
Mystical Gastronomy

นักเขียน: hafsa_ali_3675
Fantasy Romance
กำลังดำเนินการ · 7K จำนวนคนดู
  • 20 ตอน
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  • NO.200+

What is Mystical Gastronomy

อ่านนิยาย Mystical Gastronomy โดย ผู้เขียน hafsa_ali_3675 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Ophelia is determined to always live with her memories. She claims that memories are the method to relive the times spent with our loved ones. She values sentiments beyond all else, and the past means...


Ophelia is determined to always live with her memories. She claims that memories are the method to relive the times spent with our loved ones. She values sentiments beyond all else, and the past means everything to her. In this regard, she invented a "Memory Nutriment". So anyone could live in the memory while having a meal. One could change the entire course of the situation there. They could have more moments of joy with their loved ones. The people of the town of Pensive acknowledge Ophelia as their saint because she gave them the nutriment. But now the whole town is immensely dipped in "Memory Nutriment" most people have forgotten about their present, their jobs, their duties, and their kids especially. Felix's life is a true example of atrocities caused by "Memory Nutriment". Throughout his life he could not make memories, for the beings, he could make them with were drowned in theirs. He hates Ophelia and is heartbroken by the decline of his town. Will Felix discover Ophelia's true motivation behind this and ultimately save his town? Sitting at the bank of the lake with feet drenched in cold water. Felix told me "I've never had a mother" that day the blue in his eyes didn't stay there any longer, and in mine too!

2 แท็ก

Dandelion Memories

“E-excuse me, have…we meet before?” A sweet, sweet smile curved on her lips as she nodded vigorously. “I know you. From here,” she said as she touched where her heart is. “I’ve been looking all over for you.” ---- "I just want to live..." Dandy was born as a flower spirit deprived of all the things that other creatures have. Then it all changes when Amaterasu noticed her. Lived as forest deity, guardians that are in her beck and call. Gods and Goddess protecting her and a person who changed the meaning of love. But who says that life is always a walk on paradise? After being in that lifetime for a short while, she died and transmigrated as mortal with the help of Amaterasu--again. And died again even before she could really live her happy ending with Sora. This isn't what she asked for! This isn't what she wished for! Why did she always have to die? Reincarnated the third time, she needed to end this. She needed to know why can't she live her life anew and kept coming back to this lifetime? ---- Cover credit to: https://twitter.com/ANNERICA138 Photo direct link: https://twitter.com/ANNERICA138/status/1390409718150037506/photo/1 Participating in #WebnovelSpiritySpringAwards2021 (REUPLOAD TO JOIN SPIRITY 2021) ---- DISCLAIMERS: This is a work of fiction. Facts and other information of the characters, events and location are derived from real places and from mythology of the used country in the story. It has been rearranged to suit the convenience of the book, and with the exception of public figures, names, and other characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

SummerStardust · แฟนตาซี
170 Chs

Addicted Hearts: Love's Harsh Trials

In the enchanting backdrop of Capri's sun-kissed beaches, Sarah and John's love story blossoms like a timeless romance woven by destiny. From the moment their eyes met, a magnetic attraction pulled them together, and their souls found solace in each other's presence. As days turned to weeks, their connection deepened, and the world faded into insignificance, leaving only their hearts to dance to the rhythm of love. Sarah, with her vivacious spirit and kind heart, brought out the best in John, a soulful artist with a penchant for adventure. Together, they embarked on thrilling escapades across the picturesque island, painting the town with the colors of love. Their love was not just passionate but also uniquely tender; they found joy in the little things, savoring stolen glances and sharing whispered dreams under moonlit skies. As the sun dipped into the horizon, casting an amber glow on the horizon, they knew their love was eternal, destined to endure the tests of time. In this heartwarming novel, follow Sarah and John's journey as they navigate the waters of love, facing moments of elation and heartache, all the while learning the true meaning of unconditional devotion. Amidst the breathtaking beauty of Capri, their love becomes an ethereal melody, leaving readers spellbound and longing to dive deeper into the captivating depths of this touching love story.

Muhammad_Ali_9864 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Elysium Etheris

En el místico mundo de Elysium Etheris, los cielos son morada de maravillas mágicas y secretos divinos. Forjado por el aliento creativo de Zephyros, el dios supremo, Elysium Etheris es un reino de esplendor etéreo donde la magia impregna cada rincón del paisaje celestial. Las islas flotantes, envueltas en nubes de tonalidades eternamente doradas, conforman el escenario majestuoso del universo. Ciudades suspendidas en el aire, construidas con cristales resplandecientes, albergan a criaturas místicas y a los habitantes que han aprendido a convivir con la magia que fluye en cada brizna de viento. En este reino, la magia se manifiesta en formas sorprendentes. Hechiceros maestros manipulan las corrientes de éter para esculpir ilusiones asombrosas, mientras que los guardianes de los templos antiguos despiertan el poder de los orbes astrales para mantener el equilibrio entre la luz y la oscuridad. Elysium Etheris también es hogar de seres celestiales, desde grifos resplandecientes que surcan los cielos hasta elfos etéreos que danzan en los bosques de nubes. En el corazón del reino, el Templo de Zephyros se alza como una manifestación de la divinidad, un lugar donde los mortales buscan la guía y las bendiciones del creador del universo. Sin embargo, el equilibrio en Elysium Etheris está en peligro. Las sombras amenazan con oscurecer la luz divina, y criaturas de la oscuridad se alzan desde los abismos etéreos. En este escenario de magia y maravilla, héroes se levantarán para preservar la armonía, desentrañar los secretos de los cielos y enfrentar desafíos cósmicos que pondrán a prueba su valentía y sabiduría. Elysium Etheris es un mundo donde la magia y la realidad se entrelazan, un reino donde la búsqueda de la verdad lleva a descubrimientos que trascienden los límites de la comprensión mortal. En este escenario místico, la epopeya de héroes se despliega mientras luchan por salvaguardar la esencia misma de su hogar celestial.

samcroft · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs


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General Audiencesmature rating