
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · 若者
40 Chs



Xiao Bingwen was originally messaging Liu Shuhe and checking Weibo at the same time.

Liu Shuhe: [[Link]]

Liu Shuhe: [This big guy's Weibo]

When he clicked on the link, he saw a Weibo post with the word "挑" (picking up). It only followed one account, which was on the Douyin platform, but it already had 2.01 million fans, all of whom were active fans.

Is this the composer's Weibo?

Xiao Bingwen clicked the follow button. When he heard Xu Nanjing's voice, he raised his head and saw Bai Shen putting the blue ticket back into his school uniform pocket.

"It seems to be a little bit like your ticket," Xiao Bingwen paused. It looked very much like a fighting arena ticket, but, "She seems to have a lot of them?"

Xu Nanjing was able to get this ticket with the help of Charles.

The Chen family can also get it. It is said that one of the senior brothers of the Chen family is in the fighting arena, but Xu Nanjing and Xiao Bingwen are not familiar with them.

Even so, Xu Nanjing only got three tickets.

There are so many photos of white smilax at a glance...

That shouldn't be the case, right?

Besides, judging from Bai Shi's appearance, she doesn't look like someone who would go to a bloody place like a fighting arena.

As if he felt being stared at, the yellow-haired man who was smoking raised his head and smiled at Xiao Bingwen and Xu Nanjing. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a skull reflected on it and a silver chain around his neck, looking very energetic.

Xiao Bingwen: "…probably not."


The next day, Friday.

Bai Mi gave the sorted information to He Wen.

He Wen sent her a "thank you" message.

Through a long track, the institute office.

He Wen, wearing a blue anti-radiation suit, stood in front of all the team members, lowering his head and listening to Jiang Fuli speak.

The underground laboratory was rather cold, and the light was cold and white. There were high-tech machines all around. Jiang Fuli sat in his seat, and the computer in front of him displayed the thesis page.

He rested one hand on the armrest and pointed at the computer screen with the other. He wore a pair of glasses on his high nose and his lips were tightly pursed.

Leng Bai's fingertips stopped at an example and he tilted his head slightly. "Repulsion and gravitational curvature are opposite. One causes space to contract, and the other causes space to expand. Do you use this example to apply to positive energy and negative energy?"

"What should I say about you?"

"Encouraged you to challenge Dirac?"

He sneered twice, and the others knew he was talking about He Wen, so they lowered their heads more obviously.

He Wen: "…"

Jiang Fuli read everything before standing up with his phone in hand.

"Is this the review you compiled?" He looked at the printed document in He Wen's hand again.

He Wen: "...Yes, new documents."

Jiang Fuli gave him a cold look and said, "You don't have to write a thank you note."

He Wen: "…"

After Jiang Fuli left, the other team members came forward and imitated Jiang Fuli's words, then patted He Wen on the shoulder and said, "You are worthy of challenging Dirac, Wen, you are the next Dirac in our laboratory."

Today, only He Wen was scolded, while everyone else was gloating over his misfortune.

He Wen, who had several papers in his hand, smiled and said, "If you dare to say that again, next time Young Master Jiang invites us to dinner, you can order the dishes yourself."

other people:"..."

He Wen turned around and returned to his post, complaining to Bai Shen on his phone.

[I was scolded today (tears running)(tears running)(tears running)]


Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School.

When Bai Xi saw He Wen's message, she had already finished school.

She looked down at his reply. He Wen was often scolded, and she was used to it.

A bunch of people from Class 15 gathered together, and Lu Xiaohan said loudly, "You don't have to go to Aunt Zhang's house in the next few days. Yan Lu is going to record a show there."

Baishen followed slowly behind a group of people.

I looked down at the questions on the Jiangjing app.

She opened the app and saw a lot of wailing on the public screen. Bai Mi didn't pay attention and just did the questions, most of which were fill-in-the-blank questions.

Wen Qilu, Xiaohan and the others were originally still in a heated discussion.

Until they saw the person standing at the door of the milk tea shop, they subconsciously lowered their voices a lot.

When Bai Xi looked up, she saw Jiang Fuli standing in the corner outside the milk tea shop.

It has been a while since school was over, but there are still many people in the milk tea shop. Jiang Fuli is standing in a corner two or three meters away from the door, and the warm light of the setting sun shines obliquely through the roof.

He was wearing a black jacket with its zipper unzipped, revealing the snow-white T-shirt underneath. The hair on his forehead was longer than his eyebrows. He lowered his head and casually swiped the screen of his phone, looking nonchalant and cold.

When Ning Xiao and Tang Ming passed by, they greeted Jiang Fuli respectfully.

"Yeah." Jiang Fuli looked up casually.

"I'm going to see Yan Lu." Bai Xi didn't enter the milk tea shop. She used her cell phone to block the still glaring sunset and looked up slightly.

Aunt Zhang's house is just ahead.

Jiang Fuli walked forward a little, blocking the sunlight, "Let's go."

He went with Bai Shi.

"Did you scold He Wen today?" Bai Xi held the phone, a little curious.

Jiang Fuli's eyebrows were cold, and he answered casually, "If you describe the facts, it is also called scolding."

Bai Xi knew He Wen would be criticized again next week when she heard the tone, so she changed the subject, "Are you going fishing with my grandpa tomorrow?"

Jiang Fuli has been staying in the lab this week.

There are two days of rest during the weekend. I heard that I was going to go fishing with Ji Heng. Bai Shen has not figured out how the two of them contacted each other. **

Zhang family.

Mei Yi and his agent have arrived.

The agent was a middle-aged man with a slightly plump figure. He looked at the environment in the Zhang family's backyard and spoke to Mei Yi in a low voice, "You still have good taste."

Mei Yi wanted to come to Xiangcheng to record a show with Yan Lu, but her agent disagreed at first.

At that time, the old storm of Chongshu was too big, and he didn't want Mei Yi to be involved in it. Who could have thought that under such circumstances, Yan Lu could not only make a comeback, but also turn it into his own popularity.

These days she has been very popular on all major social media platforms.

Many netizens jokingly called her post "the coolest article of the year."

Mei Yi is thirty years old. He is wearing a sports suit and looks handsome and graceful.

Hearing this, he just smiled and said nothing.

"But this show is mainly to build good opportunities with Yan Lu," Mei Yi's agent also knows Yan Lu's character, "Wang Xin said she is boring, the show effect should be very average. There is nothing special about Xiangcheng except that street, so just treat it as a vacation."

Mei Yi and Yan Lu were not familiar with each other to begin with, so using "average" to describe them was an understatement.

Cameras are installed in the lobby and Yan Lu's room. The show will start recording tomorrow. The director of Come on Friends is talking to Sister Xin, "Don't worry, we will try to make it more interesting. But besides Mei Yi, does Yan Lu have any other friends in or outside the circle who can appear on camera?"


Ah Huang and Xiao Tian helped clean the living room, and when they heard this, they thought of the group of students from Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Yes, there are, but they are not famous.

"I will ask, but they probably don't want to appear on camera," Wang Xin smiled and sighed, "I also have a few friends outside the circle."

If Bai Shen is willing to appear in the show, the ratings will definitely be extraordinary. And there is also Jiang Shao. Not to mention others, just the two of them showing their faces will basically crush the current traffic and appearance.

But, invite them to appear on camera?

Who has such a big face?

"Okay." The director felt a little regretful. He looked down at the program recording plan given to Yan Lu: shopping, moving flowers, selling flowers, studying...

There is nothing new to show off.

He really wanted Yan Lu to invite Dean Jian over, which would definitely boost the ratings, but Yan Lu and Wang Xin avoided talking about Dean Jian.

The director was naturally disappointed.

