Im trying to read this, but its messy as heck. The numbers rarely make sense in relation to whats happening to the point I’d say the author shouldn’t have done a system. Most writers shouldn’t because its really messy with a lot math involved behind the scenes to make everything work well that most just never do. The way the creatures work don’t make sense, and fights are either too long, or just messy because of grammar to the point I skipped paragraphs. The character is almost none existent outside of standard MC tropes. I mean literally he clears a dungeon by himself, and finds an earing that was part of his old set of gear when he was a top player. Then proceeds to kill creatures in groups despite being lower level with less skills. He is apparently building a combat mage that can do everything. The author warns about the bad grammar, but won’t fix it. Its just lazy I now understand why I got free fast passes for this novel. Please don’t waste your time on this novel.
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