2019-09-13 23:35

I'd like to give this a comprehensive review of 1 star, but I can't simply for the fact that the author pumps out chapters like mad. But apart from that, this story is bad. And the sole reason is the author's nonexistent english. There are so many spelling and grammar mistakes that it quite literally gives me a headache. There are some editor notes thrown into the story from time to time but I doubt anyone has ever edited anything on this parody of a story. I do not understand how someone can read this, it is beyond me. It's not only that though, the erratic time skips and just pitifully described action scenes are just as grating. "The troll hit him, he flew away, he was hurt. We hit the troll, I hit him with magic. Troll dead.", that's a rough summary how any impactful battle scene goes. The story is bad, period.

Liked by 60 people


Play the game and then I dare you to say that again if you don't play the game or not a fan of Skyrim then don't say anything I'm very upset about the fact that there isn't more characters, and your saying there's to much ha I laugh at your ignorance


I played the game and I say this is still garbage.


I also played the game, since It came out even, and this fanfic is garbage, sorry. I know you probably defended it because there's not many skyrim fanfics and the good ones are dropped, but this is just a sad mockery.

Draco_Asura:Play the game and then I dare you to say that again if you don't play the game or not a fan of Skyrim then don't say anything I'm very upset about the fact that there isn't more characters, and your saying there's to much ha I laugh at your ignorance

Sinceramente este es fácil el mejor fic del sitio, los errores ortográficos y gramaticales en realidad no son tan malos (lee algo en MTL para comparar)… la historia es increíble, amplio el mundo de una manera espectacular. Si te molestan los errores compra un libro o lee historias pagadas. El autor no tiene obligación de hacer lo que hace.

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