
Chapter 34: Attention

[Aurelia Le Guin - Lv125/250

Age: 15

Job: Noble

Title: N/A

Aurelia is the heiress to the Le Guin family. Rank of a Count. Home to Erebonia. Currently enrolled at Thors Military Academy.

Stats: ???

Skills: ???

Likes: Strong People, Unfavorable Challenges

Mood:, Angry, Curious

Favorability: 5%]

Seeing Aurelia already at Level 125 almost made me spat out a mouth full of dry air. I mean sure, she becomes one of the top ranking swordswomen, if not the top, in Zemuria later on. She would eventually earn the moniker, the Golden Rakshasa But to think she would be Level 125 already...

And now, I had my answer in regards to how leveling works in this world. It is not like the games at all. Through each saga, levels get reset, and that is definitely not the case here. Once someone has attained a level, they will keep that level. Me personally, I am Level 6. My own Stats have improved quite a bit by doing those daily quests on top of Father's training. I have yet to spend those points personally, but the Gamer system was quite relentless in that regards, not giving me a single day to relax since they've started.

I'll have to go over my own Stats later, as they have improved quite considerably.

"You really are a monster, you know that?", I couldn't help but utter in amazement, looking at this medium length silver haired maiden in front of me.

"Hmph, what is that supposed to mean? Moreover, what did you do with your eyes, you brat? It's like they're looking right through me.", Aurelia retorted.

"Haha, I apologize if you took offense to that, miss. I meant that to be a compliment. Now that I think about it, I haven't introduced myself to you all yet, have I? I am Naoto Osborne. General Giliath is my father.", I said, introducing myself to everyone in the orbal car. Some remained indifferent while others nodded their head. General Vandyck revealed a smile while I received a strange look from the one of the Diet's leading members, Carl Regnitz. I saw him look toward father.

"Surely you wouldn't have brought such a young child with you, without reason, right General Giliath. I know you are a very rational man.", Carl asked, a bit worried. I only saw Giliath nod

"Indeed. Your Highness, you have been briefed already, right?", Giliath asked Prince Eugent, which drew everyone's attention as I continued to review Aurelia's stats.

"Only some. Lord Father has been quite obscure in this matter. But I think I know enough.", Prince Eugent answered, only to look back at me. "Young one, it is quite the honor to receive a personal invitation from Lord Father himself.", Prince Eugent revealed some news to everyone, causing surprise to reach their ryes.

"Are you kidding me? A little brat like this personally received His Majesty's favor?", Aurelia retorted, ignoring the fact this was spoken by the crown prince. "Well, you do have your manners, so I will take your compliment from earlier.", Aurelia responded back to me.

Well, Aurelia is definitely acting like a prideful noble...

"Uhh...thank you?", I asked, tilting my head back a bit.

All this while, a certain man was staying quiet looking my way. It was the man who had one of the largest builds in this orbal car. He was looking at me quite seriously, or more specifically, at the jeweled rapier I had down at my waist. Despite my waist being quite small, I ended up bringing the rapier with me, which I could only assume it was a weapon entrusted to me by my late mother, Aurora von Auslese. Or now that we are in such a place with these people around me, would it better to address her as Aurora Phoenix? I could only assume as much based off of the enlightenment I received from the Crimson Roselia.

"Is something the matter, Matteus?", Victor couldn't help but ask with wonder, looking at the tall man stand up.

"Master?", Aurelia also asked, curious to see why Matteus stood up. All we saw was him walk toward my way.

I blinked for a moment hearing that. That was right, wasn't it? Aurelia was Matteus Vander's student, wasn't she? Did she already finish learning his swordsmanship, or was she still in training? Not only that, I also recall Aurelia is Victor's student as well. She essentially learned both the Vander style and Arseid style of swordsmanship to create her own...

"You definitely have her eyes, young one. May I see that blade of yours?", Matteus asked, approaching my direction.

"Of course.", I answered, nodding my head. I proceeded to present the rapier, still held in its scabbard, to Matteus.

Seeing the mark of the phoenix on the violet scabbard, Matteus let out an inward sigh. He proceeded to grab its hilt, slowly pulling it out. Shing!

