
The Death Kneel Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The Ruined Death Knight

    After someone took my life away from me, I felt something or someone pulling my entire being together with my memories away from me and placing them into somewhere where it was cold and hollow. And when I thought that my life came back to me... I realized that my new life as one of the dead had already begun... "Who am I?" Which path will this soul choose? A path of Perseverance or a path of Ruination? * * * * P.S: This is my first novel that I write so there is bound to be mistakes...so go easy on me xD

    Allenheim · Fantasy
  • The Archangel of Death

    Warning! Addiction ahead. [Change in synopsis is in points below] ****** There are many things that I hate to the point of loathing. But what I hate most about this scenario is a hero who screws up. I mean sure, he can do whatever he wants. But all I'm asking is not to be naïve. This is a story about how I got transmigrated into the world of a novel, about how I tolerated the naïve MC whose actions were no better than a four years old even though he had regressed. And how I, the side character, or a small villain one could say, had to clean up the messes made by the hero and his party. ******** The synopsis might not be that compelling but I'm still learning folks. I hope you give this novel a read until the free chapters before you decide whether to drop it or keep reading it. Looking forward to working with all of you! Stay tuned! A few points: 1: The cover is A.I generated and it is completely mine. 2: The new update schedule is one chapter per day. But the option of bonus chapters is now available. 3: [100 power stones= 1 bonus chapter] [300 power stones= 2 bonus chapters] [5 golden tickets= 1 bonus chapter] 4: The free release ends at 50 chapters. 5: Please, Please, Please, Do not hesitate to point out my mistakes as they will help me improve my novel. Any suggestions that you have are also welcome. 6: Most importantly, do not forget to write a review. Whatever you think. Don't hesitate.

    Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasy
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    Alexander a young assassin gets summoned into another galaxy. A Galaxy full of cultivators, a Galaxy full of mysteries, demons and mythical beasts. A Galaxy with bloodlines that contains Unimaginable powers. Alex was bestowed special bloodlines by his summoners. But he didn't want it, he felt that his only purpose in life was to destroy those that caused him grief, pain and suffering. Now that he had been summoned to a new Galaxy with no way back, He felt depressed and dejected. With new powers and a new Galaxy, Alex decided that his new purpose in life is to find a purpose in life.. It doesn’t stop there, Alex soon find’s out after being summoned to this new world, that there were voices in his head, voices that claimed to be his alter egos… but, are they what they claim to be, or something else? Read as he gets stronger, fights through his enemies and tribulations and finds out what this Galaxy could offer him. Golden tickets and Gifts for this wandering author would please and encourage him. Give as you please. Thank you!!

    the_fallen · Fantasy
  • Paragon of Death

    Life from birth has been nothing but hell. I lost my parents to some stupid aristocrats whom they offended. Executed for no good reason. My relatives abandoned me and pushed me aside. They feared for their lives and left me and my sister to starve and wander the streets alone! No, this is worse than hell! I watched my sister die of starvation. Her lips were dry and her feet bloody. Her nails were broken and her fingers riddled with cuts. She struggled in my hands and after a few seconds of struggle she passed away. She seemed joyful in death so I prayed mine will come just as swift and merciful as hers. So I stayed in the alleyway, alone with her rotten corpse awaiting my fate for God knows how long. I could see it already. The darkness encroaching from all sides Everyone said death is scary but I say it's the end! Who needs life after death? What is the need for reincarnation? Who would want to return to this crazy world? "It's not yet time for you to go... You have one more task to accomplish as my host" A voice called out to me. I could barely see or speak but how can I miss such a beautiful face? It was an extremely handsome man who gazed at me with tender eyes. "Haven't I suffered enough? Can't I just rest?" I cried out. Why would I want to stay back in such a cruel world? "Don't you want to avenge the death of your parents? Don't you want to become something greater? I can make that happen!" The beautiful man said with an alluring voice. "You... Who are you?" I asked with an anxious heart. My parents always said God is the only one who cares about me! Maybe in my final hours, he has come to save me. "Call me Death..."

