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Jeez, I got scared because of this review. Thanks dude, I was having a similar thought like you, I was like "Meh, how bad could it be? " and then I saw your review. I dodged a bullet here. Thanks dude, I already put this ff in my blacklist tag
what? I didn't know anything about this game. LOL, I'm still waiting for some group to fully translate Kuro no Kiseki crimson sin
Pros : i've played this game from the first series (trails of the sky) until the latest series (kuro no kiseki), and i can clearly say that this is one of the best Trails of heroes fanfiction ever. so much better than the one available on the author manages to capture the personality of the characters very well. Also, i really love the unique dialogues between several characters that shouldn't happen in the game, they only exist because of the butterfly effect caused by MC. as for the story, i like how the author tries to create the solid background for MC before the canon start. and the author managed to do it. the MC also has likeable personality, he is smart, cautious, not naive, isn't dense like most jp protagonist, proactive about the harem Cons : but of course, there's no way this novel doesn't have the cons. because this series has A LOT of characters, the author sometimes had to include every single of them (and some of them aren't even important). and this caused the story to progress slowly, 200+ chapters and yet the canon hasn't even started yet. and also, because of the massive numbers of characters in this series, the author sometimes wrote somewhat meaningless dialogues that served no purpose other than increasing the word count for the novel. and also, this one happens very often. the author tends to start the chapters with a very long introductions, that somewhat can also be shortened, and even if you skip the introductions, you won't miss the story / the plot in short, a lot of characters = a lot of useless dialogues = slow progress. i feel like some of those dialogues can be shortened, and just focus on mc, so the canon can start quickly overall : 4.8/5
what's the name of the game? trails of heroes : daybreak 2?
I still can't imagine a soft girl like Emma carrying a huge sniper rifle with her
meh, I would still choose op members rather than a robot to aid me in battle
wait? how is it able to speak clearly like this? iirc, valimar couldn't even speak clearly like this, only able to do it after several weeks or months after it awakes
this is why you should play kuro no Kiseki before you get reincarnated into here 😂
Naoto and Osborne are the best father-son pair ever. they truly understand each other
don't forget about flying back and forth across the erebonia, only to help some npc searching for a lost cat. i mean, what?