
Story Ideas and Beginnings

Author: SithLord
Ongoing · 156.4K Views
  • 231 Chs
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  • NO.200+

I just write some of my story Ideas here, so you are free to take them and make something out of it. I would be happy to read your own version or story. (Is, or will be, also on Royal Road)

Chapter 1Scary Tree (376 Words)

On a sunny afternoon in the village Tefar a group of adventure from the capital made there way in the forest. The guild has given out a quest to investigate the Mora Forest which lies on the north side of the village. In the last three days a lot of monsters came running out of it in utter fright and despair but non of the stronger ones ever left the forest for some reason.

The C rank adventure party,,Swords of light,, took it upon itself to look in this case and are now walking slowly trough the forest.

<Yo Sam what do you think is the reason for this happenings?>asks a man with a red robe and a staff in hand the guy on the front which carries a shield and sword<No idea Fred, but it most likely is a stronger monster that claims his territory around here>answers Sam

<Attention you morons! We are on an investigation so we must be ready for the worst!>says a blond woman in light leather Armour and two short swords in hand.<Ah come on Lena you cant really belief that something stronger than C rank lives so close to the edge of the forest>answers Fred with a light tone.

The party moves on deeper in the forest till the last member of the party finally speaks up.

<There are traces of many different monsters that all go in the same direction roughly a day old> says the brown haired woman with bow and arrow.<Then we should better look were these monster are going in these numbers. Jean lead the way.>Says Sam with a more serious expression on his face.

The party once again begins to move but this time with a more specified path to follow.After some time the come to a clearing.

<Sam? can you pleas say that this isnt what it looks like>says Fred in a unbelieving voice.>Sorry mate but I think you see right.> answers Sam in the same unbelieving voice.

In the middle of the clearing stands a tree with a single fruit on it and around it are hundreds of dead and rotting bodies of many different monsters.

<Get yourself together and concentrate

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Table of Contents
Volume 1