
A Gamer Into Trails

Author: Aht
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 2.5M Views
  • 276 Chs
  • 4.7
    49 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is A Gamer Into Trails

Read A Gamer Into Trails fanfiction written by the author Aht on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering romance, adventure, reincarnation, system, magic. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


An avid Gamer who is also a Light Novel / Manga / Anime enthusiast finds himself reincarnated into the continent of Zemuria. And he might obtain a Gamer system along the way. To set expectations now, I got five girls planned to become mc's lovers at some point. Any more will likely be voted on. Tags: Harem, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Science, Sci-Fi, Magic, Romance, Slice of Life *Cover is no longer Roselia for Vol 2 onward. It will update periodically. If you would like this cover pic taken down just feel free to leave me a comment.

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Ex' Wife

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Dessy_Silaban · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :A New Life In Zemuria
Volume 2 :Hundred Days War
Volume 3 :Zephyr
Volume 4 :Trails In The Sky


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You know I have been searching for a Trails fic that has a harem for so long that I'm starting to feel the sand of time touching me. Even though I've only played CS, I've also been researching Trails lore from Sky to even Kuro quite a lot in the past month so I'm very hype for this. The series just have so many unique girls with unique traits that would definitely go great in a harem (if not counting for the side ones then it would go beyond 30). Judging by the year then I'm sure the mc would be involve in Sky one way or another so I'm hopping for Estelle, Renne and Tita to be in the harem. The former because who wouldn't love a poll wielding girl and also protagonist (sorry Joshua but you were never the protagonist)? Renne because I love her along side Tita, partly due to my refined taste in waifus and another due to hearing her backstory. Morally right people could argue but Trail fans have been shipping Agate and Tita since the beginning when they're like 14 years apart, so yeah. Well that's everything I can say currently so keep up the good work by pumping chapters author-san because I'm anticipating the harem very much.


Now it seems to me that he is more villain than the supposed villain of his father, the truth is disappointing how things are happening, he lets his family suffer just to follow the time line, what a hypocrite, I read fanfic only thanks to the mc, what The rest is secondary, if the mc is rubbish, the story is too, the mc for now is doing all kinds of bad things, after destroying his family, they will surely unite later and are all happy... go crazy, you're going to save a stranger so that he doesn't suffer because he's a woman, but leave your family on the brink of destruction just because of the timeline... I didn't play the game and maybe that's why I can criticize so much, but every time I something came out I was looking for it on the wiki, and I also don't care about the game or the story, what has to keep me is the mc, I already read a lot of game fanfic that I love and they are easily in the top 10 of my favorites, but if the mc is trash he gave it up no matter how much i like the game... [Chapter 58] I'll keep reading if it improves my ranking it will too


Shameless author review. It's a Trails/Kiseki fanfic. Harem, and Gamer system. Add it to your collection, or else! , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Nice going creating this Story here on Webnovel. Best Legend of heroes Story that I personally read here on Webnovel(There are a few around, but they are in my opinion really Sh****), please keep it up. You're Story's are truly great and can be read without trying to decipher them. Now I will wait 1-2 Months before conituining reading this Story so that I have something too look forward too. XD


Not a big fan of his sister also reincarnating but the writing is quite good so I will read a few more chapter to see if its for me or not..


You had me at Trails, you lost me at Harem. However if this brings a few more people into the Trails fandom, then I'm all for it. So I'll just leave you with my 5 stars and bid you adieu. Keep walking Strawman


First, the writing quality is really good. I don't notice many grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. And the few that I do, don't disrupt the flow of the story, or break the immersion. Earlier on there might have been more, but I can't remember. Though nowadays it seems like there's none at all. Speaking of earlier on to nowadays, the story development has been amazing. It's not too fast paced, nor to slow. It's well balanced with the arcs. While there are time skips, they're short bursts rather than years at a time. So the flow is nice, and smooth. Now is really hard to recommend someone to read this as the updates are wath drag down this hidden gem, seeing author other 2 works make me have some thrust issues as if he well be dropping this one too and start a new one. So while this novel has suck great promisse is really hard to recommend to someone to read.


I am not familiar of the game but it made me interested to it while reading it i might give a shot The story is one of top in this platform but its to slowpaced and to detailed. We might be thankful for giving us idea about it but its not necessarily (for me as long have a good story) I'll be back maybe if in this slow story pacing when the chapter reach about 150-200 I'll be back.


I stayed in chapter 20 approximately, I will only say that the story is not boring, I leave it only because my mind short-circuits me in relation to the interactions of the "babies" 1 year old and they already have a coherent conversation with adults and not it's just the mc, apparently all 1 year olds can walk, run and talk smoothly....sorry, i really tried to continue reading but my brain died x.x, if something lowers the grade at least to my liking it would be those points


Gotta love me some Trails content, even if it may seem a little slow to start. Though with how in depth the games are and how much happens between the like 13-ish games, it's good that you're giving yourself enough time to establish the MC in the setting.


In my opinion it is good so far and had made me want to actually play the Trails of Cold Steel games now. Anyway can’t wait to see more as you continue this story as well as your other stories too.


Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop Do not Drop


Honestly mainly leaving this review as Legend of heros series is probably in my top ten video games, and i am interested where this goes as it has a strong start. I do wonder if his sister will also get reincarnated as another character.


Bro letsss go a trails ff I haven't played the games but watch alot of walk through of them hope this goes far don't drop[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


The one and only legend of heroes fanfic, god bless the author


Pros : i've played this game from the first series (trails of the sky) until the latest series (kuro no kiseki), and i can clearly say that this is one of the best Trails of heroes fanfiction ever. so much better than the one available on fanfiction.net. the author manages to capture the personality of the characters very well. Also, i really love the unique dialogues between several characters that shouldn't happen in the game, they only exist because of the butterfly effect caused by MC. as for the story, i like how the author tries to create the solid background for MC before the canon start. and the author managed to do it. the MC also has likeable personality, he is smart, cautious, not naive, isn't dense like most jp protagonist, proactive about the harem Cons : but of course, there's no way this novel doesn't have the cons. because this series has A LOT of characters, the author sometimes had to include every single of them (and some of them aren't even important). and this caused the story to progress slowly, 200+ chapters and yet the canon hasn't even started yet. and also, because of the massive numbers of characters in this series, the author sometimes wrote somewhat meaningless dialogues that served no purpose other than increasing the word count for the novel. and also, this one happens very often. the author tends to start the chapters with a very long introductions, that somewhat can also be shortened, and even if you skip the introductions, you won't miss the story / the plot in short, a lot of characters = a lot of useless dialogues = slow progress. i feel like some of those dialogues can be shortened, and just focus on mc, so the canon can start quickly overall : 4.8/5


Amazing, if the author would focus solely on that work and abandon the other one I would be sooooo happy


review after ch30 well its good ff and it didnt make me stop reading when he revealed his secret when i dropped many novels that had the mc reveal their secret of being a reincarnator and they were good novels too shame my interest plummeted when the they did ehat they did all in all this ones good ff especialy when i was stressed of not having a good novel to read this month


seems good. but i havent played trails at all. do i need to have played the game to understand??


As a kiseki fan myself i have to give this a 5 stars (^^) I love the way author re-tells some kiseki stories with a little bit of twist. Some maybe find the pace kinda slow (duhh the mc still not even 15 as of chapter 120) but i personally think that it is fine. All in all, really good kiseki fanfic with (kinda) deep lore for mc.


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