Aunt Zhang went back to her hometown in the past two days and gave this piece of land to Yan Lu, who went out carrying a pot of flowers.

Talk to Mei Yi.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow, buy groceries and cook in the afternoon?" Mei Yi's manager was not surprised to hear Yan Lu's unremarkable arrangement. "Why don't you invite two more friends to join you, otherwise it will be awkward for you and Mei Yi to have dinner together."

The main reason is that Mei Yi is a boy.

Yan Lu was just about to go back.

There's someone knocking on the door.

She put down the flowerpot and went to open the door.

Mei Yi and her agent both looked out the door.

There were two people outside the door, a boy and a girl. The girl was wearing a loose school uniform and was casually twirling a cell phone in her hand. Her almond-shaped eyes were slightly narrowed, and she looked very lazy.

She had a very fair complexion, and her hair was lazily tied behind her head with two wooden hairpins. Behind her was a sky full of rosy clouds, and she had no other decorations on her body.

The whole person is like standing in a colorful cartoon.

She tilted her head slightly to talk to the man next to her.

The man next to her was wearing a dark coat and had a cold look. His facial features were good-looking, but they were too cold and oppressive, making people dare not look directly at him.

"Ms. Bai, Mr. Jiang." Yan Lu opened the door and greeted the two in a low voice.

Inside the hall, Sister Xin saw Jiang Fuli and Bai Xi outside, so she left the director and ran out to greet them.

It was the first time that the director saw Bai Di and Jiang Fuli, and he was shocked by their appearance.

Looking at the entertainment industry for so long, these two people's looks are rare, not to mention their temperament.

"Who are they?" the director asked Mei Yi.

Mei Yi's eyes fell on Bai Xi, "She's Yan Lu's friend."

He had seen Bai Shi on the set, and everyone present was shocked by the spear. Once seen, they would never forget it.

Mei Yi's manager rarely stayed with the crew. He had never met Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli. He only asked, "Amateur friends? Are they here to take advantage of the camera? Or are they artists that Shiguang Entertainment is going to promote?"

Judging from the looks of these two people, Shiguang Entertainment has found a treasure.

If it was an amateur, he would be ready to take action!

At the door, Bai Xi had no intention of coming in. She stood there and talked to Yan Lu, "You guys are going to buy groceries and cook tomorrow afternoon? Didn't Sister Xin say that this would be boring?"

Sister Xin was helpless. She deliberately lowered her voice and said, "The director also said so, but there is nothing we can do. This is all we have. Miss Bai, do you want to bring your classmates with you tomorrow afternoon?"

Jiang Fuli put one hand in his pocket and just stood beside Bai Shi without saying a word.

"No." Bai Xi shook her head. She took out a few tickets from her school uniform pocket and handed them to Yan Lu.

I heard that Baishen has a lot of fans now.

It's better than Yan Lu performing reading in front of the audience at home.

"What is this?" Yan Lu had never heard of this and just took the ticket subconsciously.

Bai Shen curled her lips and said, "You can go here tomorrow afternoon. Here are the tickets. Someone will meet you at the intersection. It shouldn't be boring."

Jiang Fuli looked down and saw——

It won't be boring, but it might scare a random person to death.

See you tomorrow, babes~


Would she have to describe this with the three words "not boring"?

People who can go to the fighting arena in Heishui Street are more or less related to Heishui Street. Ordinary people don't dare to go in at all, and there are many rumors about Xiangcheng in the outside world.

Therefore, most of the fighting arenas are only played on the platform.

Not to mention domestic variety shows, even looking at other countries, there has never been a program going to Blackwater Street to record a variety show.

Who has the courage?

Miss Bai really knows how to give away tickets, Jiang Fuli withdrew his gaze.

"Okay, I'll take them there tomorrow." Although Yan Lu was a few years older than Bai Xi, she always listened to Bai Xi's words. She took the ticket and looked down at it. "Can this kind of event be broadcast?"

It says the location and time, it's a fight.

The arched gate printed on the front is magnificent, a building she has never seen before. Yan Lu left Xiangcheng when she was young and didn't know much about Xiangcheng. Only today did she know that there is such a large-scale fighting hall here.

It's better to take Mei Yi to watch a fight than to stay at home and have awkward conversations.

"You can broadcast it, but only five people can go in," Bai Xi put his hands back into his pockets, and raised his eyebrows. "You decide which five people will go. Give me the list tonight, and I'll lead the way tomorrow."

Yan Lu just nodded, sounding very strict.

"Are you going to the east of the city tomorrow?" Jiang Fuli waited for the two to finish speaking before asking slowly.

This is a new internet celebrity check-in spot, and the director team also wanted to catch a wave of popularity. Yan Lu was very direct: "By the way, promote my hometown."

"Okay," Jiang Fuli tapped his phone with his fingertips and said casually, "Someone will contact you later to arrange your recording for tomorrow."

Yan Lu replied with one word, "OK".

There were cameras being installed in the yard, so Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli did not go in. After she gave the ticket to Yan Lu, she left with Jiang Fuli.

The director saw the two outstanding-looking people leave, and the oppressive man was left with only his back, so he trotted over and said, "Yan Lu, are those two also your friends? Have you invited them to visit your place?"

These two will be able to create a hot search when the time comes. There are no such handsome faces in the entertainment industry.

Sister Xin glanced at the director with a look that said "you're so bold".

Dean Jian is more reliable than both of them.

"No," Yan Lu also rejected the proposal, and then raised the ticket. She was very respectful to Mei Yi, "After visiting Wutong Street and Ping'an Street tomorrow, I plan to take Teacher Mei Yi to watch a fight. Is that okay with Teacher Mei?"

Mei Yi smiled warmly, and he withdrew his gaze from Bai Shi, "I'm fine with it, you can arrange it as you like."

Mei Yi's agent was not interested in the fight. He just glanced at the ticket and said, "Blackwater Street? Where is this?"

Have not heard.

Almost no one present had heard of this name.

The director took out his phone and searched on the map. It was remote, but the place did exist. "Only five people can go in? Yan Lu, do you have the number of the owner of this fighting arena? I'll talk to him and see if I can bring a few more people and help promote their fighting arena."

There were only five people who could go in, so there weren't many photographers who could be brought in, and the director wanted to shoot more shots.

Yan Lu looked down at the ticket and saw a service phone number that looked very much like an overseas phone number.

She handed it to the director and said, "Ask."

The director took the ticket, looked down at the number, took out his cell phone and dialed the number on the spot, politely stating his purpose.

"Sir," the person on the other side smiled, "don't make such jokes next time."

A voice came faintly from the other end: "Who's calling?"

"A mad man called because he didn't get a ticket."

The director who was "going crazy because he didn't get the tickets": "..."


Because he was going fishing tomorrow, Jiang Fuli planned to spend the entire evening explaining all of Ning Xiao and Tang Ming's problems.

After Yang Lin finished her part-time job, Lu Xiaohan enthusiastically asked her to stay and do homework. "You have to turn on the lights to do homework when you go home, which wastes electricity. There are so many people here, you can ask them three questions and save electricity."

Lu Xiaohan has now grasped the essence.

Yang Lin is a very difficult person to approach. In the more than two years they have been classmates, she has only accepted Bai Shi's kindness, and that was on the premise of "repaying" him.

After knowing about Yang Jianping's situation, Lu Xiaohan still treated Yang Lin with the same attitude as before.

Yang Lin stayed and sat at Jian Zhe's table to do her homework.

Eleven o'clock.

Outside the milk tea shop, Xu Nanjing, who had just parked his car, looked across in shock. Are the students in Xiangcheng so eager? They are still doing homework together so late.

