
Mystical Gastronomy

Ophelia is determined to always live with her memories. She claims that memories are the method to relive the times spent with our loved ones. She values sentiments beyond all else, and the past means everything to her. In this regard, she invented a "Memory Nutriment". So anyone could live in the memory while having a meal. One could change the entire course of the situation there. They could have more moments of joy with their loved ones. The people of the town of Pensive acknowledge Ophelia as their saint because she gave them the nutriment. But now the whole town is immensely dipped in "Memory Nutriment" most people have forgotten about their present, their jobs, their duties, and their kids especially. Felix's life is a true example of atrocities caused by "Memory Nutriment". Throughout his life he could not make memories, for the beings, he could make them with were drowned in theirs. He hates Ophelia and is heartbroken by the decline of his town. Will Felix discover Ophelia's true motivation behind this and ultimately save his town? Sitting at the bank of the lake with feet drenched in cold water. Felix told me "I've never had a mother" that day the blue in his eyes didn't stay there any longer, and in mine too!

hafsa_ali_3675 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


Dear Ophy!

I think my time to leave has come. I must tell you something before leaving silently. You are my soul, my everything. But I won't be there always as your shield. You would have to be strong in my absence. Promise me that you won't cry. Promise me that you won't doom to hopelessness. Your work is precious. Not anyone can hold such a weight on his back. It's tough. I hope that you won't abandon your agenda. I hope that you will do the things you intend to. I definitely hope that you may have a chance to bring your share of happiness into this world. Never fall prey to weakness, my dear. Remain strong. There are many people who love you. Many people are living because of you. If something happened to you, we won't be able to live. Your father loves you, dear, he fervently cares for you. He just doesn't show it. Maybe you will find him, even more, ruder in my absence but you will not think bad of him. I will always be there watching you from far away. He will need you after I will leave. Make a promise, that you will always be on his side no matter what. I will soon meet your mother who was with you all this time. She was there in the first rain of the season and the first bud that bloomed. When you smiled, she was there within your happiness. She never left you neither will I. you'll always find me by your side. ALWAYS!

You must have a box in your hands right now. It's yours now. I took care of it because your mother wanted it. It's her memento. Now, this will be in your possession. Take care of it. It reminds me of her always. When she left us, I never thought that I would ever give it to you someday. Because I thought that it was hers, no one was worthy of taking it. But now as I think you might take it. It is as yours as it was hers. I did injustice to you. It was yours and only yours. Forgive me. It was very dear to her heart. But instead of what I did if she would have been here, she could have easily given it to you. I apologize for hiding your mother's possession from you. You are worthy of taking her things. You are exactly like her. Exactly at heart. So many things are there to talk about, to tell you. But now as I look back, it seems we didn't talk much. Life seems really short to me now. The time spent with you was really delightful. I am proud to be your grannie. Never let me down. You'll always find me. Whenever you'll feel upset just put your hand on your heart and close your eyes. Imagine as if I will be there with you. Feel your heart, beating. Every beat will remind you of me. Our bond will never break. Because whoever lives in one's heart can never die and I know I live in yours.

Now my time has come. Ophy dear my hands are trembling right now. I can barely write. Please give the other letter to your father. It's for him and again the box is yours now.

It's really early.



Ophy's grannie.

She placed the letter aside and could not resist those overwhelming feelings that surrounded her, she was wrapped in them. Water wasn't there in her eyes. It dried but is that water always necessary to show how hurt we are or how we feel? It is more aching when the water doesn't escape from our eyes and takes a huge weight with itself and falls. It is better. She closed her eyes, trying to be strong she closed her eyes and put her hand on her heart. It was beating, she felt every beat slowly. Catherine was right, she was there in every beat. Ophelia could feel her presence. Catherine's face surrounded her thoughts, her voice, her smile, everything was there in the memories that she held closest to her heart. "You don't need to apologize grannie. Sometimes certain things aren't easy. I am not angry at you. You did nothing wrong. But I am happy that whatever in that box is (it is my mom's) and you handed it to me. I am happy" the last words came out of her most faintly. She was relaxed that Catherine was in her heart and she could always remember her memories. At least the people who leave, leave us with their never-ending memories. Though our heart aches to remember them we will never like either to forget them. That is the last way to be with that person, even if it is just a memory. An echo from the past.

She softly fingered that box thinking that her mother had also touched it. She opened it.

Folded in silk, there lay a maple leaf necklace. It was breathtaking with diamonds everywhere. The shape was maple but the color was blue. It held her attention for a very long time. She was holding something which her mother had held in the past. She had touched it too. After watching it for the very first time she must've felt the same as her. Ophelia was sure that her mother must have felt the same thing at first glance. She again closed her eyes and deeply felt the touch of the pendant, only if she could find someone else's touch in it. She went to the mirror on the opposite wall and wore it around her neck. It suited her. For the last time, her neck had experienced emptiness because she never put that off again.

"Only if you could tell me some more things grannie" she sighed.

She placed the letter on the floor in the gap in the door of her father's chamber. It went half inside and it was enough.

Thomas stood up to light some candles in the room, it was already night and he found that some candles had completely melted. Despite his resistance to leaving the place he had to go to the kitchen, he held a candle holder. A candle burnt in it producing flames and a faint light in the surroundings, he went to the door. His gaze met the letter. He just saw the front sealed stamp side and did not bother to look its back. He assumed who could have written it. With huge steps and a face flushing with red, he advanced to Ophelia's bedroom. He violently knocked at the door. She was trying to sleep when loud cracking started. She quickly got up and set her white nightgown she too took a candle in her hand and opened the door. Thomas was standing in front of him, both of their faces lit with candlelight. He looked straight into her eyes and Ophelia noticed that he looked aged.

"What is this, Ophelia?" he shouted and advanced that letter in her direction.

"You should read it" she whispered but he bitterly cut her off "How many times had I told you that I don't need this? I DON'T NEED YOUR LETTERS" don't know where she got that loud voice from in front of him but it was irresistible. "I did not write it, father, she did, grannie. These are her last words. I thought maybe knowing that these are her last words you won't do this" gradually her voice became low again and she pleaded "She told me to give it to you. Please read it". He was shocked by this realization. He almost turned to leave when a bright light cut through his eyes and stopped him. It was that necklace, which froze his steps. He found himself unable to move and could barely speak. A long time had passed since he last saw that. But it was as beautiful as ever.

"Where did you…find..it..from?" he asked, stuttering, gaze still fixed on that necklace illuminated in the candlelight.

"Grannie left it for me," he asked nothing more but Ophelia could see his face. His eyes said many things which he did not. In that bright fiery light, his eyeball burnt with emotions. But she was unable to understand one thing.

His eyes showed ache.

Then he left.


My dear son, things aren't the same as they used to be. I know that you are angry that I wrote to you a letter. But don't worry this might be the last one you will ever get from me. Son, you will not forget the promise you made to me. If you don't want to make things even worse, please don't break that promise. The things that have hurt us can also hurt someone else if we speak them out. I think my time has come now. Son, be gentle with Ophy. She is your only daughter. After me, just both of you would be left for each other. Just the two of you. Forget the things that have happened. Please move on now. Please don't stop Ophy from anything. Try to understand her and promise me again that you'll never break that promise. It can break a heart.

You will always be in my heart and I hope that I too will be in yours.

Yours only,


"Only if things were easy to forget" he sighed.