A dull metal sound struck the inside of the orbal car as everyone saw a very powerful-looking rapier now in Matteus' hands. He made sure to hold it with care, unlike the weapon he normally wields.

"I haven't seen this weapon in quite some time....", Matteus said, with a hint of longing. He then looked back at me. "And now, it falls onto the proper hands once again.", Matteus continued to say.

"...Does it have a name?", Hesitant, I decided to ask. Sure enough, it appears Matteus does have a history with this rapier. Perhaps he truly knew mother at one point?

"It does. The last person to wield this Rapier called it Radiant Starlight.", Matteus said, explaining the origin of this weapon in my hand a bit, causing me to gain more interest. "Up until now, I believed this blade was to be lost. Thank you for letting me witness it once more.", Matteus said, revealing a rare smile.

"Radiant Starlight...", I uttered in amazement. To think mother would call it such a name. Sure it sounded flashy, but I bet she had the strength to back up her weapon. That amazement only lasted for a short while, as Matteus continued to speak. What he said next caused us to go for a different spin.

"It's decided. This blade fell into the right hands once again, I feel it was Aidios who led you here, young one. You will become my disciple, and learn the Vander style.", Matteus declared, causing several of us to become wide-eyed, myself included.

"Haha, it seems you have some past with this blade, Matteus. Since you are willing to go such lengths, why don't I follow suit? Naoto, was it? Are you perhaps interested in learning the Arseid style?", Victor asked me, placing his leg over one another.

"Even you too, Master Arseid?", Aurelia replied in surprise. And well, as for Giliath, he just had a playful smile on his face, as if he was anticipating for this to happen.

However, all of a sudden, we heard a voice I wasn't expecting to hear back from so soon reach our eyes.

"Hmph. Matteus you brat, you dare try to steal my apprentice from me?", An angry voice resounded, which caused shock in all of us.

"...Master?", I couldn't help but utter to myself, recognizing this voice somehow.


Before we could do anything, a loud thud struck our ears. This thud seemed to have come from the car's roof, on the other side...

"The hell?", One of the couple of secret agents said, letting out a curse. Quickly realizing where the sound came from. He rolled down the nearest window, only for his eyes to turn wide inside of his black glasses.

'Hey! Get off of the damn car! You're standing on a privately owned vehicle!", One of the secret agents said, yelling out in anger at the figure that suddenly appeared on the roof of the car. Upon a closer look, this figure appeared to be a girl who wasn't tall and had very long blonde wavy hair that could easily touch the ground in several places. The one thing to note was the large red staff that was currently held in her hand...

"Try me.", The girl said, responding in a playful manner.

"...You! Don't you know just who it is inside!?", The secret agent retorted in anger.

*Don't know, and to be honest, I could give a shit about who is in there besides my apprentice. No one is doing any stealing on my watch, let alone those two brats who think they can one up me.", The girl retorted in anger herself. Yet hearing her curse like this, the secret agent shuddered.

This girl does know who exactly is in this vehicle, right...? Did she just call the War God and the Radiant Blademaster brats...? Who in the hell is this girl? The secret agent remained silent for a moment as he thought this. Yet he quickly realized the situation at hand and spoke out once more.

"I don't care who you are. Get off immediately or I'll open fire!", The secret agent yelled out to he girl, retrieving the orbal handgun down at his waist. With a click, he pulled the trigger back and was ready to shoot, taking aim at the girl.

"Good luck with that. Be a dear for me and let those two brats know my apprentice is already taken, yeah?", The girl responded, revealing a grin.

Sure enough, seeing this happen, I decided to roll down one of the bulletproof windows myself. Lo and behold, the Crimson Roselia could be seen standing nonchalantly on a fast moving vehicle as she was literally held at gunpoint. I could only blink and and stare at her at a loss for words.


What is Matteus's connection to Aurora?


I can show the other people's stats next chapter if you guys want me to. Just note, like Aurelia, a lot of it will be hidden.

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

Don't forget to drop those power stones!

Ahtcreators' thoughts
Next chapter