It was almost twelve o'clock before the group started packing up.

Xu Nanjing opened the car door and got out.

It was quite late, and there were only elongated shadows of trees on both sides of the road. There were few cars and it was extremely quiet.

"Take them home." Jiang Fuli glanced at the car Xu Nanjing was driving today. It had four seats. He was referring to Lu Xiaohan, Yang Lin, and Tang Ming who lived in the same direction.

It was too late today, so Jiang Fuli didn't let them go back by themselves.

Jian Zhe picked up his phone and said, "I'll take my car back. Don't worry, I'm an adult."

Jiang Fuli nodded slightly, and he himself took Ning Xiaobai with him, and they were both heading in the same direction.

Yang Lin wore black glasses, and her head was longer than her eyes. She silently picked up her schoolbag and refused silently. Lu Xiaohan quickly took her arm and stopped her from leaving: "I'm afraid to ride in a car with two men."

Xu Nanjing, Tang Ming: "..."

Tang Ming's home was very close, only five minutes away. Because Lu Xiaohan was "scared", Xu Nanjing specially sent Lu Xiaohan back first. After seeing her turn on the lights and waved from upstairs, he drove to the tube building.

Xiaohan lives in a residential complex and can park downstairs, but Yanglin lives in a tube-shaped building and the car cannot enter.

At twelve o'clock there were still quite a few people gathered on the road.

Some were shirtless, some were sitting on the ground playing cards, and some were cleaning up garbage.

Seeing an expensive car stop, many people looked over.

Xu Nanjing took a pack of cigarettes, put out the lights, and followed Yang Lin in. Yang Lin frowned and looked back at him. Xu Nanjing lowered his head and lit a cigarette, with smoke rising. "Sister Bai Su asked me to see you off to the downstairs."


Here, Bai Xi got home at around twelve o'clock. She came back late today, so Ji Heng didn't wait for her and went to bed early.

A lamp was left on in front of her door, and the lights in the yard were dimly lit.

Bai Xi looked towards Ji Heng's room, guessing that Ji Heng was asleep, so she didn't bother him and opened the door while checking her phone.

On the phone, Yan Lu had already brought the list of five people and their ID documents.

She took a screenshot and sent it to Xiaowu.

Most people need a visa to go to Blackwater Street. After replying, she went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she wiped her head with a white towel, walked to the dressing table beside the bed, and lit the sandalwood with a lighter. A light smoke that was almost odorless rose up.

Finally it filled the small room.

She just leaned on the dressing table. The calming incense didn't have much effect on her, but as she felt the curling smoke, her tense nerves relaxed a little.

At least I don't have as many nightmares as before.

The phone on the desk vibrated several times.

Bai Mi took off the towel, and everyone in the group reported that they were safe and had arrived home.

Jiang Fuli also gave her one -


By the way, I sent her a picture of Jiang He sleeping under a cabbage blanket.

Bai Mi clicked on the picture and looked at it for a while, then typed a number on her phone: [1]

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Jiang had just taken his pajamas and looked down at the number "1" for a long while before closing the bathroom door with an expressionless face.


Early Saturday morning.

Ji Heng wanted to go fishing, Jiang Fuli and Director Chen both came early.

Jiang He was carrying a small bag and wearing a blue stand-up collared shirt made by Ji Heng for him. He followed Jiang Fuli in high spirits.

Bai Mi and Ji Heng both got up, and Ji Heng was brushing his teeth by the sink outside.

Director Chen placed the breakfast he brought with him on the stone table and greeted the two people.

Bai Xi raised her hand towards him, greeted him lazily, then took a bottle of milk, slowly inserted the straw into it, and looked at Ji Heng thoughtfully.

Ji Heng spit out the mouthwash and took the initiative: "Xiao Jiang, what size do you wear?"

Jiang Fuli was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something, "I don't know."

Ji Heng brushed his teeth slowly and washed his face outside: "That's perfect, go in and get the tape measure, I'll measure you, and I'll make you a set when I'm free in a couple of days."

After brushing his teeth, he measured the size, and finally took a pen to record carefully and asked Jiang Fuli about his preferences.

I was too busy to have time to talk to Bai Shi.

After dinner, several people were ready to leave with their fishing gear. Bai Xi handed Ji Heng's fishing rod to him, and when he took it, he suddenly said, "Did you... forget the chemical bond?"

Jiang Fuli stood aside and didn't dare to speak.

Director Chen didn't understand, but since Jiang Fuli didn't say anything, he naturally didn't dare to speak.

Jiang He just blinked and looked at Ji Heng.

Ji Heng: "…"

Bai Mi went out with them and took the No. 12 bus. After several people waited for her to get on the bus, Jiang Fuli and his group got on the car parked on the roadside.

Ming Dongheng remained in the driver's seat and did not get out of the car. Director Chen opened the passenger door and sat in.

The door at the back opened automatically.

Jiang Fuli had just sat down in the back. He picked up the computer on the table slowly. Ji Heng beside him suddenly said, "No, who created so many chemical bonds?"

"Can you remember all the rules he has set?"

"Why can't AlCl3 be an ionic compound?"


Jiang Fuli: "..."

Director Chen: "...???"

Jiang He silently hugged the pillow tightly and said honestly: "Aluminum chloride is a special case."

Ji Heng: "…"

He silently picked up his pipe and opened the car window, as if he was not the one who had just gone crazy.


Eight o'clock.

"Come on, Friends" begins recording.

Yan Lu got up at six in the morning, bought breakfast for Mei Yi, then took the kettle to water the flower pots at home, and finally sat in the yard reading a book while waiting for Mei Yi to get up.

The director team watched Yan Lu sitting in the yard reading a book motionlessly for half an hour, all in silence.

Mei Yi got up at seven o'clock. He called Yan Lu "sister" and Yan Lu naturally called him "big brother". The two of them didn't feel awkward getting along with each other, and seemed like real brother and sister.

After finishing the meal, Yan Lu took him to the school to buy milk tea. As soon as the milk tea shop opened, Yan Lu turned around and said to Mei Yi: "The cakes here are delicious, but they were even better before."

The clerk recognized Yan Lu and Mei Yi and said excitedly, "Yes, Mr. Chi's cakes are delicious. You can buy them next month."

Mr. Chi?

The director was a little confused. Calling a pastry chef "sir"? People in Xiangcheng seemed very civilized.

No one else asked much about Mr. Chi, after all, he was just a cake maker.

After buying milk tea, Yan Lu took them to Wutong Street in the east of the city. On the way, Yan Lu said, "Someone will pick us up at the destination later."

The director team thought it was someone arranged by Yan Lu and didn't take it too seriously.

Mei Yi's agent was determined to build a good relationship with Yan Lu. He did not leave during the filming of the program and kept talking to Sister Xin on the way. "Is Yan Lu familiar with her songwriter?"

Sister Xin smiled and said, "Very familiar."

In a sense, they can be said to be friends for life.

"If the songwriter comes, this episode will definitely be a hit," Mei Yi's manager sighed.

After Dean Jian came out, a lot of people on the Internet were speculating about the composer.

The car arrived at the intersection of Xiangshan Road. Today is Saturday and there are a lot of people on Chang'an Avenue. Several people in casual clothes are standing at the intersection. They are for a middle-aged woman.

At the back, the director had just gotten off the car. He looked at the woman's plain face, thinking that she might be the contact person Yan Lu mentioned, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Who is this?" Mei Yi's agent turned around and looked at Sister Xin curiously.


Sister Xin hadn't been seen either. She just stood aside holding a bottle of mineral water.

He shook his head at Mei Yi's agent.

