In a twist of fate, a soul from Earth and Haku, the ice-wielding shinobi from the Naruto universe, are both reincarnated into the chaotic seas of One Piece, granted new life by a mysterious being. Now, merged with both past memories and the power of the Snow-Snow Fruit, Haku sets sail in the East Blue, carving out his own path. Armed with his devastating abilities, honed ninja skills, and an icy resolve, Haku’s legend grows as he faces the powerful outlaws of the Grand Line. Becoming a hero or a villain, all of that is secondary. He's only trying to make the most of his chance at a second life. But will it be that simple, only the seas can tell. ------ This is my first ever attempt at writing a fanfic, and I'm super excited to explore it till the end! Feel free to leave a review and a comment to help me improve the work. Note: There will be slight AU elements with regards to the timeline. I will increase the lengths of travel between islands when the characters reach the Grand Line. I mean, it took less than half a year for the Straw Hats to go from Reverse Mountain to Saboyodi Archipelago (arguably 3-4 months), which I find a bit too rushed. I want to have more time and freedom of movement for Haku to explore more of the world. It would also make it easier for me to justify some of his decisions, improvements and encounters. For now, I'll say it would take about a year for them to reach Saboyodi and for the Marineford Arc to start. Give me your thoughts and maybe some additional ideas and adjustments on the matter, if you see fit. Hope y'all enjoy!))