
Mystical Gastronomy

Ophelia is determined to always live with her memories. She claims that memories are the method to relive the times spent with our loved ones. She values sentiments beyond all else, and the past means everything to her. In this regard, she invented a "Memory Nutriment". So anyone could live in the memory while having a meal. One could change the entire course of the situation there. They could have more moments of joy with their loved ones. The people of the town of Pensive acknowledge Ophelia as their saint because she gave them the nutriment. But now the whole town is immensely dipped in "Memory Nutriment" most people have forgotten about their present, their jobs, their duties, and their kids especially. Felix's life is a true example of atrocities caused by "Memory Nutriment". Throughout his life he could not make memories, for the beings, he could make them with were drowned in theirs. He hates Ophelia and is heartbroken by the decline of his town. Will Felix discover Ophelia's true motivation behind this and ultimately save his town? Sitting at the bank of the lake with feet drenched in cold water. Felix told me "I've never had a mother" that day the blue in his eyes didn't stay there any longer, and in mine too!

hafsa_ali_3675 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The locked room

"Uncle William was in the neighboring town for some days. I hope he is back" he said. She made no comment.

The following morning both of them went to the library. At the beginning of the street, Felix watched the library and then Ophelia "Umm, I think I should go and check first. I don't know how he would react so…" she nodded and watched him leave. She glanced here and there, but no one was there.

Felix knocked at the door and entered the massive place. That was a whole new world. For a moment he was lost in thoughts when a shaky voice interrupted him "Ho Ho Felix, so good to see you again" the voice came from his right. Felix smiled warmly and they both hugged. He added, "Good to see you too, Uncle" before pulling apart. The smile was still there. "I believe my letter reached you. I was…" Felix interrupted politely, "I know Uncle, don't worry" William stopped and examined him "Want to tell me something".

"Oh…No…I mean…Yes…yes!" he staggered gesturing his hands in confusion. "I summoned Ophelia by performing some rituals" William's frayed eyes widened and it seemed to Felix that he was searching for the right words "Ophelia… the saint, but why?" he questioned incredulously. "I can explain, it was essential since I was quite confused. Uncle, really, I need your help". William didn't ask any more questions. He knew that Felix wasn't a silly young man. There must be a really big reason for this action. He patted his shoulder and smiled reassuringly, though he was worried. Felix felt relieved that he didn't press the issue any further.

Ophelia entered the library and her soft lips made a movement "The Pensive Library". William saw her and instantly knelt when she stopped him halfway. "Please don't, you don't deserve this" she requested and he stood up, legs shaking with amazement and age. Felix played the role of the audience while the other two were the primary leads. Her eyes filled with water when she saw William. Ah, these memories. They never let us live peacefully. But these too are the most precious heritages one can possess. The best way to travel back in time. Even without (Memory Nutriment) memories have the power to carry us to faraway lands, at other times and circumstances. To the people, we love and hate. How can the same thing be at the extremes of both happiness and sorrow? It is both a blessing and a curse to have memories.

"Today I need what I gave you decades ago Mr. William. Tell me that it's still safe. Tell me that they didn't find it" she asked. William after seeing her was lost somewhere in past, and coming back to the present isn't always easy. She was anxiously waiting for his response. He nodded.

They were at the back side of the library, at the front of a room that was always locked. Felix never saw anyone going there. He had always been curious about what was inside but William's response convinced him not to ask again. He concluded that there must be something personal for William and never considered it again. But it was strange to be there today, facing that door. He played the role of the audience very well; simply waiting for the next thing to happen, not asking in between. Although he had many questions, he chose to remain silent.

The hinge was rusty and the door appeared ancient. It was worn out and had numerous cracks. Ophelia held her breath her gaze was fixed on every movement William's shivering and old hands made. Felix was intently observing her. William turned the hinge and with a creak, the door opened. Her sapphire eyes sparkled. He wasn't much surprised by what was in there but by her eyes. It looked as though she had found her long-lost kingdom. There was a unique shine in them. The signs of true happiness reflected in her eyes. This is bliss when one's eyes gleam so flawlessly as to blind the spectators. William entered the room; it was so small that the three of them barely fit there. In the center, there was a table, almost half the size of Felix but it wasn't that had held Ophelia's attention and that had caused old William to breathe heavily.

There was a book at the center, a diary-looking book to be precise. It wasn't making any sense to Felix why both of them reacted like this, though he was waiting for the next move. William took a step aside to make room for her. For some minutes she didn't move. But after that, she took a step forward slowly. Slowly enough to make the usual 2 steps 6-7. She was in a dilemma, desperate to see her only asset but scared to rewind all that had happened long ago. She was severely torn apart by emotions from the minute she was summoned. Her shoulders were holding enough weight to drown her in the river of pain. She made a concerted effort to maintain her strength and composure, but every time her past came into focus, her efforts were in vain. Her feelings overwhelmed her and the only way others could see her pain was through her eyes, which always flowed whenever she was sad. Felix thought that she had no control over her sapphire ocean and that anytime it could become a tsunami. She managed to make a sound, that wasn't resembling any word. Again, she swallowed a lump in her throat and tried to say "You see, it's here" her voice was very low but the distance between all of them was also very little, hence, they caught what she said. "This is the proof" he muttered under his breath. This time William spoke, "I have kept this safe Miss. Whitlock" she looked at him with the eyes of gratitude and went near the table. "Yes, you have. You certainly kept your word". She raised her hands in the air with her eyes closed, her lips constantly moving. Felix narrowed his eyes in confusion. The diary opened and the first page came into view, then the next, then the next, and the whole book flipped. She keenly watched every page that turned. Then the book closed revealing its back.

"It is the same, it is mine" she claimed to herself. She had incanted a spell, Felix speculated. Ophelia answered his unasked question "You've brought my magic with me too. No one does it on purpose, if you had done more research, you would have learned that the knowledge or any kind of talent a person owns is brought with him too. I can still do magic". He opened his mouth "Is that how you read the books on magic laid on my bed back in the day?" he barely believed his own words. She nodded "I can read anything in a smaller period". He was perplexed realizing that they were losing track "What's this?" he pointed toward the book. She was harsh when facing Felix, but as soon as she caught sight of the diary, her demeanor softened. "This is my life. This is the truth. This is the key to clearing all your misconceptions"

"Uncle, why did you have this and wait, when did she give it to you and what's inside? What is it doing here?" he asked whatever came to his mind.

"My son, Miss. Whitlock gave it to me years ago, and as far as what's in it you'll see very soon" he explained.

"You are right! Have some patience, Mr. Felix" she said sarcastically.