Seeing Yan Lu and others get off the car, the middle-aged woman took two steps forward and shook hands with Yan Lu and Mei Yi. "Ms. Yan Lu, Mr. Mei Yi, welcome to our Xiangcheng. I have someone arrange your itinerary for today."

"This is..." Mei Yi looked at Yan Lu. He didn't know him and was just waiting for Yan Lu to introduce him.

Yan Lu didn't know him either, and Jiang Fuli didn't say anything.

"My name is Sun Dan," the woman said with a generous smile, and she had a good sense of distance, and she was efficient and neat: "I was just transferred to the Xiangcheng Culture and Tourism Bureau last month. I'm very happy that your program can be here."

As she spoke, she asked the people behind her to present the program team with Xiangcheng's cultural and creative gift package.

The director was a little surprised. Was he an official from the Culture and Tourism Bureau?

Sun Dan didn't stay in front of the camera for long. She asked someone to take Yan Lumei out for a walk and took the initiative to greet the director, "I heard that your variety show is an online variety show?"

She was a bit aggressive, and the director subconsciously replied, "Yes, it's a bit difficult to be on the star."

They are online variety shows, and they will be more popular if they are broadcast on satellite TV because some elderly people don't watch online variety shows.

"Is that so?" Sun Dan took out his cell phone. "I'll leave you my phone number. I'll contact Director Zhang later. I'll treat everyone to lunch. I'm doing my best to be a good host since you've come to Xiangcheng."

Sun Dan asked someone to take people in for a tour, and she left in a hurry.

After everyone left, the director, Sister Xin, and Mei Yi's agent looked at each other in bewilderment, "Director Zhang? I only know one Director Zhang..."

The director originally wanted to ask Sister Xin, but seeing that Sister Xin also looked confused, he went to ask a few young people wearing cultural and creative T-shirts who Ms. Sun was.

"You mean Director Sun?" The boy scratched his head. "She is the director of our Culture and Tourism Bureau. She was transferred from Jiangjing last month. She used to be from the Jiangjing Culture and Tourism Bureau..."

The logistics department was very quiet, and no one, including the director, spoke at the beginning.

"Someone from the Cultural and Tourism Bureau?" Two minutes later, the director came to his senses and subconsciously looked at Sister Xin. "Sister Xin, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Come on, Friends" is an online variety show. Although it is very popular, how could it attract the attention of the Culture and Tourism Bureau?

Is this Ms. Sun from Jiangjing? Does she know Director Zhang?

Mei Yi's agent was also shocked.

It would be fine if Dean Jian was just an official figure, but how come there is another more serious official here now and he wants to treat them to lunch at noon.

Sister Xin: "…"

...You ask her, who does she ask?

"Was my attitude just now a bit rude?" The director spoke softly after he realized what was happening.


Baimei studied in the library all day.

Yang Lin had two part-time jobs during the weekend, so she packed her bag and left at three in the afternoon. Jian Zhe developed a habit of reading every day, and asked Bai Mi a lot of questions today.

Ji Heng and Jiang Fuli caught a lot of fish today and invited all of Bai Shi's classmates to come over for dinner.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Xi took them back first, because Lu Xiaohan wanted to shoot a daily video of the fish to be included in Ji Heng's editing this time.

Lu Xiaohan filmed the video of Ji Heng and three embroiderers making graduation gowns very seriously. The whole process took three months of filming, and she planned to make a 20-minute video.

So there are many sources.

In the yard, Director Chen still put the fish he caught on the ground and showed them to the children who came back one by one.

"Xiao Tang, look, this is the fish I caught." Director Chen said to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming hummed, very deeply.

Director Chen looked up at him strangely, "Are you okay?"

Not getting the feedback he wanted, Director Chen simply stopped talking to him. Ning Xiao was even more silent than Tang Ming, so Director Chen went to talk to Lu Xiaohan, "This is what I caught, this is what Young Master Jiang caught, and this is Uncle Ji..."

Lu Xiaohan gave respect to Director Chen. She took a camera and filmed the fish that Director Chen caught.

After Director Chen finished showing his friends, he saw Jiang Fuli holding a basket in his hand. He was startled and stood up quickly. "You and Miss Bai should take a rest. I will cook."

Baishen held the knife and slowly gestured to the fish.

The back of the knife shone with a cold light.

It makes people feel that she is going to cut the fish into pieces.

Hearing this, he looked towards Director Chen and raised his eyebrows, "You?"

"Of course," Director Chen was very confident. When he returned to Jiangjing, he specifically asked Chi Lu for advice. He put the basket aside and took the knife from Bai Shen's hand. "Don't worry."

At worst, he could just video call Chi Yundai.

Bai Shi stood aside and watched Director Chen fillet the fish very neatly, and only then did she believe him.

In the kitchen, besides Director Chen, there were Ji Heng and an embroiderer.

The three of them did not allow a group of students to interfere.

Outside, Ning Xiao washed and cut the fruits they bought and put them on a plate.

There were two embroiderers embroidering patterns on the side. After Lu Xiaohan finished taking pictures of the fish, she went to take pictures of them. Jiang He was sitting on a high stool next to them, watching with his eyes wide open.

Ming Dongheng stood beside Jiang He with his arms folded across his chest. Occasionally, when Bai Di and Jiang Fuli called him, he would speak.

Tang Ming was playing Go with Wen Qi, and finally couldn't help himself, so he asked Wen Qi on the other side, "Don't you think I'm cool?"

Wen Qi: "…a?"

Ok, Tang Ming understood.

After Ning Xiao washed the fruit, he saw that he had nothing to do, so he took out his cell phone and asked Jiang Fuli a question.

Bai Xi looked down at the time on her hand. It was five forty. She looked up and spoke to Jiang Fuli: "I'll lead the way for Yan Lu."

"Okay." Jiang Fuli nodded, his fingertips pointed at Ning Xiao's phone, and he just glanced at Ning Xiao.

Ning Xiao was completely silent.


The intersection of Qingshui Street.

Two cars of the program crew stopped here. The director got out of the rear car and the photographer followed with his camera. Passersby on the road couldn't help but take a few more glances at the filming equipment.

"Are you sure you want to go through here?" The director looked at Yan Lu hesitantly.

There are old houses everywhere here, and even the roads are paved with bluestone. There are old shops next to them. There are quite a few people, but I don't feel the presence of a fighting arena.

Fighting is an old workshop?

However, everyone on the show was already amazed by Sun Dan's appearance in the morning. A lot of rare shots were taken in the morning, so they were not very excited about Yan Lumei's trip in the evening.

But seeing this desolate place, I still have doubts.

Yan Lu looked down at Bai Xi's reply, took the phone and led them inside, "Yes, she is waiting for us in a small store."

The group walked forward doubtfully, and several cameras had already turned on their lenses and started filming along the way.

Yan Lu didn't know much about this place, so he just talked about trivial matters with Mei Yi.

The two chatted about acting.

In the back, Mei Yi's agent looked at the surrounding environment and frowned, "Sister Xin, is this reliable?"

Sister Xin doesn't know either.

After walking a few steps, the group saw Bai Shi in front of them. She was wearing a blue stand-up collar top and a white long skirt, with her hair half tied up. She was holding a red Wangzai in one hand and talking to the store manager.

Only a side profile is left for everyone.

At dusk, in the alley with ancient charm, there is a giant old tree overhead, with its branches lazily stretching into the alley, and mist gathering behind it.

The people in the program crew couldn't help but pause for a moment.

It was not until Yan Lu called Bai Shi and Bai Shi tilted her head while biting the straw that they reacted.

Yan Lu had already told the program crew in advance to try not to film Bletilla striata.

"Only five people can go in." Bai Su finished drinking the milk and flattened the box.

