Its one of the best Spider-Man FF, I have read. Trust me I Always Thought Why Can't Spidey make his own AI for Assistant if he that Smart Enough, There You Have it. & I Hope there is no something strange relationships here 🤞So far so good...[Review at Chap 13]
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LIKELots of comics series's Spider-mans made AI and used Tech, e.g. Superior Spider-man (otto in Peter's body), Miguel (Spider-man 2099) etc. It's just writers wanna make Spidey seem, struggling and become hero to save the day in front of all odds, that's why they don't make his character grow in tech field but just give him some moral BS of Power and Responsibility. Other wise, he has high iq level and really brilliant and, in some particular timelines he's owner of Parker industries. I really dissatisfied with those comic writers, as even the new series didn't improve spidey but just made him more like unlucky who's always left behind. I understand that at starting, Stan Lee created him to be symbol for hope and struggling to survive. But now, He became a laughing gag who just makes jokes on villans and ends up joke himself. Really a BEST CHARACTER CONSISTENCY. p.s. sorry for ranting, I don't know why but i just had urge to tell someone.