HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!
Winset City, Texas
In an alley near Alington High School,
" Webtoons these days are so fcking boring…" A student said, well instead of saying him student would be wrong , he looks more like an adult with height of 5.9ft and very healthy body with a oversized belly and tattoo marks on his both hands. His name is Nord, a typical bully with a gangsters look but he is 18y/o.
" It's always got some loser getting stronger, Hahahah" Another student said, well he is underling of Nord. He is just an insignificant character in this novel. His name is Dublin.
" Yeah, it's always about school violence. Who fcking do that nowaday?" Another student said, well he is also an underling of Nord. He is also an insignificant character in this novel. His name is Linbin.
" Its because these authors are old as shit." Nord said while smoking the remaining cigarette.
" Yeah" Both Dublin and Linbin agreed and started laughing hesterically.
" Here, bread you asker for. It's 2$ ." A boy in school uniform said. If someone were to look at him then he/she would have been able to see lots of injuries and bruises all over his face and body. His left eye is swelling like a tennis ball. Boy had a height of around 5.7ft and had a thin body frame with a pair of spectacles . He would have looked like a typical studying worm if he wasn't bruised or injured. He looks like a student of 16-17 y/o. He is one and only our protagonist of this novel ,Alexis.
" oh! You are back! Gimme the bread". Nord said ignoring the sentence and as well as the boy.
"Its 2$" Alexis said in a low voice but loud enough to make them hear.
" Uh? What did you say?? Money ? What money? Isn't it your present to me to beat you less today? " Nord said with an evil smile on face.
Seeing the expression of Nord and his underlings , Alexis had a bad premonition and quickly said, " N-No! What I was saying that its just 2$ . You don't have to feel guilty of eating free" .
Alexis said, one can see sweat on his whole face.
" Hey! Why are you making us sound like some kind of bully." Said Dublin with same expression as Nord.
'But you are fcking bully.' Alexis thought inwards while cursing them in his mind.
" And we just asked you to bought us bread since we are classmates." Said Linbin , cornering Alexis from other side.
'But that was my monthly allowance. And you fcking bastards doing this from last year." Alexis thought .
" N-No, what I mean to say is that you can always look for me for errands and stuff since we are classmates and 'frien.... ' . Alexis said while forcing a smile .
Just as Alexis about to complete the sentence , a punch as fast a dart landed on which face.
" What the hell are you yapping about" said Nord. " When did I gave you permission to talk? "
"N-No, I was just …." Alexis tried to explain.
" Just what? Just do what you are told to !" said Nord with an irritated face.
Alexis doesn't have any choice other than nodding his head .
"Let's go!" said Nord and started walking towards school.
"Heheeh….Alexis you know that how bad temper Nord has , then why you make things difficult for yourself." , said Dublin with a mocking smile plastered on his face while following Nord's footstep.
" Right….Alexis you shouldn't take this to heart since we are 'friends' afterall.', Linbin said with same expression as Dublin and leaving Alexis behind.
'These assholes….just because they have strength they thinks they can do anything? ' Alexis cursed his "bully friends" inwardly.
"Sigh…..if not for my family poor condition I would have joined a good gym and trained, then these fckers wouldn't have the gut the to stand in front of him", Alexis thought while remembering his home's financial and environmental conditions.
" Well… there's nothing can be done! I should endure it and focus on studies.. So that way I can improve my family's condition." Alexis cheered himself up and started moving towards school infirmary while wiping injuries's blood stain with handkerchief.
In infirmary,
" How can you fall so badly that you have so many bruises …?" asked infirmary's teacher, Dr-cum-nurse, Miss Jenny. She is in her twenties and looked liked a beauty straight out of movie or drama. And if she wasn't a infirmary then one would have mistaken her for an idol.
" I-I was in a hurry to go the toilet , I slipped my foot and fell.." Alexis said while lowering his head and embarrassingly and hiding his blushed face.
Alexis didn't tell her the reason not because he was simp or something but due to his family. He knew if tell teachers they would expel those bully but what after that? As a kid who grew up in a middle class family and got matured ahead of his peers from a young age he knew human emotions very well. What if those bully started targeting his family members and troubling them? He has a younger sister , what if they do something bad to her out of anger ? If those "students" to beat up a helpless person then why would they feel any shame for his/her family.
If he wanted he could have retaliated those bully long time ago if he wanted but doing that would also lead his family knowing and getting upset over it. So he endured it and swore that he will have his revenge once he gets successful in life.
" This is your 23rd slipping in 2 years ! Are you sure that something is wrong with your legs not brain?" Miss Jenny said worryingly. She knows what's going on with this student's life but she can't do anything since other party doesn't want to open his life then even as a teacher she can't do anything . Max to max she can advise him and hope that he doesn't go on wrong path.
" Sorry Miss Jenny", said Alexis. How can he not understand what his teacher getting to.
"Now go! its already 3rd class time." Miss Jenny shook her head helplessly and said.
" Yes ma'am!" Alexis took his bag and started moving towards his class.
What do you guys think?
Is it okay?
Was there any mistakes ? i corrected which i found.
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