
One Piece: Path to Power

Author: Paradox_
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 12.4M Views
  • 124 Chs
  • 4.8
    599 ratings
  • NO.67

What is One Piece: Path to Power

Read ‘One Piece: Path to Power’ Online for Free, written by the author Paradox_, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Choices. Crossroads. Opportunities.Plunged into a broken world ruled by the strong, Damien must decide how his newfound ...


Choices. Crossroads. Opportunities. Plunged into a broken world ruled by the strong, Damien must decide how his newfound life will proceed. Navigating through conflicts and alliances, his journey intertwines with the fates of powerful figures and kingdoms, challenging the very fabric of the hellish world. Set against the backdrop of the legendary One Piece universe, this tale reimagines familiar characters and lore, weaving a narrative that explores themes of power, redemption, and the indomitable spirit of adventure.  Damien's quest is not just for treasure or glory but a deeper pursuit of a truth that could change the course of history. As the tides of the Grand Line shift and churn, Damien confronts the harsh realities of the pirate world, facing challenges that test his limits and forge his legacy.  In this saga of the high seas, only the bold dare to dream, and only the strong survive. Will Damien rise to become a legend among pirates, or will the unforgiving waters claim yet another soul?  The journey to discover 'One Piece' is as perilous as it is wondrous, and for Damien, every choice and battle is a step closer to his ultimate destiny. Join him as he goes against all odds in the world of Pirates, Marines, and Revolutionaries, sailing on the Path to Power! ---------------------------------------------- Further fanfic information, QnAs and a trove of images are found here: https://discord.gg/aJHHHPvb6q Average Chapter Word Count: ~2400 words This story will be posted on RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, Fanfiction.net, and AO3.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Home Island
Volume 2 :The World Beyond
Volume 3 :The Unconquered Sea
Volume 4 :Mission Impossible
Volume 5 :The Excursion
Volume 6 :Land of Samurai
Volume 7 :Zero Hour
Volume 8 :The Fourth Division
Volume 9 :Dawn of Pride


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My honest review (still biased). Naturally, with respect to fanfictions, I'd round it to 4/5. It is a different timeline than most One Piece fanfics with a more driven MC, lest he is swept away by the turbulent seas. The recently posted chapters are a rewrite, thus ANY review before this one is outdated and inaccurate. I suggest reading the first arc, chapters 1-11, to get a taste of the story and whether it is for you. Check out the Disclaimers chapter for more information. Thanks for stopping by.


more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more moremore more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more Waifu Boa Hancock


The best fan fiction on van peace that I have read in my life. I won't say anything about grammar, since I read with the help of a translator, which makes it almost impossible to notice mistakes, but the writing style is very pleasant to the eye. The character of the characters is very natural and there is no feeling that the author has changed them for the sake of his plot. The very infusion of MC into the plot also feels natural, which is very good. The beginning may seem cringe, as well as the actions of the main character in the first chapters may cause some to discard this fan fiction, but then the author has greatly improved. The battle scenes are written beautifully, the improvement of the main character's strength is consistent and fast, but it does not go beyond the OP. Romance also pleases, although the author constantly writes that such scenes are not given to him, for me they look very nice.


A really good start for a fanfic. Nice devil fruit. Good Talent. I hope the System wont dictate his life, because the strength of the people in One Piece fluctuate very much. And I hope his cheats wont become too rediculous. I like the curse release and a bloodline. I hope he works hard for his power.


Dope, sincerely I hope it's not dropped like every promising one piece fic. By the way, for those considering dropping the story because of the system at the start being a bit much, don't it gets better, a lot better. The greatest thing about this fic is when it's set, rocks pirate era is so interesting and something I've never seen explored. Forget all those joining the strawhats fics I need more rocks fanfics.


The best onde piece fic [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


Reveal spoiler


i am tired reading cliche of mc parents died, i thought this story will be different since author said that he hated weak mc parents but it seems it's my misunderstanding what the author mean.


I really love this story. It is one of the rare novel/fanfic that I'm always impatient to read the rest. Can't wait to see where it's going to go. Pls never drop this piece of art, author-sama. SUBARASHI!!!


Reveal spoiler


asking if its harem and will he get devil fruit and if gets which prefered and does he go around playing hero or is he luffys underling i need info so i dont waste time not prefered


This is the best one piece fanfic I've ever read, haha ​​I'm tired of readers who always say harsh words or negative words and many are due to their comments, many fanfics that I like are dropped. I hope they understand the many writers who earn nothing just to entertain readers to the point of racking their brains to write a good chapter. Just because of the genre or nature of mc's characters many flock to encourage other readers to pressure the author because they don't like the content of the story, please man if you don't like it don't read it and if you want a fanfic story according to your thoughts write your own fanfic and see the reactions of the people readers who read your writing so that you feel the feelings of the writers when you comment negatively. (By google translate)


this is my favorite one piece fanfiction. LMAO99 and DaoOfEternity are lying thiefs DaoOfEternity is really impressive being able to type while in a coma while the huge idiot LMAO99 has by paradox😂 on the cover of his "amazing" and "original" fanfic.




One of, if not THE best One Piece fanfic I have had the pleasure to read. The idea and timeline setting at the start of the novel is new and interesting, the characters are well fleshed out, the devil fruit is interesting and the story progression and pacing is good and well thought out. The grammar is good, and I rarely notice any mistakes. Also has a good update schedule. I have no other words than that it's an amazing story. If you enjoy the One Piece world then this is a must read. 5/5.


A sapient System ain't just for me anymore. Also the Quest is really stupid. IDKW this have such high ratings.


This has been one of the best One piece FF. However to my immeasurable disappointment it is being stolen by vulgar theif like DaoOfEternity.


An utterly unnecessary rewrite. The author took a one year hiatus in order to organize everything and rewrite. The previous one was already pretty good, the author could've just gradually improved their writing and the quality of the story by releasing chapters regularly. However, they said they wanted some time to rewrite everything because they wanted the whole book to be consistent in its quality. The result? This ridiculous... thing? Honestly, I'm incredibly disappointed since this was one of my favorite fanfics and the previous one certainly managed to tug at my emotional strings, but this one isn't doing it at all. The incorrect use of adjectives and certain verbs isn't helping with the immersion, the characters that were properly fleshed out in the previous writing weren't even fleshed out properly (e.g. Whitebeard vs Borealis), the world-building is worse compared to the previous one, and the story development and pacing is all over the place, it feels like you don't know what they'll do next (not in a good way) and since everthing just happens all of a sudden without a proper build up or suspense, the story ends up feeling lackluster compared to the previous one, a shadow of its former self. To conclude, this is a rewrite that turned out for the worse. WAY WORSE. If you expect this'll be as good as the previous one, just read something else and save your time.


The early chapters is just too disgusting to read, i can't bear to read the pov of a dramatic chunni guy I'm cringing so bad. I read that this is going to be rewritten, will it really happen?


if you need help paradox, I can offer my services. I can help you edit and proof read for free. I'm a fan of your book and I want to make the process for the rework, much quicker


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