
Eldritch dungeon core (308 words)

Sitting in two thrones opposing each other with a small table on which figures stood are two of the most powerful creatures of a world by the name of Ealtea.

Moving a figure on the table with his scaled and clawed black hand, one of the figures speaks up.

"I have an entertaining idea for a new addition to our little playground." The figure in abyssal black robes sitting on a gothic style throne says.

After a moment of silence, the other figure also moves a figure, its hand is completely white like marble with golden veins pulling through it.

"Oh? What might that be?" The second one on a golden white throne beautifully carved into the motive of feathers and draped in a white robe asks.

Raising one of its seven fingers the black robed one spoke.

"Eldritch dungeon core."

Pausing to stare at the black robed figure, the white robed figure remains silent for a while before speaking.

"Make it nice and we have a deal." It says.

"A nice acting dungeon core with the aesthetics of an eldritch horror… kekekek that sounds like fun." Raising one of the figures on the table the black robed figure spins it around before slapping it on the table where black slimy tentacles start to grow out of it.

With a flick of its marble like finger a white spark shoots out from the white robed figure into the transforming figuring.

Ealtea, center continent, eastern wildlands in the depts of the Kaliburn forest.


The sound of something falling into water resounds in the peaceful forest followed by creature around the size of a cat crawling out of the little pond in a niche of a hill.

Blinking around with its singular eye the size of a golf ball the mass of oily black tentacles takes in its surroundings.

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