
The Golden Chain

Athanasia Gruwéigh, who graduate with the highest honor at the most prestigious university in Glovarno and was recognized as the best doctor against poison, decided to stay at her home, the golden forest and met a chained man in the middle of it. Athanasia’s interest in the man grew stronger as she slowly unfolds the mysteries around him.  Marcus Parham, chained and captive inside the most poisonous forest is awaiting his death when a golden-haired woman fell into his cage. As his annoyance grew towards the woman another emotion is slowly surfacing inside him. Both are in the forest, one is chained and one is free. As they try to unlock the chain that is bounding Marcus, a series of forbidden locks was also unlocked. Misfortunes surfaced and the cost of the key is a huge prize to pay.  ----------- (ON-HOLD) She grinned happily as she looked at Marcus who was now staring blankly at her. She felt strangely happy. Tingles erupted on her body as she looked at him. She felt excited, excited to give her gifts to him, and excited to see him up close. It was a strange feeling. Maybe because she rarely see him and she was not used to being around him or she just kissed him taking care of someone trapped in the forest. "Have you missed me?" She asked as she grins at him. His expression didn't change as he looked at her blankly. Athanasia wasn't exactly surprised by the reaction so she just went near him cautiously. She didn't forget to cast a protective spell around her as she walked toward him. She needs to be cautious because he's still a dark one, who hates her kind. "Hawdy was outside again. You should take care of your fox more." She said as she slowly takes a step closer to him. "You shouldn't treat him as your bodyguard." She continued, now she's close to where his chains will allow him. Sound of chains getting dragged echoed. He stood up from his seat and he glared at her. Suddenly, he was in front of her. He moved as fast as a wind that she didn't even notice it. They stood face to face with each other. They were inches away from each other. She can clearly see the color of his obsidian eyes, his thick eyebrows, and his red lips. She can almost hear his steady heartbeat. Her heart went crazy. It pounded so fast and loud that she was afraid he can heat it. "Gifts?" She cringed and raised the bag.

FraKaDAl · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Interactive Map

"That looks good." Dandelion said while nodding.

Hawdy smiled and posed. They are currently at a clothing store and Hawdy is trying out clothes to bring when they sail.

"We should get you at least two pairs of clothing. Then we should buy some more at Centro." Athanasia said while holding a pair of t-shirt and pants for men.

"Are you buying that?" Dandelion asked in confusion. She didn't know that her friend is now interested in Men's clothing.

Athanasia shakes her head. "No, I'm just looking at it."

"Well, you look like you're interested in it." Dandelion shrugged and gave the clothes that they'll buy to the elf.

Athanasia didn't say anything and went outside the store. She cannot just forget about Marcus that is chained in the forest. As far as she remembers, Marcus's clothes are already tattered. It seems he has not changed his clothes for months.

She cannot stop her urge to look for clothes and things that he might need even though he also might refuse everything that she gives to him.

Stepping outside of every shop might be her safest option to stop her urge from buying things that are not for her.

"What else do we need aside from this boy's clothes?" Asked Dandelion. Behind her is Hawdy who looks happy with his new clothes.

"We need tickets for the ship and probably a map of Centro because I lost ours last time. Unless, of course, our friend here Hawdy knows Centro very well." Athanasia said.

She never got to familiarize herself with the city and neither did Dandelion. They always need a map for them to safely move around as there is a lot of forbidden place there.

"I don't know it very well but I know it enough. Shifters land is just right beside it so I always go there when I was young." Hawdy said.

"I guess you'll be our map then? But I still think we should get a map. An interactive map if we can find one." Dandelion said, unsure if Hawdy will guide them well.

"I'm sure they have them here. This city is literally the primary source of technology." Athanasia said.

They started to look around the shops that sell interactive maps. The city is bustling with elves and tourists. Families, friends, lovers and even those that are single are walking around the town.

The road is developed with white bricks and there are trees and plants around them. The sun is at its brightest with the help of the cloud. Even though it shines bright its light isn't hot, it is rather calming and therapeutic.

"They sell an interactive map of Ethereal! We should ask them if they have Centro." Hawdy said with enthusiasm.

On their left is a shop that is connected to a tree. The shop, unlike most of the shops on the street, is made of wood. The architecture is also unlike the other as its style is like a wizard house. Mysterious and dark.

"I don't like this. I never like wizards. They always make fun of us fairies." Dandelion complained when she saw the shop.

"I can just turn small and hide in your shopping bag." Dandelion smiled at Hawdy. The thought of her escaping from the wizard's gaze is enough to put a genuine smile on her face.

Before Dandelion could transform, Athanasia grabbed her dress and stopped her from moving.

"We are not even sure if the shopkeeper is a wizard. Besides, you said you wanted an interactive map, so we're getting one." Athanasia said as she dragged Dandelion inside the shop.

Dandelion wanted to complain but she can't do anything against Athanasia's strong arms. Hawdy just watched the two of them as they go inside. He wondered if Dandelion will be okay.

The smell of paper and ink welcomed them as they went inside. Inside, various items are on display. There are a lot of paintings, books, maps, and different kinds of papers around. Unlike the bright outside, the shop has dim lights. Yellow lamps are even open to giving light to the place.

At the end of the shop, a noticeable circular space, probably the tree that is connected to the shop, stands out as it is brighter than the other place inside. There, lots of books and scrolls are floating around. Making the three wonder what they are.

"Hello? We're wondering if you have an interactive map of Centro?" Athanasia ask.

After a few seconds of silence, they were startled by the sound of things falling. To their left popped out behind the counter is a small woman that holds a wand. She has a book on top of her head and she sneezes due to the dust around her.

"Well, hello there!" The shopkeeper greeted them enthusiastically.

"Good morning. So do you have an interactive map of Centro?" Athanasia asked with a smile.

Dandelion, who's always wary of wizards is hiding by standing behind Athanasia. Hawdy didn't bother to look at the shopkeeper, he instead, looked at the interactive map of Ethereal.

"A map of Centro? Oh! I thought you were looking for a map of The Golden Forest! My bad! I was finding it because I thought you were looking for it!" The shopkeeper said then she waved her wand, behind her is an interactive map of Centro, glowing in gold.

Athanasia's smile faded when she saw the map. Never in her life that she has seen a map of The Golden Forest. Many of those who attempted to make one died before even completing it. It is a great danger to hold an accurate map of The Golden Forest.

"But we just came in." Dandelion mumbled behind Athanasia.

Hearing Dandelion spoke. The wizard looked at her with surprise on her face.

"A fairy! A big one at that! Don't fret as I also hate wizards myself! They hate me because I'm a half Dwarf so I also hate them! Such hypocrites they are! Thinking they are special!—" The shopkeeper waved her hand and the map disappeared, she walk towards them as she cursed the wizards.

"— They think they are special! Well, they are not! They are just humans with little magic in my eyes!" The wizard continued to speak as she walk towards them.

She stopped walking in front of them with a smile on her face. "What it is that you want again?" She asked.

"The Golden Forest Map. Give it to me." Athanasia said while staring at the Wizard intently.

There is only one living being that she can think of to be able to make an interactive map of the golden forest. Athanasia's head is already pounding from anger while thinking about it.

I'm working on making a small map to share with all of you. I sometimes read a fantasy book with new places, cultures, etc is confusing. Do you know of any free map-making sites? Anyways, the second semester just started so I might change the update hours to once a week. 

Happy reading!

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