    3_Sins_Studios · Fantasy
  • Death Scripture

    Born into a wealthy family, Gu Shenwei was spoiled and carefree. However, at the age of 14, his entire family were brutally murdered, and he was caught by some bandits who sold him into slavery. As a slave boy, he entered Golden Roc Fort by chance and found the man who had slaughtered his family. He endured insults and worked hard to improve his kung fu while working as a slave boy. He learned from and plotted against his enemy under the enemy’s nose. He became increasingly ambitious as he became more and more powerful. He would only be satisfied if he completely destroyed his enemy—by fair means or foul. Gradually his bitter experience turned him into a totally different person. This is a kung fu fiction that is full of mysteries and surprises. This is a story dealing with love, betrayals and distances. This is the journey of an ordinary boy who, against all odds, fought against formidable foes. This is a tale regarding a person who felt abandoned by the world made unremitting efforts to create a new world of his own, in which he was alone.

    Cold Glamor · Action
  • Tired of Death

    ZOMBIES!! Undead monsters or simply misunderstood? Follow the exploits of a group of dead and half dead, as they rampage across the realm, looking for their enslaver! Horror! Gore! Action! Humour! Romance! Adventure! Almost none of these things are present. But why take my word for it? See for yourself! First hit's free! ;)

    Neil_H · Fantasy
  • Master Of Death

    Lin Hamill was an ordinary boy born in an extraordinary family. Burdened by the pressure and expectations that he failed to accomplish, he moved to an apartment to escape his family. He had no talent. He had no expectations. That was what he had thought until he met The Man Upstairs, who assigned him a mission. He was chosen and sent to an alternate Reality where magic existed among the masses. Similar to his original counterpart, the Lin from the Magical World also had no talent in magic. But this time he won't give up. Watch as Lin climbs the social hierarchy and unlocks the hidden truths of this world to accomplish his mission. [Your Mission: End this world in 1,000 years]

    Zerosky · Fantasy
  • The End of The Death

    Kematian itu ditentang oleh Yuuto seorang pria berambut dan bermata hitam itu. Karena ia masih ingin hidup. Sayang keadaannya saat itu sudah menjadi roh dan hidup di alam lain. Hatinya memberontak, memprotes kematian tersebut, sehingga berulang kali rohnya mencoba masuk ke dalam raganya kembali, namun tidak pernah berhasil. Bahkan ia sempat menangis pada saat jenazahnya dimasukkan ke liang kubur, lalu ditimbun dengan tanah dan jadilah sebuah makam yang tidak dikehendaki. Pada saat menjadi roh, ia baru tahu bahwa ada gadis yang selama ini memusuhinya, namun ikut menangisi kematiannya. Ternyata gadis itu menyimpan cinta. Makin besar semangat Yuuto untuk bisa hidup kembali, untuk dapat meraih cinta yang ada di alam kehidupan itu, tapi bagaimana caranya ia sendiri tidak tahu. Sampai akhirnya, ia bersedia mengikat perjanjian dengan iblis, asalkan ia bisa hidup untuk cinta itu. Sayang, ia hanya mempunyai kontrak hidup satu tahun. Genre : Horor, Thriller, Romance, Reincarnation, and Action Novel lain: - You're My Love (Romance&Comedy) - Cinta dan Pengorbanan (Romance&Sad) - Only You in My World (Romance) Ig @julianatham Ig fanspage @staryinthesky

    Staryinthesky · Horror
  • The Miracle of Death

    Si kembar di bunuh oleh Putra Mahkota yang membenci kehadiran mereka, karena kehadiran mereka membuat Putra Mahkota kehilangan kasih sayang Kaisar. Tapi si kembar berhasil kembali dalam keadaan hidup. Bahkan mereka berdua memiliki sihir yang menjadi legenda Kekaisaran. Padahal mereka dulunya tidak memiliki sihir sama sekali tapi berkat seorang wanita yang mengaku dirinya sebagai Dewi membuat mereka bisa hidup dengan sihir terkuat dengan syarat mereka harus membantu sang Dewi. Mereka berniat balas dendam akan apa yang di perbuat Putra Mahkota, dan membuat dirinya sengsara. Tapi semua itu tak mudah, banyak masalah dan takdir yang mengikuti mereka, dan perjalanan mereka di mulai hari itu.

