I am the Author, Oh mortals, readeth mine own words and obeyeth.
Nay seriously, I needeth some valorous reviews to feeleth did motivate, I readeth all comments and reviews so thy words shall encourageth me.
I very much feeleth fustian(proud) about this novel, it is so much joy, I shall writeth about mine own exp'riences and adventures in the world of Skyrim (Planet Nirn).
I eke(also) playeth the game and readeth the wiki, so I can sticketh to the lore, I shall focus on the background-less NPCs and recreate a fitting story for those folk, the same way I didst in chapter 3.
Support this novel, O pity readethers, so I bestow m're chapters upon thee.
[A/N: a friend told me to write this in Shakespearean but I have a bad premonition]