He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.
[Auril Sector, Adega System, Ossus]
Hearing the alarm on my chronometer go off I opened my eyes and then reached out my right hand to turn it off.
Using the Force to ease the pain in my neither regions after I did.
Because last night Serra sucked me dry and then some.
But given that we haven't been able to be intimate with each other in the past three months I allowed her to do what she wanted to my body.
Which was wonderful.
There was this thing she did with her mouth that I will never forget.
Not to mention last night Serra allowed me to use her other hole.
And it was glorious.
I think I might be addicted to butt sex now.
Oh well.
After turning off my alarm I gently picked up the sleeping form of Serra with my telekinesis, since she was using me as a human body pillow, and moved her over to her side of the bed.
Then once I set her down I slowly stood up and headed for the refresher.
After arriving inside I took care of morning business, which included a shower to wash off all the bodily fluids coating me.
Once that was finished I went downstairs to the kitchen and cooked myself up a big breakfast which I then enjoyed.
The food having replenished all my lost stamina I felt completely rejuvenated.
Cleaning up after I finished my breakfast I went to dress in my Jedaii robes and then left my house.
I then began making my way towards the Great Library.
Being greeted, and greeting in return, almost everyone I passed.
Since even with the revealation of the Galactic Systems Alliance to the rest of the galaxy at large the Jedaii Order is still growing each and every day.
Which is honestly something I was worried would change when we who founded the order revealed our affiliation, and hand in creation, of the GSA.
I honestly thought a lot of those who joined us would choose to return to the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic.
Turns out I was wrong.
One of the few times I'm glad I was.
Given certain pieces of information we who created the Jedaii Order have shared with those who joined us.
Moving on.
Soon I reached the Great Library.
Which is now the structures official name. Since it can no longer be called the Jedi Great Library given the Jedi no longer occupy it.
Entering the massive building I made my way through it's rebuilt halls, until I finally arrived at my destination.
One of the numerous conference rooms housed inside of the Library.
Entering the room I found several individuals seated around a circular table.
Some physically present, while others were present in holo-form.
The former group includes myself, Ood Bnar, Komari, and Qui-Gon Jinn. While the latter group consists of my lovely lady Yennali, Marcellus, Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, Obi-Wan, and finally Jedaii master Adi Gallia.
Who is currently a member of the Triumvirate.
Which is the governing body of the Galactic Systems Alliance.
The Triumvirate itself being made up of the GSA Chief of State, the Defense Force supreme commander, and finally a representative from the Jedaii Order. A position which master Gallia currently fills.
Her duties including acting as a go-between between the government and the order, as well as acting as an advisor to the government on force-related matters.
Since once again unlike the post-Ruusan Reformation Jedi Order I want the Jedaii Order to be directly involved in politics.
Just like the pre-Ruusan Reformation Jedi Order doc things.
Now those are people I have the utmost respect for.
I especially love how those Jedi kept the galaxy from falling into utter chaos during the latter half of the New Sith War era.
Becoming Republic Chancellors, and then there were the badass Jedi Lords.
Like Lord Hoth, who pretty much cleaned up the kriffing mess the Jedi Council at the time created by the name of Skere Kaan.
Man, I bet the Jedi of that era are turning over in their graves seeing what the order and the Republic has become.
Well they don't have to despair any longer.
For me and my comrades are changing things for the better.
I hope they are watching us over as we do.
Taking my seat at the table I leaned back in the comfy cushioned chair.
Since who the hell wants to have a meeting seated in uncomfortable chairs?
"Now that all of us have arrived I call this meeting to order." Dooku spoke.
This being one of several informal meetings my comrades and I have recently begun having. Ever since the size of the Jedaii Order grew thanks to the schism we created in the Jedi Order due to our actions.
We are looked to as the Jedaii Orders leaders.
So stuff like this must take place.
Lest the order fall apart before it even truly begins.
Which I will not let happen.
Since unlike that petty and sore loser Sidious I don't want to build something and simply let it fall apart if I end up dying, either of natural causes or by getting killed.
I certainly don't want for Jedaii Order to end up like the Empire in the EU/Legends.
Nor the utter dumpster fire Disney created called canon.
"Who shall start us off today?" My former master asked.
"I will." Yennali spoke up.
"Very well knight Yennali. Proceed." Dooku said.
"Yes." Yennali replied. "The first class of the training course for Jedaii looking to become members of the alliance military is going well. Based on their progress I am confident they will be able to complete and graduate from the course on schedule." She explained.