    Park_Keyza · Fantasy
  • Waltz with Death

    "So this is what they mean when they say your life flashes before your eyes when you die." Betrayed. Battered. Broken. Evangeline Vermillion has had enough of her pathetic life. She was young—only in her early 20s—and she had planned to end it all by setting herself on fire. That was how she met Death—cold, dark, tall, and...handsome? Huh. Who knew the Grim Reaper could look like that? He takes her hand and guides her through the In-Between, the sacred realm between the Land of the Living and the Afterlife. Together, they revisit her most important memories. From the misfortunes of her childhood, to the chaos and bloodshed of the wrong kinds of love, Evangeline must confront the demons of her past to get to The Other Side. Through all of the pain and anguish, Death stands with her, an enigmatic companion and unlikely confidant. And in their brief waltz between realms, Evangeline finally finds what she always wanted but never had: to belong and to be loved.

    ThreyaMidnight · Fantasy
  • Angel of Death

    Other men, lesser men, measure power in terms of money or political influence or sexual conquests. But I have seen what true power is, and it is not found in checkbooks, voting booths, or bedrooms. No, true power is the power of life and death. Every time I end a life, I end a universe. Yes, a whole universe. The private cosmos that had been their world. The earth, sun, and stars, human history, culture, and art....all of it had existed, for them, only in their mind. Now they're dead, and, for them, those things exist no more. That is the secret I have learned. To wield power, ultimate power—the power to erase existence, void reality, blot out stars and galaxies with one stroke—it is not necessary to bring on Armageddon. It is necessary only to take a life. The God of the Old Testament is said to have created the world in six days. But I can wipe out a world in less than a minute, and I can do it whenever I please. Who, then, is the more powerful? Who is the greater god? The creator of one world—or the destroyer of many? _____________________________________________ *Discord: https://discord.gg/TeTKhzp Why not try my other book: King of Film or Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

    David_Tieku · Horror
  • Kaleidoscope of Death

    It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it. Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him. Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor. At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates. he pushed one of the doors Thus, the story begins. Disclaimer: The content presented here is not authored by me. I kindly request that you extend your support to the original author by visiting jjwxc.net. Original Author Name: Xī Zǐxù / 西子绪

    littleHua · LGBT+
  • They Will Kneel

    In the world of Tyrus, magic is commonplace. Mysterious particles, known as Haijin, can be harnessed to bring out magic's power. At the age of 13, every child in the Rinao Empire are brought to institutions to be tested for their magical affinity, as well as select the specialization that will determine their class of mage. A young orphan, Kagu, has endured countless atrocities throughout the duration of his young life at the hands of the powerful. Discovering he has an almost obsolete affinity for gathering Haijin, he decides to nurture his abilities in private, longing for revenge against his oppressors. In his quest, events spiral into something that Kagu could have never expected, transforming him into someone he never thought he would become, and developing powers that would give the masses no choice but to bow before him...

    Simayaza · Fantasy
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  • Harbingers Of Death

    Harbingers Of Death is a fantasy isekai-based novel. Max Addison, a teenager utterly obsessed with gaming is gifted the fast popularity-gaining VRMMORPG, Harbingers Of Death on his 17th birthday. This simple gift caused a great change in his life on the night of his birthday as he enters into a whole new world where he has to conquer magical beasts, demons, powerful ability users, and even players like himself. Finding out the game is not all it seems, he sets to become the last man standing to uncover the secrets of the world and the connection he has with it. THIS BOOK IS AN ENTRY FOR WSA 2023 [ If you find the story interesting, please do show your support as it will mean a lot to me ] My discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr 20 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 20 Golden tickets = 2 bonus chapters

    Blak_cherry · Games
  • Death Ascension

    [WPC#202 Bronze prize winner] “If I become a Seraph, they can’t possibly send me back to hell, right?” Mikael Lee was dead. Just when he thought he could finally rest in peace after living in misery, he was condemned to an eternity in hell. But he refused to accept his fate! He escaped to Phantas, a world of magic and monsters, and received the Ascension system. Determined to achieve redemption, Mikael vowed to do good deeds. Together with his partner, the two souls who shared one body sought to purge evil… but the incarnations of the seven deadly sins continuously test their principles. Will Mikael fight them as an Angel or will he join them as a Demon? ------- [Preface The Ascension System is a program granted by the universe to beings who attained the hidden qualifications. Players are given the choice to either become a Demon Lord or a Seraphim by collecting bad or good karma, respectively. The creator of the universe has ordained that ‘beings of free will’ be appointed as ‘Players’ for balance. For Chaos and Order. For Yin and Yang. The players shall be given Providence to defy their own fate and forge their own paths.] ------ ** Want to refresh your palate from all the overly edgy teen MCs? tired of all the Jade beauties throwing themselves at MC? or the System-dependent MC? then this story is for you! (Ahem. not saying those tropes are bad tho. Peace!) **Please give it a read until the 2nd volume before deciding whether it's your cup of tea :D * cover not mine, if you know the artist, please tell me so I can give proper credits.

