
Mystical Gastronomy

Ophelia is determined to always live with her memories. She claims that memories are the method to relive the times spent with our loved ones. She values sentiments beyond all else, and the past means everything to her. In this regard, she invented a "Memory Nutriment". So anyone could live in the memory while having a meal. One could change the entire course of the situation there. They could have more moments of joy with their loved ones. The people of the town of Pensive acknowledge Ophelia as their saint because she gave them the nutriment. But now the whole town is immensely dipped in "Memory Nutriment" most people have forgotten about their present, their jobs, their duties, and their kids especially. Felix's life is a true example of atrocities caused by "Memory Nutriment". Throughout his life he could not make memories, for the beings, he could make them with were drowned in theirs. He hates Ophelia and is heartbroken by the decline of his town. Will Felix discover Ophelia's true motivation behind this and ultimately save his town? Sitting at the bank of the lake with feet drenched in cold water. Felix told me "I've never had a mother" that day the blue in his eyes didn't stay there any longer, and in mine too!

hafsa_ali_3675 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Revival of Memories

Every day begins with the same thing and ends at that too. Today, however, seems a little different to me-not internally but externally. Since people are judged by their appearance, I assume it's not bad. At least I would see some smiling faces, ignoring the reason. I may cope with that. So, let's begin to act like everyone. He thought frustratingly and got up from bed. He finds his slipper missing again, and that further fills him with anger. "Mom, where is my slipper?" he shouted but the next realization caused him to gasp. Why would she listen to me? You idiot Felix, you can solve your problems yourself! He put his hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath like someone ready to face the room packed with an audience, and the door opens. There is nothing, literally nothing no sign of life except a distant voice coming from the next room of a lady shedding tears. He stepped forward in that direction but restrained himself and proceeded to the kitchen out of disappointment. He made himself a sandwich. The door knocked before he took even a bite of his breakfast. Leaving the plate on the shelf he went towards the door sluggishly. The person he found next to him on opening the door was nobody else but his neighbor. Felix's disinterest alleviated for a moment and a smile replaced it. "Hello! Philip, you have grown big since last year" he panted with excitement and straightened his stance which made him more heightened than before. "Yes, brother you too are now more than six feet" replied Philip examining him from head to toe. There was something reserved, distant in them like two actors who have just met and have to pretend on set that they have cordial relations. Felix again smiled to sound courteous and let him in with the gesture of his hand. Philip examined the whole area for some moments but stopped when his gaze ended at Felix who was eagerly waiting. "Oh sorry! Your house has not changed" he concluded shyly. "Yes" replied Felix with gritted teeth; the smile was gone by now. Maybe some people truly are different from others, because they are unable to cover themselves in deceit all the time. Felix tried his best to maintain composure despite his out-of-control fury and continued "So, am I of any service to you" "Oh yes! Mom was asking are you both ready?" inquired Philip, though the person standing ahead of him did not look ready. "Yes, indeed we will be in a few moments, take my message to her politely that I would certainly be more than happy if she could extend her stay a bit longer for us" he replied but a thought crossed his mind -for mom- and Philip went. The door was shut again for an outsider for who knows how long. Felix felt sick of that act and sat with his back to the door. He put his head in his hands looking downwards. His teeth were clenched with such helplessness and pressure that anytime they would leave his body and become part of the outside world. Then he stared at the closed door of his mom's room when a tear escaped his eye only a single drop. No matter how much effort he invested to make it stay back, it didn't. Some things that tend to leave could not be stopped, by making them stay; one kills his self-respect. For the things that depart are not intended to stay. It might be a sad truth (every truth is sad) but it becomes excruciatingly bitter when they take a part of us with them, a part that has no revival. He wiped the tear halfway through his cheek and stood up to continue his breakfast, though there was no desire left.

Have some thoughts about my story? Comment it and let me know. It's such a difficult work, I know it may seems easy but the fact is that it isn't. I definitely need a plenty of support from you guys. Your reactions means to me alot


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