Since right now she's on Arda III working to turn Plo-Koon and several other former Jedi who joined our ranks into competent military officers.
Since if I know old Palpy, and I'm reasonably sure I do, then war is likely still on the horizon in the near future and with that being the case I want members of the Jedaii Order who chose to fight alongside and serve within the military to not be stumbling around the dark and have some idea of how to fight a war properly.
Not like what the Jedi did during the original timeline in the 'Clone Wars'.
After all the training I've done in relation to military subjects just thinking about all the tactical and strategic mistakes the Jedi made during the 'Clone Wars' gives me a headache.
Which is why I'll be damned if I allow Jedaii to walk down the same path.
That's why I pushed so hard for the training course Yennali is teaching right now so hard.
"Excellent." Dooku spoke.
"Yes, I think so as well." Yennali replied.
Dooku gave her a curt nod in respond. "Now, who shall be next?"
"I will, old friend." Sifo-Dyas spoke up. "Progress is going well in the construction, no sorry, the re-constrcution of the enclave here on Dantooine. I feel just like young Yennali those of us here will also teach our completion date on time." He explained. "We are also in the process of preparing the crystal caves here as well."
"All very good news." I spoke.
Really, it is.
Since that will give the Jedaii Order it's second official base of operations in the galaxy, and give us access to a source where we can collect crystals to construct lightsabers from.
"Indeed." Dooku spoke.
Once he did our meeting covered several other topics.
Such as the new rule we crafted that allows knights and masters of our order to take up to three Padawans at once.
Since while one-on-one learning is as well and good, sometimes it's just not enough.
Especially where force-sensitive's are concerned.
That's why are group put this rule into place.
The rule also keeps knight's and master's from taking on too many Padawans at once and finding themselves overwhelmed.
When it was Qui-Gon's turn to speak he informed us he had officially taken Anakin as his Padawan learner, as well as his friend Jax Pavan.
'Interesting.' I can't wait to see how an Anakin trained by Qui-Gon Jinn will turn out.
Same for Jax Pavan.
I also find it ironic Anakin and Jax will be training together, given their relationship in the original timeline.
But since I've heard their parents are dating it's no wonder the two boys have become close.
They might even become actual brothers someday if Shimi and Lorn get married.
Which will be yet another anchor to keep Anakin from the path of Vader.
The meeting continued to progress until at last master Gallia spoke up.
"It seems the alliances actions in the Halthor Sector were taken note of by the rest of the galaxy." She informed us.
"And, what has been the response?" I asked.
"From what I heard the Republic Senate is split in half by the news. Some think this is the first step to us invading Republic space and forcefully claiming it."
Audible snorts from me and several others were released into the room after hearing this from master Gallia.
"While others in the Republic Senate are actually applauding our actions." She finished. "Most of which come from worlds plagued by pirates and the like."
"Well they wouldn't be plagued by such things if the Republic actually did it's job and protected it's member states." Marcellus spoke.
"But if they did then all of us wouldn't be here right now" Ood Bnar added.
"It is what it is." I spoke.
"Right now you are knight Sunrider." Gallia added. "On that note I should mention we've got some new additions to the alliance. Iridonia and the entire Glythe Sector. As well as Dorin and the entirety of the Deadalis Sector."
Hearing this perked up the entire room.
Since this is a huge win.
I don't know what made the Zabrak or the Kel Dor decide to join the GSA but I am glad they did.
The Kel Dor in particular.
Since their homeworld Dorin lies at one of the endpoints of the Celanon Spur hyperspace route.
The rest of the route situated for the most part in GSA controlled space.
Now if the Republic tries to attack us using the spur they are going to have a rough time doing so.
Especially if they attempt to use any planets lying between Dorin,Agamar, and Ithor as a staging area for an attack.
The room soon quieted down from the news of the Gylhe and Deadalis Sector joining the GSA.
When it did I decided to ask a question. "Master Gallia, have any other worlds, systems, or sectors decided to join us yet?"
"Not officially by I have heard we are in informal talks with both the Qiilura Sector and even Kashyyyk. A fact which I trust everyone here will keep to themselves." She spoke.
Which we all agreed too.
But man if what master Gallia just told us does happen I be jumping for joy.
Especially if we can get the Wookies on our side.
Since out of all the furry species in the entire Star Wars universe I love those guys the best.
After master Gallia finished speaking we closed our the meeting.
We then all went our separate ways.
Since none of us didn't have any work that needed our attention.
But since I enjoyed the work I did I wore a smile on my face.
A/N: So a slower chapter with some updates.
Until next time.