The director put on a headset and said, "I know. We will be waiting at the door then."

That being said, the director had his own considerations. He brought cash with him, and when the time came, he would use the money to bribe the other party at the door, or pay several times the price to buy other people's tickets and let more people in.

Bai Mi threw the milk carton into the trash can next to her.

Hearing this, she glanced at the director, probably knowing what he was thinking, and just curled her lips without saying anything.

She led the group towards Qingshui Bridge.

Many cameras were filming along the way, and neighbors who passed by and knew Baishen greeted her with a smile, "What are you doing, a TV station?"


The program crew filmed all these real reactions of passers-by.

"These are all my neighbors." Bai Xi also spoke to Yan Lumei.

Mei Yi looked at Bai Xi and smiled, "You seem to be very popular."

The road was a bit far, and when we were almost at the Qingshui Bridge, a middle-aged man walked slowly towards us with a cell phone in his hand.

The man had a scar on his brow bone, and he looked like someone who was not someone to be trifled with.

The show crew avoided him.

However, he stopped when he saw Bai Shi, "Where are you going? Didn't Ning Xiao say that he was going to have dinner at your grandfather's house?"

"I'll take people to Heishui Street and will be back soon." Bai Xi said to him slowly, and turned sideways to introduce Yan Lu and Mei Yi, "This is Uncle Wang, my classmate's uncle."

"Hello." Mei Yi and Yan Lu were very polite.

"Is that so?" Wang Youfeng looked at the director and his group and grinned, "Then go quickly. I still need to go to your grandfather's house to get some fish soup."

There were neighbors of Bletilla striata everywhere. The cameraman saw that Wang Youfeng was also from this area, so he didn't take any pictures of Wang Youfeng. He only pointed the camera at Mei Yi and Yan Lu. Only some other shots captured Wang Youfeng's back.

I also carefully avoided Bletilla striata, because Bletilla striata is a high school student and cannot be included in the camera casually.

Behind him, the director withdrew his gaze from Wang Youfeng and spoke to Sister Xin and the others, "This classmate Bai has so many friends. It feels like everyone on this street knows her."

There wasn't much to laugh at, and the evening trip was indeed a bit boring.

But luckily they managed to shoot some footage this morning, enough for them to edit.


As they were talking, they arrived at Qingshui Bridge.

Qingshui Bridge is not very long, it is arched and looks very spectacular, and it is out of place with the entire Qingshui Street.

At six o'clock, the lights on the bridge were turned on, and everyone in the program crew was shocked when they suddenly saw such a bridge.

When you reach the middle of the bridge, you can see the roadblocks and the towering house signs at the end of the bridge.

Going further ahead, the words "Blackwater Street" appeared in front of everyone.

The director looked at the patrolling people in black and tilted his head in astonishment, "Xin, Sister Xin, this is..."

Sister Xin: "…"

Very good, the director saw Sister Xin who knew nothing again.

Yan Lu and Mei Yi in the front are still in front of the camera. Although they are shocked, they are both well-trained actors and try their best to make their expressions look normal.

"It seems that Yan Lu doesn't know this place either. Have you been here?" Mei Yi lowered his head and spoke to Bai Mi.

He is tall and has long legs, and he is a gentleman of elegance, a well-known modest gentleman in the circle.

Bai Su was holding her phone and had already seen Xiao Wu talking to someone. She explained, "You have to enter the fighting arena from here."

After she finished speaking, Xiao Wu had already seen the person, and he hurried out, "Sister."

Then he grinned at Yan Lu and the others, "Are you going to take them in?"

"Yes," Bai Xi lazily reminded him. Although fights were common in Blackwater Street, no one dared to touch the people in the bar or the auction house. "Call me if you have any problems."

Xiao Wu, with his flamboyant red hair, assured her, "Don't worry."

As the two were talking, the people from the production crew nearby were very quiet, not daring to say a word.

Xiaowu had already prepared passes for five people in advance.

He asked five people to come out and go in with him.

The five people are Yan Lu, Mei Yi, the director and two photographers.

The director followed Xiao Wu stiffly. The staff member next to him suddenly remembered something and said, "Director, didn't you say you could bribe them to bring us in together..."


I'm so annoyed. What should I buy?

Are you the only one who can speak?

Bai Su watched them go in, then he turned slightly and raised his chin towards Sister Xin, "Do you want to wait here or go back?"

Sister Xin came back to her senses in a trance and said, "Go, go back."


There were two photographers next to the director. They didn't dare to record the show at this time. They silently put down their cameras and followed Xiaowu in tremblingly.

These were the people introduced by Bai Xi, and Xiao Wu was very polite to them.

After passing the checkpoint, they saw the vast Blackwater Street and the Qinglong Bar in front of them.

Xiao Wu enthusiastically introduced Blackwater Street to Yan Lumei. Seeing that the two photographers hadn't turned on their cameras yet, he scratched his head, a little confused: "Aren't you here to record the show? It's okay to record it."

As he was talking, the photographer and director Yan Lu saw a tall and strong man passing by, with gun holsters tied on both knees.

The photographer put down the camera that he had just raised with trepidation.

The director looked at Yan Lu stiffly. He was going crazy. Where on earth was this?

Did Yemei say that this situation would happen?

They won't be here today, will they?

See you tomorrow, babes!


"Pah!" Xiaowu took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and called the two photographers.

The director and the photographer both heard the casual feeling of "Eat, eat now" at the dinner table.

"Mr. Xiaowu," Mei Yi finally came back to his senses. His eyes were gentle and he tried to politely look away from the gun holster on the man's knee. "Can I take pictures here...?"

Will they pull out their guns anywhere?

"No need to call me sir," Xiao Wu was not used to such formalities. He introduced himself to the others enthusiastically: "My name is Blackwater Street. Nicholas. Street Fighter. Mao Wu."

You give yourself your identity.

The frightened director showed a rare confused expression on his face.

"Just take good pictures of the two of them," Xiao Wu consulted Mao Kun. He put his cigarette between his teeth and patted the director on the shoulder as a good friend. "People here are not picky. As long as you don't shoot right in their faces, it's basically fine. See? There's a street next to the street. You can take pictures of whatever you want."

Xiaowu said it so calmly, but with every shot, the director's body became shorter.

Shoot in the face?

Do you think he looks like he dares to look at them for a second? He is too flattering to take a close-up shot of them.

There is an old saying, since you are here, you are here.

The director asked two photographers to turn on the cameras. The two men picked up the cameras tremblingly and followed Yan Lu and Mei Yi closely.

The director and Xiao Wu were walking outside the camera. It was still a while before they could reach the fighting arena, and Yan Lu and Mei Yi were also under a lot of pressure.

The two walked into a local shop. The owner was sitting lazily in the back. The room was filled with all kinds of things, including bows and arrows, knives, climbing ropes... everything.

When the boss saw the camera, his eyes narrowed. He was about to stand up, but when he saw Xiaowu next to the camera, he stared at his black clothes for a moment and then sat back lazily.

After filming the local customs and practices, the group finally came to the fighting arena through the long alley.

Along the way, many people looked curiously at the program crew filming with cameras.

But there are all kinds of people on this street. You might catch someone carrying a pinhole camera or a gum bomb, or someone holding a camera openly.

Looks silly and harmless.

Of course, the premise is that they recognize Xiao Wu as someone from the Qinglong Bar when they see him, so they all watch it for fun.

The people on the show finally realized there was no danger, and a few of them began to let go.

After a winding path, the production crew finally saw the semicircular fighting arena. In the middle, there was a giant stone carved with a fighting arena pattern, and on the right hung a poster of a masked man.

