
Minecrafting in Terraria as the Beheaded

Tác giả: TreeBriarWood
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What happens when someone dies? Well usually they go to the God they believed in or enter the Hell that was in their religion, or if they were atheist's... Not anymore they weren't Reincarnation was a sub subject of death, but it wasn't any easier to understand. When I died, I wondered how things would happen in death. I did not expect that I would get another chance of life. With three very different, but similar games that give me powers that go against common sense. So equipped with new powers I was all set on exploring the world. But why is it that I had to defeat the end bosses of all three games gunning for my head?

10 thẻ
Chapter 1Oh, I died

It all happened so suddenly.

One moment I was just walking in the streets admiring the sights in my trekking gear.

The next moment I was pushed from behind and fell down.

Onto the rough hard pavement.

Where unfortunately a large truck carrying several logs crushed the one who pushed me alongside my legs.

The next moment I'm inside an ambulance and some idiot pushed the cart I was on off the ambulance.

Only for the ambulance itself to get crushed by a falling object by the side of the construction site.

At which point I was just wishing for some peace as the shrapnel pierced my leg.

Oh yeah the reason why I wasn't panicking? Even though several accidents had already occurred on the way to the hospital?

Absolutely no idea.

But I did no that someone just stole my wallet after stabbing me.

Like who does that!?

Who just stabs a dude on the verge of dying and takes their wallets?!


Probably that dude.


As my life literally flashed across my eyes as a reiteration of the twin towers began to happen in front of my eyes.

Although it was with one tower this time and I could easily see the plane heading this way.

And was that a shooting star?

And is it coming straight towards me?

You know what?

I would like a star to be the cause of my death.

Might as well go out in a bang right?


feeling the ground around me crack slowly as time seemed to slow my eyes widened as flames escaped through the cracks.

Man I feel like I'm killing all these people here.

It's funny though how I seem incredibly unlucky today.

A rogue truck killed someone trying to save me and subsequently destroyed my legs.

The ambulance I was on was crushed by falling debris.

Someone put salt on the wound and stabbed me before taking my money.

A meteor seemed to be heading my way.

An airplane was re enacting the twin towers with only one tower.

And it seems some terrorists were trying to explode a bomb.


Man I feel unlucky.

Those were my last thoughts as the three simultaneous explosions erased any chances I had of living.


'Is this how death feels like?'

Feeling the warmth comfort his body in it's last moments surround him slowly.

It could've been the heat from the explosions or the meteor reaching his body.

But that didn't matter to me as it was a rather peaceful way to go depending on how you looked at it.

On one hand their were various explosions on the other hand it was a comforting heat.

So what was this?


In the deep black cosmos dotted with various lights called stars in the depths of space.

A fragment of land or a piece of a planet.

Whatever it was.

A strange area that seemed incredibly unfitting of the silent depths of space being incredibly colorful and seemed to be filled with laughter.

But that wasn't the main point.

The main point was that this strange land that seemed to be a mish mash of various technologies from various era's.

Including a few fantastical ones.

Was right next to a planet and what seemed to be a satellite of sorts.

But the strange space mass continued to drift in the cosmos, briefly lighting up at times as flames ejected out of the place and redirected them.

And inside that large place filled with bouts of insanity combined with a mish mash of technologies.

Was a little boy who seemed so incongruous but also so in place with the strange mishmash.

With heterogeneous eyes the young boy who looked no older than ten laughed as he continued to manipulate the various floating screens with relish.

Before pausing and looking somewhere else.

The screens when left untouched stopped outputting various game like sounds and instead started to input more dissonant game overs.

The ever present smile on the boys face stiffened before the grin spread even wider.

"HAhaha Who would've thought that I hit the jackpot today?" 

Grinning widely the boy waved away the screen in his face as one of his cross haired eyes shrunk.

Snapping his fingers the boy disappeared.


I sank deep into the void as the thoughts in my head continued to become jumbled up.

Where am I?

Who am I?

When did I get here?

How did I die?

What am I?

Strange useless thoughts jumbled inside my head as things got briefly clearer for a second or so.

What is a second?

A bright flash of light.

My eyes quickly got adjusted as my strange mental state quickly reorganized itself.

What the... 

Where am I?

"Welcome to my domain reincarnator!"


A strange boy who looked like he was somewhere my nephew's age suddenly appeared in front of my confused consciousness.

"Just so you know I can read your mind! So I'm flattered you think I'm young!"


Feeling incredibly confused his thoughts turned from confusion to a strange direction.

Is this a fever dream I'm having?

Glancing at the insane mishmash of colors that instantly blinded his eyes combined with the s=mish mash of technologies he agreed with his own thought.

Fever dream it is, Lucid to boot.

"I am offended you think of my realm that way"

Hmm... First things first pain test

Grabbing his finger he snapped it.

Feeling the piercing pain flood his brain the reality of things sort of set in.

"Oh cool! Your insane as well!"

So pain = not a fever dream, a shame this place seems fun.

"I'm flattered!"


As his brain started to remember a few things from his previous confusion and connected the dots like a game of tick tack toe.

The boy in front of him who's voice was piercing started to float and suddenly appeared upside down in front of me.

"It seems your understanding a bit... I think"

Didn't I just die?


I felt pain so this isn't a fever dream.


What the hell is a reincarnator?

"Basically a second life"


"Yeah a doozy innit?"


"I don't think so but a few people I have seen seem to call it that"


"Indeed it is"



A brief silence.

Finally speaking out loud for the first time since coming here my mouth began to roll the words onto my tongue.

"So now that I have established that I have died and this isn't a strange Lucid Fever dream (Although I wish it was)"

"Oh that would be fun"

"Where the hell am I?"

Excluding the fact that I was probably going crazy I realized one fact now that my mouth had verbally confirmed what was hidden in my mind.

Because how else do you just spout information without even thinking about it in depth?

So thinking about it I realized one thing.

"Oh, I actually died huh?"

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ThatGoodStuff · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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Âm lượng 1
Âm lượng 2 :The Minecraftian realm