    Tiene_Lass · Fantasy
  • Death To The Mafia

    Ricky Tomachino was drawn into the gangster life from a young age. He did favors for some of the big guys, no questions asked. He just wanted to be excepted into the Mafia's family. His dad was from Sicily, but his mother was French. Because of that fact, they would never let his family fully join the Mafia family. His dad worked as a driver for Pete Angelio, the Head of the Angelio Crime Family. He died in a hit and Ricky's life started spinning out of control. By the age of twelve he was in and out of juvie, that's until he found out why his dad was shot. Accepted members of the Angelio Crime Family, broke the code and organized a hit on another member without The Council's approval, and blamed Ricky's dad for it. Now Ricky Tomachino has to do the impossible. Get into The Family and be accepted, while taking out The Family from the inside out. But he unexpectedly falls in love with the daughter of Pete Angelio. Will Ricky Tomachino still try to kill them one by one or will Isabella Angelio turn his life upside down? The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons...living or dead is purely coincidental.

    MrXwriter · Urban
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  • The Looming Death

    "RUN! AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!" The man shouted at his companions, warning them about the gut-wrenching feeling he had, after seeing the golden-masked man up close. For the first time in his life, he felt such an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. The feeling of 'The Looming Death'. "Why?" One of them asked, visibly shocked by his comrade's outrage. "HE IS COMING! 'NOTHING' IS COMIN-" But, before the man could have finished his sentence. His mouth disintegrated into thin air, slowly followed by the other parts of his body. In less than a minute, there was nothing left of that man. Not even ashes. ________________________________________________ Gods and devils rule over the world of mortals. A world where magic is a necessity. A world where everyone is equal and free. Social hierarchies don't exist. Your race doesn't matter. A world envisioned as fair and just by its rulers. That was a masterfully crafted lie, they told to every person in the living domain. The world had always been a cruel, unjust, and merciless place. It was now more true than ever. Churches control everything in the name of their faith in mythical beings. Royals with money regulate the economy along with the lower class, to please the Churches. Every human existence had at least asked himself once. Did the Gods truly exist? If they existed. Why did they need to create humans? Why do they never show themselves to us? What will happen exactly? If one of their subjects tried to stand up to his creators. After losing everything that ever mattered to him in an unjust event. Arsh promised death, to the very guardian of it. As he began his conquest for revenge, he again found himself all alone in an alien, merciless place. Broken by the tragedy of his loss. Arsh desperately seeks power in this accursed world. To exact revenge on the beings, that took everything away from him. Even if they are called Gods. But despite his lifetime worth of suffering. At the end of it all, he only found...... NOTHING. Additional Genre- Mystery and Romance. Discord- https://discord.gg/PavFbUKdRK

    DamnedChicken · Fantasy
  • I kneel to no one

    1700 Europe have just gone through one of the bloodiest wars in its history, The Thirty Years' War is thought to have claimed between 4 and 12 million lives. And nearly bankrupted the states that engaged in it. It was waged between 1618 to 1648. Sweden was perhaps the luckiest participant in it, getting enormous wealth and experience in the conflict. Coming out as one of Europe's great powers. This story takes place in the 1700s, in the country of Sweden where a soldier's child sees his family slowly die, and a crown prince watching history burn in front of his eyes. Join their journey across one of history's most turbulent times. Where empires were forged and destroyed. [Sorry for anyone who had read the previous Synopsis] *Gore* *Rape* Disclaimer I do not own the cover and if the owner of the picture/painting would like me to remove it then I will It was made by: Gustaf Cederström (otherwise, I would not have written on it, duh.)

    L1nk4n · History
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