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Re: Evolution Online

On just another normal Monday, a new virtual reality game called "Evolution Online" launched out of nowhere and took the world by storm. People were blown away by the game’s hyper-realistic features and endless adventures. Everyone from small companies to big corporations and governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game. But what they didn't know was that this game was actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that was about to hit the planet! The game was a precursor to the Earth's first evolution, where mana was going to be unleashed into the real world! Liam, a high school student who had faced numerous setbacks in his life, turned to 'Evolution Online' in the hope of changing his fate, but instead, he got trapped in the game's twisted world, and things went from bad to worse. When the apocalypse finally arrived, Liam barely managed to escape, but his situation didn't improve. Along with millions of others, he died a miserable death, unable to fight back and filled with regret. However, Liam's story didn't end there. He found himself inexplicably transported back in time before everything started! Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, Liam was determined to become the strongest and most powerful player, unleashing destruction upon the world that had ruined him before! This time, things were going to be different! ******************* Discord Link for chatting with author and character art https://discord.gg/XS7gWScKn8

Yolohy · Fantasy
1350 Chs

MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

"If only we had realized what was happening sooner…" "If only we were stronger…" "This wouldn't have happened." Regret. Valyr felt immense regret as he watched the world before him crumble into nothingness… Just because they had lost the final battle. Although he had already accepted the result before him, he still felt that it was wrong. Holding onto his final strand of hope, he decided to wish to the heavens at his dying moment that he would get a second chance. A second chance, where, if everything turned out the same way, he would make sure their side won. Fortunately for him… The heavens listened. Reborn in the game where everything started and everything ended, Valyr quickly realized that he had been reborn not as a player. Instead, he was now an NPC. An NPC of the game named Greater Beyond. Bewildered at first, Valyr gradually began to adapt to his newfound circumstances, deciding to pursue the path of blacksmithing he chose in his previous life and use it to reach greater heights. While doing so, he would make sure they would all be prepared for the final battle. With that, witness Valyr’s journey to the peak as he eventually becomes… The Primordial Godsmith of the Greater Beyond. ---------- Extra chapter goals: Reach Top 100 in weekly PS rankings - 1 bonus chapter Reach Top 80 in weekly PS rankings - 2 bonus chapters Reach Top 50 in weekly PS rankings - 3 bonus chapters Reach Top 100 in monthly GT rankings - 1 bonus chapter Reach Top 80 in monthly GT rankings - 2 bonus chapters Reach Top 50 in monthly GT rankings - 3 bonus chapters Gift a castle to the novel - 2 bonus chapters ---------- Usual chapter release rate: 2/day (without bonus chapters) Feel free to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/FU7fdYwaau

TrueDawn · Games
1059 Chs

RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

An invasion like no other. Dragons destroying everything in sight. A new world rising from the ashes. Blake lived through it all before he died, but now he was back, back to the time before things had ever happened. A strange place with a strange girl.... Blake had no idea how it happened, but he suddenly had one of the enemies of mankind, a dragon girl, as his girlfriend. --Extra Info-- Yuri tag is for his wives. Everyone in the harem will love each other. Extra tag: NO NTR Updated 2x Daily **Higher Daily Chapter Goals*** For 4 chapters a day the novel needs to stay in the top 150 in Power stones. For 6 chapters a day, the novel needs to stay in the top 20 in Power stones. For 8 chapters a day, the novel needs to stay in the top 5 in power stones. For 1 extra chapter a day on top of current daily chapters, the novel needs to reach the top 10 of golden tickets. ***Super Gift Chapters!*** Magic Castle = 1 extra chapter Spacecraft = 2 extra chapters Golden Gachapon 3 extra chapters ***Voting Goals!**** Power Stones: Every 1000 votes = 1 extra chapter a week. Golden ticket: For each month we stay in the top 15, I will do 1 bonus chapter per month. For each month we stay in the top 10, I will do 3 bonus chapters per month. For each month we stay in the top 5, I will do 6 bonus chapters per month. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee or join pat-reon! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.pat-reon.com/invayne (take out the ‘-’ in the address. Webnovel censors the word pat-reon) Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Fantasy
583 Chs

Hero of Darkness

Elric's life had been nothing short of a nightmare since his childhood. He was constantly bullied at school, detested and ignored by his family, and left with nobody to care whether he lived or died. The accumulated loneliness and suffering from decades pushed him into a severe depression, and he ultimately decided to take his life’s final decision… Suicide. One day, Elric's soul heard a voice calling out to him. "Wake up, Elric. I am the God of Darkness, and I'm here to give you another chance at life." To the God of Darkness, Elric replied with only two words… "Fuck off!" Now forced with the possibility of a new life despite his unwillingness… Elric must decide whether to become a puppet or forge a new destiny with his own hands. Will he overcome his traumatic past, or will he squander yet another chance at life? Join the Protagonist on his journey as he is given an impossible task while striving to become one of the strongest beings in a world full of Magic, Mythical creatures, Dragons, and Gods. ---------------- [[Author : The protagonist of this story is a scheming mastermind who doesn't trust anyone and plans everything based on his present strength, knowledge and circumstances. No Romance, Harem, or Fan-service here. The main character is also not an Edgelord or a Psychopath who kills people without reason. Character development is a gradual process as the Main Character learns to acknowledge and overcome his flaws. This is a story for those who appreciate a psychologically well-developed character. The protagonist is an Antihero character who exists in the gray area between good and evil. This is a story for those who enjoy complex characters, greatly improving and expanding World-building along with intricate plots. If you are looking for a story with a nuanced and morally ambiguous yet humorous protagonist in a mature and gritty world, then this is the novel for you.]] ---------------- Note : Character Reference Arts available in chapter comments. Discord Link : https://discord.com/invite/ASRdeHfDMX ---------------- Note : Vote for the Novel for extra weekly chapters. 500 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 1000 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 2500 Power Stones = 5 Extra chapters per week 500 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 1000 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week 1500 Golden Tickets = 7 Extra chapters per week

CrimsonWolfAuthor · Fantasy
1061 Chs