Two rows of burly black men stood at the entrance. Knives and guns were clearly stuck in their knee pads. Their eyes were like eagles and they exuded a bloodthirsty aura. I remembered that I called such a place yesterday and asked the director to help promote them.

He reached out and pinched his philtrum.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiao Wu put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head to look at the director in confusion.

Director: "Blackwater Street. Nicholas. Street Fighter. Mr. Mao Wu, is there anyone here..."

As he said this, he wiped it on his neck.

Xiao Wu nodded, "They are all mercenaries, they must have done it before, no need to call me sir."

There is no mercenary who doesn't lick blood on the tip of a knife.

It's over, the director swallowed his saliva, will they be able to locate him?


Qingshui Bridge.

Bai Xi saw Xiao Wu bringing Yan Lu and the others in and then walked back.

Originally, these people wanted to spend money to buy more tickets to get in, but now, let alone spend money, they didn't even have the courage to stand at the entrance. As soon as Bai Mi left, they all followed.

Everyone was very lively when they came, but now they are silent.

They all took out their phones and searched for "Heishui Street". There is not much information about Heishui Street on the Internet, and there is no serious introduction. Most people are very secretive when mentioning this name.

In fact, there is no need to search. Just by looking at the border and the people guarding the entrance, you can probably tell that this is not a place for ordinary people.

Bai Mi walked in front of the crowd. She took out her Bluetooth headphones, put them on herself, and started reading.

He Wen just gave her the news at this point.

Both of them are highly intelligent and have become good friends online. In particular, there are many things that He Wen dares not complain to others and only dares to complain to Bai Shen.

He Wen: [Brother, are you also in Xiangcheng? ]

In congratulatory writings, Bletilla striata is usually respectfully addressed as "big brother". Later, as people learned to be concise and to the point, it became "lao".

Bai Mi told him her name, and he never changed it and always called her "Lao".

Bai Shi was too lazy to say anything and just let him call her.

Bai Su pressed the keyboard with one hand. She was now proficient in typing, but her reply was still brief.


He Wen: [I have a holiday now. I paid back the huge subsidy during the Chinese New Year. Do you have time to come out? I will treat you to a meal.]

He Wen: [And several recent papers]

There are only a few major events in the scientific research world. He Wen told his teammates about this, but some things can only be seen by people on the same wavelength. When Jiang Fuli introduced Bletilla striata to He Wen, he also felt that the two of them had unique talents in mathematics.

Bletilla striata: [1]

After she replied to the congratulatory message, she switched back to the reading app.

Sister Xin was walking on the left side of the white sedge.

She was the only one in the audience who accepted it calmly. After all, she was actually involved in Zhang Shize's case. From Chi Yundai to Bai Xi, everyone who appeared was extraordinary.

The group said goodbye on the road outside Qingshui Street.

After Bai Xi disappeared at the entrance of the alley, Mei Yi's agent came over. He looked at the entrance of the alley, his heart still beating wildly, "Sister Xin, who is Teacher Yan Lu's friend?"

Two honorifics in one sentence. Mei Yi's agent even called her "Teacher Yan Lu".

"Yan Lu is still a newcomer," Sister Xin smiled helplessly and corrected Mei Yi's manager's address, "Just call her Xiao Lu. Don't worry, Yan Lu and Teacher Mei's schedule tonight will definitely not be boring."

Sister Xin didn't say much else.

Mei Yi's agent nodded. He could tell that Sister Xin didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

When they came, they thought this place was too shabby. Now as night fell, the bright street lights on the roadside gave this area of ​​old houses a mysterious atmosphere.

Mei Yi's agent had actually already noticed that Yan Lu and Sister Xin were too respectful to Bai Mi, and their relationship didn't seem like that of ordinary friends.

There were rumors in the circle that Yan Lu had some big boss behind her. In the circle where there were almost no secrets, no one knew who was behind her. Later, everyone let it go. Yan Lu must have been lucky.

But now...

Manager Mei Yi withdrew his gaze from the alley. He realized that there was really someone behind Yan Lu.

He returned to the roadside and sat in the crew's car, waiting for Yan Lu and Mei Yi to finish recording the show.


Ji Heng's yard.

Ning Xiao had just finished writing a question when he received a message from Wang Youfeng saying that he had arrived at the intersection.

Ji Heng just handed the thermos bucket to Ning Xiao and suggested, "Ask your uncle to come and eat together."

"He's busy and has to go back to see my grandma." Ning Xiao politely refused on behalf of Wang Youfeng. Wang Youfeng had a bad temper and looked ferocious, so Ning Xiao had no choice but to introduce Bai Mi and the others to him.

After he said that, he went out with the thermos.

At the corner outside, Wang Youfeng was standing under a street light, making a call with his cell phone.

When he saw Ning Xiao, he waved at him.

Ning Xiao silently handed the thermos to Wang Youfeng. Wang Youfeng hung up the phone, took the thermos, and raised his eyebrows at Ning Xiao, "Not bad, you can eat and take it when you go to your classmate's house."

He spoke in a rude manner, but Ning Xiao rarely paid any attention to him.

Wang Youfeng carried the thermos back to Grandma Wang's yard. Grandma Wang was sitting on a chair in the yard, looking down at a yellowed notebook.

She was not in good spirits and coughed occasionally.

Wang Youfeng felt very depressed, but he smiled. "Godmother, look, that kid went to his classmate's house and brought you some fish soup," he said as he unscrewed the lid. "You know what, it smells really good. I'll go pour you a bowl."

He went to the kitchen and got a bowl.

Hearing that Ning Xiao went to his classmate's house for dinner, Grandma Wang also smiled, "He has a lot of friends now, so I feel relieved."



There were huge crowds of people, and Xiao Bingwen and Xu Nanjing were both sitting in the front row watching the exciting fight.

To his right was Charles, and Xiao Bingwen sat to Xu Nanjing's left.

During the half-time break, Xu Nanjing was reading messages in the group.

Xu Nanjing: [@Ming Dongheng I didn't get it]

White Vest has a match today, and the official is still selling his autographed photos. Ming Dongheng asks Xu Nanjing to help him get one, but Xu Nanjing failed.

"Why didn't Mr. Ming come today?" Xiao Bingwen retracted his gaze, leaned back, and was very confused.

White Vest has already reached the top, and there are not many opportunities to play in the competition. Xu Nanjing and Xiao Bingwen both joined in on such a rare opportunity, but Ming Dongheng didn't come?

"He left with Young Master Jiang," Xu Nanjing stroked his chin and narrowed his eyes. "It is said that he went fishing with Bai Su's grandfather."

As for why he would rather fish than watch the white vest competition, Xu Nanjing has not figured it out yet.


When do they like fishing?

But for Ming Dongheng, fishing is more important than the white vest competition?

"How's Professor Huang's case going?" After Xu Nanjing replied, he ignored Ming Dongheng's ellipsis and tilted his head slightly, "Rare Metal is here, didn't he talk to you?"

Xiao Bingwen waved his hand. The fighting field was hot, so he took off his coat and said helplessly, "You know how stubborn these researchers are."

"Take a different approach, such as the legendary Liang Wu Yu, and He Wen." Xu Nanjing lazily crossed his legs and scanned the people in the fighting arena. "It would be a good deal if you could invite them. It's too early for Liang Wu Yu, but you know where He Wen is."

The laboratory of two people in China is unmatched, Jiang Fuli and Dean Ma.

He Wen is in the top ten in history in the app, and even Professor Huang can hardly match him. If he is given enough time, his achievements may be comparable to those of Dean Ma. Jiang Fuli really has vision.

No one expected that He Wen, who was bullied by his supervisor to steal his thesis, would have such a high talent.

