2023-12-04 22:34

Excellent Fanfiction! Extremely accurate in addressing DC's absurdities. I hate how Superheroes actually care more about the lives and safety of villains than the people they claim to protect and the rest of the world, in-universe, sees this as an example of their heroism and unparalleled kindness." heroes"

Liked by 42 people


Well, DC heroes are gods showing their humanity while in Marvel, humans become a gods. So you cannot blame them


Fair warning to future readers, I’m 21 chapters in and so far the whole book has just been MC bashing the Justice League He has in no way befriended any of them and is in active opposition of them and doesn’t care about human life at all So if your here for a hero MC, and MC who is buddy buddy with the league, Then don’t read this expecting that


Thx for mentioning it . I really hate those Dc superhero's who would send criminals to jail and those same criminals will escape from jail and kill Thousands of people and the superheros will repeat the same procedure it's goes on cycle . Now I can read with an antihero or an villain mc

ThanatosGreekGod:Fair warning to future readers, I’m 21 chapters in and so far the whole book has just been MC bashing the Justice League He has in no way befriended any of them and is in active opposition of them and doesn’t care about human life at all So if your here for a hero MC, and MC who is buddy buddy with the league, Then don’t read this expecting that

So then what would any of you suggest the prisons and police of the world do


The world's judiciary system acts in this manner as well. why do we think they do so?


it would be so much easier to kill these villains especially villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor and honestly I feel so strongly against them that I am tempted to agree for severe cases such as those but then you would imply that they should be judges juries and executioners for the world. that is what you're saying but then we compla8nband take batman's side ( the majority of us) in injustice for example. we bash on wonder woman for whatever role she played but have any if us really tried to put ourselves in their metaphorical shoes? how hard it is to make the decisions and call the shots when you're the one everyone looks up to as the leader of some sort. these guys are looked up to by the whole world! superman is looked up to by both the super and civilian community as the benchmark of what a GOOD person is. imagine being that with all that power. hearing so much since your abilities kicked in till now. Yeah, they are characters in a story but just try to understand their lives like they were people. maybe after considering these you wouldn't make such a decision easily


Their lives are understandable yet extremely ridiculous. Imagine having super hearing and definitely knowing all the consequences of letting your villains go, then doing it again? I myself believe someone who has ruined one life has lost the worth of their own. Unless in revenge. Revenge too should be targeted. So a murderer needs not be shown Humanity. Nor a rapist. Since once you ruined one life, you no longer are Human!

isaiah_Bissue:it would be so much easier to kill these villains especially villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor and honestly I feel so strongly against them that I am tempted to agree for severe cases such as those but then you would imply that they should be judges juries and executioners for the world. that is what you're saying but then we compla8nband take batman's side ( the majority of us) in injustice for example. we bash on wonder woman for whatever role she played but have any if us really tried to put ourselves in their metaphorical shoes? how hard it is to make the decisions and call the shots when you're the one everyone looks up to as the leader of some sort. these guys are looked up to by the whole world! superman is looked up to by both the super and civilian community as the benchmark of what a GOOD person is. imagine being that with all that power. hearing so much since your abilities kicked in till now. Yeah, they are characters in a story but just try to understand their lives like they were people. maybe after considering these you wouldn't make such a decision easily

There is the death penalty

isaiah_Bissue:it would be so much easier to kill these villains especially villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor and honestly I feel so strongly against them that I am tempted to agree for severe cases such as those but then you would imply that they should be judges juries and executioners for the world. that is what you're saying but then we compla8nband take batman's side ( the majority of us) in injustice for example. we bash on wonder woman for whatever role she played but have any if us really tried to put ourselves in their metaphorical shoes? how hard it is to make the decisions and call the shots when you're the one everyone looks up to as the leader of some sort. these guys are looked up to by the whole world! superman is looked up to by both the super and civilian community as the benchmark of what a GOOD person is. imagine being that with all that power. hearing so much since your abilities kicked in till now. Yeah, they are characters in a story but just try to understand their lives like they were people. maybe after considering these you wouldn't make such a decision easily

Yeah but it shouldn't be decided by the heroes. At least not them alone. The civilians and the right governmental authorities.

machadogbc:There is the death penalty

At the end of the day, what makes government officials, that are elected more based on popularity then qualifications, or civilians that wound not even be really informed about the whole situation, to be more qualified to make the decision?

isaiah_Bissue:Yeah but it shouldn't be decided by the heroes. At least not them alone. The civilians and the right governmental authorities.

It's because publishers when it first started wanted to keep it kid friendly. They PG'd everything into oblivion. Now the original demographic is older and realize how absurd it is. Which is funny, cuz our judicial system is doing the same thing and letting criminals go to commit more crime now too. Maybe they think they're DC heroes?


agreed i’m pro killing for the bad villains, Not all obviously but like Joker Lex luthor and others deserve death

isaiah_Bissue:it would be so much easier to kill these villains especially villains like The Joker and Lex Luthor and honestly I feel so strongly against them that I am tempted to agree for severe cases such as those but then you would imply that they should be judges juries and executioners for the world. that is what you're saying but then we compla8nband take batman's side ( the majority of us) in injustice for example. we bash on wonder woman for whatever role she played but have any if us really tried to put ourselves in their metaphorical shoes? how hard it is to make the decisions and call the shots when you're the one everyone looks up to as the leader of some sort. these guys are looked up to by the whole world! superman is looked up to by both the super and civilian community as the benchmark of what a GOOD person is. imagine being that with all that power. hearing so much since your abilities kicked in till now. Yeah, they are characters in a story but just try to understand their lives like they were people. maybe after considering these you wouldn't make such a decision easily

I am now In a well of moral problems with characters I know from different novels now, I shouldn’t have read into these comments. o-o

Other Reviews


I've read up to chapter 70, the protagonist is in maybe 1/3 of the chapters and that's being generous. The author continuously promises in the comments that "Oh I'll make the MC more active, oh I'll put the MC in more chapters, oh I'll stop making 3/4 of the novel from the POV everybody but the Mc" and yet fails to deliver time and time again giving out moronic excuses like "I just got so caught up in the world building (there is none) guys pwease forgive me🥹. This entire novel can be summarized by these few things. (•) Protagonist who's hardly in the novel and when he is he's pretty much a side character who does nothing but spout pseudo-intellectual gibberish every once in a while. (The overwhelming majority of text is from the POV of others.) (•) The novel, especially during the 20-50 chapter mark is riddled with Chinese-esque writing where you can find Chinese proverbs, metaphors and similarly Chinese plotlines; when I tell you this protagonist is the most passive incompetent Wuxia/Xianxia rip off MC I've ever seen I mean it. Every action from the MC mimics that of a Chinese young master from constantly making claims he doesn't back up to letting enemies go 24/7 to further the plot that never goes anywhere I mean the only character of relative importance that he's killed so far was (SPOILER ALERT) The Joker, every other character death (there aren't that many) were grunts and OC's. (•) The Author. As I mentioned before the author makes countless false promises claiming they'll improve their quality of work only for said promises to remain unfulfilled or for things to be made even worse. Often times you'll find comments criticizing or even asking the author simple questions regarding the novel to which the author will either respond with things such as "maybe" or "we'll see" like a corny teenager who think they're being mysterious; sometimes even liking comments but not responding to genuine questions from readers. ----------------------------------------------------------- Oh also! MC's first use of his power is to make a T-shirt, pants and give himself the mangekyou sharingan. Do with that what you will.

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