asking if its harem and will he get devil fruit and if gets which prefered and does he go around playing hero or is he luffys underling i need info so i dont waste time not prefered
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LIKEyesss im going to start reading it now xd
"He is born in 1470 which is 52 years before Luffy", So there will be no romance with the women from the original work then? Or are you going to give the Mc a way to go to the canon? (pseudo immortality or an ability to go to the future?) What I understand right now is that, except the older people of the series, there will only be OC?
why the heck the mc will go to the future or gain immoratality ? just because he is 52 years before canon ? lol
Because, when I ream a Fanfic, I want to see how the MC influence the original world, how they interact with the character from the original story and how the MC change their "fate". With the "52 years in the past" we know the MC will not meet most of the original character or will be too old to truly interact with them. So the only way I though about the MC interacting with them are the two option I said before. That's why I'm asking, to know if the fanfic will interest me or not, that's all.
me to loke mc when he met OG characters BUT is garp, roger , sengoku, whitebeard , rock, kaido , big mam , in the past not og characters ? and more important 52 years in the past he already younger than all of them by 20 years XD he is by age of akainu and kizarou and aokiji and Dragon that good time better that Brat age of teenager like luffy 17 years old, you want mc to be 15 years old defeating old monsters like kaido or garp ??
Never said the MC should be 15 years old... All the name you said doesn't interest me except whitebeard, the other I never was interested in them xD. But even so, if he create a crew, how many of them will be within it? None... which will result in all the crew being OC that I will not be able to care about... If he doesn't create a crew and go solo? it will be interesting for some time but will go downward extremely fast because you'll have low interaction or development. I say it once more, this is MY point of view, some will like it if the story doesn't have the OG character and only focus on OC, but not me.
Please change your mind noharem please
Is Boa part of the harem or the main lover? I need to know. I dislike reading One Piece fanfics without knowing. Since Boa Hancock is the only reason I pay attention to One Piece lol.
Lol, this fanfic is really good. Even if your only reason to read OP fanfics is because of her at least try to read this fanfic. Definitely recommend it.
Honestly the Max of 3 is a real downer. Mostly because One Piece has tons of nice females so its hard to pick just 3. I guess you make it easier since the MC is so early in the timeline that some of the fan favorites like Hancock, Robin, Vivi, Nami, now Yamato lol, and many others arent even born so they arent even in the running. However that leaves older females of which there truly arent many. Which means we have to settle for OCs, which are hard to get attached to and envision unlike actual canon female characters. Honestly i was hoping for at least 5 i know kind of a lot. I have no excuse, im a defenerate. However this has really taken the wind out of my sails. See what i did there? I can only hope that the 3 that you pick are actually worth while.
I wish I could friend. But I have not read One Piece fanfics since I made that comment. Been focusing on other fictional worlds. You can give God of Soul System a try, though its not fully on Webnovel. And Boa is rarely seen even though she is the sole romantic interest.
Already read that one and it was good. Thanks anyway.
only 3? well you should add more
well i agree with you , because i want to see the original story change and see the characters like the original , that's why i like ff , i always hate ff that mc came before protagonist era , at least 5-10 years before canon , also really hate waifu world others mixed with the original world , like for example dxd many waifu but calling waifu destiny , are they stupid or brain deficient haha.