Who wouldn't want to snatch a person who can rival Dean Ma in the future?

But He Wen was also smart. He knew that he could not offend any family, so he followed Jiang Fuli into the research institute for seclusion.

No one could contact him.

"I don't dare to rob Liang Wuyu's Chen family," Xiao Bingwen paused and sighed: "He Wen...you also know who can find him?"

Jiang Fuli's laboratory has signed a confidentiality agreement.

This is true. The last time Xu Nanjing asked Jiang Fuli about Dean Ma, Jiang Fuli just brushed it off in a few words.

Jiang Fuli never favors any side. If you want to be around him, everyone has to rely on their own abilities. Even those from the Gao family who wanted to use nepotism to enter Jiang Fuli's laboratory were ruthlessly rejected by him.

"Forget it, let's wait for him to open the back door." Xu Nanjing was also speechless, "Unless it snows in June."

At this point, he suddenly fell silent strangely...

All the rules are prepared for people you don't like, but... what if the other person is Baishen?


The fight ended, and everyone around stood up and applauded.

Xiao Bingwen stood up and applauded. He vaguely saw two camera tubes on the opposite side. Is there anyone here who dares to bring a camera?

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked again.

I happened to see someone who definitely shouldn't be here.

Yan Lu?

Why is she here?

Xiao Bingwen couldn't accept it. He even brought a camera with him? Was this some kind of entertainment venue?

Xu Nanjing noticed Xiao Bingwen's strangeness and followed his gaze. "What's wrong?"

"I think I saw Yan Lu." Xiao Bingwen couldn't connect the people in the entertainment industry with this place. He thought thoughtfully, "No way, it's ok that she came here, but why did she bring a photographer..."

Are the people in the fighting arena so easy to talk to?

The last line of people.

Yan Lu and Mei Yi hadn't left yet, so Xiao Wu took them to the backstage for filming.


Mao Kun sat on a stool. He took off his mask and saw Xiao Wu, Yan Lu and the others. He waved at them and grinned, "Hi."

The director went from being shocked at first to being numb now.

He frantically directed the two photographers, "Take pictures, take pictures of Mei Yi and Yan Lu's expressions. Did you see these later? Take pictures of these too..."

He had already anticipated everything that would happen tonight after this episode was aired...

The director is not afraid of death now. Instead, he is counting in his mind how many trending searches they will appear on after the show is broadcast.

A completely different, bloody, real and bizarre life, unique in the entertainment industry, who can do it?

After the group finished taking photos of the fighting arena, Xiao Wu took them to the auction house. "This is our largest auction house, but you didn't catch up with the auction..."

Although there is no auction today, many people are setting up the venue and there will be an auction in two days.

After the director came out, he looked at the name flashing behind him——

White Tiger Auction

White tiger?

Director Dun Zhu

He was not familiar with the fighting arena, but he seemed to have some impression of the White Tiger Auction House.

But the director didn't think of it for a moment.

He followed Xiaowu and walked towards the exit of Heishui Street, which was the Qinglong Bar.

Xiao Wu held his phone, fixed his red hair, stopped and looked at Yan Lu, "Sister Xu just arrived at the bar, do you want to go in and take a look?"

The director and photographer were eager to try.

There is a Qinglong Bar in Jiangjing, but the Qinglong Bar in Jiangjing is not open to casual entry. The director heard from the big guys in the circle that anyone in the Qinglong Bar is a big guy.

Mei also nodded slightly.


The bar was dimly lit and filled with smoke.

People were coming and going, and the director noticed many people playing with guns in the corner.

His heart trembled and he quickly looked away.

Mei Yi and Yan Lu spotted Bai Shi sitting at the bar at first glance.

When Director Mei Yi and his team arrived at Heishui Street, they realized that Bai Shi's identity was not ordinary, so they were not surprised to see her sitting here at this time.

"Miss Bai." Yan Lu and others walked up to her.

A group of people sat in a row.

Bai Su greeted them politely, still wearing the skirt she wore in the evening, sitting lazily on a high stool, supporting her chin lazily with one hand and knocking on the bar with the other hand.

"How was your fun?" she asked Mei Yi and Yan Lu.

Mei Yi saw the bartender bring out a lamp for Bai Xi, and after a pause, he replied, "The fight was exciting, and the auction venue was also luxurious."

"Today's meal will be moved to tomorrow." Yan Lu thought about going to see Zhang Shize tomorrow morning, so she moved the meal to noon. "Teacher Mei and I will cook. Do you and Xiaohan want to come over to eat? I'll ask the photographer to try not to take pictures of you."

"Okay, but I have something to do at noon." Bai Xi picked up a pen, took out the test paper and started doing his homework.

The light shone on her profile, and you could tell she was very serious.

Mei Yi was wearing light-colored casual clothes, looking very elegant. He thought for a moment and said, "Then let's do it at night."

"Okay." Bai Xi didn't calculate much, he lowered his head and slowly wrote a line of words.

The elusive Xiao Qi saw that Yan Lu and the others had finished talking to Bai Xi, and then came out to tell Bai Xi about tomorrow's Chinese medicine practice.

The director didn't bother Mei Yi and the others, and went out to book a booth and order some drinks.

It was the first time for them to see someone doing homework in a bar, even with a desk lamp, which was totally inconsistent with the decadent atmosphere of the bar.

It was almost eight o'clock when Mei Yi and his group left Qingshui Street.

Smell of cigarettes and alcohol.

"Director," the production crew had finished work today, and Mei Yi's agent looked at Mei Yi and the director, unable to resist his curiosity, "What's in there?"

"I can only say," the director drank and his face flushed. He pressed his forehead and said in a deep tone, "This time, our program team is lucky. You are also 1

Mei Yi's agent had anticipated this when he saw Sun Dan in the morning. He whispered, "After the show airs, Li Yang's team..."

He sighed and said nothing more.

The director looked at the car in front and murmured, "Yan Lu is not a simple friend... But it's true, even Dean Jian composed music for her, so he should have expected it. Can anyone invite Dean Jian?"

That's right, the agent sighed, and then thought of something important, "Are you going to treat Miss Bai's friend to dinner tomorrow?"

"Yes," the director nodded. Bai Shi's classmates were all from Xiangcheng, and they didn't have as many highlights as Sun Dan's Black Water Street today. He reminded Mei Yi, "The effect of the show doesn't matter. Today is enough for us to edit it. Tomorrow we will mainly treat them to a meal."


The next day.

Xiangcheng Prison.

When Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli arrived, Zhang Shize had already been taken to a small room in advance. He was wearing a silver bracelet on his hand.

After a year, I have become much calmer and more cultured.

The six months of prison life were busier than the first ten years of his life.

In addition to his daily work, he spends all his time studying, and occasionally he has to act as a boss to resolve disputes among a group of people.

It can be seen that he has changed a lot compared to half a year ago.

But when Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli arrived, his serious expression immediately fell, and he said with a gloomy face: "Sister Xi, Brother Jiang, the vocabulary book is missing."

Maybe it was because Zhang Shize beat up the previous boss and became notorious in prison.

No one in the prison has yet to realize that he is an idiot.

Every time some new inmates knew this, they would try to find an opportunity to beat him up and establish their authority so that they would not be bullied in the future. This happened every two days.

The last time was when he was taking a shower. Zhang Shize put the vocabulary book next to the shower head and recited the book while taking a shower.

There were no prison guards watching when he was taking a shower, so as soon as Zhang Shize put on his clothes, the other party started fighting with him.

Although I won the fight, my vocabulary book was damaged by soaking.

Bai Shen sat across from him, handed him a new vocabulary book, and said, "Chi Lu will be back next month."

