away, placed the sunflower in front of the tomb, offered incense to her ancestors, and asked for their blessings.


  Shanhai Apartment.

  It was already evening when Bai Zian and Lu Xiaohan went back.

  Ji Heng, Bureau Chen and the others were ice fishing today and had a lot of fruitful results. They specially asked Xu Wenyao and Jian Zhe to come over for dinner in the evening.

  Jiang Fuli will come back very late tonight and won't be able to eat.

  On the dinner table.

  Jian Zhe and Xu Wenyao were discussing this year's postgraduate entrance examination questions. One was in liberal arts and the other was in science. Although the questions were different, their moods were similar.

  Bai Zian said very little today and looked very lazy. After eating, he went back upstairs.

  Dean Jian kept looking at Bai Zhe and casually said a few words to Jian Zhe. When he saw Bai Zhe going upstairs, he thought about it and quickly finished his meal, put down his chopsticks and went to 303 to find her.

  He came to Shanhai Apartment to squat on her on Tuesday, but it turned out that she had been at school this week and he hadn't waited for anyone.

  303. The study door is ajar.

  Dean Jian knocked on the door and waited until there was a sound from inside before pushing the door open and entering.

  Inside the study.

  Bai Zian was wearing a white housecoat and was casually leaning against the window. The cigarette was held between her fingertips by her cold white fingers. She slowly exhaled a thin layer of smoke and rested her wrist lazily on the window, which was half open. Cold wind blows the smoke away.

  Dean Jian was startled.

  In his eyes, Bai Zian had always been a good student, polite, restrained, and very graceful. When he suddenly saw Bai Zian like this, he was stunned for a few seconds before he realized what he was doing.

  "Dean Jian," Bai Qian tilted his head slightly and raised an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?"

  "Well," Dean Jian looked away from the cigarette in her hand and said, "I want to tell you something. "I told you before that there is an old friend who wants to see you. Moreover, he has the idea of ​​accepting you as his adopted daughter. What do you think?"

Chapter 294 How much does 294 cost? Is one hundred pounds enough? (Second update)

  Adopted daughter?

  Bai Zian raised his eyebrows.

  Why is there another adopted daughter?

  "Who is it?" Bai Zian flicked the ashes from his cigarette lazily and looked sideways at Dean Jian.

  Dean Jian did not hide anything, "You probably don't know the old man from the Chen family. He was in the audience to see you last time. He is also the old friend I told you I wanted to introduce to you. "

  The Chen family?" Bai Qian leaned back on the window sill with his hands, "Which Chen

  family?" Dean Jian said in a low voice, with a tone of fear and sigh: "It has been passed down for thousands of years. The ancestor of the family is General Chen Ye. "

  "Ah," Bai Qian bit her cigarette and smiled with an unknown meaning, "Chen Ye."

  She said it in a casual tone, as if she was saying "Chen Ye ." It's the same as the one next door named Wang.

  Dean Jian: "..."

  "Yes, that's General Chen Ye," Dean Jian slowly said to Bai Qian, "You have to think about it carefully. This matter is not just about writing a song and thinking about it. It's important to you." It's very important. "

  As Mr. Chen's adopted daughter, if you don't say anything else, she will have no problem walking around in Jiangjing from now on.

  "That's not necessary," Bai Zian retracted his gaze, looked at the sun room downstairs, and said unhurriedly, "I'm not afraid that his ancestors will look for him if he dreams at night." He

  said the last sentence in a low tone.

  Dean Jian didn't hear clearly, "What did you say?"

  "I said, let him save it." Bai Qian reached out to put out the cigarette, opened the window wider, and smiled casually: "Don't think too much."

  * *

  Jiang Fuli's laboratory.

  He stood in front of the big screen, reached out and took off the black pen clipped on the lapel of his white coat, and used the tip of the pen to grasp the simulated aircraft diagram he had simulated using CFD on the screen.

  The engine of the picture drives the energy body to spread around.

  He stood in front, his posture upright, his eyes under the lenses were very cold, and his eyelashes were slightly drawn back.

  In the conference room, none of the team members or professors spoke, they only watched the big screen quietly.

  After he finished speaking, he reached out and closed the cap of his pen. In the conference room, most of the professors talked to each other about the engine they just had.

  Some people didn't remember the key points of the meeting, but they didn't dare to go to Jiang Fuli.

  Only He Wen followed Jiang Fuli with his notebook, "Master Jiang, I just asked them to deliver dinner to the lounge."

  "Yes," Jiang Fuli walked to the laboratory and put the pen on his chest again. , smoothing the wrinkles on his clothes, "How much do you understand the turbulent chaos system I just talked about?"

  "I recorded it." He Wen took out his own recorder.

  Jiang Fuli glanced at him, wanting to say something, but in the end he just said a cold "hmm" and looked away.

  After returning to Jiangjing, he left the dark matter side to the person in charge.

  During this time, Academician Ma also participated in the research of the Mars rover. In order to have a holiday during the New Year, he usually stayed in the laboratory until very late during this period.

  He Wen touched his nose silently. It was not like Jiang Fuli who could remember other people's words after hearing them once.

  He took the voice recorder to the common room outside, opened the cabinet and took out his mobile phone. While eating his lunch, he sent a message to Bai Zian.


  Jiang Fuli is still surveying data.

  Next to him, the team members were holding pens and papers, listening and carefully recording the questions Jiang Fuli asked.

  The mobile phone in his pocket lit up. He was the founder of the laboratory. Like Academician Ma, he could bring his mobile phone into the laboratory -


  was just two words, without even a punctuation mark.

