
Feathered queen of hell (922 words)

"Oh, feathered queen of hell, born from the primal essence of the deepest abyss, I Seraphim Elric Sileverdawn, propose a deal to you. "A man with long blond hair and six pure white feathered wings says while flying above a big cloud of ash.

He wears a sliver armor over a battle robe and wields a halberd made form a golden metal that has neon blue veins.

The edge of the halberd glows with sharp blue light and if one listens closely there is a constant song being sung by the blade.

"You who has been caged in the coffins of hell without ever seeing the world of the living, I am willing to give you the chance to live a life as a human allowing you to witness the beauty of the world and break free of the shackles which bind you to the evil. "The seraphim´s voice was strong and cuts through the all-encompassing screams and shrikes of hell.

Lying on the ground covered by a cloud of ash which was knocked up after it crashed onto the ground is a giant bird like creature which is currently standing back up.

The ash flying around starts to dissipate and reveal the bird like creature in its full glory.

Wings which span over fifty meters each covered in feathers that are of an obsidian black color that seem to turn into burning flames closer to the tips.

Clawed feet that effortlessly dig up the ground and legs that are able to support the massive body without any visible strain.

All connected to imposing body hulled in gorgeous feathers with a royal fluffy around the neck and a head looking similar to that of an owl.

If one ignores its size and threating colors, it actually looks rather cute.

With an ear piercing shrike the bird like creature spreads its wings and shoots up into the air directly at the shining seraphim.

Just before the two connect hundreds of golden chains appear out of golden ripples all around the bird like creature and bind it tightly.

"You will be reborn as a human child and hopefully you will be able to experience what it feels like to be happy. "Elric Sliverdawne says one last time before the bird like creature was completely covered in golden chains and gets pulled into one of the golden ripples.

Just as the cocoon out of golden chains was about to be completely submerged in the golden ripple, cracks appear all over the chains.

It was already too late when Elric understood what this meant, the feathered queen of hell has already disappeared and transported into a reincarnation cycle.

Somewhere far away in a world of swords and magic a newborn baby opens its eyes for the first time and looks into the world through two fiery red eyes that have thin obsidian black lines painting mesmerizing patterns.

The baby is the first daughter of Nicolas and Evelyn Vulcan and also the third child of the noble Vulcan family.

The noble house of Vulcan is part of the Phoenix empire which is located at the border between the civilized part of the continent and the wildlands which are ruled by a massive number of powerful monsters.

"What a piercing gaze she has. What do you think dear? "Evelyn Vulcan wife of Nicolas Vulcan asks her husband which is sitting next to her bed on a chair brought in by one of the many maids in the estate.

She has long wavy crimson hair and matching eyes, she´s currently a bit pale as she just gave birth to the small baby girl in her arms, but her face still radiates a motherly warmth.

Nicolas on the other hand is a stone-faced man with clean shaved face and midnight black hair and obsidian-colored eyes, he coldly looks down at the bundle of clothes in an attempt to get a look at his daughter´s eyes.

The moment his and his daughter's eyes met a thin layer of sweat appears on his forehead causing him to break eye contact immediately.

´What kind of eyes are these? Those almost shining orbs of fire would be more appropriate to be attached to giant fire beast instead of a newborn child. ´Nicolas enters a daze before he gets brought out of it by his wife which gives him a concerned look.

At the receiving end of the caring gaze of his beloved wife Nicolas skillfully deflects her worry by telling her that he just worked a lot and was ab bit tired.

After Nicolas left the room it was time for the two other children of the family to meet their newest and youngest member.

A boy roughly six years old with raven black hair and crimson eyes enters the room tightly followed by another boy around two years younger.

The younger boy has mostly black hair with one single red streak and too has crimson eyes.

"Come closer Sebas, Chris. Don't you want to take a look at your little sister? "Evelyn says to the two boys who just entered with a motherly voice.

The older boy who goes by the name of Sebastian slowly approaches the bed on which his mother is resting together with a bundle of white cloth.

Christian, the younger brother was a bit less enthusiastic and grumpily moves to the other side of the bed where he jumps on the white blanket.

They both stare at the small face of their little sister immediately mesmerized by her cuteness.

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