Zhang Shize looked up in bewilderment. Jiang Fuli threw a new notebook to him and said with disdain: "Hurry up and memorize it."

Jiang Fuli and Bai Di went out only after the two-hour tutoring class.


Zhang Shize watched the two men leave, then walked back with heavy steps. He slowly calculated that there was still half a year left.


After visiting Zhang Shize, Bai Xi did not go to the library.

Jiang Fu left the car and came to Xiangshan Avenue in the east of the city. The shopping mall beside the avenue was completed and was soliciting investment. He parked the car in front of an old Chinese medicine store. The store was an old store, but it was sold because it could not be opened.

Jiang Fuli looked up and saw the four big words written on the shop -

Xuankang Pharmaceuticals.

The four characters are written in one breath, flowing like flowing water, and are very vivid. Between the lines one seems to be able to see the free and easy and elegant spirit of the person who wrote them.

Around nine o'clock and approaching ten o'clock, people kept coming to the store to buy the "Guben Paste".

The Tourism Bureau has listed "Guben Paste" as a specialty of Xiangcheng. It is cheap and affordable, and everyone who comes here will take a few bottles back. Some people who have used it and know that it is effective will specially ask people to buy it for them.

I could smell a faint scent of Chinese medicine before I even entered.

There were several staff members in the lobby. On the left was a table with an old Chinese doctor sitting at it.

As soon as Bai Mi and Jiang Fuli came in, the entire dark lobby seemed to brighten up a bit.

The lobby manager came over quickly. He didn't dare look at the man behind Bai Shi who was keeping people at a distance. He just bowed his head and respectfully led Bai Shi to the back, "Miss Bai."

The middle-aged doctor behind had arrived long ago. His surname was He, He Zhiwei.

Jiang Fuli looked around for a while, then sat down next to him, resting his wrist lightly on the armrest, his brows and eyes cold.

He casually picked up the teacup and poured himself a cup slowly and leisurely. He was very polite and didn't say anything, but there was a strong sense of oppression.

Doctor He observed Bletilla striata calmly, and found that it was indeed young, just as described above.

Jiang Fuli next to him glanced at him indifferently, and Doctor He couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of oppression. His scalp went numb and he dared not look at Bai Shi for any longer.

Bai Ju put the schoolbag aside, slowly took out his silver needle, lowered his eyebrows, and said, "Aren't there two people? And there is also a teacher?"

Doctor He paused, "My fellow apprentice is busy, so I'm the only one here."

There was nothing wrong at all, it was just that Junior Brother He felt that letting a girl teach them acupuncture was a joke, so he didn't come.

Bai Mi nodded and didn't ask any more questions. She continued chatting with He Zhiwei.

The topic was extended to acupuncture. Modern acupuncture is different from ancient times, and Baishen does not dare to teach it casually.

Jiang Fuli had not stayed for a while when Jiang Xijue called him. He hung up the phone with a serious expression, said something to Bai Xi and went out.

Return to your residence.

Jiang He lives at Ji Heng's place. Only Xiao Bingwen and Xu Nanjing are here at this moment. Xu Nanjing came back late yesterday and just got up now.

Seeing Jiang Fuli coming back, he stood up and looked outside, "Why are you the only one here? Where's sister Bai Su?"

"In the Chinese medicine store in the east of the city." Jiang Fuli put down his coat and replied casually.

"Chinese medicine store?" Xu Nanjing was a little surprised. Bai Mi was going to buy medicine?

He didn't associate Bletilla striata with traditional Chinese medicine, but didn't ask any further questions.



Bai Mi understood how He Zhiwei and modern acupuncture were similar before he stood up and took his schoolbag.

He Zhiwei was skeptical about Bai Xi at first, but after chatting with her for the whole morning, he became very enthusiastic towards her, "Miss Bai, aren't you having lunch here?"

It's already dinner time.

Bai Xi lowered her head and saw He Wen's location on her phone. She shook her head and said, "No."

There are many delicious foods in the tourist area east of Xiangcheng.

He Wendi's restaurant was on Heping Street, and Bai Shen arrived at a tavern after walking for a while.

"Sorry," the waiter was stunned when he saw Bai Shi, then said, "We are fully booked today. How about coming back tomorrow?"

"I have a friend in there," Bai Xi reported the table number that He Wen was coming to, "Table 28."

Inside the quaint tavern.

Table 28 is close to the first-floor window. The wooden window is supported by a piece of wood. You can see the slowly flowing river outside and the arch bridge in front.

He Wen seldom goes out to eat. This is the most popular restaurant in Xiangcheng that he found online. He is wearing a blue sweatshirt, dark jeans, and has a pale complexion. He is looking down at his phone.

Return to WeChat to read the message to Bai Shi.

Baishen hasn't replied yet.

He went back to the document, flipping through the papers and reading them slowly.

Until the waiter's voice came from above my head, "Miss, table 28 is here."


He Wen was shocked. He stood up immediately and looked over. The waiter made way for him, revealing the person behind him.

She is a quite young girl.

The girl was wearing a long blue skirt, and a pair of dark almond-shaped eyes were looking at him casually. The dark almond-shaped eyes reflected He Wen's dazed expression and lazy brows.

Some people say that papers are the best beauty treatment in academia.

He Wen has a decent appearance and is very popular in the circle. Compared with people like Director Huang who has become bald in middle age, he is quite respectable.

So for a moment he did not connect the overly good-looking man in front of him with "Bai Shi". He Wen only said one word hesitantly, "Lao?"

Bai Xi casually pulled open the chair opposite him, sat down, picked up the black tea that had been poured beside him, lowered his eyebrows and took a sip, "Hmm."


The waiter who had just taken two steps nearby was startled.

Is it really grandma???

Tianshan Child Fairy?

The waiter couldn't help but look back at the girl with an overly delicate appearance and took a breath of cold air. How could this be possible?


Bai Mi and He Wen had finished their meal and it was still early.

Just after she finished eating, she received a call from Xu Nanjing. On the other end of the phone, Xu Nanjing said casually, "Sister Bai, where are you? I'm here to pick you up. Brother Jiang has something to do."

She would go to the library to do her homework in the afternoon and go to Yan Lu's place in the evening.

Bai Mi gave Xu Nanjing the address.

"I read your summary, it's a kind of Riemann hypothesis," He Wen and Bai Xi ate slowly. The laboratory was confidential and he couldn't tell anyone, so he discussed academic issues with Bai Xi, "but it's not that rigorous..."

The waiter next to her came to refill tea several times to inquire about the inside story because of my grandma.

I was confused by what I heard.

After dinner, Bai Xi went to the roadside to wait for Xu Nanjing.

He Wen walked her over, and on the way he couldn't help but tilt his head and asked politely, "Hey, how old are you?"

When the paper was submitted before, the second author information was filled in by Jiang Fuli.

So He Wen didn't know any specific information about Bai Shen. He just thought that the other party was from the same laboratory as him and was about the same age as him.

Until now.

"Me?" Bai Xi followed the landmark and stopped at an intersection, waiting for Xu Nanjing. Upon hearing this, he glanced at He Wen and said, "Senior year."

He Wen: "…"

After not hearing He Wen's answer for a long time, Bai Xi slowly took out his Bluetooth headset and asked, "What's going on?"


What kind of high school senior would study such a difficult mathematical model with others?

Even the top student He Wen couldn't hold it in at this moment. He looked up and was about to talk to Bai Mi.


The sound of tires scraping across the road.

A silver convertible sports car stopped beside the two of them. In the driver's seat, Xu Nanjing put one hand on the steering wheel and took off his glasses with the other hand. He looked at Bai Xi with a raised mouth and said, "Bai..."

I just happened to see the boy next to Bai Su.