  Jiang Fuli looked at these two words for a long time and said nothing.

  Beside him, the team members' hands trembled, and they raised their heads risking their lives. Looking at Jiang Fuli's indifferent side face, they just thought that they probably didn't express any stupid theory just now.

  Jiang Fuli spoke. He put away his pen and said, "Here first."

  After saying that, he put away his mobile phone and returned to his lounge. In the lounge, the staff at the base had already laid out his meal. Today's meal is as follows. As usual, these are the standard packages at the base.

  But besides the rice, there is also a white cup.

  He opened it and took a look. It contained his medicine.


    The team member took the meal and sat across from He Wen. He said with lingering fear: "Holy shit, I was scared to death. I thought there was something wrong with my data, you know! But he asked us to go to dinner! There was still a little spring breeze and drizzle. ...Okay, I admit that describing Master Jiang as spring breeze and drizzle is a bit too much, but can you understand what I want to express?"

  He Wen calmly finished his last bite of rice, "I understand, but you don't think that's the case. What."



  The class in the same peak class was still taking mechanics class for four hours in the morning.

  At noon, Bai Zian, Ning Xiao and others went to the laboratory after eating.

  As soon as they arrived at the laboratory, they found that Hu Yue and the others were very quiet today. Seeing Bai Zian and the others arriving, Hu Yue sat aside, and the assistant teacher next to him gave them a "wait a moment" gesture.

  There were faint sounds of voices coming from the office inside the laboratory.

  Bai Qian took off her cloak and didn't want to eavesdrop on Zhou Wenqing's conversation with others, but because Zhou Wenqing's voice was a little excited, she still heard it.

  "Director, let's not mention that we haven't received the application materials for half a year, and there are still freshmen here." Zhou Wenqing sounded very angry. "It's reasonable for us to hand over our research results at this time. Do you think this is reasonable?"

  said the voice inside. I was also very helpless, "This is not a question of whether it is reasonable or not. Your project has been without results for a long time. We are already discussing the closure of your project. I will sign the contract first and wait until the end of the year to discuss the rest."

  "What kind of contract should I sign? , We don't even have the materials, how can we do research and development?" Zhou Wenqing couldn't help but uttered a curse word.

  Tang Ming also vaguely heard a little bit.

  He touched the back of his head and asked Hu Yue, "Senior Sister Hu, what are Teacher Zhou and the others arguing about?"

  "It's about our laboratory," Hu Yue frowned, "Our laboratory was originally developing semiconductors and superconductors, and Some of them are industrial materials, and today the director came and said that he will need a final copy of the research results at the end of the year. If things go wrong, our laboratory may be handed over to others, and the teacher may also be greatly affected."

  Tang Ming was shocked.

  There was an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Why would something happen to whichever laboratory he went to? "What should I do, Teacher Zhou?"

  "I don't know." Senior Brother Liu put down the data in his hand. For a moment, no one was in the office. Keep looking at the data for ideas.

  Bai Zian was listening.

  Look at the office door inside.

  In the office, the director persuaded him nicely, "If you think about it better, if you come up with the research results at the end of the year, your future will be smooth. The position of deputy dean is still vacant. If you think about it, it can be done." , this position may be yours."

  "You just said it in one sentence, what will happen if we don't have the materials? Can you guarantee that you will give me enough materials?" Zhou Wenqing laughed angrily, "I still have it. There are four students and ten freshmen who are doing internships. What do you want them to do?"

  Seeing that Zhou Wenqing really couldn't make sense, the director lost his patience.

  He just put down the document, opened the door and went out, "This is an order from above. You have to sign it directly no matter what."

  A bunch of students in the laboratory looked at the director, but the director didn't look at anyone and went out with a bad look on his face. .


  The door of the laboratory was closed.

  The assistant coach quickly went in to see Zhou Wenqing's condition.

  Ding Wenyang, Tang Ming and others looked at each other in confusion, almost all looking at Bai Zian: "What should we do now?"

  Bai Zian took off his cloak and said nothing. He only poured a cup of tea, knocked on the door and entered Zhou Wenqing's office.

  In the office, Zhou Wenqing's desk was in a mess, and the assistant teacher was comforting Zhou Wenqing.

  "Classmate Bai," Zhou Wenqing pressed his eyebrows when he saw Bai Zian's innocent face, "You came just in time. I think you should tell Dean Huang to change the laboratory first."

  Bai Zian Instead of replying to this sentence, he bent down and placed the disposable cup in front of Zhou Wenqing. He said calmly: "It's okay. You can drink tea and calm down first. I just want to ask you a question."

  Zhou Wenqing picked up the cup. Disposable cups.

  The water was cold. After drinking it, he felt a little more awake. "Tell me."

  "How far have you reached in your research?" Bai Qian took out his mobile phone, glanced at the message on it, and then held it up again, "This project Is it possible to complete it?"

  Zhou Wenqing put down his cup and leaned back. "It will take less than four years. It will take more than two years to wait for the materials."

  The assistant teacher listened and watched Bai Qian add. "Classmate Bai, the biggest problem in this matter is that there is not enough palladium, otherwise Teacher Zhou would not be so entangled."

  "Then I think we can not change the laboratory." Bai Qian tapped the phone with his fingertips, his eyebrows still clear.

  Zhou Wenqing was stunned and raised his head.

  Bai Qian was not very clear about the amount they wanted to use, so he just asked lazily: "Teacher Zhou, how much do you want? Is one hundred kilograms enough?"

   At the end of the month, princesses and princes please vote! ! (I have been moving in the past two days, so the time is a bit messed up. I really have so many books that I am going to collapse. See you tomorrow!)